Artéria ilíaca interna: diferenças entre revisões

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PbBR8498 (discussão | contribs)
PbBR8498 (discussão | contribs)
Linha 80:
* the [[uterine artery]] and the [[ovarian artery]] (females)
* the vesical arteries ([[superior vesical artery]] and [[inferior vesical artery]]) of the two sides
* the [[middleartéria rectalretal arterymédia]] ande thea [[superiorartéria rectalretal arterysuperior]]
* the [[obturator artery]] (by means of its pubic branch) with the vessel of the opposite side, and with the [[inferior epigastric artery]] and [[medial circumflex femoral artery]]
* the circumflex and perforating branches of the [[profunda femoris]] with the [[inferior gluteal artery]]