Armistício de Mudros: diferenças entre revisões

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nova página: thumb|right|200px|[[HMS Agamemnon|HMS ''Agamemnon'' numa visita a Mudros anterior ao armistício, durante a campanha de Dardanelos, ...
Linha 10:
*Adkisson, Laura M. ''Great Britain and the Kemalist Movement for Turkish Independence, 1919-1923'', Michigan, 1958
*Helmreich, Paul C. ''From Paris to Sèvres. The Partition of the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference of 1919-1920'', Ohio 1974, S. 3-5, der gesamte Vereinbarungstext befindet sich auf S. 341f.
*Kinross, Patrick Balfour ''Atatürk : a biography of Mustafa Kemal, father of modern Turkey'', Nova York, 1965
*Maurice, Sir Frederick B. ''The Armistices of 1918'', Londres 1943