Usuário(a):Marcos vicente/Testes

Quality of answers editar

Researchers found that questions seeking factual information received few answers and that the knowledge on Yahoo! Answers is not very deep.[1]

Pesquisadores descobriram que perguntas procurando informação factual receberam poucas respostas e o conhecimento contido no Yahoo! Respostas não é muito profundo. [1]

Apesar da presença de experts, acadêmicos e outros pesquisadores, a base de usuários do Yahoo! Respostas consiste em um grupo muito mais geral, por isso sendo criticada pela alta quantidade de perguntas duvidosas nas quais geraram memes da Internet ,[2][3]

Despite the presence of experts, academics and other researchers, Yahoo! Answers' base consists of a much more general group; hence, it has been criticized for its high quantity of dubious questions, such as "How is babby formed?" How girl get pragnent?" [sic], which sparked an Internet meme,[4][5] and for the reliability, validity, and relevance of its answers. A 2008 study found that Yahoo! Answers is suboptimal for questions requiring factual answers and that the quality decreases as the number of users increases.[6] One journalist observed that the structure Yahoo! Answers provides, particularly the persistence of inaccuracies, the inability to correct them and a point structure that rewards participation more readily than accuracy all indicate that the site is oriented towards encouraging use of the site, not offering accurate answers to questions.[7] The number of poorly formed questions and inaccurate answers has made the site a target of ridicule.[8][9] Likewise, posts on many Internet forums and Yahoo! Answers itself indicate that Yahoo! Answers attracts a large number of trolls.

The site does not have a system that filters the correct answers from the incorrect answers. It only allows the user community to choose the best answer from a line-up of answers.[10][11] Once the "best answer" is chosen, there's no way to add more answers nor to improve or challenge the best answer chosen by the question asker; there is a display of thumbs down or thumbs up for each answer, but viewers cannot vote. Also, while "best answers" can be briefly commented upon, the comment is not visible by default and is hence hardly read. (Even the user who posts the question isn't notified, before or after the best answer is picked, about a comment on the question or on the best answer). If the best answer chosen is wrong or contains problematic information, the only chance to give a better (or correct) answer will be the next time the same question is asked, but the older answer will still likely get higher priority in search engines. Any new answer will most probably not be seen by any original questioner.Predefinição:Or

  1. a b Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome UMich
  2. Heffernan, Virginia (July 20, 2008). «Stet». The New York Times Magazine. ISSN 0028-7822. Consultado em November 23, 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  3. Modine, Austin (June 9, 2009). «Wolfram Alpha to venture beyond boron nucleus». The Register. Southport, England: Situation Publishing. Consultado em January 24, 2011  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  4. Heffernan, Virginia (July 20, 2008). «Stet». The New York Times Magazine. ISSN 0028-7822. Consultado em November 23, 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  5. Modine, Austin (June 9, 2009). «Wolfram Alpha to venture beyond boron nucleus». The Register. Southport, England: Situation Publishing. Consultado em January 24, 2011  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  6. Liu, Yandong; Agichtein, Eugene (2008). «On the Evolution of the Yahoo! Answers QA Community» (PDF) 
  7. Jacob Liebenluft (December 7, 2007). «A Librarian's Worst Nightmare: Yahoo! Answers, where 120 million users can be wrong.». Slate. Consultado em August 23, 2011  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  8. J. R. Raphael (December 17, 2009). «The 20 Dumbest Questions on Yahoo Answers». PC World. Consultado em May 24, 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  9. Ahmed, Murad (January 3, 2009). «Ask a silly question...». The Times. London. Consultado em May 24, 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  10. Angwin, Julia (December 23, 2008). «Looking for a Few Good Answers Online». WSJ  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  11. «Product updates – May 2006 – May 7, 2006». May 7, 2006. Consultado em April 20, 2012  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)