

Documentação da predefinição


Template marking generic Semitic transliteration. Equivalent to using {{transl}} with the ISO 639-2 language code "sem", please subst: or use {{transl}} directly.

Also use {{transl}} directly for specific languages (akk, he, akk, gez, etc.)

Predefinição:Northwest Semitic abjad

Hebrew ISO 259
Predefinição:ISO 259

East Semitic / Akkadian language: a e i u ā ē ī ū b p d t ṭ š z s ṣ l g k q ḫ m n r w y. (preferably use {{transl|akk|...}})

South Semitic: h l ḥ m q w ś r b t s k n ḫ š f ʾ ʿ ḍ g d ġ ṭ z ḏ y ṯ ṣ ẓ

Proto-Semitic: a ā i ī u ū b p m w ḏ ṯ ṱ n r d t ṭ š z s ṣ l ś ṣ́ y g k q ġ ḫ ʾ ʿ ḥ h