Sequenciamento Shotgun: diferenças entre revisões

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Em [[genética]], o '''sequenciamento shotgun''', também conhecido como '''clonagem shotgun''', é um método usado para [[sequenciamento de DNA|sequenciamento]] de fitas longas de [[DNA]]. É batizado por analogia com o padrão de fogo de rápida expansão, quase aleatório de uma [[caçadeira]] (em inglês: ''shotgun'').
TheO [[SangerMétodo sequencing#Methodde Sanger|chainmétodo de terminação terminationde methodcadeia]] ofde [[DNAsequenciamento sequencingde DNA]] (orou "[Método de Sanger]] sequencing"por forter itssido developerdesenvolvido por [[Frederick Sanger]]) can onlypode beser usedusado forpara fairlycadeias shortmuito strandscurtas ofde 100 toa 1000 [[par de base|pares pairde bases]]s. <!-- Longer sequences are subdivided into smaller fragments that can be sequenced separately, and subsequently they are re-assembled to give the overall sequence. Two principal methods are used for this: [[primer walking]] (or "chromosome walking") which progresses through the entire strand piece by piece, and shotgun sequencing which is a faster but more complex process that uses random fragments.
The [[Sanger sequencing#Method|chain termination method]] of [[DNA sequencing]] (or "Sanger sequencing" for its developer [[Frederick Sanger]]) can only be used for fairly short strands of 100 to 1000 [[base pair]]s. Longer sequences are subdivided into smaller fragments that can be sequenced separately, and subsequently they are re-assembled to give the overall sequence. Two principal methods are used for this: [[primer walking]] (or "chromosome walking") which progresses through the entire strand piece by piece, and shotgun sequencing which is a faster but more complex process that uses random fragments.
In shotgun sequencing,<ref name="Staden">{{cite journal