Estupa: diferenças entre revisões

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stupa, Nakhon Pathom: Phra Pathom [Credit: Ahoerstemeier]Bharhut: stupa [Credit: Laxman Burdak]Buddhist commemorative monument usually housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons. The hemispherical form of the stupa appears t
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Uma '''estupa''', também chamada '''''chaitya''''', '''''chedi''''', '''[[Pagode (templo)|pagode]]''' e '''dágaba'''<ref>FERREIRA, A. B. H. ''Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa''. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.518</ref>, é um tipo de monumento ou parte de um templo, construído em forma de [[torre]], geralmente cónica, circundada por uma [[abóbada]] e, por vezes, com um ou vários ''chanttras'' (toldos de lona). Originalmente, era um monumento funerário de pedra, semiesférico, com [[cúpula]], mirante e [[balaustrada]].{{esclarecer}} Com o advento do [[budismo]], evoluiu para uma representação [[arquitectura|arquitetônica]] do [[cosmo]]. ele é considerado besta '''stupa,'''
  Buddhist commemorative monument usually housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons. The hemispherical form of the stupa appears to have derived from pre-Buddhist burial mounds in India. As most characteristically seen at Sanchi in the Great Stupa (2nd–1st century bc), the monument consists of a circular base supporting a massive solid dome (the <em>anda</em>, “egg,” or <em>garbha</em>, “womb”) from which projects an umbrella. The whole of the Great Stupa is encircled by a railing and four gateways, which are richly decorated with relief sculpture depicting <em>Jataka</em> tales, events in the life of the Buddha, and popular mythological figures.
The Indian conception of the stupa spread throughout the Buddhist world and evolved into such different-looking monuments as the bell-shaped <em>dagaba</em> (“heart of<em>garbha</em>”) of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), the terraced temple of Borobudur in Java, the variations in Tibet, and the multistoried pagodas ... (150 of 313 words)