CGA: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 55:
==Outros modos gráficos e truques==
Existiam diversas características (oficiais e não-oficiais) que permitiam se atingir imagens melhores num monitor.
A number of official and unofficial features existed that could be exploited to achieve better graphics on a monitor.
* No modo gráfico 320x200, a cor de fundo, que por padrão era preta na [[inicialização]] do modo, podia ser mudada para qualquer uma das outras 15 cores da [[paleta]] CGA. Isso permitia alguns efeitos como o piscar de um [[relâmpago]], pois era possível mudar a cor de todo o fundo da tela sem ter que redesenhá-la.
* In 320×200 graphics mode, the background color, which defaulted to black on mode initialization, could be changed to any of the other 15 colors of the CGA palette. This allowed for some variation, as well as flashing effects, as the background color could be changed without having to redraw the screen.
* In 640×200 graphics mode, both colors could be changed; for example, one could have blue and orange-brown as the displayed colors instead of black and white.
* The border color (displayed outside the regular display area) could be changed from its usual black to any of the other 15 colors.
Linha 106:
The same text cell height reduction technique could also be used with the 40×25 text mode. This only made sense when using ASCII art, because without it the resulting resolution would only have been 80×100 [] [] [].
==Bugs e errata==