Ajuda:Perguntas frequentes/Empresas: diferenças entre revisões

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Whooligan (discussão | contribs)
Linha 24:
<!-- ::For more suggestions see the essays: [[Wikipedia:Search engine optimization]] and [[WP:SCOIC|Suggestions for COI compliance]]. -->
==<span id="RULESREGRAS"/>WhatQue rulesregras shoulddevo Iseguir followenquanto whilsteditar editingartigos Wikipediada articlesWikipédia?==
:Há duas [[WP:POL]] que devem ser seguidas enquanto estiver a editar. Edições que não estejam conforme estas regras serão provavelmente retiradas.
:There are two important [[WP:POLICY|policies]] that you must follow whilst editing. Edits that don't conform to these rules are likely to be removed.
:*[[WP:V|Verificabilidade]]: Conteúdo que é adicionado deve já ter sido publicado por uma [[WP:FF|fonte fiável]].
:*[[WP:VERIFY|Verifiability]]: Content that is added must be published by a [[WP:RELIABLE|reliable source]]. This means a third-party source - for most content, your company website does not count as a source. You need to avoid [[WP:OR|original research]]. This means that information that is included must have been published by someone other than yourself (or your company).
Linha 109 ⟶ 111:
[[CategoryCategoria:Wikipedia FAQ|Business' FAQEmpresas]] -->