Virgindade perpétua de Maria: diferenças entre revisões

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Porém, alguns acadêmicos luteranos conservadores como Franz Pieper (1852–1931) se recusaram a seguir a tendência geral entre os protestantes de insistir que Maria e José tiveram relações e filhos após o nascimento de Jesus. Está implícito em sua obra, "Christian Dogmatics", que a crença na virgindade perpétua de Maria é a mais antiga e tradicional entre os luteranos<ref>Francis Pieper, ''Christian Dogmatics'', 4 vols., (St. Louis: CPH, 1950-53), 2:308-09.</ref>. Ele afirmou que ''"nós devemos simplesmente defender que [Maria] permaneceu virgem após o nascimento de Cristo por que as escrituras não afirmam e nem indicam que ela teria perdido sua virgindade"''<ref>That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew (1523), in ''Luther’s Works,'' American Edition, Walther I. Brandt, ed., Philadelphia, Augsburg Fortress; St. Louis, [[Concordia Publishing House]], 1962, ISBN 0-8006-0345-1 pp. 205-206; cf. James Swam ([ Martin Luther's Theology of Mary]).</ref>. Ele ensinou também que ''"Cristo, nosso Salvador, era fruto real e natural o útero virginal de Maria... O que se deu sem a cooperação de um homem e ela permaneceu virgem depois disto"'' e que ''"Cristo... era o único filho de Maria e que a Virgem Maria não teve outros filhos além dele... Eu estou inclinado a concordar com os que declaram que os 'irmãos' na verdade são 'primos' aqui, pois os evangelistas e os judeus sempre chamam primos de irmãos"''<ref>Luther's Works, eds. Jaroslav Pelikan (vols. 1-30) & Helmut T. Lehmann (vols. 31-55), St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House (vols. 1-30); Philadelphia: Fortress Press (vols. 31-55), 1955, v.22:23 / Sermons on John, chaps. 1-4 (1539), quoted in [ Martin Luther on Mary's Perpetual Virginity]</ref>.
== Escrituras ==
Algumas passagens no [[Novo Testamento]] tem sido utilizadas para materializar objeções à doutrina da virgindade perpétua enquanto que outras, para apoiá-lo.
== Escritura ==
Uma das objeções diz respeito à menção dos irmãos e irmãs de Jesus<ref>Em seu artigo "irmãos do Senhor", o Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3) cita {{citar bíblia|Marcos|6|3}}, {{citar bíblia|Mateus|13|55}}, {{citar bíblia|João|7|3}}, {{citar bíblia|Atos|1|14}}, {{citar bíblia|I Coríntios|9|5}} como sendo os versículos do Novo Testamento que os mencionam.</ref>, entre eles [[Tiago, o Justo|Tiago]], [[José (irmão de Jesus)|José]], [[Simão (irmão de Jesus)|Simão]] e [[Judas (irmão de Jesus)|Judas]]. Eles já foram interpretados como sendo filhos de José e Maria por [[Tertuliano]] e, talvez, por [[Hegésipo]], mas que, quando [[Helvídio]] o fez, encontrou a oposição de [[Jerônimo de Estridão|Jerônimo]], que, aparentemente, deu voz à opinião geral cristã da época<ref name=ODCC>Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3), artigo "brethren of the Lord"</ref>. Ele defendia que os "irmãos" em questão seriam filhos de Maria, a mãe de Tiago e José nomeada em {{citar bíblia|Marcos|15|40}} e {{citar bíblia|Marcos|15|47}}, uma irmão de Maria, mãe de Jesus ({{citar bíblia|João|19|25}})<ref name=ODCC/><ref>Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, artigo "Marys in the NT"</ref>, sendo, portanto, primos de Jesus.
Some passages in the [[New Testament]] have been used to voice objections to the doctrine of perpetual virginity, while other passages have been used to support it.
AnotherOutro viewponto de vista, expressedexpressado bypor [[EusebiusEusébio ofde CaesareaCesareia|EusebiusEusébio]] ande [[EpiphaniusEpifânio ofde SalamisSalamina|EpiphaniusEpifânio]], isé thato theyde wereque childreneles ofseriam Josephfilhos byde anJosé earlierde casamento anterior<ref name=ODCC/>. A modernvisão viewmoderna isé thatde theyque wereeles childreneram offilhos de Cleopas[[Cleópas]], aum brotherirmão ofde JosephJosé de accordingacordo tocom HegesippusHegésipo, and ofe "[[MaryMaria of(esposa Clopasde Cleópas)|MaryMaria]], themãe motherde ofTiago Jamese and JosesJosé", seenuma ascunhada sister-in-law,e notnão bloodirmã sisterde of MaryMaria, thea mothermãe ofde Jesus.<ref name=ODCC/>. TheO livro de 1978 book ''"Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment by Protestant and Roman Catholic Scholars''"<ref>[[Raymond E. Brown]], Karl P. Donfried, [[Joseph Fitzmyer]] and John Reumann ed., Philadelphia: Fortress Press, and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1978</ref> concludedconclui thatque ''"itnão cannotse bepode saiddizer thatque theo NewNovo TestamentTestamento identifiesidentifique-os them (the[os "brothersirmãos ande sisters"irmãs ofde Jesus)"] withoutsem doubtdúvida ascomo bloodirmãos brotherse andirmãs sistersde andsangue hencee, asassim, childrencomo offilhos de MaryMaria".''<ref>[ François Rossier: The "Brothers and Sisters" of Jesus: Anything New?]</ref>.
One objection concerns the mention of brothers and sisters of Jesus,<ref>In its article on "brethren of the Lord", the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3) cites {{bibleverse||Mark|6:3|}}, {{bibleverse||Matthew|13:55|}}, {{bibleverse||John|7:3|}}, {{bibleverse||Acts|1:14|}}, {{bibleverse|1|Corinthians|9:5|}} as New Testament verses that mention them.</ref> who include [[James the Just|James]], [[Joses]] (the form in {{bibleverse||Mark|6:3}}, but "Joseph" in {{bibleverse||Matthew|13:55}}), [[Simon (brother of Jesus)|Simon]], and [[Jude, brother of Jesus|Jude]]. They have been interpreted as children of Joseph and Mary, a view put forward by [[Tertullian]] and perhaps by [[Hegesippus (chronicler)|Hegesippus]], but that, when proposed by [[Helvidius]], met with opposition from [[Jerome]], who was apparently voicing the general Christian opinion at the time.<ref name=ODCC>Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3), article "brethren of the Lord"</ref> Jerome held that the "brethren" in question were children of Mary, the mother of James and Joses, named in {{bibleverse||Mark|15:40}} and {{bibleverse-nb||Mark|15:47}}, a sister of Jesus' mother ({{bibleverse||John|19:25}}),<ref name=ODCC/><ref>Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, article "Marys in the NT"</ref> making them cousins of Jesus.
{{bibleversecitar bíblia||MatthewMateus|1:|25}} statesafirma thatque JosephJosé hadnão noteve maritalrelações relationsconjugais withcom MaryMaria "untilaté" ({{lang-el|{{politônico|ἕως οὗ }}}}) sheo hadparto bornede Jesus. Writers suchEscritores ascomo R.V. Tasker<ref>Tasker, R.V., ''The Gospel according to Saint Matthew'' (InterVarsity Press 1961), p. 36</ref> ande D. Hill<ref>Hill D., The Gospel of Matthew, p80 (1972) Marshall, Morgan and Scott:London</ref> argueargumentam thatque thisisto impliesimplicaria thatque MaryMaria ande JosephJosé hadtiveram customaryrelações maritalconjugais relationsnormalmente afterdepois the birth of Jesusdisso. OthersOutros, such ascomo K. Beyer, pointlembram outque thato Greekgrego {{politônico|ἕως οὗ}} afterdepois ade negativeuma negativa ''"oftengeralmente hasnão notem implicationnenhuma atimplicação allsobre abouto whatque happenedacontece afterdepois thedo limitlimite of thedo 'untilaté' waster reachedsido alcançado",''<ref name=Brown132>[ Raymond E. Brown, ''The Birth of the Messiah'' (Doubleday 1999 ISBN 978-0-385-49447-2), p. 132]</ref> ande [[Raymond E. Brown]] observesobserva thatque ''"theo immediatecontexto contextimediato favorsfavorece a lackausência ofde futureuma implicationimplicação futura hereaqui, forpois MatthewMateus isestá concernedpreocupado onlyapenas withem stressingreforçar Mary'sa virginityvirgindade beforede theMaria child'santes birthdo nascimento da criança".''<ref name=Brown132/>.
Another view, expressed by [[Eusebius of Caesarea|Eusebius]] and [[Epiphanius of Salamis|Epiphanius]], is that they were children of Joseph by an earlier marriage.<ref name=ODCC/> A modern view is that they were children of Cleopas, a brother of Joseph according to Hegesippus, and of "[[Mary of Clopas|Mary]], the mother of James and Joses" seen as sister-in-law, not blood sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus.<ref name=ODCC/> The 1978 book ''Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment by Protestant and Roman Catholic Scholars''<ref>[[Raymond E. Brown]], Karl P. Donfried, [[Joseph Fitzmyer]] and John Reumann ed., Philadelphia: Fortress Press, and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1978</ref> concluded that "it cannot be said that the New Testament identifies them (the "brothers and sisters" of Jesus) without doubt as blood brothers and sisters and hence as children of Mary".<ref>[ François Rossier: The "Brothers and Sisters" of Jesus: Anything New?]</ref>
Por outro lado, a resposta de Maria ao [[arcanjo Gabriel]] quando lhe foi anunciado que ela iria conceber, {{citar bíblia|Lucas|1|34|citação=Como será isso, uma vez que não conheço varão?}}, tem sido interpretado, pelo menos desde a época de [[Gregório de Nissa]], como indicativo de que ela teria feito um voto de perpétua virgindade, mesmo casada: ''"Pois se José a tivesse tomado como esposa, com o objetivo de ter filhos, por que ela teria se espantado com o anúncio de sua maternidade, uma vez que ela própria já havia aceitado se tornar mãe de acordo com a lei da natureza?"''<ref>Gregório de Nissa, ''On the Holy Generation of Christ'', 5.</ref>. Esta interpretação, ainda que mantida por muitos, é rejeitada por escritores como Howard Marshall.<ref>"É impossível enxergar como é que o texto pode ser lido desta forma" (Howard Marshall, I., The Gospel of Luke (Paternoster Press 1978), p. 68).</ref> e é considerada implausível por Raymond E. Brown.<ref>Brown, ''The Birth of the Messiah'', p. 304</ref>.
{{bibleverse||Matthew|1:25}} states that Joseph had no marital relations with Mary "until" (ἕως οὗ ) she had borne Jesus. Writers such as R.V. Tasker<ref>Tasker, R.V., ''The Gospel according to Saint Matthew'' (InterVarsity Press 1961), p. 36</ref> and D. Hill<ref>Hill D., The Gospel of Matthew, p80 (1972) Marshall, Morgan and Scott:London</ref> argue that this implies that Mary and Joseph had customary marital relations after the birth of Jesus. Others, such as K. Beyer, point out that Greek ἕως οὗ after a negative "often has no implication at all about what happened after the limit of the 'until' was reached",<ref name=Brown132>[ Raymond E. Brown, ''The Birth of the Messiah'' (Doubleday 1999 ISBN 978-0-385-49447-2), p. 132]</ref> and [[Raymond E. Brown]] observes that "the immediate context favors a lack of future implication here, for Matthew is concerned only with stressing Mary's virginity before the child's birth".<ref name=Brown132/>
AUma passagepassagem usedutilizada topara supportapoiar thea doctrinedoutrina ofé perpetualuma virginity is of thedas [[sayingsfrases ofde Jesus onna the crosscruz]], thepar pairde ofcomandos commandsque firstele todeu hisà mothersua "Womanmãe, behold{{citar yourbíblia|João|19|26|citação=Mulher, son!"eis and thenteu to his disciple "Beholdfilho!}}, thye mother!" inao [[wikisource:Biblediscípulo (Americanamado]], Standard)/John#{{citar bíblia|João|19:26|John27|citação=Eis 19:26-27]].aí tua mãe!}}<ref name=Burke308 /><ref name=Miravalle62 /><ref name=KBaker334 >''Fundamentals of Catholicism'' by Kenneth Baker 1983 ISBN 0-89870-019-1 pages 334-335</ref> The. [[GospelEvangelho ofde JohnJoão]] thenem statesseguida thatafirma que ''"fromdessa thathora hourem thediante discipleo tookdiscípulo hera untotomou hispara ownsua homecasa"''. SinceDesde theo time oftempo thedos [[ChurchPadres Fathersda Igreja]] thisestes statementversículos hastem beensido usedutilizados topara reasonexplicar thatpor afterque, thena deathépoca ofda Jesusmorte therede wasJesus, nonão onehavia elseninguém inmais thevivo immediatena familyfamília toimediata lookda afterMaria Mary,para andtomar sheconta haddela toe, bepor entrustedisso, toela theteve discipleque givenser thatconfiada shea hadum no other children.discípulo<ref name=Burke308 /><ref name=Miravalle62 /><ref name=KBaker334 />. This passage was one of the argumentsO [[Popepapa JohnJoão PaulPaulo II]] presentedtambém infez supportuso ofdela perpetualpara virginity.defender a virgindade perpétua<ref name=Miravalle62 /><ref>Pope John Paul II's General Audience of 28 August 1996, printed in ''[[L'Osservatore Romano]]'', Weekly Edition in English, 4 September 1996 [ The article at EWTN]</ref><ref>[ Vatican website: ''Pope John Paul II's General Audience of 28 August 1996'' (in Italian)]</ref>. JohnEle Paultambém IIacrescentou alsoque reasonedo thatcomando the"Eis command "Beholdo yourteu sonfilho!" wasnão notsimplesmente simplypara the entrustment of Mary toconfiá-la theao disciplediscípulo, butmas alsotambém thepara entrustmentconfiá-lo ofa theMaria, disciplepreenchendo-lhe too Mary in order to fill thevazio maternal gapprovocado leftpela byperda thede deathseu ofúnico herfilho onlyna son on the cross.cruz<ref>''[[L'Osservatore Romano]]'', Weekly Edition in English, 30 April 1997, page 11 [ Article at EWTN]</ref><ref>[ Vatican website: ''Pope John Paul II's General Audience of 28 April 1997''] reprinted in ''[[L'Osservatore Romano]]'', Weekly Edition in English, 30 April 1997, page 11</ref>.
[[File:Gentile, polittico di valle romita, crocefissione, brera, milano.jpg|thumb|157 px|''Woman behold your son!''. A [[Stabat Mater (art)|Stabat Mater]] depiction by [[Gentile da Fabriano]], c. 1400]]
On the other hand, Mary's response to the angel, when told that she will conceive, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?", has been interpreted, at least since the time of [[Gregory of Nyssa]], as indicating that Mary had taken a lifelong vow of virginity, even in marriage:
:For if Joseph had taken her to be his wife, for the purpose of having children, why would she have wondered at the announcement of maternity, since she herself would have accepted becoming a mother according to the law of nature?<ref>Gregory of Nyssa, ''On the Holy Generation of Christ'', 5.</ref>
== Perspectiva islâmica ==
This interpretation, although upheld by many, is rejected by writers such as Howard Marshall.<ref>"It is impossible to see how the text can yield this meaning" (Howard Marshall, I., The Gospel of Luke (Paternoster Press 1978), p. 68).</ref> and is considered implausible by Raymond E. Brown.<ref>Brown, ''The Birth of the Messiah'', p. 304</ref>
InNa [[Sura]] 19,<ref>[[s:The Holy Qur'an/Maryam|The Holy Qur'an: Maryam (Mary), Sura 19 (Translation by A. Yusuf Ali)]]</ref>, theo [[Qur'anCorão]] declaresdeclara thatque Jesus wasera theo resultresultado ofde auma virginconcepção conceptionvirginal (versesversos 20-22), ande somealguns extendestendem thisesta tointerpretação meancomo perpetualsignificando virginitytambém ofa Mary.virgindade perpétua de Maria<ref name=Emir >''The Truth about Islam & Jesus'' by John Ankerberg, Emir Caner 2009 ISBN 0-7369-2502-3 page 65 []</ref><ref>''What Every Catholic Should Know about Mary'' by Terrence J. McNally 2009 ISBN 1-4415-1051-6 page 161 []</ref>. ThereNão is nouma clearcrença doctrinaldoutrinária beliefclara onesobre wayse orela anotherse asmanteve toou whethernão shevirgem retaineddepois herdo virginitynascimento afterde Jesus' birth.<ref>''Women in the Qur'ān, traditions, and interpretation'' by Barbara Freyer Stowasser. Oxford University Press: 1994, pp. 78-70, 163.</ref><ref>"The Virgin Mary in Islamic tradition and commentary" by J. I. Smith et. al., published in the ''Muslim World'' (Hartford, Conn.) v. 79 (July/October 1989) p. 161-87</ref>.
No [[islã]], Jesus e Maria foram as duas únicas crianças que não foram tocadas por [[Satã]] no momento do nascimento, pois Deus colocou um véu entre eles e Satã<ref>Rodwell, J. M. '''The Koran'''. 2009 ISBN 0-559-13127-5 page 505</ref>. O Corão também conta a história da [[Anunciação]] e do [[Nascimento de Jesus]] (Sura 3 e 19)<ref name=Sarker >Sarker, Abraham.''Understand My Muslim People''. 2004 ISBN 1-59498-002-0 page 260</ref>.
A passage used to support the doctrine of perpetual virginity is of the [[sayings of Jesus on the cross]], i.e. the pair of commands first to his mother "Woman, behold your son!" and then to his disciple "Behold, thy mother!" in [[wikisource:Bible (American Standard)/John#19:26|John 19:26-27]].<ref name=Burke308 /><ref name=Miravalle62 /><ref name=KBaker334 >''Fundamentals of Catholicism'' by Kenneth Baker 1983 ISBN 0-89870-019-1 pages 334-335</ref> The [[Gospel of John]] then states that "from that hour the disciple took her unto his own home". Since the time of the [[Church Fathers]] this statement has been used to reason that after the death of Jesus there was no one else in the immediate family to look after Mary, and she had to be entrusted to the disciple given that she had no other children.<ref name=Burke308 /><ref name=Miravalle62 /><ref name=KBaker334 /> This passage was one of the arguments [[Pope John Paul II]] presented in support of perpetual virginity.<ref name=Miravalle62 /><ref>Pope John Paul II's General Audience of 28 August 1996, printed in ''[[L'Osservatore Romano]]'', Weekly Edition in English, 4 September 1996 [ The article at EWTN]</ref><ref>[ Vatican website: ''Pope John Paul II's General Audience of 28 August 1996'' (in Italian)]</ref> John Paul II also reasoned that the command "Behold your son!" was not simply the entrustment of Mary to the disciple, but also the entrustment of the disciple to Mary in order to fill the maternal gap left by the death of her only son on the cross.<ref>''[[L'Osservatore Romano]]'', Weekly Edition in English, 30 April 1997, page 11 [ Article at EWTN]</ref><ref>[ Vatican website: ''Pope John Paul II's General Audience of 28 April 1997''] reprinted in ''[[L'Osservatore Romano]]'', Weekly Edition in English, 30 April 1997, page 11</ref>
==Islamic perspective==
{{See also|Islamic views of Mary}}
In [[Sura]] 19,<ref>[[s:The Holy Qur'an/Maryam|The Holy Qur'an: Maryam (Mary), Sura 19 (Translation by A. Yusuf Ali)]]</ref> the [[Qur'an]] declares that Jesus was the result of a virgin conception (verses 20-22), and some extend this to mean perpetual virginity of Mary.<ref name=Emir >''The Truth about Islam & Jesus'' by John Ankerberg, Emir Caner 2009 ISBN 0-7369-2502-3 page 65 []</ref><ref>''What Every Catholic Should Know about Mary'' by Terrence J. McNally 2009 ISBN 1-4415-1051-6 page 161 []</ref> There is no clear doctrinal belief one way or another as to whether she retained her virginity after Jesus' birth.<ref>''Women in the Qur'ān, traditions, and interpretation'' by Barbara Freyer Stowasser. Oxford University Press: 1994, pp. 78-70, 163.</ref><ref>"The Virgin Mary in Islamic tradition and commentary" by J. I. Smith et. al., published in the ''Muslim World'' (Hartford, Conn.) v. 79 (July/October 1989) p. 161-87</ref>
In [[Islam]] Jesus and Mary were the only two children not be touched by Satan at the moment of their birth, for God placed a veil between them and Satan.<ref>Rodwell, J. M. '''The Koran'''. 2009 ISBN 0-559-13127-5 page 505</ref> The [[Qur'an]] says that Jesus was the result of a virgin birth. The account of the annunciation and birth of Jesus is provided in [[Sura]] 3 and 19 of The Qur'an, where an angel is sent to announce that Mary should expect to bear a son, despite being a virgin.<ref name=Sarker >Sarker, Abraham.''Understand My Muslim People''. 2004 ISBN 1-59498-002-0 page 260</ref>
== Ver também ==