Usuário:Rodrigolopes/Testes: diferenças entre revisões

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m Foram revertidas as edições de Rodrigolopes para a última revisão de Yanguas, de 00h43min de 26 de maio de 2015 (UTC)
Linha 1:
# [[:Ricardo Gomes]]
{{Info/Conflito militar
# [[:Leonardo Nascimento de Araújo]]
|nome= Invasão Aliada da Alemanha
# [[:Zequinha Barbosa]]
|conflito = Parte da [[Frente Ocidental (Segunda Guerra Mundial)|Frente Ocidental]] da Segunda Guerra Mundial
# [[:Alessandro Zanardi]]
|imagem = Wernberg1945.jpg
# [[:Jacqueline Silva]]
|legenda = Soldados do [[Exército dos Estados Unidos]] apoiados por um tanque [[M4 Sherman]] avançam por uma rua em Wernberg, Alemanha, durante abril de 1945.
# [[:Seleção Tchecoslovaca de Futebol]]
|data = {{dtlink|19|3|1945}} - {{dtlink|8|5|1945}}<br />({{Tempo em anos, meses, semanas e dias|dia1=19|mês1=3|ano1=1945|dia2=8|mês2=5|ano2=1945}})
# [[:Sandro Dias]]
|local = [[Alemanha]]
# [[:Spiridon Louis]]
|resultado = Vitória aliada
# [[:Janeth Arcain]]
*Queda da Alemanha Nazista
# [[:Gustavo Borges]]
*Fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial na Europa (simultaneamente com a [[Frente Oriental (Segunda Guerra Mundial)|Frente Oriental]])
# [[:Fabíola Molina]]
|combatente1 = {{flag|Estados Unidos|1912}} <br/> {{flag|Reino Unido}} <br/> {{flagicon|França}} [[Governo Provisório da República da França|França]] <br/> {{flag|Canadá|1921}} <br/> {{flagicon|Polônia}} [[Polônia]]
# [[:Maria de Lurdes Mutola]]
|combatente2 = {{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Alemanha Nazi]]
# [[:Larry Bird]]
|comandante1 = {{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Dwight D. Eisenhower]]<br/>{{flagicon|Reino Unido}} [[Bernard Montgomery]]<br/>{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Omar Bradley]]<br/>{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Jacob L. Devers]]
# [[:Ariel Ortega]]
|comandante2 = {{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Adolf Hitler]]<br/>{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Albert Kesselring]]<br/>{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Gerd von Rundstedt]]<br/>{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Walther Model]]<br/>{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Paul Hausser]]<br/>{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Johannes Blaskowitz]]<br/>{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Heinrich Himmler]]
# [[:Lauren Etame Mayer]]
|unidade1 = {{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Décimo Segundo Grupo de Exércitos dos Estados Unidos|12º Grupo de Exércitos]]
# [[:Giba (voleibolista)]]
*{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Primeiro Exército dos Estados Unidos|1º Exército]]
# [[:Sérgio Dutra Santos]]
*{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Terceiro Exército dos Estados Unidos|3º Exército]]
# [[:Bernardinho]]
*{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Décimo Quinto Exército dos Estados Unidos|15º Exército]]
# [[:Aurélio Miguel]]
{{flagicon|Reino Unido}} [[Vigésimo Primeiro Grupo de Exércitos|21º Grupo de Exércitos]]
# [[:Fabien Barthez]]
*{{flagicon|Canadá|1921}} [[Primeiro Exército Canadense|1º Exército]]
# [[:Sohn Kee-chung]]
*{{flagicon|Reino Unido}} [[Segundo Exército do Reino Unido|2º Exército]]
# [[:Fernando Meligeni]]
*{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Nono Exército dos Estados Unidos|9º Exército]]
# [[:Leandro Damián Cufré]]
{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Sexto Grupo de Exércitos dos Estados Unidos|6º Grupo de Exércitos]]
# [[:Allan Davis]]
*{{flagicon|Estados Unidos|1912}} [[Sétimo Exército dos Estados Unidos|7º Exército]]
# [[:Paavo Nurmi]]
*{{flagicon|França}} [[Primeiro Exército da França|1º Exército]]
# [[:Larissa Latynina]]
|unidade2 = {{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Grupo de Exércitos B]]
# [[:Algodão (basquetebolista)]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[7º Exército (Alemanha)|7º Exército]]
# [[:Seleção Brasileira de Voleibol Masculino]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[15º Exército (Alemanha)|15º Exército]]
# [[:Ademir Roque Kaefer]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[5º Exército Panzer (Alemanha)|5º Exército Panzer]]
# [[:Javier Sotomayor]]
{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Grupo de Exércitos G]]
# [[:Hannes Kolehmainen]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[1º Exército (Alemanha)|1º Exército]]
# [[:Marcos Freitas]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[19º Exército (Alemanha)|19º Exército]]
# [[:Valery Brumel]]
{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[Grupo de Exércitos H]]
# [[:José Montanaro Júnior]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[25º Exército (Alemanha)|25º Exército]]
# [[:Dwain Chambers]]
*{{flagicon|Alemanha Nazista}} [[1º Exército Paraquedista (Alemanha)|1º Exército Paraquedista]]
# [[:Natália Manfrin]]
|força1 = 4.5 milhões de tropas<ref name="MacDonald, C 2005">MacDonald, C (2005), ''The Last Offensive: The European Theater of Operations''. University Press of the Pacific, p.322</ref><br>(90 Divisões)
# [[:Washington César Santos]]
|força2 = ~1.0 milhões de tropas {{sfn|Glantz|1995|p=304}}{{sfn|Zimmerman|2008|p=277}}
# [[:Hidehiko Yoshida]]
|campanha=Europa Ocidental 1944–1945
# [[:Valdo Cândido de Oliveira Filho]]
# [[:Karen Jonz]]
# [[:Elano]]
A '''Invasão Aliada da Alemanha''' foi o ataque à [[Alemanha Nazista]] conduzido pelos [[Aliados Ocidentais]] nos últimos meses do [[Teatro Europeu na Segunda Guerra Mundial]].
# [[:Flávio Saretta]]
# [[:Seleção Brasileira de Voleibol Feminino]]
Nos primeiros meses de 1945, alguns eventos favoreceram as forças aliadas na Europa. Na frente ocidental, os aliados estavam lutando na Alemanha desde outubro de 1944 na [[Batalha de Aachen]] e em janeiro se voltaram contra os alemães na [[Batalha das Ardenas]]. O fracasso desta última ofensiva alemã esgotaram suas últimas forças de comnbate, os deixando mal preparados para resistir as últimas campanhas aliadas na Europa. As derrotas adicionais na [[Renânia]] enfraqueceram ainda mais o exército alemão, deixando para trás restos despedaçados de unidades para defender a margem leste do Reno. Em 7 de março os aliados [[Batalha de Remagen|tomaram]] o que sobrou intacto da [[Ponte de Remagen|ponte]] sobre o Reno em [[Remagen]], estabelecendo uma [[cabeça de ponte]] na margem leste do rio. Durante as operações [[Operação Lumberjack|Lumberjack]] e [[Operação Plunder|Plunder]] entre fevereiro e março de 1945, as baixas alemãs foram estimadas em 400.000 homens, incluindo 280.000 soldados capturados como prisioneiros de guerra.{{sfn|Zaloga|Dennis|2006|p=88}}
# [[:Alonzo Mourning]]
# [[:Stefka Kostadinova]]
Na [[Frente Oriental (Segunda Guerra Mundial)|Frente Oriental]], o [[Exército Vermelho]] [[União Soviética|soviético]] (incluindo o [[Forças armadas poloneses no leste|Exército polonês]], sob o comando soviético) [[Ofensiva no Vistula–Oder|libertaram]] grande parte da Polônia e estavam se aproximando de [[Berlim]]. Os soviéticos foram levados até a Hungria e o extremo leste da Tchecoslováquia e temporariamente interromperam o avanço no que é hoje a atual fronteira da Alemanha na [[Linha Oder-Neisse]]. Esses avanços rápidos na frente oriental destruiram boa parte das unidades de combate alemãs e limitaram de forma importante a possibilidade de [[Adolf Hitler]] reforçar suas defesas no Reno. Dessa forma, ao tempo em que os Aliados ocidentais concluiam seus preparos para o avança final em direção ao coração da Alemanha, a vitória parecia certa.
# [[:Fernanda Ribeiro]]
# [[:Albert Meyong Ze]]
==Ordem da batalha==
# [[:Murilo Endres]]
# [[:Renan Dal Zotto]]
===Forças aliadas===
# [[:Maurício Lima]]
No começo de 1945, o Supremo Comandante das Forças Expedicionárias Aliadas, General [[Dwight D. Eisenhower]] tinha 73 divisões sob o seu comando no norte da Europa, das quais 49 eram divisões de infantaria, 20 divisões blindadas e 4 divisões aerotransportadas. Quarenta e nove dessas divisões eram americanas, doze britânicas, oito francesas, três canadenses e uma polonesa. Outras sete divisões americanas chegaram durante o mês de fevereiro,{{sfn|Hastings|2005|p=465}} com contínuo reforço de outras divisões de potências aliadas e no início da invasão da Alemanha, Eisenhower tinha um total de 90 divisões sob seu comando, com o número de divisões blindadas chegando a 25. A frente aliada ao longo do Reno cobria {{converter|450|mi|km|abbr=on}} entre a embocadura do rio no [[Mar do Norte]], nos [[Países Baixos]] até a fronteira com a [[Suiça]] ao sul.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=3}}
# [[:Franck Caldeira]]
# [[:Cristiano Lucarelli]]
As forças aliadas ao longo dessa linha estavam organizadas em três grupos de exércitos. Ao norte, a partir do Mar do Norte até um ponto a cerca de {{converter|10|mi|km|}} ao norte de [[Colônia (Alemanha)|Colônia]], estava o [[Vigésimo Primeiro Grupo de Exército|21º Grupo de Exércitos]], comandado pelo Marechal de Campo, Sir [[Bernard Montgomery]]. Acompanhando o 21º Grupo de Exércitos, o [[Primeiro Exército Canadense]] comandado por [[Harry Crerar]] era responsável pelo flanco esquerdo da linha aliada, com o [[Segundo Exército do Reino Unido]] ([[Miles Dempsey]]) ao centro e o [[Nono Exército dos Estados Unidos]] ([[William Hood Simpson]]) ao sul. Mantendo o meio da linha aliada a partir do flanco direito do 9º Exército até um ponto a cerca de {{converter|15|mi|km|abbr=on}} ao sul do [[Mainz]] estava o [[Décimo Segundo Grupo de Exércitos dos Estados Unidos|12º Grupo de Exércitos]] sob o comando do tenente-general [[Omar N. Bradley]]. Bradley comandava dois exércitos americanos, o [[Primeiro Exército dos Estados Unidos|1º Exército]] ([[Courtney Hodges]]) à esquerda (norte) e o [[Terceiro Exército dos Estados Unidos|3º Exército]] ([[George S. Patton]]) à direita (sul). Completando a linha aliada até a fronteira com a Suiça estava o [[Sexto Grupo de Exércitos dos Estados Unidos|6º Grupo de Exércitos]] comandado pelo tenente-general [[Jacob L. Devers]], com o [[Sétimo Exército dos Estados Unidos|7º Exército]] ([[Alexander Patch]]) ao norte e o [[Primeiro Exército da França|1º Exército francês]] ([[Jean de Lattre de Tassigny]]) à direita aliada e no flanco mais ao sul.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=3–6}}
# [[:Seleção da Suécia de Hóquei no Gelo]]
# [[:Carla Sacramento]]
Quando esses três grupos de exércitos dominaram a ''[[Wehrmacht]]'' à oeste do Reno, Eisenhower começou a repensar seus planos para o avanço final entre o Reno e o coração da Alemanha. A princípio, Eisenhower planejava levar todas suas forças para a margem oeste do Reno, usando o rio como uma barreira natural para ajudar a cobrir as seções inativas de sua linha. O avanço principal para além do rio deveria ser feito ao norte pelo 21º Grupo de Exércitos, suas unidades deveriam se manter à leste articulando-se com o 1º Exército, enquanto este avançava pelo nordeste a partir do [[rio Ruhr]]. Se fosse bem sucedido, este movimento de pinça iria envolver a área industrial do [[Ruhr]], neutralizando a maior concentração da capacidade industrial alemã.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=6}}
# [[:Kevin Garnett]]
# [[:Ricardo Alex Santos]]
===Forças alemãs===
# [[:Alexander Popov]]
Enfrentando os aliados estava a [[OB West|''Oberbefehlshaber West'']] ("Comando Militar do Oeste") comandado pelo [[Generalfeldmarschall|Marechal-de-Campo]] [[Albert Kesselring]], que assumiu o lugar do também Marechal-de-Campo [[Gerd von Rundstedt]] em 10 de março. Embora Kesselring tivesse um excelente histórico como estrategista defensivo desde a [[Campanha da Itália]], ele não dispunha de recursos suficientes para conter o avanço aliado. Durante a batalha a oeste do Reno em março de 1945, o exército alemão na frente Ocidental foi reduzido a uma força de 26 divisões divididas em três grupos de exércitos (''H'', ''B'' e ''G''). As expectativas de receber reforços eram poucas, uma vez que o [[Oberkommando der Wehrmacht|Alto Comando Alemão]] continuava a concentrar a maioria de suas forças para deter o avanço soviético. Estima-se que os alemães contavam com 214 divisões na frente oriental em abril.{{sfn|Keegan|1989|p=182}}
# [[:Mário Xandó de Oliveira Neto]]
# [[:Amaury Antônio Pasos]]
Em 21 de março, o Quartel-General do [[Grupo de Exércitos H]] tornoi-se ''Oberbefehlshaber Nordwest'' ("Comando de Exércitos Noroeste") comandado por [[Ernst Busch]] deixando o antigo comandando do Grupo de Exércitos H [[Johannes Blaskowitz]] para comandar "Comando de Exércitos dos Países Baixos" ([[25º Exército (Alemanha)|25º Exército]]). Busch, cuja principal unidade era o [[1º Exército Paraquedista (Alemanha)|1º Exército Paraquedista]] formava o flanco direito da defesa alemã. No centro da frente, defendendo o Ruhr, Kesselring contava com o Marechal-de-Campo [[Walther Model]] comandando o [[Grupo de Exércitos B]] ([[15º Exército (Alemanha)|15º Exército]] e o [[5º Exército Panzer (Alemanha)|5º Exército Panzer]]) e ao sul o [[Grupo de Exércitos G]] comandado por [[Paul Hausser]] ([[7º Exército (Alemanha)|7º Exército]], [[1º Exército (Alemanha)|1º Exército]] and [[19º Exército (Alemanha)|19º Exército]]).{{sfn|Keegan|1989|p=182}}<ref>{{cite web|first=Marcus|last=Wendel|url=|title= Heer|work=Axis History Factbook}}</ref>
# [[:Danny Way]]
# [[:Bernard Rajzman]]
==Planos de Eisenhower==
# [[:Sonja Henie]]
Após capturar o Ruhr, Eisenhower planejava levar o 21º Grupo de Exércitos pelo oeste através das [[Planície do Norte da Alemanha|planícies do norte da Alemanha]] até Berlim. O 12º e 6º Grupos de Exércitos americanos deveriam montar uma ofensiva paralela com o objetivo de dividir as atenções alemãs, diminuindo assim sua capacidade de conter o avanço das tropas ao norte. Esta ofensiva paralela também daria Eisenhower uma certa flexibilidade, caso o ataque principal ao norte encontra-se dificuldades.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=6}}
# [[:Olga Korbut]]
# [[:Seleção de Futebol Feminino dos Estados Unidos]]
Por diversas razões, Eisenhower começou a fazer alguns ajustes nesses planos durante o fim de março. Primeiro, seu Quartel-General havia recebido alguns relatórios informando que as forças soviéticas mantinham uma cabeça de ponte sobre o [[Rio Oder]], a cerca de {{converter|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} de Berlim. Uma vez que as forças aliadas no Reno estavam mais de {{converter|300|mi|km|abbr=on}} de Berlim, com o [[Rio Elba]] a uma distância de {{converter|200|mi|km|abbr=on}}, ainda por ser cruzado, estava claro que os soviéticos iriam capturar Berlim antes dos aliados ocidentais. Eisenhower então concentrou suas atenções em outros objetivos, dentre eles, uma rápido encontro com os soviéticos para dividir o Exército Alemão em dois e prevenir qualquer possibilidade de defesa unificada. Uma vez que esse objetivo fosse alcançado, as forças alemãs remanescentes seriam desarticuladas aos poucos.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=6}}
# [[:Thomaz Koch]]
# [[:Seleção Argentina de Futebol Feminino]]
Além disso, havia um problema no Ruhr. Embora a [[vale do Ruhr|região do Ruhr]] ainda tivesse uma parcela significante das tropas do Eixo e indústrias suficientes para manter sua importância como um objetivo de destaque, a inteligência aliada relatou que a maior parte da indústria de armamentos local estava se deslocando para o sudeste. Isso aumentava a importância da ofensiva ao sul através do Reno.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=6}}
# [[:Seleção Norte-Coreana de Futebol Feminino]]
# [[:Seleção Chinesa de Futebol Feminino]]
Também preocupava Eisenhower na frente ao sul era o "[[Reduto Nacional]]." Havia rumores que as tropas mais fanáticas e leais a Hitler preparavam uma última tentativa de resistência em uma fortaleza natural formada pelas montanhas acidentadas dos alpes ao sul da Alemanha e a oeste da Áustria. Se eles conseguissem se manter por um ano ou mais, os desentendimentos entre a União Soviética e os Aliados Ocidentais poderiam lhes dar algum peso polítivo em algum acordo de paz. Na realidade, quando os aliados cruzaram o Reno, a ''Wehrmacht'' sofreu tantas derrotas nas frentes orientais e ocidentais que pouco poderiam fazer para resistir ou estabelecer uma força de resistência. Ainda assim, as forças de inteligência dos aliados não dispensavam inteiramente a possibilidade de que as tropas restantes do Exército Alemão pudessem tentar uma última tentativa suicida nos Alpes. Negar esta oportunidade se tornou um outro argumento para repensar o papel das tropas ao sul da Alemanha.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=7}}
# [[:Seleção Japonesa de Futebol Feminino]]
# [[:Seleção Brasileira de Futebol Feminino]]
Talvez a razão mais provável para aumentar a ênfase na campanha ao sul tinha mais a ver com as ações dos americanos do que os dos alemães. Enquanto Montgomery cuidadosamente planejava a ofensiva principal ao norte, acompanhada da preparação de uma artilharia maciça e de uma assalto aéreo, as forças americanas ao sul estavam exibindo o tipo de agressividade básica que Eisenhower queria ver. Em 7 de março, o 1º Exército do tenente-general [[Courtney H. Hodges]] [[Batalha de Remagen|capturou]] a última [[Ponte de Remagen|ponte]] intacta sob o [[Reno]] em [[Remagen]] expandindo a cabeça de ponte.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=7}}
# [[:Nellie Kim]]
# [[:Yelena Davydova]]
==Processo de ocupação==
# [[:Natalia Shaposhnikova]]
[[Ficheiro:Proklamation Nr. 1 - Zweisprachige Bekanntmachung des Obersten Befehlshabers der alliierten Streitkräfte Dwight D. Eisenhower (deutschsprachiger Teil).jpg|thumb|direita|Proclamação nº 1 de Eisenhower.]]
# [[:Seleção Canadense de Futebol Feminino]]
Quando os soldados dos aliados ocidentais chegavam em uma cidade, seus líderes e moradores remanescentes na maioria das vezes usavam bandeiras brancas, lençóis e toalhas de mesa em sinal de rendição. O oficial no comando da unidade responsável pela captura da área, geralmente uma companhia ou batalhão aceitava a responsabilidade sobre a cidade. Os soldados fixavam pela cidade cópias da Proclamação nº 1 de Eisenhower. A proclamação exigia o cumprimento de todas as ordens do comandante, instituia um toque de recolher rigoroso e confiscava todas as armas e equipamentos de comunicação. Após um ou dois dias unidades especializadas do [[Gabinete do Governo Militar (Estados Unidos)|Gabinete do Governo Militar]] assimiam o controle do local. Os soldados requisitavam moradia e um local para estabelecer a administração. Em um primeiro momento esse processo era feito informalmente, com a expulsão dos moradores de suas casas e tomando seus objetos pessoais, porém o processo tornou-se padronizado, onde era dado um prazo de três horas para liberação do local e entregue um recibo informando os pertences das residências cedidas. Os moradores desabrigados no entanto deveriam encontrar outra moradia por conta própria.{{sfn|Baker|2004|pp=38–39}}
# [[:Dimitri Bilozertchev]]
# [[:Jaqueline Carvalho]]
# [[:Fabiana de Oliveira]]
Em 19 de março, Eisenhower pediu a Bradley para preparar o 1º Exército para uma saída de Remagen a qualquer momento depois de 22 de março. No mesmo dia, em resposta à forte movimentação do 3º Exército na região de [[Saarpfalz]] e por possuir outra força protegendo o flanco do 1º Exército na margem leste do Reno, Bradley deu a ordem para Patton seguir em frente e cruzar o Reno o mais rápido possível.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=8}}
# [[:Fabiana Claudino]]
# [[:Kimmie Meissner]]
Estas eram exatamente as ordens que Patton aguardava. O General americano achava que se uma força suficientemente forte pudesse cruzar o rio e tivesse conquistas suficientes, então Eisenhower iria transferir a responsabilidade do avanço principal pela Alemanha do 21º Grupo de Exércitos de Montgomery para o 21º Grupo de Exércitos de Bradley. Patton também apreciaria a oportunidade que ele tinha agora de ultrapassar Montgomery na passagem pelo rio e ganhar para o 3º Exército a cobiçada distinção de fazer o primeiro ataque na transposição do Reno na história moderna. Para conseguir tal feito, ele deveria se mover rapidamente.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=8}}
# [[:Sérgio Negrão]]
# [[:Tracy McGrady]]
Em 21 de março, Patton ordenou ao seu [[XII Corps (Estados Unidos)|XII Corps]] para preparar-se para um assalto sobre o Reno na noite seguinte, um dia antes da data prevista para Montgomery fazer a travessia. Tão logo Patton recebeu suas ordens no dia 19 para cruzar o Reno, ele começou a mandar barcos de assalto, equipamentos para construção de pontes e outros suprimentos armazenados desde o outono nos depósitos da região de [[Lorena (França)|Lorena]].{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=9}}
# [[:César Castro]]
# [[:Nalbert Bitencourt]]
A escolha do local para travessia do rio era crítica. Patton sabia que o lugar mais provável para cruzá-lo era em Mainz ou no sentido rio abaixo, ao norte da cidade. A escolha parecia óbvia porque o [[Rio Meno]], fluindo para o norte a {{converter|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} a leste e em paralelo ao Reno, virava a oeste desaguando no Reno e um avanço pelo sul da cidade incluiria a travessia de dois rios ao invés de um. Entretanto, Patton também imaginava que os alemães estavam cientes dessas dificuldades e estariam esperando um ataque pelo norte de Mainz. Então ele decidiu desviar de Mainz, enquanto enviava seus principais reforços a [[Nierstein-Oppenheim]], {{converter|9|mi|km|abbr=on}} ao sul da cidade. Seguindo seu ataque principal do XII Corps, o [[VIII Corps (Estados Unidos)|VIII Corps]] deveria executar travessias de apoio em [[Boppard]] e [[Sankt Goar]], {{converter|25|mi|km|abbr=on}} a noroeste de Mainz.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=9}}
# [[:Alessandra Santos de Oliveira]]
# [[:Joe Sakic]]
O terreno nos arredores de Nierstein e Oppenheim era propício ao apoio da artilharia, com um terreno elevado na margem oeste e uma vista relativamente plana para o leste. No entanto, a mesma margem leste plana significava que a cabeça de ponte teria que ser rapidamente reforçada e expandida para além do rio já que não havia terreno elevado para sua defesa. A importância de preparar uma cabeça de ponte mais avançada era devido ao fato de que o primeiro acesso a uma estrada em condições de uso ficava a cerca de {{converter|6|mi|km|abbr=on}} da cidade de Grossgerau.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=9}}
# [[:Marta (futebolista)]]
# [[:Alexei Yagudin]]
===12º Grupo de Exércitos cruza o Reno (22 de março)===
# [[:Marcela Oliveira Menezes]]
[[File:Crossing of the Rhine.jpg|thumb|A travessia do Reno entre 22 e 28 de março de 1945.]]
# [[:Luísa Parente]]
Em 22 de março, com uma lua brilhante iluminando o céu de fim de noite, a [[Quinta Divisão de Infantaria (Estados Unidos)|5ª Divisão de Infantaria]] iniciou a travessia do Reno pelo 3ª Exército. Em Nierstein as tropas de assalto não encontraram nenhuma resistência. assault troops did not meet any resistance. Quando as primeiras embarcações chegavam à margem leste, sete alemães foram surpreendidos e rendidos e enviados à margem oeste para serem colocados em custódia. Rio acima em Oppenheim, entretanto, o avanço não aconteceu com tanta facilidade. As primeiras embarcações que já estavam na metade da travessia quando os alemães abriram fogo. Um intensa troca de tiros que durou cerca de 30 minutos enquanto os barcos ainda continuavam cruzando o rio e aqueles que já tinham alcançado a margem organizavam o ataque contra as fortificações de defesa. Finalmente os alemães se renderam e por volta da meia noite, as unidades se moveram lateralmente para dominar os locais de travessia e atacar as primeiras vilas além do rio.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=9–10}}
# [[:Greg Minnaar]]
# [[:Javier Zanetti]]
No meio da tarde de 23 de março, todos os três regimentos da 5ª Divisão de Infantaria estavam na cabeça de ponte e um regimento incorporado da [[Nonagésima Divisão de Infantaria (Estados Unidos)|90ª Divisão de Infantaria]] cruzava o rio. Tanques e destruidores de tanques tinham sido transportados durante toda a manhã e ao entardecer uma [[ponte flutuante]] estava aberta para o tráfego. A meia noite as unidades de infantaria já tinham levado o alcance da cabeça de ponte para mais de {{converter|5|mi|km|abbr=on}} terra a dentro, garantindo o sucesso absoluto do primeiro assalto moderno na travessia do Reno.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=10}}
# [[:Ryan Sheckler]]
# [[:Elissa Steamer]]
Nas primeiras horas da manhã de 25 de março a [[Octogésima Sétima Divisão de Infantaria (Estados Unidos)|87ª Divisão de Infantaria]] cruzou o Reno ao norte de Boppard e 24 horas mais tarde a [[Octogésima Nona Divisão de Infantaria (Estados Unidos)|89ª Divisão de Infantaria]] atravessou {{converter|8|mi|km|abbr=on}} ao sul de Boppard em Sankt Goar. Entretanto a defesa desses locais estava melhor organizada do que o XII Corps imaginava. Os locais de travessia do VIII Corps estavam localizados ao longo do [[Vale do Alto Médio Reno]], onde a erosão do rio produziu um vale entre duas cadeias de montanhas, criando um desfiladeiro com cerca de {{converter|300|ft|m|abbr=on}} de altura em ambos os lados. Ainda assim, apesar do obstáculo do terreno, da artilharia alemã e dos [[Canhão automático|canhões]] [[defesa antiaérea|antiaéreos]] de {{converter|20|mm|in|2|abbr=on}}, as tropas do VIII Corps conseguiram tomar o controle da margem leste e na noite de 26 de março, com a resistência alemã sendo derrotada ao longo do Reno, eles se preparar para continuar sua marcha na manhã seguinte.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=11}}
# [[:Cara-Beth Burnside]]
# [[:Geremi Njitap]]
===6º Grupo de Exércitos cruza o Reno (26 de março)===
# [[:Bucky Lasek]]
Somando-se ao derrocada alemã, o 6º Grupo de Exércitos fez uma série de ataques sobre o Reno em 26 de março. Em [[Worms]] a cerca de {{converter|25|mi|km|abbr=on}} ao sul de Mainz, o 7º Exército do [[XV Corps (Estados Unidos)|XV Corps]] estabeleceu uma cabeça de ponte, que foi consolidada com o flanco sul da cabeça de ponte do 3º Exército. Após alguma pequena resistência inicial, o XV Corps também avançou ao longo do Reno.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=11}}
# [[:Marcelo Gallardo]]
# [[:José Pedro Cea]]
===21º Grupo de Exércitos organiza a ''Operação Plunder''===
# [[:Jim Thorpe]]
Na noite de 23 de março, após o ataque do XII Corps ao Reno, Bradley anunciou seu sucesso. O comandante do 12º Grupo de Exércitos disse que as tropas americanas poderiam cruzar o Reno em qualquer ponto, sem bombardeio aéreo ou tropas de pára-quedistas, um golpe direto a Montgomery cujas tropas se preparavam para seu ataque ao Reno após um intensa e elaborada preparação e com a ajuda de duas divisões aerotransportadas.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=11}}
# [[:Jan Železný]]
# [[:Tande]]
O Marechal-de-Campo Montgomery estava demonstrando sua já reconhecida abordagem prudente e meticulosa para essas situações, uma lição que ele aprendera anteriormente na [[Campanha Norte-Africana]] contra Rommel. Dessa forma, quando suas forças se aproximassem da margem leste do rio, Montgomery prosseguiriam com um dos maiores contingentes da guerra. Seus planos detalhados, conhecidos como [[Operação Plunder]], eram comparáveis a [[Invasão da Normandia]] em termos de números de homens e extensão de equipamento, suprimentos e munições utilizados. O 21º Grupo de Exércitos contava com 30 divisões completas: 11 do 2º Exército britânico, 11 do 9º Exército americano e 8 do Primeiro Exército canadense, totalizando mais de 1.250.000 homens.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=11}}
# [[:Rosemarie Ackermann]]
# [[:Ato Boldon]]
A operação contava com o Segundo Exército para cruzar em três lugares ao longo da frente do 21º Grupo de Exércitos em [[Rees (Renânia do Norte-Vestfália)|Rees]], [[Xanten]] e [[Rheinberg]]. As travessias seria precedidas de diversas semanas de bombardeios aéreos e no final uma preparação de maçiça artilharia. Uma campanha de fortes bombardeios pelas forças da [[USAAF]] e da [[RAF]], que ficou conhecida como "Interdição do noroeste da Alemanha", com o objetivo primário de destruir as [[linhas de comunicação]] e abastecimento que ligavam o Ruhr ao resto da Alemanha.<ref>[ Chapter 21: From the Rhine to the Elbe]</ref> O objetivo era cria uma linha entre o sul de Bremen até Neowied. Os objetivos principais eram ferrovias, pontes e centros de comunicação, com foco secundário em refinarias e centros de armazenamento e outas localidades industriais relevantes. Durante os três dias de ataques comandados por Montgomery, os alvos próximos ao 21º Grupo de Exércitos e na área do Ruhr ao sudeste foram atacados por cerca de 11.000 posições, efetivamente vedando o Ruhr ao tempo que aliviava a carga sobre as forças de assalto de Montgomery.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=12}}
# [[:Lasse Virén]]
# [[:Ole Einar Bjørndalen]]
Montgomery originalmente tinha planejado juntar uma das divisões do 9º Exército ao Segundo Exército britânico que contava apenas com duas divisões para o assalto inicial. O restante do 9º Exército permaneceria na reserva até que a cabeça de ponte estivesse pronta para exploração. O comandante do 9º Exército, General [[William H. Simpson]] e do Segundo Exército, General Sir [[Miles C. Dempsey]] tinham objeções quanto essa abordagem. Ambos acreditavam que o plano desperdiçava a maior força tanto em relação aos homens quanto aos equipamentos que o 9º Exército Both believed that the plan squandered the great strength in men and equipment that the 9th Army had assembled 1and ignored the many logistical problems of placing the Ninth Army's crossing sites within the Second Army's zone.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=12}}
# [[:Eugenio Corini]]
# [[:Masao Takemoto]]
Montgomery responded to these concerns by making a few small adjustments to the plan. Although he declined to increase the size of the American crossing force beyond two divisions, he agreed to keep it under 9th Army rather than Second Army control. To increase Simpson's ability to bring his army's strength to bear for exploitation, Montgomery also agreed to turn the bridges at [[Wesel]], just north of the inter-army boundary, over to the 9th Army once the bridgehead had been secured.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=12}}
# [[:Marie-José Perec]]
# [[:Yao Ming]]
In the southernmost sector of the 21st Army Group's attack, the 9th Army's assault divisions were to cross the Rhine along an {{convert|11|mi|km|abbr=on}} section of the front, south of Wesel and the [[Lippe River]]. This force would block any German counterattack from the Ruhr. Because of the poor road network on the east bank of this part of the Rhine, a second 9th Army corps was to cross over the promised Wesel bridges through the British zone north of the Lippe River, which had an abundance of good roads. After driving east nearly {{convert|100|mi|km|abbr=on}}, this corps was to meet elements of the 1st Army near [[Paderborn]], completing the encirclement of the Ruhr.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=12}}
# [[:Yelena Romanova]]
# [[:Rômulo Arantes]]
Another important aspect of Montgomery's plan was [[Operation Varsity]], in which two divisions of the [[XVIII Airborne Corps]] were to make an airborne assault over the Rhine. In a departure from standard airborne doctrine, which called for a jump deep behind enemy lines several hours prior to an amphibious assault, Varsity′S drop zones were close behind the German front, within Allied artillery range. Additionally, to avoid being caught in the artillery preparation, the paratroopers would jump only after the amphibious troops had reached the Rhine's east bank. The wisdom of putting lightly-armed paratroopers so close to the main battlefield was debated, and the plan for amphibious forces to cross the Rhine prior to the parachute drop raised questions as to the utility of making an airborne assault at all. However, Montgomery believed that the paratroopers would quickly link up with the advancing river assault forces, placing the strongest force within the bridgehead as rapidly as possible. Once the bridgehead was secured the [[British 6th Airborne Division]] would be transferred to Second Army control, while the [[U.S. 17th Airborne Division]] would revert to 9th Army control.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=13}}
# [[:Ricardo Prado]]
# [[:Naide Gomes]]
===Montgomery launches ''Operation Plunder'' (23 March)===
# [[:Edinanci Silva]]
Plunder began on the evening of 23 March with the assault elements of the British Second Army massed against three main crossing sites: Rees in the north, Xanten in the center, and Wesel in the south. The two 9th Army divisions tasked for the assault concentrated in the Rheinberg area south of Wesel. At the northern crossing site, elements of [[XXX Corps (United Kingdom)|XXX Corps]] began the assault (Operations Turnscrew) about 21:00, attempting to distract the Germans from the main crossings at Xanten in the center and Rheinberg to the south. The initial assault waves crossed the river quickly, meeting only light opposition. Meanwhile, Operation Widgeon began as {{convert|2|mi|km|abbr=on}} north of Wesel a 2nd Army [[1st Special Service Brigade|1st Commando Brigade]] slipped across the river and waited within a mile of the city while it was demolished by one thousand tons of bombs delivered by [[RAF Bomber Command]]. Entering in the night, the commandos secured the city late on the morning of 24 March, although scattered resistance continued until dawn on the 25th. The Second Army's 12th Corps and the 9th Army's XVI Corps began the main effort about 02:00 on 24 March, following a massive artillery and air bombardment.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=13}}
# [[:Rogério Sampaio]]
# [[:Rodrigão (voleibolista)]]
For the American crossing, the 9th Army commander—General Simpson—had chosen the veteran [[30th Infantry Division (United States)|30th]] and [[79th Infantry Division (United States)|79th Infantry Division]]s of the [[XVI Corps (United States)|XVI Corps]]. The 30th was to cross between Wesel and Rheinberg while the 79th assaulted south of Rheinberg. In reserve were the XVI Corps′ [[8th Armored Division (United States)|8th Armored Division]], and 35th and [[75th Infantry Division (United States)|75th Infantry Divisions]], as well as the 9th Army's [[XIII Corps (United States)|XIII]] and [[XIX Corps (United States)|XIX Corps]], each with three divisions. Simpson planned to commit the XIX Corps as soon as possible after the bridgehead had been secured, using the XIII Corps to hold the Rhine south of the crossing sites.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=13}}
# [[:Jay-Jay Okocha]]
# [[:Cláudio Kano]]
After an hour of extremely intense artillery preparation, which General Eisenhower himself viewed from the front, the 30th Infantry Division began its assault. The artillery fire had been so effective and so perfectly timed that the assault battalions merely motored their storm boats across the river and claimed the east bank against almost no resistance. As subsequent waves of troops crossed, units fanned out to take the first villages beyond the river to only the weakest of opposition. An hour later, at 03:00, the 79th Infantry Division began its crossing upriver, achieving much the same results. As heavier equipment was ferried across the Rhine, both divisions began pushing east, penetrating {{convert|3|-|6|mi|km|abbr=on}} into the German defensive line that day.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=16}}
# [[:Jade Barbosa]]
[[File:C-47 transport planes release hundreds of paratroops.jpg|thumb|left|[[Douglas C-47]] transport aircraft drop hundreds of paratroopers on 24 March as part of Operation Varsity.]]
# [[:Adam Małysz]]
# [[:Matt Biondi]]
To the north, the British crossings had also gone well, with the ground and airborne troops linking up by nightfall. By then, the paratroopers had taken all their first day's objectives in addition to 3,500 prisoners.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=16}}
# [[:Idriss Carlos Kameni]]
# [[:Károly Takács]]
To the south, the discovery of a defensive gap in front of the 30th Infantry Division fostered the hope that a full-scale breakout would be possible on 25 March. When limited objective attacks provoked little response on the morning of the 25th, the division commander—Maj. Gen. [[Leland S. Hobbs]]—formed two mobile task forces to make deeper thrusts with an eye toward punching through the defense altogether and breaking deep into the German rear. Unfortunately, Hobbs had not fully taken into account the nearly nonexistent road network in front of the XVI Corps bridgehead. Faced with trying to make rapid advances through dense forest on rutted dirt roads and muddy trails, which could be strongly defended by a few determined soldiers and well placed roadblocks, the task forces advanced only about {{convert|2|mi|km|abbr=on}} on the 25th. The next day they gained some more ground, and one even seized its objective, having slogged a total of {{convert|6|mi|km|abbr=on}}, but the limited progress forced Hobbs to abandon the hope for a quick breakout.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=16}}
# [[:Paula Radcliffe]]
# [[:Márcia Fu]]
In addition to the poor roads, the 30th Division's breakout attempts were also hampered by the German [[16th Infantry Division (Wehrmacht)|116th Panzer Division]]. The only potent unit left for commitment against the Allied Rhine crossings in the north, the 116th began moving south from the Dutch-German border on 25 March against what the Germans considered their most dangerous threat, the U.S. 9th Army. The enemy armored unit began making its presence felt almost immediately, and by the end of 26 March the combination of the ''panzer'' division and the rough terrain had conspired to sharply limit the 30th Division's forward progress. With the 79th Infantry Division meeting fierce resistance to the south, General Simpson's only recourse was to commit some of his forces waiting on the west bank of the Rhine. Late on 26 March, the 8th Armored Division began moving into the bridgehead.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=16}}
# [[:Anna Pavlova (ginasta)]]
# [[:Ubiratan Pereira Maciel]]
Although the armored division bolstered his offensive capacity within the bridgehead, Simpson was more interested in sending the XIX Corps across the Wesel bridges, as Montgomery had agreed, and using the better roads north of the Lippe to outflank the enemy in front of the 30th Division. Unfortunately, because of pressure from the Germans in the northern part of the 2nd Army bridgehead, the British were having trouble completing their bridges at Xanten and were therefore bringing most of their traffic across the river at Wesel. With Montgomery allowing use of the Wesel bridges to the 9th Army for only five out of every 24 hours, and with the road network north of the Lippe under 2nd Army control, General Simpson was unable to commit or maneuver sufficient forces to make a rapid flanking drive.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=17}}
# [[:Heikki Savolainen]]
# [[:Fanny Blankers-Koen]]
===German Army Group B surrounded in the Ruhr pocket (1 April)===
# [[:James Connolly (atleta)]]
[[File:Encirclement of the Ruhr.jpg|thumb|300px|Encirclement of the Ruhr and other Allied operations between 29 March and 4 April 1945]]
# [[:Guillermo Barros Schelotto]]
# [[:Vanessa Menga]]
By 28 March, the 8th Armored Division had expanded the bridgehead by only about {{convert|3|mi|km|abbr=on}} and still had not reached [[Dorsten]], a town about {{convert|15|mi|km|abbr=on}} east of the Rhine, whose road junction promised to expand the XVI Corps′ offensive options. On the same day, however, Montgomery announced that the east bound roads out of Wesel would be turned over to the 9th Army on 30 March with the Rhine bridges leading into that city changing hands a day later. Also on 28 March, elements of the U.S. 17th Airborne Division—operating north of the [[Lippe River]] in conjunction with British armored forces—dashed to a point some {{convert|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} east of Wesel, opening a corridor for the XIX Corps and handily outflanking Dorsten and the enemy to the south. General Simpson now had both the opportunity and the means to unleash the power of the 9th Army and begin in earnest the northern drive to surround the Ruhr.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=17}}
# [[:Vladimir Kuts]]
# [[:Alvin Kraenzlein]]
Simpson began by moving elements of the XIX Corps′ [[2nd Armored Division (United States)|2nd Armored Division]] into the XVI Corps bridgehead on 28 March with orders to cross the Lippe east of Wesel, thereby avoiding that city's traffic jams. After passing north of the Lippe on 29 March, the 2nd Armored Division broke out late that night from the forward position that the [[XVIII Airborne Corps (United States)|XVIII Airborne Corps]] had established around [[Haltern]], {{convert|12|mi|km|abbr=on}} northeast of Dorsten. On the 30th and 31st, the 2nd Armored made an uninterrupted {{convert|40|mi|km|abbr=on}} drive east to [[Beckum, Germany|Beckum]], cutting two of the Ruhr's three remaining rail lines and severing the autobahn to Berlin. As the rest of the XIX Corps flowed into the wake of this spectacular drive, the 1st Army was completing its equally remarkable thrust around the southern and eastern edges of the Ruhr.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=17}}
# [[:Michel Théato]]
# [[:Josy Barthel]]
The 1st Army's drive from the Remagen bridgehead began with a breakout before dawn on 25 March. German Field Marshal [[Walter Model]]—whose ''Army Group B'' was charged with the defense of the Ruhr—had deployed his troops heavily along the east-west [[Sieg]] River south of [[Cologne]], thinking that the Americans would attack directly north from the Remagen bridgehead. Instead, the 1st Army struck eastward, heading for [[Gießen|Giessen]] and the [[Lahn River]], {{convert|65|mi|km|abbr=on}} beyond Remagen, before turning north toward [[Paderborn]] and a linkup with the 9th Army. All three corps of the 1st Army participated in the breakout, which on the first day employed five infantry and two armored divisions. The [[VII Corps (United States)|U.S. VII Corps]], on the left, had the hardest going due to the German concentration north of the bridgehead, yet its armored columns managed to advance {{convert|12|mi|km|abbr=on}} beyond their line of departure. The [[III Corps (United States)|U.S. III Corps]], in the center, did not commit its armor on the first day of the breakout, but still made a gain of {{convert|4|mi|km|abbr=on}}. The [[V Corps (United States)|U.S. V Corps]] on the right advanced {{convert|5|-|8|mi|km|abbr=on}}, incurring minimal casualties.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=20}}
# [[:Robert Korzeniowski]]
# [[:Alfred Tysoe]]
Beginning the next day, 26 March, the armored divisions of all three corps turned these initial gains into a complete breakout, shattering all opposition and roaming at will throughout the enemy's rear areas. By the end of 28 March, General Hodges′ 1st Army had crossed the Lahn, having driven at least {{convert|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} beyond the original line of departure and capturing thousands of German soldiers in the process. Nowhere, it seemed, were the Germans able to resist in strength. On 29 March, the 1st Army turned toward Paderborn, about {{convert|80|mi|km|abbr=on}} north of Giessen, its right flank covered by the 3rd Army, which had broken out of its own bridgeheads and was headed northeast toward [[Battle of Kassel (1945)|Kassel]].{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=20}}
# [[:Thomas Hicks]]
# [[:Juan Carlos Zabala]]
A task force of the VII Corps′ [[3rd Armored Division (United States)|3rd Armored Division]], which included some of the new [[M26 Pershing]] heavy tanks, spearheaded the drive for Paderborn on 29 March. By attaching an infantry regiment of the [[104th Infantry Division (United States)|104th Infantry Division]] to the armored division and following the drive closely with the rest of the 104th Division, the VII Corps was well prepared to hold any territory gained. Rolling northward {{convert|45|mi|km|abbr=on}} without casualties, the mobile force stopped for the night {{convert|15|mi|km|abbr=on}} from its objective. Taking up the advance again the next day, it immediately ran into stiff opposition from students of an SS ''panzer'' replacement training center located near Paderborn. Equipped with about 60 tanks, the students put up a fanatical resistance, stalling the American armor all day. When the task force failed to advance on 31 March, Maj. Gen. [[J. Lawton Collins]]—commander of the VII Corps—asked General Simpson if his 9th Army—driving eastward north of the Ruhr—could provide assistance. Simpson, in turn, ordered a combat command of the 2nd Armored Division—which had just reached Beckum—to make a {{convert|15|mi|km|abbr=on}} advance southeast to [[Lippstadt]], midway between Beckum and the stalled 3rd Armored Division spearhead. Early in the afternoon of 1 April elements of the 2nd and 3rd Armored Divisions met at Lippstadt, linking the 9th and 1st Armies and sealing the prized [[Ruhr Area|Ruhr industrial complex]]—along with Model's ''[[Army Group B]]''—within American lines.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=20}}
# [[:Ray Ewry]]
# [[:Ville Ritola]]
As March turned to April the offensive east of the Rhine was progressing in close accordance with Allied plans. All the armies assigned to cross the Rhine had elements east of the river, including the Canadian 1st Army in the north, which sent a division through the British bridgehead at Rees, and the French 1st Army in the south, which on 31 March established its own bridgehead by assault crossings at [[Germersheim]] and [[Speyer]], about {{convert|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} south of Mainz. With spectacular thrusts being made beyond the Rhine nearly every day and the enemy's capacity to resist fading at an ever accelerating rate, the campaign to finish Germany was transitioning into a general pursuit.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=21}}
# [[:Johnny Hayes]]
# [[:Kenneth McArthur]]
In the center of the Allied line, Eisenhower inserted a new army—the [[Fifteenth United States Army|15th Army]], under U.S. 12th Army Group control—to hold the western edge of the [[Ruhr Pocket]] along the Rhine while the 9th and 1st Armies squeezed the remaining German defenders there from the north, east, and south. Following the reduction of the Ruhr, the 15th Army was to take over occupation duties in the region as the 9th,{{sfn|Universal Newsreel staff|1945}} 1st, and 3rd Armies pushed farther into Germany.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=21}}
# [[:Dieter Baumann]]
# [[:Marcelo Ferreira]]
===Eisenhower switches his main thrust to U.S. 12th Army Group front (28 March)===
# [[:Vebjørn Rodal]]
On 28 March, as these developments unfolded, Eisenhower announced his decision to adjust his plans governing the future course of the offensive. Once the Ruhr was surrounded, he wanted the 9th Army transferred from the British 21st Army Group to the U.S. 12th Army Group. After the reduction of the Ruhr Pocket, the main thrust east would be made by Bradley's 12th Army Group in the center, rather than by Montgomery's 21st Army Group in the north as originally planned. Montgomery's forces were to secure Bradley's northern flank while Devers′ 6th U.S. Army Group covered Bradley's southern shoulder. Furthermore, the main objective was no longer Berlin, but [[Leipzig]] where a juncture with the Soviet Army would split the remaining German forces in two. Once this was done, the 21st Army Group would take [[Luebeck]] and [[Wismar]] on the [[Baltic Sea]], cutting off the Germans remaining in the [[Jutland]] peninsula of [[Denmark]], while the 6th U.S. Army Group and the 3rd Army drove south into Austria.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=21}}
# [[:John Ngugi]]
# [[:Yobes Ondieki]]
The British Prime Minister and Chiefs of Staff strongly opposed the new plan. Despite the Russian proximity to Berlin, they argued that the city was still a critical political, if not military, objective. Eisenhower—supported by the American Chiefs of Staff—disagreed. His overriding objective was the swiftest military victory possible. Should the U.S. political leadership direct him to take Berlin, or if a situation arose in which it became militarily advisable to seize the German capital, Eisenhower would do so. Otherwise, he would pursue those objectives that would end the war soonest. In addition, since Berlin and the rest of Germany had already been divided into occupation zones by representatives of the Allied governments at the [[Yalta Conference]], Eisenhower saw no political advantage in a race for Berlin. Any ground the western Allies gained in the future Soviet zone would merely be relinquished to the Soviets after the war. In the end the campaign proceeded as Eisenhower had planned it.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=22}}
# [[:Eduardo Penido]]
# [[:Albin Stenroos]]
===Ruhr pocket cleared (18 April)===
# [[:Volmari Iso-Hollo]]
[[File:Advance through Germany - 5-18 April 1945.jpg|thumb|300px|The reduction of the Ruhr Pocket and advance to Elbe and Mulde rivers between 5 and 18 April 1945]]
# [[:Harry Larva]]
# [[:Toivo Loukola]]
The first step in realizing Eisenhower's plan was the eradication of the Ruhr Pocket. Even before the encirclement had been completed, the Germans in the Ruhr had begun making attempts at a breakout to the east. All had been unceremoniously repulsed by the vastly superior Allied forces. Meanwhile, the 9th and 1st Armies began preparing converging attacks using the east-west Ruhr River as a boundary line. The 9th Army's XVI Corps—which had taken up position north of the Ruhr area after crossing the Rhine—would be assisted in its southward drive by two divisions of the XIX Corps, the rest of which would continue to press eastward along with the XIII Corps. South of the Ruhr River, the 1st Army's northward attack was to be executed by the XVIII Airborne Corps, which had been transferred to Hodges after Operation VARSITY, and the III Corps, with the 1st Army's V and VII Corps continuing the offensive east. The 9th Army's sector of the Ruhr Pocket—although only about 1/3 the size of the 1st Army's sector south of the river—contained the majority of the densely urbanized industrial area within the encirclement. The 1st Army's area, on the other hand, was composed of rough, heavily forested terrain with a poor road network.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=22–23}}
# [[:Ilmari Salminen]]
# [[:Shizuka Arakawa]]
By 1 April, when the trap closed around the Germans in the Ruhr, their fate was sealed. In a matter of days they would all be killed or captured. On 4 April, the day it shifted to Bradley's control, the 9th Army began its attack south toward the Ruhr River. In the south, the 1st Army's III Corps launched its strike on the 5th, and the XVIII Airborne Corps joined in on the 6th, both pushing generally northward. German resistance, initially rather determined, dwindled rapidly. By 13 April, the 9th Army had cleared the northern part of the pocket, while elements of the XVIII Airborne Corps′ [[8th Infantry Division (United States)|8th Infantry Division]] reached the southern bank of the Ruhr, splitting the southern section of the pocket in two. Thousands of prisoners were being taken every day; from 16–18 April, when all opposition ended and the remnants of German ''Army Group B'' formally surrendered, German troops had been surrendering in droves throughout the region. Army Group B commander [[Walther Model]] committed suicide on 21 April.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=23}}
# [[:Mosquito (basquetebolista)]]
# [[:Boughèra El Ouafi]]
The final tally of prisoners taken in the Ruhr reached 325,000, far beyond anything the Americans had anticipated. Tactical commanders hastily enclosed huge open fields with barbed wire creating makeshift prisoner of war camps, where the inmates awaited the end of the war and their chance to return home. Also looking forward to going home, tens of thousands of freed forced laborers and Allied prisoners of war further strained the American logistical system.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=23}}
# [[:Al Oerter]]
# [[:Viktor Saneyev]]
===U.S. 12th Army Group prepares its final thrust===
# [[:Nuno Delgado]]
Meanwhile, the remaining Allied forces north, south, and east of the Ruhr had been adjusting their lines in preparation for the final advance through Germany. Under the new concept, Bradley's 12th U.S. Army Group would make the main effort, with Hodges′ 1st Army in the center heading east for about {{convert|130|mi|km|abbr=on}} toward the city of Leipzig and the [[Elbe]] River. To the north, the 9th Army's XIX and XIII Corps would also drive for the Elbe, toward [[Magdeburg]], about {{convert|65|mi|km|abbr=on}} north of Leipzig, although the army commander, General Simpson, hoped he would be allowed to go all the way to Berlin. To the south, Patton's 3rd Army was to drive east to [[Chemnitz]], about {{convert|40|mi|km|abbr=on}} southeast of Leipzig, but well short of the Elbe, and then turn southeast into [[Austria]]. At the same time, General Devers′ 6th U.S. Army Group would move south through [[Bavaria]] and the [[Black Forest]] to Austria and the [[Alps]], ending the threat of any Nazi last-ditch stand there.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=23,26}}
# [[:Henrique Barbosa]]
# [[:Delfo Cabrera]]
On 4 April, as it paused to allow the rest of the 12th U.S. Army Group to catch up, the 3rd Army made two notable discoveries. Near the town of Merkers, elements of the 90th Infantry Division found a sealed salt mine containing a large portion of the German national treasure. The hoard included vast quantities of German paper currency, stacks of priceless paintings, piles of looted gold and silver jewelry and household objects, and an estimated $250,000,000 worth of gold bars and coins of various nations. The other discovery the 3rd Army made on 4 April horrified and angered those who saw it. When the 4th Armored Division and elements of the 89th Infantry Division captured the small town of [[Ohrdruf]], a few miles south of [[Gotha (town)|Gotha]], they found the [[Ohrdruf concentration camp|first concentration camp]] taken by the western Allies.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=26}}
# [[:Hugo Hoyama]]
# [[:Alain Mimoun]]
===U.S. 12th Army Group advances to the Elbe (9 April)===
# [[:Archie Hahn]]
The 4 April pause in the 3rd Army advance allowed the other armies under Bradley's command to reach the [[Leine]] River, about {{convert|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} east of Paderborn. Thus all three armies of the 12th U.S. Army Group were in a fairly even north-south line, enabling them to advance abreast of each other to the Elbe. By 9 April, both the 9th and 1st Armies had seized bridgeheads over the Leine, prompting Bradley to order an unrestricted eastward advance. On the morning of 10 April, the 12th U.S. Army Group's drive to the Elbe began in earnest.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=26}}
# [[:Frank Shorter]]
# [[:Waldemar Cierpinski]]
The Elbe River was the official eastward objective, but many American commanders still eyed Berlin. By the evening of 11 April, elements of the 9th Army's 2nd Armored Division—seemingly intent on demonstrating how easily their army could take that coveted prize—had dashed {{convert|73|mi|km|abbr=on}} to reach the Elbe southeast of Magdeburg, just {{convert|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} short of the German capital. On 12 April, additional 9th Army elements attained the Elbe and by the next day were on the opposite bank hopefully awaiting permission to drive on to Berlin. But two days later, on 15 April, they had to abandon these hopes. Eisenhower sent Bradley his final word on the matter: the 9th Army was to stay put—there would be no effort to take Berlin. Simpson subsequently turned his troops' attention to mopping up pockets of local resistance.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=26}}
# [[:Bill Russell]]
[[File:Coburg1945.jpg|thumb|left|American tanks in Coburg on 25 April]]
# [[:Gelindo Bordin]]
# [[:Tom Burke]]
In the center of the 12th U.S. Army Group, Hodges′ 1st Army faced somewhat stiffer opposition, though it hardly slowed the pace. As its forces approached Leipzig, about {{convert|60|mi|km|abbr=on}} south of Magdeburg and {{convert|15|mi|km|abbr=on}} short of the [[Mulde River]], the 1st Army ran into one of the few remaining centers of organized resistance. Here the Germans turned a thick defense belt of antiaircraft guns against the American ground troops with devastating effects. Through a combination of flanking movements and night attacks, First Army troops were able to destroy or bypass the guns, moving finally into Leipzig, which formally surrendered on the morning of 20 April. By the end of the day, the units that had taken Leipzig joined the rest of the 1st Army on the [[Mulde]], where it had been ordered to halt.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=27}}
# [[:Wilma Rudolph]]
# [[:Gezahegne Abera]]
Meanwhile, on the 12th U.S. Army Group's southern flank, the 3rd Army had advanced apace, moving {{convert|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} eastward to take [[Erfurt]] and [[Weimar]], and then, by 12 April, another {{convert|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} through the old 1806 [[Battle of Jena-Auerstedt|Jena Napoleonic battlefield]] area. On that day, Eisenhower instructed Patton to halt the 3rd Army at the Mulde River, about {{convert|10|mi|km|abbr=on}} short of its original objective, Chemnitz. The change resulted from an agreement between the American and Soviet military leadership based on the need to establish a readily identifiable geographical line to avoid accidental clashes between the converging Allied forces. However, as the 3rd Army began pulling up to the Mulde on 13 April, the XII Corps—Patton's southernmost force—continued moving southeast alongside the 6th U.S. Army Group to clear southern Germany and move into Austria. After taking [[Coburg]], about {{convert|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} south of Erfurt, on 11 April, XII Corps troops captured [[Bayreuth]], {{convert|35|mi|km|abbr=on}} farther southeast, on 14 April.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=30}}
# [[:Josia Thugwane]]
# [[:Hwang Young-cho]]
As was the case throughout the campaign, the German ability to fight was sporadic and unpredictable during the drive to the [[Elbe-Mulde line]]. Some areas were stoutly defended while in others the enemy surrendered after little more than token resistance. By sending armored spearheads around hotly contested areas, isolating them for reduction by subsequent waves of infantry, Eisenhower's forces maintained their eastward momentum. A German holdout force of 70,000 in the [[Harz]] Mountains—{{convert|40|mi|km|abbr=on}} north of Erfurt—was neutralized in this way, as were the towns of Erfurt, [[Jena]], and Leipzig.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=30}}
# [[:Ben Johnson]]
# [[:Naoko Takahashi]]
===U.S. First Army makes first contact with the advancing Russians (25 April)===
# [[:Mizuki Noguchi]]
[[File:Final Operations - 19 April-7 Mai 1945.jpg|300px|thumb|The final operations of the Western Allied armies between 19 April and 7 May 1945 and the change in the Soviet front line over this period.]]
# [[:Joan Benoit]]
# [[:Demétrius Conrado Ferracciú]]
Every unit along the Elbe-Mulde line was anxious to be the first to meet the [[Red Army]]. By the last week of April, it was well known that the Soviets were close, and dozens of American patrols were probing beyond the east bank of the Mulde, hoping to meet them. Elements of the 1st Army's V Corps made first contact. At 11:30 on 25 April, a small patrol from the [[69th Infantry Division (United States)|69th Infantry Division]] met a lone Russian horseman in the village of [[Nünchritz|Leckwitz]]. Several other patrols from the 69th had similar encounters later that day, and on 26 April the division commander, Maj. Gen. [[Emil F. Reinhardt]], met Maj. Gen. [[Vladimir Rusakov]] of the Russian 58th Guards Infantry Division at [[Torgau]] in the first official link-up ceremony. After a nearly flawless thrust through the middle of Germany, the 12th U.S. Army Group had succeeded in splitting Hitler's forces in two.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=30}}
# [[:Valentina Yegorova]]
<!-- Vladimir Rusakov needs a separate link on the disambugation page as only the mexican painter is currently listed -->
# [[:Fatuma Roba]]
# [[:Sebastián Cuattrin]]
25 April is known as [[Elbe Day]].
# [[:Poliana Okimoto]]
# [[:Pampa (voleibolista)]]
===U.S. 6th Army Group heads for Austria===
# [[:André Sá]]
While the 12th U.S. Army Group made its eastward thrust, General Devers′ 6th U.S. Army Group to the south had the dual mission of protecting the 12th U.S. Army Group's right flank and eliminating any German attempt to make a last stand in the Alps of southern Germany and western Austria. To accomplish both objectives, Lt. Gen. [[Alexander Patch]]'s 7th Army on Devers′ left was to make a great arc, first driving northeastward alongside Bradley's flank, then turning south with the 3rd Army to take [[Nuremberg]] and [[Munich]], ultimately continuing into Austria. The French 1st Army—under General [[Jean de Lattre de Tassigny]]—was to attack to the south and southeast, taking [[Stuttgart]] before moving to the Swiss border and into Austria.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=31}}
# [[:Danny Silva]]
# [[:Marta Sobral]]
Initially, the opposition in the 6th U.S. Army Group's sector was stiffer than that facing the 12th U.S. Army Group. The German forces there were simply in less disarray than those to the north. Nevertheless, the 7th Army broke out of its Rhine bridgehead, just south of [[Frankfurt]], on 28 March, employing elements of three corps—the [[XV Corps (United States)|XV Corps]] to the north, the [[XXI Corps (United States)|XXI Corps]] in the center, and the [[VI Corps (United States)|VI Corps]] to the south. The XV Corps′ [[45th Infantry Division (United States)|45th Infantry Division]] fought for six days before taking the city of [[Aschaffenburg]], {{convert|35|mi|km|abbr=on}} east of the Rhine, on 3 April. To the south, elements of the VI Corps met unexpectedly fierce resistance at [[Battle of Heilbronn (1945)|Heilbronn]], {{convert|40|mi|km|abbr=on}} into the German rear. Despite a wide armored thrust to envelop the enemy defenses, it took nine days of intense fighting to bring Heilbronn fully under American control. Still, by 11 April 7th Army had penetrated the German defenses in depth, especially in the north, and was ready to begin its wheeling movement southeast and south. Thus, on 15 April when Eisenhower ordered Patton's entire 3rd Army to drive southeast down the [[Danube]] River valley to [[Linz]], and south to [[Salzburg]] and central Austria, he also instructed the 6th U.S. Army Group to make a similar turn into southern Germany and western Austria.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=31–32}}
# [[:Tyson Gay]]
[[File:3. US Inf.-Div. in Nürnberg, 20.04.1945.jpg|thumb|left|Soldiers of the US [[3rd Infantry Division (United States)|3rd Infantry Division]] in Nuremberg on 20 April]]
# [[:Mario Lemieux]]
# [[:Nyjah Huston]]
Advancing along this new axis the Seventh Army's left rapidly overran [[Bamberg]], over {{convert|100|mi|km|abbr=on}} east of the Rhine, on its way to Nuremberg, about {{convert|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} to the south. [[Battle of Nuremberg (1945)|As its forces reached Nuremberg]] on 16 April, the Seventh Army ran into the same type of anti-aircraft gun defense that the 1st Army was facing at Leipzig. Only on 20 April, after breaching the ring of anti-aircraft guns and fighting house-to-house for the city, its forces took Nuremberg.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=32}}
# [[:Hudson de Souza]]
# [[:Karch Kiraly]]
Following the capture of Nuremberg, the 7th Army discovered little resistance as the XXI Corps′ [[12th Armored Division (United States)|12th Armored Division]] dashed {{convert|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} to the Danube, crossing it on 22 April, followed several days later by the rest of the corps and the XV Corps as well.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=32}}
# [[:João Pina]]
# [[:Diogo Silva]]
Meanwhile, on the 7th Army's right the VI Corps had moved southeast alongside the French 1st Army. In a double envelopment, the French captured Stuttgart on 21 April, and by the next day both the French and the VI Corps had elements on the Danube. Similarly, the 3rd Army on the 6th U.S. Army Group's left flank had advanced rapidly against very little resistance, its lead elements reaching the river on 24 April.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=32}}
# [[:Rubens Donizeti]]
# [[:Mosiah Rodrigues]]
As the 6th U.S. Army Group and the 3rd Army finished clearing southern Germany and approached Austria, it was clear to most observers, Allied and German alike, that the war was nearly over. Many towns flew white flags of surrender to spare themselves the otherwise inevitable destruction suffered by those that resisted, while German troops surrendered by the tens of thousands, sometimes as entire units.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=32}}
# [[:Allan do Carmo]]
# [[:Thiago Pereira]]
===Link-up of U.S. forces in Germany and Italy (4 May)===
# [[:Seleção dos Estados Unidos de Hóquei no Gelo]]
On 30 April, elements of 7th Army's XV and XXI Corps captured Munich, {{convert|30|mi|km|abbr=on}} south of the Danube, while the first elements of its VI Corps had already entered Austria two days earlier. On 4 May, the 3rd Army's V Corps and XII Corps advanced into [[Czechoslovakia]], and units of the VI Corps met elements of the [[Fifth United States Army|U.S. 5th Army]] on the Italian frontier, linking the European and Mediterranean theaters. Also on 4 May, after a shift in inter-army boundaries that placed [[Salzburg]] in the 7th Army sector, that city surrendered to elements of the XV Corps. The XV Corps also captured ''[[Berchtesgaden]]'', the town that would have been Hitler's command post in the [[National Redoubt#Nazi Germany|National Redoubt]]. With all passes to the Alps now sealed, however, there would be no final redoubt in Austria or anywhere else. In a few days the war in Europe would be over.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=32–33}}
# [[:Paula Pequeno]]
# [[:Kaio Márcio de Almeida]]
===British 21st Army Group crosses the Elbe (29 April)===
# [[:Maria Gabriela Diaz]]
[[File:Hamburg Liberation 04.jpg|thumb|A British tank in Hamburg on 4 May]]
# [[:Walter Pérez]]
# [[:Juan Carlos Dasque]]
While the Allied armies in the south marched to the Alps, the 21st Army Group drove north and northeast. The right wing of the British Second Army reached the Elbe southeast of Hamburg on 19 April. Its left fought for a week to capture Bremen, which fell on 26 April. On 29 April, the British made an assault crossing of the Elbe, supported on the following day by the recently reattached XVIII Airborne Corps. The bridgehead expanded rapidly, and by 2 May Lubeck and Wismar, {{convert|40|-|50|mi|km|abbr=on}} beyond the river, were in Allied hands, sealing off the Germans in the [[Jutland Peninsula]].{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=33}}
# [[:Santiago Fernández]]
# [[:Joaquín Iwan]]
On the 21st Army Group's left, one corps of the Canadian 1st Army reached the North Sea near the Dutch-German border on 16 April, while another drove through the central Netherlands, trapping the German forces remaining in that country. However, concerned that the bypassed Germans would flood much of the nation and cause complete famine among a Dutch population already near starvation, Eisenhower approved an agreement with the local enemy commanders to allow the Allies to air-drop food into the country in return for a local ceasefire on the battlefield. The [[Operations Manna and Chowhound|ensuing airdrops]], which began on 29 April,{{sfn|RAF staff|2005|loc=April 1945}} marked the beginning of what was to become a colossal American-led effort to put war-torn Europe back together again.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=33–34}}
# [[:Diego Martín López]]
# [[:Maximiliano Martínez]]
===German surrender (8 May)===
# [[:Horacio Sicilia]]
[[File:Allied army positions on 10 May 1945.png|right|thumb|Final positions of the Allied and Soviet armies, May 1945.]]
# [[:Rodrigo Murillo]]
{{main|End of World War II in Europe}}
# [[:Ariel Suárez]]
# [[:María Gabriela Best]]
By the end of April, the [[Third Reich]] was in tatters. Of the land still under Nazi control almost none was actually in Germany. With his escape route to the south severed by the 12th U.S. Army Group's eastward drive and Berlin surrounded by the Soviets, [[Adolf Hitler]] committed suicide on 30 April, leaving to his successor, Grand Admiral [[Karl Dönitz]], the task of capitulation. After attempting to strike a deal whereby he would surrender only to the western Allies—a proposal that was summarily rejected—on 7 May Dönitz granted his representative, General [[Alfred Jodl]], permission to effect a complete surrender on all fronts. The appropriate documents were signed on the same day and became effective on 8 May. Despite scattered resistance from a few isolated units, the war in Europe was over.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=34}}
# [[:José Meolans]]
# [[:María Abalo]]
# [[:César Cielo]]
[[File:U.S Airfields in Europa as of 8 May 1945.jpg|right|thumb||U.S Airfields in Europe as of 8 May 1945.]]
# [[:Sidney Crosby]]
# [[:Mariana Duque Mariño]]
By the beginning of the Central Europe Campaign, Allied victory in Europe was inevitable. Having gambled his future ability to defend Germany on the [[Battle of the Bulge|Ardennes offensive]] and lost, Hitler had no real strength left to stop the powerful Allied armies. The Allies still had to fight, often bitterly, for victory. Even when the hopelessness of the German situation became obvious to his most loyal subordinates, Hitler refused to admit defeat. Only when Soviet artillery was falling around his Berlin headquarters bunker did he begin to perceive the final outcome.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=34}}
# [[:Mayra Aguiar]]
# [[:Fabiana Murer]]
The crossing of the Rhine, the encirclement and reduction of the Ruhr, and the sweep to the Elbe-Mulde line and the Alps all established the final campaign on the Western Front as a showcase for Allied superiority in maneuver warfare. Drawing on the experience gained during the [[Invasion of Normandy|campaign in Normandy]] and the [[Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine]], the western Allies demonstrated in Central Europe their capability of absorbing the lessons of the past. By attaching mechanized infantry units to armored divisions, they created a hybrid of strength and mobility that served them well in the pursuit warfare through Germany. Key to the effort was the logistical support that kept these forces fueled, and the determination to maintain the forward momentum at all costs. These mobile forces made great thrusts to isolate pockets of German troops, which were mopped up by additional infantry following close behind. The Allies rapidly eroded any remaining ability to resist.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|pp=34–35}}
# [[:Churandy Martina]]
# [[:Vânia Ishii]]
For their part, captured German soldiers often claimed to be most impressed not by American armor or infantry but by the artillery. They frequently remarked on its accuracy and the swiftness of its target acquisition—and especially the prodigious amount of artillery ammunition expended.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=35}}
# [[:Formiga (futebolista)]]
# [[:Kathleen Hersey]]
In retrospect, very few questionable decisions were made concerning the execution of the campaign. For example, Patton potentially could have made his initial Rhine crossing north of Mainz and avoided the losses incurred crossing the Main, while the airborne operation in support of the 21st Army Group's crossing of the Rhine was probably not worth the risk. But these decisions were made in good faith and had little bearing on the ultimate outcome of the campaign. On the whole, Allied plans were excellent as demonstrated by how rapidly they met their objectives. In the end, just as the Red Army's destruction of the ''Wehrmacht'' in the east established the Soviet Union's position as a postwar superpower, so the U.S. Army's leading role in the final conquest of Germany, not only in providing manpower and materiel, but also in terms of strategy and tactics, presaged the important new position the United States would occupy in the postwar world.{{sfn|Bedessem|1996|p=35}}
# [[:Sheilla Castro]]
# [[:Renata Colombo]]
# [[:Maria Borodakova]]
# [[:Yargelis Savigne]]
# [[:Edmundo Zura]]
# [[:Sixto Vizuete]]
* {{cite book |last=Baker |first=Anni P. |year=2004 |title=American Soldiers Overseas: The Global Military Presence |publisher=Praeger |location=Westport, Connecticut |pages=38–39 |isbn=0-275-97354-9 |ref=harv}}
# [[:Tiago Splitter]]
* {{cite book |last=Bedessem |first=Edward M. |url= |title=Central Europe, 22 March – 11 May 1945 |series=CMH Online bookshelves: The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II |publisher=US Army Center of Military History |location=Washington, D.C. |year=1996 |id=CMH Pub 72-36 |isbn=0-16-048136-8 |ref=harv}}
# [[:Andrus Veerpalu]]
* {{cite book |last=Glantz |first=David |title=When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army stopped Hitler |publisher=University Press of Kansas |year=1995 |isbn=0-7006-0899-0}}
# [[:Rebecca Bross]]
* {{cite book |last=Hastings |first=Max |title=Armageddon: The Battle for Germany, 1944–1945 |publisher=Vintage |year=2005 |isbn=0-375-71422-7 |ref=harv}}
# [[:Ivana Hong]]
* {{cite book |editor1-last=Keegan |editor1-first=John |title=The Times Atlas of the Second World War |publisher=Times Books |year=1989 |location=London |isbn=0-7230-0317-3 |ref=harv}}
# [[:Gabriel Mangabeira]]
*{{cite web |author=RAF staff |date=6 April 2005 |url= |chapter=Bomber Command: Campaign Diary: April–May 1945 |title=RAF History - Bomber Command 60th Anniversary |ref=harv |archiveurl=|archivedate=6 July 2007}}
# [[:Seleção Alemã Oriental de Futebol]]
* {{cite video |author=Universal Newsreel staff|year=1945 |title=Video: Allies Overrun Germany Etc. (1945) |url= |publisher=[[Universal Newsreel]] |accessdate =21 February 2012 |ref=harv}}
# [[:Randall Bal]]
* {{cite book |last1=Zaloga |first1=Steve |last2=Dennis |first2=Peter |title=Remagen 1945: Endgame Against the Third Reich |publisher=Osprey Publishing |year=2006 |isbn=1-84603-249-0 |ref=harv}}
# [[:Wlamir Marques]]
* {{cite book |last=Zimmermann |first=John |title=Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg (Vol. 10 Part 1) |publisher=Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt |year=2008 |isbn=978-3-421-06237-6}}
# [[:Josep Guardiola]]
# [[:Carlos Chinin]]
== Ligações externas ==
# [[:Marcelo Elgarten]]
{{Commonscat|Western Allied invasion of Germany}}
# [[:Carolina Valencia]]
# [[:Clodoaldo Silva]]
{{Segunda Guerra Mundial}}
# [[:Vitaly Scherbo]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Western Allied Invasion Of Germany}}
# [[:Alexei Nemov]]
<!-- [[Category:1945 in Germany]]
# [[:Alexandra Orlando]]
[[Category:Conflicts in 1945]]
# [[:William Carvalho da Silva]]
[[Category:World War II invasions]]
# [[:Bruno Mossa de Rezende]]
[[Category:World War II operations and battles of the Western European Theatre]]
# [[:Jéssica Augusto]]
[[Category:Invasions of Germany]] -->
# [[:Sara Moreira]]
# [[:Arnaldo Abrantes]]
# [[:Celestine Babayaro]]
# [[:Taribo West]]
# [[:Serguei Bubka]]
# [[:Dominique Moceanu]]
# [[:Fabiana Beltrame]]
# [[:Gibran Vieira da Cunha]]
# [[:Paulo André Jukoski da Silva]]
# [[:Vince Carter]]
# [[:Renato Leite]]
# [[:Jonathan Edwards (atleta)]]
# [[:Anatoliy Byshovets]]
# [[:Kjetil André Aamodt]]
# [[:Sebastian Coe]]
# [[:Liliane Maestrini]]
# [[:Luciano Corrêa]]
# [[:António Pinto (fundista)]]
# [[:Leila Barros]]
# [[:Betty Robinson]]
# [[:Marcelinho Machado]]
# [[:Daniel Amokachi]]
# [[:Igor Netto]]
# [[:Tetsuo Okamoto]]
# [[:Winglitton Rocha Barros]]
# [[:Marion Jones]]
# [[:Florence Griffith-Joyner]]
# [[:Merlene Ottey]]
# [[:Emmanuel Amunike]]
# [[:Steve Prefontaine]]
# [[:Grete Waitz]]
# [[:Seleção Britânica de Futebol]]
# [[:Jan-Ove Waldner]]
# [[:Ma Lin]]
# [[:Gisele Miró]]
# [[:Fernando Roese]]
# [[:Bob Beamon]]
# [[:Mike Powell]]
# [[:Bode Miller]]
# [[:Marcelo Giardi]]
# [[:Dmitriy Kharin]]
# [[:Bruna Colósio]]
# [[:Eunice Barber]]
# [[:Joana Cortez]]
# [[:Anja Pärson]]
# [[:Nicoleta Daniela Şofronie]]
# [[:Vanessa Ferrari]]
# [[:Sandra Izbaşa]]
# [[:Babe Didrikson]]
# [[:Julia Mancuso]]
# [[:Gustavo Tsuboi]]
# [[:Thiago Monteiro (mesatenista)]]
# [[:Oscar Pistorius]]
# [[:Pierre Womé]]
# [[:Nicolás Almagro]]
# [[:Dawn McEwen]]
# [[:Seleção Peruana de Voleibol Feminino]]
# [[:Fabiana Harumi Sugimori]]
# [[:Henri Michel (futebolista)]]
# [[:Carolina Kostner]]
# [[:Alberto Tomba]]
# [[:Jean-Claude Killy]]
# [[:Seleção do Canadá de Hóquei no Gelo]]
# [[:Micheline Ostermeyer]]
# [[:Hermann Maier]]
# [[:Michael Walchhofer]]
# [[:Gyula Grosics]]
# [[:Mário Sabino Júnior]]
# [[:Renzo Gracie]]
# [[:Vsevolod Bobrov]]
# [[:Peter Luczak]]
# [[:Elisângela Almeida de Oliveira]]
# [[:Fidel Martínez]]
# [[:Paul Hanley]]
# [[:Lindsey Vonn]]
# [[:Maria Isabel Barroso Salgado]]
# [[:Mobi Oparaku]]
# [[:Patrice Abanda]]
# [[:Héctor Scarone]]
# [[:Steve Yzerman]]
# [[:Darius Kasparaitis]]
# [[:Tijani Babangida]]
# [[:Uche Okechukwu]]
# [[:Érika Coimbra]]
# [[:Bárbara Bruch]]
# [[:Sunday Oliseh]]
# [[:Jaromír Jágr]]
# [[:Pedro Arispe]]
# [[:Alfredo Ghierra]]
# [[:Andrés Mazali]]
# [[:Pedro Lima (pugilista)]]
# [[:Iryna Krasnianska]]
# [[:Ludger Beerbaum]]
# [[:Chris Brasher]]
# [[:Togo Renan Soares]]
# [[:Deng Yaping]]
# [[:Noah Ngeny]]
# [[:Maurice Greene]]
# [[:Kong Linghui]]
# [[:Yoo Nam-Kyu]]
# [[:Liu Guoliang]]
# [[:Wang Nan]]
# [[:Katarina Witt]]
# [[:Ricardo Inokuchi]]
# [[:Fiona MacDonald]]
# [[:Sandra Pires (voleibol)]]
# [[:Cristiane Rozeira de Souza Silva]]
# [[:Jim Montgomery]]
# [[:Michael Wenden]]
# [[:Rick DeMont]]
# [[:Brad Cooper]]
# [[:Michelle Akers]]
# [[:Fred Perry]]
# [[:Márcio Araújo (voleibolista de praia)]]
# [[:Manuel Santana]]
# [[:József Bozsik]]
# [[:Waldyr Boccardo]]
# [[:Yane Marques]]
# [[:Wladimir Klitschko]]
# [[:Andreas Krieger]]
# [[:Martina Guiggi]]
# [[:Mark Cavendish]]
# [[:Evgeni Plushenko]]
# [[:Anton Geesink]]
# [[:Michelle Smith]]
# [[:Li Ning]]
# [[:Larissa França]]
# [[:Andressa Fernandes]]
# [[:Érika Miranda]]
# [[:Juliana Silva]]
# [[:Chana Masson]]
# [[:Georgia Bonora]]
# [[:Ariella Kaeslin]]
# [[:Erwann Le Péchoux]]
# [[:Nicholas Santos]]
# [[:Vicente de Lima]]
# [[:André Domingos]]
# [[:Ksenia Semenova]]
# [[:Becky Downie]]
# [[:Lia Parolari]]
# [[:Andréia dos Santos]]
# [[:Kátia Cilene]]
# [[:Daiane Menezes Rodrigues]]
# [[:Grazielle Pinheiro Nascimento]]
# [[:Mônica Angélica de Paula]]
# [[:Kelly Cristina]]
# [[:Juliana Cabral]]
# [[:Shayla Worley]]
# [[:Edvaldo Valério]]
# [[:Carlos Jayme]]
# [[:Constantina Tomescu]]
# [[:Kerri Walsh]]
# [[:Toshihiko Koga]]
# [[:Liu Xiang]]
# [[:Adriana Aparecida dos Santos]]
# [[:Cíntia Silva dos Santos]]
# [[:Helen Cristina Santos Luz]]
# [[:Jennifer Suhr]]
# [[:Janina Conceição]]
# [[:Ricarda Lima]]
# [[:Kátia Lopes]]
# [[:Jovana Brakočević]]
# [[:Juan Antonio Ramos]]
# [[:Marcelo Huertas]]
# [[:Rachel Buehler]]
# [[:Érika Cristiano dos Santos]]
# [[:Maurine Dorneles Gonçalves]]
# [[:Vera Mossa]]
# [[:Alina Kozich]]
# [[:Aleksandr Dityatin]]
# [[:Emiliano Insúa]]
# [[:Ádria Santos]]
# [[:Viktor Chukarin]]
# [[:Daniel Dias]]
# [[:Terezinha Guilhermina]]
# [[:Stellan Bengtsson]]
# [[:Mikael Appelgren]]
# [[:Jörgen Persson]]
# [[:John Akii-Bua]]
# [[:Chen Longcan]]
# [[:Werner Schlager]]
# [[:Lucas Prado]]
# [[:Marcela Lopez]]
# [[:Asami Kitagawa]]
# [[:Joel Casamayor]]
# [[:Hassiba Boulmerka]]
# [[:Talita Antunes]]
# [[:Daniel Adler]]
# [[:Monica Roşu]]
# [[:Rechelle Hawkes]]
# [[:Cathy Freeman]]
# [[:Marian Drăgulescu]]
# [[:Věra Čáslavská]]
# [[:Guilherme Guido]]
# [[:Mahammatkodir Abdoollayev]]
# [[:Robert Garrett (atleta)]]
# [[:Charles Jewtraw]]
# [[:Konstantinos Kenteris]]
# [[:Steve Redgrave]]
# [[:Lucimara Silvestre da Silva]]
# [[:María Isabel Urrutia]]
# [[:Juliana dos Santos]]
# [[:Sabine Heitling]]
# [[:Basílio de Moraes Júnior]]
# [[:Sandro Viana]]
# [[:Fábio da Silva]]
# [[:Roberto Maehler]]
# [[:Guto Campos]]
# [[:Nancy Johnson]]
# [[:Jiang Qiuyan]]
# [[:Boonsak Ponsana]]
# [[:Nobuhiko Hasegawa]]
# [[:Shannon Miller]]
# [[:Tiago de Melo Marinho]]
# [[:Mary Lou Retton]]
# [[:Valeri Liukin]]
# [[:Hong Su-Jong]]
# [[:Dražen Petrović]]
# [[:Mitsuo Tsukahara]]
# [[:Aleksandr Tkachev]]
# [[:Sawao Kato]]
# [[:Nikolai Andrianov]]
# [[:Kyoko Oshima]]
# [[:Erika Zuchold]]
# [[:Josef Martinez]]
# [[:Carl Schuhmann]]
# [[:Billy Mills]]
# [[:Nicolás Navarro]]
# [[:Dean Macey]]
# [[:Oscar de la Hoya]]
# [[:Marianne Timmer]]
# [[:Francis Sullivan]]
# [[:Janusz Kusociński]]
# [[:He Zhili]]
# [[:Dick Fosbury]]
# [[:Maria Olaru]]
# [[:Jürgen Croy]]
# [[:Simona Amânar]]
# [[:Felipe Lima]]
# [[:Naftali Temu]]
# [[:Modeste M'bami]]
# [[:Yukio Endo]]
# [[:Lilia Podkopayeva]]
# [[:Kim Zmeskal]]
# [[:Polina Astakhova]]
# [[:Andreea Răducan]]
# [[:Liu Xuan]]
# [[:Jevgēņijs Saproņenko]]
# [[:Yelena Shushunova]]
# [[:Jordan Jovtchev]]
# [[:Daniela Silivaş]]
# [[:Tiago Apolónia]]
# [[:Rogério Romero]]
# [[:Rodrigo Castro]]
# [[:Luiz Lima]]
# [[:Lauren Mitchell]]
# [[:Dariya Zgoba]]
# [[:Aurelia Dobre]]
# [[:Ecaterina Szabó]]
# [[:Gina Gogean]]
# [[:Jefferson Montero]]
# [[:Seleção Uruguaia de Futsal Masculino]]
# [[:Lisa Wang]]
# [[:Jean-Michel Saive]]
# [[:Mohamed Bahari]]
# [[:Michael Maze]]
# [[:Hadj Belkheir]]
# [[:Rosa Branca (basquetebolista)]]
# [[:Li Ju]]
# [[:Mekhak Ghazaryan]]
# [[:Lin Ju]]
# [[:Liu Song]]
# [[:Geng Lijuan]]
# [[:Ma Wenge]]
# [[:Hilma Caldeira]]
# [[:Wang Tao]]
# [[:Wei Qingguang]]
# [[:Elena Gómez]]
# [[:Gao Jun]]
# [[:Insook Bhushan]]
# [[:David Zhuang]]
# [[:Liu Jia]]
# [[:Wu Xue]]
# [[:Anatoliy Ilyin]]
# [[:Patrick Suffo]]
# [[:Maxi López]]
# [[:Saku Koivu]]
# [[:Joy Fawcett]]
# [[:Kristýna Pálešová]]
# [[:William Ayache]]
# [[:Jury Chechi]]
# [[:Cristóvão Borges]]
# [[:Rashid Ramzi]]
# [[:Seleção Cubana de Voleibol Feminino]]
# [[:Karin Janz]]
# [[:Regiane Bidias]]
# [[:Joyce Silva]]
# [[:Ágnes Keleti]]
# [[:Carol Gattaz]]
# [[:Cornelius Johnson]]
# [[:Nicole Hosp]]
# [[:Ivar Ballangrud]]
# [[:Janica Kostelić]]
# [[:Kamila Skolimowska]]
# [[:Michaela Dorfmeister]]
# [[:Tamara Boroš]]
# [[:Waldemar Blatskauskas]]
# [[:Lars Björkström]]
# [[:Larry James]]
# [[:Nawal El Moutawakel]]
# [[:Nezha Bidouane]]
# [[:Kristina Šmigun-Vähi]]
# [[:Cindy Klassen]]
# [[:Olga Medvedtseva]]
# [[:Martina Beck]]
# [[:Michael Greis]]
# [[:Albina Akhatova]]
# [[:Viktor Ahn]]
# [[:Jin Sun-Yu]]
# [[:Svetlana Ishmouratova]]
# [[:Rhino Page]]
# [[:Jacek Wszoła]]
# [[:Alberto Juantorena]]
# [[:Gabriel Tiacoh]]
# [[:Saïd Aouita]]
# [[:Alberto Cova]]
# [[:Jarmila Kratochvílová]]
# [[:Ajayi Agbebaku]]
# [[:Ginka Zagorcheva]]
# [[:Werner Günthör]]
# [[:Samuel Matete]]
# [[:Lars Riedel]]
# [[:Thierry Vigneron]]
# [[:Silvia Costa]]
# [[:Abdi Bile]]
# [[:Paul Kipkoech]]
# [[:Falilat Ogunkoya]]
# [[:Calvin Smith]]
# [[:Amy Acuff]]
# [[:Tony Jarrett]]
# [[:Seppo Räty]]
# [[:Maria Helena Cardoso]]
# [[:K. C. Jones]]
# [[:Hagen Melzer]]
# [[:Greg Foster]]
# [[:Angela Voigt]]
# [[:Ulf Timmermann]]
# [[:Marlies Göhr]]
# [[:Lyubov Gurina]]
# [[:Marita Koch]]
# [[:Eamonn Coghlan]]
# [[:Michael Franks]]
# [[:Zdzisław Hoffmann]]
# [[:Charles Darley Miller]]
# [[:George Arthur Miller]]
# [[:Patteson Nickalls]]
# [[:Herbert Haydon Wilson]]
# [[:Serguei Fofanoff]]
# [[:Naim Süleymanoğlu]]
# [[:Gwen Torrence]]
# [[:Eronilde Araújo]]
# [[:Frankie Fredericks]]
# [[:Alejandro Casañas]]
# [[:Evan Lysacek]]
# [[:Igor Astapkovich]]
# [[:Hasely Crawford]]
# [[:Achille Piccini]]
# [[:Moses Kiptanui]]
# [[:Pyotr Bolotnikov]]
# [[:Dana Zátopková]]
# [[:Betty Cuthbert]]
# [[:Gail Devers]]
# [[:Ruth Fuchs]]
# [[:Novella Calligaris]]
# [[:Kevin Young]]
# [[:Julius Kariuki]]
# [[:Nadiya Olizarenko]]
# [[:Yumilka Ruiz]]
# [[:Ralph Metcalfe]]
# [[:Juliet Cuthbert]]
# [[:Andrew Valmon]]
# [[:David Neville]]
# [[:Róbert Fazekas]]
# [[:Charles Austin]]
# [[:Nicolas Oliveira]]
# [[:Luiz Rogério Arapiraca]]
# [[:Thomas Schönlebe]]
# [[:Jason Turner]]
# [[:Felipe França]]
# [[:Yekaterina Volkova]]
# [[:Lyudmila Blonska]]
# [[:Domingos Castro]]
# [[:Christine Wachtel]]
# [[:Cornelia Oschkenat]]
# [[:Hannu Siitonen]]
# [[:Bert Cameron]]
# [[:Gaston Roelants]]
# [[:Gisela Mauermayer]]
# [[:Lina Radke]]
# [[:Khalid Skah]]
# [[:Brahim Boutayeb]]
# [[:Miruts Yifter]]
# [[:Valentí Massana]]
# [[:Ioamnet Quintero]]
# [[:Duff Gibson]]
# [[:Ahmed Al Maktoum]]
# [[:Mārtiņš Rubenis]]
# [[:Leonidas Sampanis]]
# [[:Ludmilla Tourischeva]]
# [[:Irina Korzhanenko]]
# [[:Henrietta Ónodi]]
# [[:Svetlana Krivelyova]]
# [[:Olena Olefirenko]]
# [[:Lavinia Miloşovici]]
# [[:Takashi Ono]]
# [[:Marco Kutscher]]
# [[:Daria Joura]]
# [[:Carlotta Giovannini]]
# [[:Shokichi Natsui]]
# [[:Luiz Shinohara]]
# [[:Alexander Shatilov]]
# [[:Anja Brinker]]
# [[:Suzanne Harmes]]
# [[:Amy Chow]]
# [[:Elena Produnova]]
# [[:Guy Drut]]
# [[:Lu Li]]
# [[:Kerri Strug]]
# [[:Tatiana Lysenko]]
# [[:Svetlana Boginskaya]]
# [[:Laura Lepistö]]
# [[:Eva Bosáková]]
# [[:Natalia Kuchinskaya]]
# [[:Ma Yanhong]]
# [[:Tenley Albright]]
# [[:Gillis Grafström]]
# [[:Dominique Dawes]]
# [[:Daniel Komen]]
# [[:Gabriela Potorac]]
# [[:Larissa Petrik]]
# [[:Steven Bradbury]]
# [[:Alisa Camplin]]
# [[:Yang Yang (A)]]
# [[:Jimmy Shea]]
# [[:Samppa Lajunen]]
# [[:Elena Berezhnaya]]
# [[:Anton Sikharulidze]]
# [[:Jamie Salé]]
# [[:David Pelletier]]
# [[:Henrik Lundqvist]]
# [[:Elvira Saadi]]
# [[:Lyubov Burda]]
# [[:Helena Rakoczy]]
# [[:Zoi Dimoschaki]]
# [[:Tatiana Totmianina]]
# [[:Janet Evans]]
# [[:Julianne McNamara]]
# [[:Georg Hettich]]
# [[:Stefania Belmondo]]
# [[:Yuri Titov]]
# [[:Jorge Édson]]
# [[:Gary Payton]]
# [[:Derrick Rose]]
# [[:Simona Păucă]]
# [[:Claudia Presăcan]]
# [[:Hamilton de Souza]]
# [[:William Thoresson]]
# [[:Jack Günthard]]
# [[:Danny Rose]]
# [[:Elisângela Adriano]]
# [[:Paul Hamm]]
# [[:Alberto Braglia]]
# [[:He Ning]]
# [[:Filó (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Ana María Izurieta]]
# [[:Kim Bui]]
# [[:Yuri van Gelder]]
# [[:Youna Dufournet]]
# [[:Nuno Dias]]
# [[:Kurt Thomas]]
# [[:Mattie Larson]]
# [[:Juarez Santos]]
# [[:Lucélia Ribeiro]]
# [[:Karine Ruby]]
# [[:Boris Shakhlin]]
# [[:Vladimir Artemov]]
# [[:Wayman Tisdale]]
# [[:Ava Ohlgren]]
# [[:Albert Azaryan]]
# [[:Naoya Tsukahara]]
# [[:Bart Conner]]
# [[:David Millar]]
# [[:Yelena Mukhina]]
# [[:Stefani Bismpikou]]
# [[:Djan Madruga]]
# [[:Randy Barnes]]
# [[:Yordanka Donkova]]
# [[:Jürgen Schult]]
# [[:Inessa Kravets]]
# [[:Thiago Alves (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Alfonso Negro]]
# [[:Seleção dos Estados Unidos de Voleibol Feminino]]
# [[:Yuriy Sedykh]]
# [[:Seleção Dominicana de Voleibol Feminino]]
# [[:Milagros Cabral]]
# [[:Kieren Perkins]]
# [[:Adilson Nascimento]]
# [[:Alexandre Welter]]
# [[:Amauri Ribeiro]]
# [[:Antônio Carlos Gouveia]]
# [[:Douglas Chiarotti]]
# [[:Janelson Carvalho]]
# [[:Talmo Oliveira]]
# [[:Paul Biedermann]]
# [[:Douglas Brose]]
# [[:Yann Cucherat]]
# [[:Michael Klim]]
# [[:Mitja Petkovšek]]
# [[:Stojan Deltchev]]
# [[:Sarah Sjöström]]
# [[:Manuel Carballo]]
# [[:Rafael Martínez]]
# [[:Tamás Darnyi]]
# [[:Denis Pankratov]]
# [[:Mikhail Voronin]]
# [[:Junya Koga]]
# [[:Natalia Yurchenko]]
# [[:Paulo Guerra (atleta)]]
# [[:Franco Menichelli]]
# [[:Vlasios Maras]]
# [[:Aljaž Pegan]]
# [[:Renate Götschl]]
# [[:Waldemar Baszanowski]]
# [[:Mohammad Nassiri]]
# [[:Lucas Salatta]]
# [[:Imre Földi]]
# [[:Tom Dolan]]
# [[:Tom Jager]]
# [[:Matthias Fahrig]]
# [[:Liam Tancock]]
# [[:Daynara de Paula]]
# [[:Nađa Higl]]
# [[:Ana Flávia Sanglard]]
# [[:José Sylvio Fiolo]]
# [[:Fernando Silva (nadador)]]
# [[:Hannah Miley]]
# [[:Katinka Hosszú]]
# [[:João Luiz Gomes Júnior]]
# [[:Carolina Mussi]]
# [[:Seleção Portorriquenha de Voleibol Feminino]]
# [[:Bruno Bezerra de Menezes Souza]]
# [[:Carlos Ertel]]
# [[:Leonardo Bortolini]]
# [[:Yuri Korolev]]
# [[:Fabiana Diniz]]
# [[:Alexandra Nascimento]]
# [[:Daniela Piedade]]
# [[:Eduarda Amorim]]
# [[:Viviane Jacques]]
# [[:Idalina Mesquita]]
# [[:Marius Urzică]]
# [[:Gemma Spofforth]]
# [[:Kyle Shewfelt]]
# [[:Bob Kurland]]
# [[:Josef Čada]]
# [[:Matt Welsh]]
# [[:Domenico Fioravanti]]
# [[:Muhamed Mujić]]
# [[:Francesca Benolli]]
# [[:Zoltán Magyar]]
# [[:Vladimir Salnikov]]
# [[:Norbert Rózsa]]
# [[:Susie O'Neill]]
# [[:Claudia Poll]]
# [[:Brooke Bennett]]
# [[:Diana Mocanu]]
# [[:Jenny Thompson]]
# [[:Danyon Loader]]
# [[:Amy Van Dyken]]
# [[:Anton Heida]]
# [[:Krisztina Egerszegi]]
# [[:Penelope Heyns]]
# [[:Ágnes Kovács]]
# [[:Jodie Henry]]
# [[:Martín López-Zubero]]
# [[:Jeff Rouse]]
# [[:Michael Gross]]
# [[:Marissa King]]
# [[:João Paulo Batista]]
# [[:Viktor Klimenko]]
# [[:Imogen Cairns]]
# [[:Miroslav Cerar]]
# [[:Brad Bridgewater]]
# [[:Fred Deburghgraeve]]
# [[:Attila Czene]]
# [[:Cristiane Justino]]
# [[:Mike Barrowman]]
# [[:Melvin Stewart]]
# [[:Jani Sievinen]]
# [[:Alfréd Hajós]]
# [[:Ioannis Malokinis]]
# [[:Paul Neumann]]
# [[:Pablo Morales]]
# [[:Rowdy Gaines]]
# [[:Anders Holmertz]]
# [[:Dagmar Hase]]
# [[:Tom Malchow]]
# [[:Ana Cláudia Lemos]]
# [[:Yoshinobu Miyake]]
# [[:Nelson Diebel]]
# [[:Yevgeny Sadovyi]]
# [[:Hollie Vise]]
# [[:Summer Sanders]]
# [[:Fabiano Peçanha]]
# [[:Ashley Postell]]
# [[:Evgenia Artamonova]]
# [[:Regla Torres]]
# [[:Michele Smith]]
# [[:Anna Kotchneva]]
# [[:Duncan Armstrong]]
# [[:Nicole Haislett]]
# [[:Kyoko Iwasaki]]
# [[:Beth Botsford]]
# [[:Anthony Ervin]]
# [[:Anita Nall]]
# [[:Louis Jacob van Zyl]]
# [[:Regla Bell]]
# [[:Katarzyna Skowrońska]]
# [[:Uwe Dassler]]
# [[:Daichi Suzuki]]
# [[:Károly Güttler]]
# [[:Olivinha]]
# [[:Natália Pereira]]
# [[:Ana Tiemi]]
# [[:Adenízia da Silva]]
# [[:Camila Brait]]
# [[:Joe Frazier]]
# [[:Ivan Ivankov]]
# [[:Ryan Brathwaite]]
# [[:Kyriakos Ioannou]]
# [[:Tatiana Navka]]
# [[:Misty Hyman]]
# [[:Yelena Rudkovskaya]]
# [[:Daria Kondakova]]
# [[:Adrian Moorhouse]]
# [[:Clyde Drexler]]
# [[:Pat Borders]]
# [[:Tatiana Kosheleva]]
# [[:Letícia Bufoni]]
# [[:Iurik Vardanian]]
# [[:Tommy Kono]]
# [[:David Riguert]]
# [[:Leon Štukelj]]
# [[:David Oliver]]
# [[:Emilio Correa Bayeux]]
# [[:David Price]]
# [[:Igor Polyansky]]
# [[:Nikos Galis]]
# [[:Philippe Rizzo]]
# [[:Donghua Li]]
# [[:Dina Kochetkova]]
# [[:Szilveszter Csollány]]
# [[:Lavinia Agache]]
# [[:Ethel Catherwood]]
# [[:Ihor Korobchynskyy]]
# [[:Elena Godina]]
# [[:Giorgio Zampori]]
# [[:Alfred Schwarzmann]]
# [[:Konrad Frey]]
# [[:Daniel Keatings]]
# [[:Bob Ctvrtlik]]
# [[:Li Jing]]
# [[:Rick Carey]]
# [[:Steve Lundquist]]
# [[:Seleção Britânica de Futebol Feminino]]
# [[:Yuri Ryazanov]]
# [[:Zoltán Supola]]
# [[:Kohei Uchimura]]
# [[:Eduard Azaryan]]
# [[:György Guczoghy]]
# [[:Andrea Coppolino]]
# [[:Sarah Menezes]]
# [[:Shigeru Kasamatsu]]
# [[:Flavius Koczi]]
# [[:Hakeem Olajuwon]]
# [[:Viktor Kurentsov]]
# [[:Ana Porgras]]
# [[:Klaus Köste]]
# [[:Koji Gushiken]]
# [[:Aleksey Voropayev]]
# [[:Helmut Bantz]]
# [[:Valentina Fiorin]]
# [[:Kent Steffes]]
# [[:Grigory Misutin]]
# [[:Kristi Yamaguchi]]
# [[:Mercedes Coghen]]
# [[:Jan Janssen]]
# [[:Taismary Agüero]]
# [[:Valeri Goncharov]]
# [[:Bárbara Leôncio]]
# [[:Seleção Mexicana de Voleibol Feminino]]
# [[:Valentin Mogilniy]]
# [[:Zinaida Voronina]]
# [[:Akinori Nakayama]]
# [[:Danuţ Grecu]]
# [[:Rui Costa (ciclista)]]
# [[:Maria Filatova]]
# [[:Lillian Board]]
# [[:Sofia Muratova]]
# [[:Bernardo Alves]]
# [[:Antonio McDyess]]
# [[:Florent Piétrus]]
# [[:Kristine Lilly]]
# [[:Tiffeny Milbrett]]
# [[:Garba Lawal]]
# [[:Tamara Manina]]
# [[:Valentin Muratov]]
# [[:Bohdan Makuts]]
# [[:Marcel Lalu]]
# [[:Tamara Lazakovich]]
# [[:Klavdiya Boyarskikh]]
# [[:Ianko Russev]]
# [[:Arkadi Vorobiov]]
# [[:Victor Ikpeba]]
# [[:Catharine Pendrel]]
# [[:Norbert Schemansky]]
# [[:Brendan Christian]]
# [[:Cristina López]]
# [[:Ana Fidelia Quirot]]
# [[:Sheila Espinosa]]
# [[:Lauren Cheney]]
# [[:Kristin Luckenbill]]
# [[:Marc-André Fleury]]
# [[:Ivan Biakov]]
# [[:Zhang Jinjing]]
# [[:Horacio Zeballos]]
# [[:Timo Aaltonen]]
# [[:Sven Kramer]]
# [[:Marcia Frederick]]
# [[:Jaycie Phelps]]
# [[:Cristina Bontaş]]
# [[:Betty Maycock]]
# [[:Theresa Montefusco]]
# [[:Linda Metheny]]
# [[:Cassie Collawn]]
# [[:Sharon Phelps]]
# [[:Florent Amodio]]
# [[:Dale McClements]]
# [[:Avis Tieber]]
# [[:Kathleen Corrigan]]
# [[:Mo Huilan]]
# [[:Doris Fuchs]]
# [[:Joyce Tanac]]
# [[:Marie Walther]]
# [[:Susan McDonnell]]
# [[:Kathy Gleason]]
# [[:Deborah Bailey]]
# [[:Donna Schaenzer]]
# [[:Roxanne Pierce]]
# [[:Kim Chace]]
# [[:Adele Gleaves]]
# [[:Ann Carr]]
# [[:Kolleen Casey]]
# [[:Kathy Howard]]
# [[:Diane Dunbar]]
# [[:Debbie Willcox]]
# [[:Jeanine Creek]]
# [[:Jackie Cassello]]
# [[:Yumi Mordre]]
# [[:Sandro Laina]]
# [[:Lisa Wittwer]]
# [[:Lucy Wener]]
# [[:Tracy Butler]]
# [[:Sabrina Mar]]
# [[:Kristie Phillips]]
# [[:Melissa Marlowe]]
# [[:Kelly Garrison]]
# [[:Stephanie Woods]]
# [[:Chelle Stack]]
# [[:Fernando Lucas Martins]]
# [[:Anastasia Rodionova]]
# [[:Hillary Anderson]]
# [[:Anne Woyernowski]]
# [[:Morgan White]]
# [[:Kayla Williams]]
# [[:Amanda Borden]]
# [[:Tasha Schwikert]]
# [[:Alexandre Yokochi]]
# [[:Amber Trani]]
# [[:Tia Orlando]]
# [[:Eduardo Schwank]]
# [[:Alfredo Foni]]
# [[:Ugo Locatelli]]
# [[:Pietro Rava]]
# [[:Colin Fleming]]
# [[:Allyse Ishino]]
# [[:Marcia Newby]]
# [[:Somdev Devvarman]]
# [[:Simon Ammann]]
# [[:Wolfgang Loitzl]]
# [[:Andreas Kofler]]
# [[:Thomas Morgenstern]]
# [[:Gregor Schlierenzauer]]
# [[:Michael Uhrmann]]
# [[:Martin Schmitt]]
# [[:Muriel Grossfeld]]
# [[:Vassili Alekseiev]]
# [[:Santiago González]]
# [[:Ulrike Richter]]
# [[:Petra Thümer]]
# [[:Kornelia Ender]]
# [[:Brian Goodell]]
# [[:John Naber]]
# [[:Mary T. Meagher]]
# [[:John Hencken]]
# [[:David Wilkie]]
# [[:Tracy Caulkins]]
# [[:Tiffany Cohen]]
# [[:André Lange]]
# [[:George DiCarlo]]
# [[:Jon Sieben]]
# [[:Bruce Furniss]]
# [[:Mike Miller]]
# [[:Emmanuel Babayaro]]
# [[:Ivica Kostelić]]
# [[:Wilson Oruma]]
# [[:Alexandre Bilodeau]]
# [[:Anastasiya Kuzmina]]
# [[:Alexei Grishin]]
# [[:Bente Nordby]]
# [[:Marilena Vlădărău]]
# [[:Brit Sandaune]]
# [[:Gro Espeseth]]
# [[:Hege Riise]]
# [[:Marianne Pettersen]]
# [[:Anita Rapp]]
# [[:Bente Kvitland]]
# [[:Christine Bøe Jensen]]
# [[:Dagny Mellgren]]
# [[:Gøril Kringen]]
# [[:Ingeborg Hovland]]
# [[:Kristin Bekkevold]]
# [[:Margunn Haugenes]]
# [[:Monica Knudsen]]
# [[:Ragnhild Gulbrandsen]]
# [[:Silje Jørgensen]]
# [[:Solveig Gulbrandsen]]
# [[:Unni Lehn]]
# [[:Julie Foudy]]
# [[:Ferenc Bene]]
# [[:Cristina Grigoraş]]
# [[:Carla Overbeck]]
# [[:Shannon MacMillan]]
# [[:Carin Jennings-Gabarra]]
# [[:Mary Harvey]]
# [[:Staci Wilson]]
# [[:Tiffany Roberts]]
# [[:Tisha Venturini]]
# [[:LaMarcus Aldridge]]
# [[:Ekaterina Kurbatova]]
# [[:Anna Myzdrikova]]
# [[:Kim Yuna]]
# [[:Antonio López Herranz]]
# [[:Yasuhiro Yamashita]]
# [[:Svetlana Klyukina]]
# [[:Arazay Jova]]
# [[:Yvonne Tousek]]
# [[:Paul Drayton]]
# [[:Henry Wittenberg]]
# [[:Steven Holcomb]]
# [[:Daisuke Takahashi]]
# [[:Guy Lacombe]]
# [[:Chris Cole]]
# [[:Hermann Weingärtner]]
# [[:Alfred Flatow]]
# [[:Louis Zutter]]
# [[:Ioannis Mitropoulos]]
# [[:Nikolaos Andriakopoulos]]
# [[:Tina Maze]]
# [[:Launceston Elliot]]
# [[:Clara Guerrero Londoño]]
# [[:Angélica Kvieczynski]]
# [[:Stefan Topurov]]
# [[:Maria Gorokhovskaya]]
# [[:Nikolai Kryukov]]
# [[:Stella Zakharova]]
# [[:Jesús Carballo]]
# [[:Joseph Lux]]
# [[:Natalia Ziganchina]]
# [[:Shuji Tsurumi]]
# [[:Eugen Mack]]
# [[:Viggo Jensen]]
# [[:Ricardo Navajas]]
# [[:Lyudmila Grebenkova]]
# [[:Peter Vidmar]]
# [[:Savino Guglielmetti]]
# [[:Kevin Martin (curler)]]
# [[:Eve Muirhead]]
# [[:Jennifer Jones (curling)]]
# [[:Elena Grudneva]]
# [[:Yulia Lozhecko]]
# [[:John Davis (halterofilista)]]
# [[:Marine Debauve]]
# [[:Anna Grudko]]
# [[:Katherine Teft]]
# [[:Kim Gwang Suk]]
# [[:Rozalia Galiyeva]]
# [[:Mary Beth Arnold]]
# [[:DeMar DeRozan]]
# [[:Stephen Curry]]
# [[:Carlos Cabezas]]
# [[:Fan Ye]]
# [[:Barbara Ann Scott]]
# [[:Jackie Joyner-Kersee]]
# [[:Hayley Wickenheiser]]
# [[:Melanie Robillard]]
# [[:Nancy Greene]]
# [[:Tilly Fleischer]]
# [[:Reggie Walker]]
# [[:Margitta Gummel]]
# [[:Lori Fung]]
# [[:Oleksandra Tymoshenko]]
# [[:Carmen Rischer]]
# [[:Aliya Garayeva]]
# [[:Millon Wolde]]
# [[:Aliya Yussupova]]
# [[:Theodoros Papaloukas]]
# [[:Ioannis Bourousis]]
# [[:Nikolaos Zisis]]
# [[:Vassilis Spanoulis]]
# [[:Maria Gigova]]
# [[:Maria Petrova (ginasta)]]
# [[:Tatiana Nabieva]]
# [[:Natalia Lavrova]]
# [[:Herma Bauma]]
# [[:Sofoklis Schortsanitis]]
# [[:Dimitris Diamantidis]]
# [[:Thomas Munkelt]]
# [[:Gaston Reiff]]
# [[:Martina Sáblíková]]
# [[:Herb Elliott]]
# [[:Karin Balzer]]
# [[:Charles Bennett]]
# [[:Meyer Prinstein]]
# [[:Armando Costa]]
# [[:Kim Collins]]
# [[:Bevil Rudd]]
# [[:Sid Atkinson]]
# [[:Esther Brand]]
# [[:Olga Shishigina]]
# [[:Percy Williams]]
# [[:Erki Nool]]
# [[:María Irigoyen]]
# [[:Jonas Mačiulis]]
# [[:Mikio Oda]]
# [[:Naoto Tajima]]
# [[:Chuhei Nambu]]
# [[:John Jesus Flanagan]]
# [[:Étienne Desmarteau]]
# [[:Eric Lemming]]
# [[:Ibolya Csák]]
# [[:Rudolf Bauer]]
# [[:Wyndham Halswelle]]
# [[:Teresa Machado]]
# [[:Kelly Holmes]]
# [[:Tatyana Kazankina]]
# [[:Godfrey Rampling]]
# [[:Bärbel Wöckel]]
# [[:Lutz Dombrowski]]
# [[:Gerd Wessig]]
# [[:Ilke Wyludda]]
# [[:Heike Henkel]]
# [[:Volker Beck (atleta)]]
# [[:Edwin Moses]]
# [[:Mohammed Gammoudi]]
# [[:Martin Sheridan]]
# [[:Colette Besson]]
# [[:Kipchoge Keino]]
# [[:Ugo Frigerio]]
# [[:Karl Hein]]
# [[:Gerhard Stöck]]
# [[:Irena Szewińska]]
# [[:Johanna Schaller]]
# [[:Martina Hellmann]]
# [[:Rune Glifberg]]
# [[:Luo Li]]
# [[:Petra Felke]]
# [[:Ling Jie]]
# [[:Sigrun Wodars]]
# [[:Inese Jaunzeme]]
# [[:Kui Yuanyuan]]
# [[:Jean Galfione]]
# [[:Steve Ovett]]
# [[:Tessa Sanderson]]
# [[:Yevgenia Polyakova]]
# [[:Hans Woellke]]
# [[:Oksana Omelianchik]]
# [[:Corina Ungureanu]]
# [[:Wolfgang Nordwig]]
# [[:Annelie Ehrhardt]]
# [[:Konstantinos Tsiklitiras]]
# [[:Halina Konopacka]]
# [[:Albert Zürner]]
# [[:Hjalmar Johansson]]
# [[:Margareta Johanson]]
# [[:Didier Défago]]
# [[:Giuliano Razzoli]]
# [[:Elena Piskun]]
# [[:Isabelle Severino]]
# [[:Józef Szmidt]]
# [[:Monika Zehrt]]
# [[:George Orton]]
# [[:Dorothy Poynton-Hill]]
# [[:Sarah Hughes]]
# [[:Dagmar Käsling]]
# [[:Oksana Baiul]]
# [[:Rita Kühne]]
# [[:Tara Lipinski]]
# [[:Helga Seidler]]
# [[:Arthur Wint]]
# [[:Karl Schäfer]]
# [[:Ingrid Krämer]]
# [[:Erik Adlerz]]
# [[:Alonzo Babers]]
# [[:Antonio McKay]]
# [[:Emilio Correa]]
# [[:Ed Sanders]]
# [[:Ulrika Knape]]
# [[:Dirk Van Tichelt]]
# [[:Armas Taipale]]
# [[:Herma Szabo]]
# [[:Thomas Curtis]]
# [[:Ellery Clark]]
# [[:Bob Webster]]
# [[:Samuel Lee]]
# [[:Sjoukje Dijkstra]]
# [[:Carol Heiss]]
# [[:Anett Pötzsch]]
# [[:Mari Paraíba]]
# [[:Aileen Riggin]]
# [[:Megan Neyer]]
# [[:Fu Mingxia]]
# [[:Gao Min]]
# [[:Jeannette Altwegg]]
# [[:Xiong Ni]]
# [[:Peggy Fleming]]
# [[:Beatrix Schuba]]
# [[:Dorothy Hamill]]
# [[:Pertti Karppinen]]
# [[:Raquel da Silva]]
# [[:Karin Rodrigues (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Zhou Jihong]]
# [[:Dick Button]]
# [[:Irina Kalinina]]
# [[:Victoria Draves]]
# [[:Klaus Dibiasi]]
# [[:Dmitry Sautin]]
# [[:Joaquín Capilla]]
# [[:Ilia Kulik]]
# [[:Alexander Belostenny]]
# [[:Alexei Urmanov]]
# [[:Viktor Petrenko]]
# [[:Brian Boitano]]
# [[:Scott Hamilton (patinador)]]
# [[:George Goulding]]
# [[:Bobby Kerr]]
# [[:Xenia Stad-de Jong]]
# [[:Manuela Machado]]
# [[:Gustav Flatow]]
# [[:Georg Hilmar]]
# [[:Conrad Böcker]]
# [[:Fritz Hofmann]]
# [[:Karl Neukirch]]
# [[:Fritz Manteuffel]]
# [[:Richard Röstel]]
# [[:Gustav Schuft]]
# [[:Roman Kostomarov]]
# [[:Gustave Sandras]]
# [[:Adolf Spinnler]]
# [[:Tessa Virtue]]
# [[:Scott Moir]]
# [[:Siegrun Siegl]]
# [[:Brigitte McMahon]]
# [[:Julius Lenhart]]
# [[:Andreea Isărescu]]
# [[:Loredana Boboc]]
# [[:Philip Kassel]]
# [[:Max Hess]]
# [[:Ernst Reckeweg]]
# [[:John Grieb]]
# [[:George Eyser]]
# [[:Thomas Kiely]]
# [[:Kate Allen]]
# [[:Galina Zybina]]
# [[:Gustaf Lindblom]]
# [[:Carla Bodendorf]]
# [[:Herman Glass]]
# [[:Christina Lathan]]
# [[:Edward Hennig]]
# [[:Fanny Rosenfeld]]
# [[:Robert Esmie]]
# [[:Ingrid Auerswald]]
# [[:Romy Müller]]
# [[:Shirley Strickland]]
# [[:Carl Bertilsson]]
# [[:Hjalmar Cedercrona]]
# [[:Andreas Cervin]]
# [[:Rudolf Degermark]]
# [[:Rodney Milburn]]
# [[:Carl Folcker]]
# [[:Juho Saaristo]]
# [[:Elmer Niklander]]
# [[:Francesco Panetta]]
# [[:Silke Möller]]
# [[:Sven Forssman]]
# [[:Erik Granfelt]]
# [[:Carl Hårleman]]
# [[:Nils Hellsten]]
# [[:Gunnar Höjer]]
# [[:Arvid Holmberg]]
# [[:Carl Holmberg]]
# [[:Paavo Yrjölä]]
# [[:Arthémon Hatungimana]]
# [[:Oswald Holmberg]]
# [[:Hugo Jahnke]]
# [[:Johan Jarlén]]
# [[:Tapio Rautavaara]]
# [[:Gustaf Johnsson]]
# [[:Rolf Johnsson]]
# [[:Nils von Kantzow]]
# [[:Leonard Peterson]]
# [[:Sven Landberg]]
# [[:Ghada Shouaa]]
# [[:Edgar Aabye]]
# [[:Jay Gould II]]
# [[:August Nilsson]]
# [[:Eugen Schmidt]]
# [[:Gustaf Söderström]]
# [[:Charles Jacobus]]
# [[:Karl Staaf]]
# [[:Charles Winckler]]
# [[:Oscar Olson]]
# [[:Sidney Johnson]]
# [[:Henry Seiling]]
# [[:Conrad Magnusson]]
# [[:Patrick Flanagan]]
# [[:Evan Noel]]
# [[:Emil Voigt (atleta)]]
# [[:Arnold Jackson]]
# [[:Melvin Sheppard]]
# [[:Mao Asada]]
# [[:Hayes Alan Jenkins]]
# [[:David Jenkins (patinador)]]
# [[:Manfred Schnelldorfer]]
# [[:Wolfgang Schwarz]]
# [[:Ondrej Nepela]]
# [[:John Curry]]
# [[:Éverton Lopes]]
# [[:Robin Cousins]]
# [[:Maxim Marinin]]
# [[:Zhao Hongbo]]
# [[:Shen Xue]]
# [[:Tommie Smith]]
# [[:John Jacob Astor (jogador de raquetes)]]
# [[:Oksana Kazakova]]
# [[:Artur Dmitriev]]
# [[:Natalia Mishkutenok]]
# [[:Vane Pennell]]
# [[:Maria Petrova (patinadora)]]
# [[:Takeshi Miura]]
# [[:Hassan El Kashief]]
# [[:Gaston Aumoitte]]
# [[:Georges Johin]]
# [[:Cherétien Waydelich]]
# [[:Emile Thubron]]
# [[:Isaac Thomas Thornycroft]]
# [[:Bernard Redwood]]
# [[:John Field-Richards]]
# [[:Marit Bjørgen]]
# [[:Noureddine Morceli]]
# [[:Olle Lanner]]
# [[:Axel Ljung]]
# [[:Nouria Mérah-Benida]]
# [[:Amy Williams]]
# [[:Osvald Moberg]]
# [[:Carl Martin Norberg]]
# [[:Erik Norberg]]
# [[:Marina Anissina]]
# [[:Gwendal Peizerat]]
# [[:Tor Norberg]]
# [[:Axel Norling]]
# [[:Daniel Norling]]
# [[:Gösta Olson]]
# [[:Oksana Grishuk]]
# [[:Evgeny Platov]]
# [[:Marina Klimova]]
# [[:Sergei Ponomarenko]]
# [[:Gina Mambrú]]
# [[:Martín Fiz]]
# [[:Natalia Bestemianova]]
# [[:Andrei Bukin]]
# [[:Sven Rosén]]
# [[:Jayne Torvill]]
# [[:Christopher Dean]]
# [[:Gustaf Rosenquist]]
# [[:Axel Sjöblom]]
# [[:Birger Sörvik]]
# [[:Marco Fortes]]
# [[:Allan Wells]]
# [[:Werner Schildhauer]]
# [[:Natalia Linichuk]]
# [[:Gennadi Karponossov]]
# [[:Lyudmila Pakhomova]]
# [[:Aleksandr Gorshkov]]
# [[:Haakon Sörvik]]
# [[:Karl Johan Svensson]]
# [[:Karl Gustaf Vinqvist]]
# [[:Nils Widforss]]
# [[:Ekaterina Gordeeva]]
# [[:Sergei Grinkov]]
# [[:Amelia Racea]]
# [[:Zygmunt Smalcerz]]
# [[:Alexandr Voronin]]
# [[:Kanibek Osmonaliev]]
# [[:Zeng Guoqiang]]
# [[:Sevdalin Marinov]]
# [[:Ivan Ivanov]]
# [[:Joseph DePietro]]
# [[:Ivan Udodov]]
# [[:Jörg Drehmel]]
# [[:Charles Vinci]]
# [[:Alexei Vakhonin]]
# [[:Norair Nurikian]]
# [[:Helene Engelmann]]
# [[:Alfred Berger]]
# [[:Andrée Brunet]]
# [[:Pierre Brunet (patinador)]]
# [[:Maxi Herber]]
# [[:Ernst Baier]]
# [[:Micheline Lannoy]]
# [[:Wu Shude]]
# [[:Pierre Baugniet]]
# [[:Ria Baran]]
# [[:Paul Falk]]
# [[:Oksen Mirzoian]]
# [[:Alexandr Kurinov]]
# [[:Frans De Haes]]
# [[:Sissy Schwarz]]
# [[:Kurt Oppelt]]
# [[:Barbara Wagner]]
# [[:Robert Paul (patinador)]]
# [[:Alexandr Kurlovitch]]
# [[:Ludmila Belousova]]
# [[:Oleg Protopopov]]
# [[:Irina Rodnina]]
# [[:Alexander Zaitsev (patinador)]]
# [[:Alexei Ulanov]]
# [[:Elena Valova]]
# [[:Oleg Vasiliev]]
# [[:Akakios Kakiasvilis]]
# [[:Louis Hostin]]
# [[:Leonid Jabotinski]]
# [[:Zhan Xugang]]
# [[:Sónia Tavares (atleta)]]
# [[:Vincent Kipruto]]
# [[:Mubarak Hassan Shami]]
# [[:Gashaw Asfaw]]
# [[:Ambesse Tolosa]]
# [[:Nikolaj Pešalov]]
# [[:Ronny Weller]]
# [[:Peter George]]
# [[:József Szabó]]
# [[:Silke Hörner]]
# [[:David Lee (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Carlo Galimberti]]
# [[:Isaac Berger]]
# [[:Joe Ingles]]
# [[:Nicu Vlad]]
# [[:Antônio Carlos Barbosa]]
# [[:Timur Taimazov]]
# [[:Israel Militossian]]
# [[:Rudolf Ismayr]]
# [[:Ko Jeong-woon]]
# [[:Oscar Osthoff]]
# [[:Tania Dangalakova]]
# [[:Caitlyn Jenner]]
# [[:Iuri Vlassov]]
# [[:Leonid Taranenko]]
# [[:Jercy Puello Ortiz]]
# [[:Jaime Gómez Ardila]]
# [[:Manuel Otalora Ortiz]]
# [[:Kelly Martínez Taborda]]
# [[:Jorge Cifuentes Méndez]]
# [[:Pablo Lara]]
# [[:Chun Byung-Kwan]]
# [[:Jaan Talts]]
# [[:Hans Haas]]
# [[:Alfred Neuland]]
# [[:Pierino Gabetti]]
# [[:Martha Ramírez Cardona]]
# [[:Pedro Causil Rojas]]
# [[:Trofim Lomakin]]
# [[:Jorge Reyes Aguilar]]
# [[:Andrés Muñoz Franco]]
# [[:Ievgueni Minaiev]]
# [[:Péter Baczakó]]
# [[:Ibrahim Shams]]
# [[:Josef Straßberger]]
# [[:Jaroslav Skobla]]
# [[:Anthony Terlazzo]]
# [[:Ireneusz Paliński]]
# [[:Alexei Petrov]]
# [[:Andrei Tchemerkin]]
# [[:Francesco Gabriotti]]
# [[:Annibale Frossi]]
# [[:Giuseppe Baldo]]
# [[:Sergio Bertoni]]
# [[:Carlo Biagi]]
# [[:Giulio Cappelli]]
# [[:Libero Marchini]]
# [[:Luigi Scarabello]]
# [[:Bruno Venturini]]
# [[:Stanley Stanczyk]]
# [[:Anatoli Khrapati]]
# [[:Matti Nykänen]]
# [[:Anna Le Moine]]
# [[:Anette Norberg]]
# [[:Eva Lund]]
# [[:Cathrine Lindahl]]
# [[:Ulrika Bergman]]
# [[:Carrie Steinseifer]]
# [[:Mary Wayte]]
# [[:Theresa Andrews]]
# [[:Jolanda de Rover]]
# [[:Petra van Staveren]]
# [[:Anne Ottenbrite]]
# [[:Michael O'Brien]]
# [[:Jörg Woithe]]
# [[:Bengt Baron]]
# [[:Sándor Wladár]]
# [[:Sergey Kopliakov]]
# [[:Duncan Goodhew]]
# [[:Pär Arvidsson]]
# [[:Ines Diers]]
# [[:Michelle Ford]]
# [[:Sergey Fesenko]]
# [[:Aleksandr Sidorenko]]
# [[:Lina Kačiušytė]]
# [[:Ines Geissler]]
# [[:Robertas Žulpa]]
# [[:Matt Vogel]]
# [[:Mike Bruner]]
# [[:Rod Strachan]]
# [[:Hannelore Anke]]
# [[:Henri Gance]]
# [[:João Gonçalves Filho]]
# [[:Josefa Fabíola de Souza]]
# [[:Lisa Fernandez]]
# [[:Linford Christie]]
# [[:Talal Mansour]]
# [[:Estela Giménez]]
# [[:Shane Gould]]
# [[:Géza Maróczy]]
# [[:Nicolas Alnoudji]]
# [[:Daniel Ngom Kome]]
# [[:Seleção Brasileira de Futebol de cinco Masculino]]
# [[:Vadim Tishchenko]]
# [[:Christophe Lemaitre]]
# [[:Mário Júnior]]
# [[:Leandro Vissotto Neves]]
# [[:Sidão]]
# [[:Marina Koshevaya]]
# [[:Andrea Pollack]]
# [[:Ulrike Tauber]]
# [[:William Hirons]]
# [[:Frederick Goodfellow]]
# [[:Edward Barrett]]
# [[:Roland Matthes]]
# [[:Aleksandr Volkov (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Sigvard Sivertsen]]
# [[:Thomas Thorstensen]]
# [[:Khadr Sayed El Touni]]
# [[:Mike Burton]]
# [[:Nobutaka Taguchi]]
# [[:Gunnar Larsson]]
# [[:Debbie Meyer]]
# [[:Päivi Alafrantti]]
# [[:Arto Bryggare]]
# [[:Eero Berg]]
# [[:Sandra Neilson]]
# [[:Melissa Belote]]
# [[:Keena Rothhammer]]
# [[:Catherine Carr]]
# [[:Júlio Almeida]]
# [[:Sari Essayah]]
# [[:Aki Heikkinen]]
# [[:Mikko Hietanen]]
# [[:Janne Holmén]]
# [[:Matti Järvinen]]
# [[:Verner Järvinen]]
# [[:Pentti Kahma]]
# [[:Elias Katz]]
# [[:Petri Keskitalo]]
# [[:Kimmo Kinnunen]]
# [[:Valentin Kononen]]
# [[:Teodor Koskenniemi]]
# [[:Eero Lehtonen]]
# [[:Bernardo Ferreira]]
# [[:Borislav Guidikov]]
# [[:Heikki Liimatainen]]
# [[:Antti Loikkanen]]
# [[:Väinö Muinonen]]
# [[:Iuri Zakharevitch]]
# [[:Jonni Myyrä]]
# [[:Pauli Nevala]]
# [[:Aki Parviainen]]
# [[:Joseph Guillemot]]
# [[:Olga Bondarenko]]
# [[:Antonio Pettigrew]]
# [[:Harold Connolly]]
# [[:Dawn Fraser]]
# [[:Murray Rose]]
# [[:José Luis González (atleta)]]
# [[:Bruno Fratus]]
# [[:Nick Winter]]
# [[:John Winter]]
# [[:Armin Hary]]
# [[:Walter Mahlendorf]]
# [[:Pavel Kuznetsov]]
# [[:Lily Kronberger]]
# [[:Assen Zlatev]]
# [[:Meryl Davis]]
# [[:Charlie White]]
# [[:Renate Stecher]]
# [[:Igor Paklin]]
# [[:Patrik Sjöberg]]
# [[:Carlos Nuno Calado]]
# [[:Okkert Brits]]
# [[:Gueorgui Markov]]
# [[:Galabin Boevski]]
# [[:Nizami Paşayev]]
# [[:Fernanda Garay]]
# [[:Bernd Cullmann]]
# [[:Martin Lauer]]
# [[:Willi Holdorf]]
# [[:Christoph Höhne]]
# [[:Marjorie Jackson]]
# [[:Astrid Kumbernuss]]
# [[:Richmond Landon]]
# [[:Charles Paddock]]
# [[:Daniel Plaza]]
# [[:Vénuste Niyongabo]]
# [[:Iolanda Balaş]]
# [[:Chioma Ajunwa]]
# [[:Amos Biwott]]
# [[:Lauri Lehtinen]]
# [[:Klaus Wolfermann]]
# [[:Pekka Vasala]]
# [[:Danielle Zangrando]]
# [[:Artur Partyka]]
# [[:Israil Arsamakov]]
# [[:Jerzy Gorgoń]]
# [[:Lesław Ćmikiewicz]]
# [[:Kazimierz Kmiecik]]
# [[:Ismael Kirui]]
# [[:Roseli Feitosa]]
# [[:Rafael Mineiro (basquetebolista)]]
# [[:Beverley Whitfield]]
# [[:Mayumi Aoki]]
# [[:Karen Moe]]
# [[:Gail Neall]]
# [[:Zsuzsanna Jakabos]]
# [[:Luis Delís]]
# [[:Don McKenzie]]
# [[:Charles Hickcox]]
# [[:Felipe Muñoz]]
# [[:Carl Robie]]
# [[:Imrich Bugár]]
# [[:Rudy Gay]]
# [[:Eric Gordon]]
# [[:Miloš Teodosić]]
# [[:Nemanja Bjelica]]
# [[:Stefan Marković]]
# [[:Dušan Ivković]]
# [[:Felipe Kitadai]]
# [[:John Powell (atleta)]]
# [[:Mac Wilkins]]
# [[:Robert Farah Maksoud]]
# [[:Fernando Pereira de Freitas]]
# [[:Roberto Moya]]
# [[:Romas Ubartas]]
# [[:Félix Savón]]
# [[:Liao Hui]]
# [[:Kaarlo Kangasniemi]]
# [[:Stefan Botev]]
# [[:Sebastiano Mannironi]]
# [[:Tang Lingsheng]]
# [[:Pietro Mennea]]
# [[:Mária Takács]]
# [[:Francis Crippen]]
# [[:Anna Dementyeva]]
# [[:Keith Connor]]
# [[:Frank Emmelmann]]
# [[:Adam Gnatov]]
# [[:Dito Chanidze]]
# [[:Mladen Kutchev]]
# [[:Mukharbi Kirjinov]]
# [[:Karel Lismont]]
# [[:Aliona Savchenko]]
# [[:Robin Szolkowy]]
# [[:Galina Malchugina]]
# [[:Sultan Rakhmanov]]
# [[:Valeri Chari]]
# [[:Esmeralda Garcia]]
# [[:Petra Schersing]]
# [[:Iordan Mitkov]]
# [[:Iordan Bikov]]
# [[:Harald Schmid]]
# [[:Fiodor Bogdanovski]]
# [[:Valeriy Borzov]]
# [[:Shirley Babashoff]]
# [[:Douglas Russell]]
# [[:Markus Ryffel]]
# [[:Hristo Markov]]
# [[:Renaldo Nehemiah]]
# [[:Maksim Tarasov]]
# [[:Dmitri Markov]]
# [[:Maricica Puică]]
# [[:Christina Heinich]]
# [[:Jörg Bruder]]
# [[:Luciano Sušanj]]
# [[:Bob Hayes]]
# [[:Eizō Kenmotsu]]
# [[:Takuji Hayata]]
# [[:Haruhiro Yamashita]]
# [[:Mike Conley]]
# [[:Britton Chance]]
# [[:Ilona Gusenbauer]]
# [[:Ernest Cadine]]
# [[:Maria Perepelkina]]
# [[:Svetlana Kryuchkova]]
# [[:Nataliya Goncharova]]
# [[:Evgeniya Startseva]]
# [[:Yulia Merkulova]]
# [[:Filippo Bottino]]
# [[:Ota Zaremba]]
# [[:Megumi Kurihara]]
# [[:Fermín Cacho]]
# [[:Sara Simeoni]]
# [[:Sharon Wichman]]
# [[:Claudia Kolb]]
# [[:Ada Kok]]
# [[:Perikles Kakousis]]
# [[:Arvydas Janonis]]
# [[:Steve Backley]]
# [[:Allen Johnson]]
# [[:Sam Graddy]]
# [[:Franz Andrysek]]
# [[:Maurizio Damilano]]
# [[:Raymond Suvigny]]
# [[:Mahmoud Fayad]]
# [[:Ibrahim Ismail]]
# [[:Abderrahmane Hammad]]
# [[:Steinar Hoen]]
# [[:Rafael Tchimichkian]]
# [[:Nikolai Kolesnikov]]
# [[:Viktor Mazin]]
# [[:Edmond Decottignies]]
# [[:Kurt Helbig]]
# [[:Stephanie Graf]]
# [[:Ana Beatriz Bulcão]]
# [[:René Duverger]]
# [[:Robert Emmiyan]]
# [[:Gert Weil]]
# [[:Thomas Wessinghage]]
# [[:Ximena Restrepo]]
# [[:Irina Privalova]]
# [[:Māris Bružiks]]
# [[:Christiane Fürst]]
# [[:Manon Flier]]
# [[:Daniel Sangouma]]
# [[:Robert Fein]]
# [[:Anwar Mesbah]]
# [[:Toni Sailer]]
# [[:Lucas Saatkamp]]
# [[:Jean-Charles Trouabal]]
# [[:Igor Ribak]]
# [[:Ileana Silai]]
# [[:Viktor Buchuiev]]
# [[:Piotr Korol]]
# [[:Roger François]]
# [[:Frank Spellman]]
# [[:John Regis]]
# [[:Olabisi Afolabi]]
# [[:Hans Zdražila]]
# [[:Tudor Casapu]]
# [[:Charles Rigoulot]]
# [[:El Sayed Nosseir]]
# [[:Leif Jenssen]]
# [[:Raluca Haidu]]
# [[:Giuseppe Tonani]]
# [[:Josef Manger]]
# [[:Chen Weiqiang]]
# [[:Yao Jingyuan]]
# [[:Karl-Heinz Radschinsky]]
# [[:Petre Becheru]]
# [[:Rolf Milser]]
# [[:Norberto Oberburger]]
# [[:Hossein Tavakoli]]
# [[:Viktor Tregubov]]
# [[:Milen Dobrev]]
# [[:Rudolf Plukfelder]]
# [[:Boris Selitski]]
# [[:Vladimir Golovanov]]
# [[:Andon Nikolov]]
# [[:Iuri Zaitsev]]
# [[:Paul Edward Anderson]]
# [[:Dean Lukin]]
# [[:Iurik Sarkissian]]
# [[:Pawina Thongsuk]]
# [[:Thorvald Strömberg]]
# [[:Margareta Kozuch]]
# [[:Simona Gioli]]
# [[:Daniel Alfredsson]]
# [[:Trischa Zorn]]
# [[:Ildikó Rejtő]]
# [[:Eleonora Lo Bianco]]
# [[:Pavel Kolchin]]
# [[:Yusidey Silié]]
# [[:Alexandra Meissnitzer]]
# [[:DeMarcus Cousins]]
# [[:Drew Doughty]]
# [[:Daniela Polzin]]
# [[:Vanessa Zambotti]]
# [[:Javier Guédez]]
# [[:Yoana Palacios]]
# [[:Katja Seizinger]]
# [[:Pedro Otas]]
# [[:Alexandra Raisman]]
# [[:Zhang Jie]]
# [[:Nancy Carrillo]]
# [[:Matheus Costa Dias]]
# [[:Daniel Bekono]]
# [[:Aaron Nguimbat]]
# [[:Serguei Sirtsov]]
# [[:Isabella Lacerda]]
# [[:Natalya Lisovskaya]]
# [[:Győző Veres]]
# [[:Kim Staelens]]
# [[:Marc Huster]]
# [[:Valerios Leonidis]]
# [[:Hafiz Süleymanoğlu]]
# [[:Nuria Cabanillas]]
# [[:Willie Davenport]]
# [[:Paul Ereng]]
# [[:Robinson Canó]]
# [[:Jan Henne]]
# [[:Kaye Hall]]
# [[:Raelene Boyle]]
# [[:Shaun White]]
# [[:Ana Marcela Cunha]]
# [[:Edson Bispo dos Santos]]
# [[:Elena Naimushina]]
# [[:Ioannis Melissanidis]]
# [[:Olga Mostepanova]]
# [[:Igors Vihrovs]]
# [[:Dosu Joseph]]
# [[:Joana Ramos]]
# [[:Alessandro Lambruschini]]
# [[:Natalia Skakun]]
# [[:Quincy Watts]]
# [[:Igor Ter-Ovanesyan]]
# [[:Iván Pedroso]]
# [[:Tara Nott]]
# [[:Karsten Kobs]]
# [[:Soraya Jiménez]]
# [[:Sergey Litvinov]]
# [[:Juan Cruz Mascia]]
# [[:Samardo Samuels]]
# [[:João Vítor de Oliveira]]
# [[:Doris Maletzki]]
# [[:Karl-Hans Riehm]]
# [[:Diane Dixon]]
# [[:Heinz Weis]]
# [[:Andrey Abduvaliyev]]
# [[:Yang Xia]]
# [[:Lance Deal]]
# [[:Javier Moracho]]
# [[:Valerie Brisco-Hooks]]
# [[:Konstantin Volkov]]
# [[:Rodion Gataullin]]
# [[:Junko Asari]]
# [[:István Bagyula]]
# [[:Malika Kanthong]]
# [[:Jatyr Eduardo Schall]]
# [[:Gyula Zsivótzky]]
# [[:Susanthika Jayasinghe]]
# [[:Ingrid Becker]]
# [[:Peter Frenkel]]
# [[:Alexandr Karelin]]
# [[:Ivanka Hristova]]
# [[:William Hoyt]]
# [[:Chen Xiaomin]]
# [[:Lin Weining]]
# [[:Ding Meiyuan]]
# [[:Karen Harup]]
# [[:Bernd Kannenberg]]
# [[:Hildegard Falck]]
# [[:Pierre Quinon]]
# [[:Ana Luíza Mello]]
# [[:Gregolry Panizo]]
# [[:Antoine Jaoude]]
# [[:Marcel Stürmer]]
# [[:Matheus Dellagnelo]]
# [[:Santiago Ostolaza]]
# [[:Marcelo Suartz]]
# [[:Leandro Cunha]]
# [[:Bruno Mendonça]]
# [[:Rafaela Silva]]
# [[:Evelyn Ashford]]
# [[:Alexandre Tinoco]]
# [[:Gabriel Borges]]
# [[:Patrícia Freitas]]
# [[:Ricardo Fischer]]
# [[:Tadeusz Ślusarski]]
# [[:Ronaldo Senfft]]
# [[:Ivo Van Damme]]
# [[:Yang Chuan-kwang]]
# [[:Chen Yueling]]
# [[:Eric Heiden]]
# [[:Vladimir Yashchenko]]
# [[:Nick Saunders]]
# [[:Dietmar Mögenburg]]
# [[:William Fernando Souza Bezerra]]
# [[:Peter Ficker]]
# [[:Fernando Reis]]
# [[:Anat Ratanapol]]
# [[:Ben Jipcho]]
# [[:Anelia Nuneva]]
# [[:Deng Wei]]
# [[:Tian Yuan]]
# [[:Geir Moen]]
# [[:Théophile Nkounkou]]
# [[:Mary Onyali-Omagbemi]]
# [[:Alessandro Andrei]]
# [[:Mary Decker]]
# [[:Yoelbi Quesada]]
# [[:Brian Wellman]]
# [[:Jaime Jefferson]]
# [[:Willi Wülbeck]]
# [[:Stéphane Diagana]]
# [[:Llewellyn Herbert]]
# [[:Leonid Voloshin]]
# [[:Winthrop Graham]]
# [[:Renato Dionisi]]
# [[:Anders Gärderud]]
# [[:Dragutin Topić]]
# [[:Martin Brodeur]]
# [[:Oumar Loum]]
# [[:Linda Haglund]]
# [[:Jesús Ángel García]]
# [[:Daniel Bautista]]
# [[:Mikhail Shchennikov]]
# [[:Hans-Georg Reimann]]
# [[:Héctor Moreno (atleta)]]
# [[:Ernesto Canto]]
# [[:Raúl González (marcha atlética)]]
# [[:Julio René Martínez]]
# [[:Sergey Korepanov]]
# [[:José Juan Barea]]
# [[:Hartwig Gauder]]
# [[:Andrey Perlov]]
# [[:José Marín]]
# [[:Nathan Deakes]]
# [[:Amy Mbacke Thiam]]
# [[:Carlos Mercenario]]
# [[:Ilya Markov]]
# [[:Jozef Pribilinec]]
# [[:Alison Cerutti]]
# [[:Guillaume Leblanc]]
# [[:Hatem Ghoula]]
# [[:Luis Fernando García]]
# [[:Terje Håkonsen]]
# [[:Bernardo Segura]]
# [[:Jorge Llopart]]
# [[:Karl-Heinz Stadtmüller]]
# [[:Giovanni De Benedictis]]
# [[:Anatoliy Bondarchuk]]
# [[:Ronald Weigel]]
# [[:Neroli Fairhall]]
# [[:Pavol Blažek]]
# [[:Volodymyr Holubnychy]]
# [[:David Kimutai]]
# [[:Aigars Fadejevs]]
# [[:Valeriy Borisov]]
# [[:Chand Ram]]
# [[:Roman Rasskazov]]
# [[:Querubín Moreno]]
# [[:Michele Didoni]]
# [[:Daniel García]]
# [[:Hollis Conway]]
# [[:Silvia Chivás]]
# [[:Scotty Lago]]
# [[:Beatrice Faumuina]]
# [[:Veniamin Soldatenko]]
# [[:Yu Chaohong]]
# [[:Marius Corbett]]
# [[:Inger Miller]]
# [[:Yago Lamela]]
# [[:Tim Lobinger]]
# [[:Kaltouma Nadjina]]
# [[:Hennadiy Avdyeyenko]]
# [[:Gian Simmen]]
# [[:Ross Rebagliati]]
# [[:Ross Powers]]
# [[:Danny Kass]]
# [[:Sally Gunnell]]
# [[:Gilmar Mayo]]
# [[:Boianka Kostova]]
# [[:Zhanna Pintusevich-Block]]
# [[:Olga Zubova]]
# [[:Igor Lapshin]]
# [[:Joseph Taiwo]]
# [[:Jazira Japparkul]]
# [[:Mubarak Al-Nubi]]
# [[:Hadi Soua'an Al-Somaily]]
# [[:Thomas Prugger]]
# [[:Nicola Thost]]
# [[:Fabrizio Mori]]
# [[:Wu Wenxiong]]
# [[:Derrick Adkins]]
# [[:Sven Nylander]]
# [[:Shannon Dunn-Downing]]
# [[:Jean-Claude Nallet]]
# [[:Kriss Akabusi]]
# [[:Philipp Schoch]]
# [[:Dieudonné Disi]]
# [[:Simon Schoch]]
# [[:Zoe Smith]]
# [[:André Phillips]]
# [[:Ibou Faye]]
# [[:Kelly Clark]]
# [[:Peter Elliott]]
# [[:Domingo Tibaduiza]]
# [[:Mike Tully]]
# [[:Isabelle Blanc]]
# [[:Rodil de Araújo Jr]]
# [[:Pedro Barros]]
# [[:Larry Taylor]]
# [[:Emma George]]
# [[:Jake Brown]]
# [[:Viktor Markin]]
# [[:Doriane Vidal]]
# [[:Igor Trandenkov]]
# [[:Alexandre Saldanha]]
# [[:Rens Blom]]
# [[:Marcelo Bastos]]
# [[:Dominic Johnson]]
# [[:Jenny Barazza]]
# [[:Conceição Ferreira (atleta)]]
# [[:Richard Richardsson]]
# [[:Etiene Medeiros]]
# [[:Colin Jackson]]
# [[:Leonardo de Deus]]
# [[:Ariana Kukors]]
# [[:Lillian Watson]]
# [[:Lyn McClements]]
# [[:Đurđica Bjedov]]
# [[:Eduardo Deboni]]
# [[:Henrique Rodrigues]]
# [[:Don Schollander]]
# [[:Marcelo Chierighini]]
# [[:Marcos Antônio Macedo]]
# [[:Anderson Nocetti]]
# [[:Roger Black]]
# [[:Donna de Varona]]
# [[:Galina Prozumenshchikova]]
# [[:Sharon Stouder]]
# [[:Annegret Richter]]
# [[:Jarret Thomas]]
# [[:Mohamed Kedir]]
# [[:Ian O'Brien]]
# [[:Bob Windle]]
# [[:João de Lucca]]
# [[:Liliana Allen]]
# [[:Jed Graef]]
# [[:Kevin Berry]]
# [[:Richard Roth]]
# [[:Ginny Duenkel]]
# [[:Cathy Ferguson]]
# [[:Vera Nikolić]]
# [[:Grace Jackson]]
# [[:Leonor Piúza]]
# [[:Michael Troy]]
# [[:William Mulliken]]
# [[:John Konrads]]
# [[:John Devitt]]
# [[:David Theile]]
# [[:Chris von Saltza]]
# [[:Lynn Burke]]
# [[:Anita Lonsbrough]]
# [[:Carolyn Schuler]]
# [[:Seth Wescott]]
# [[:Ronald Julião]]
# [[:Arthur Zanetti]]
# [[:Markku Koski]]
# [[:Pierre-Luc Gagnon]]
# [[:Jon Henricks]]
# [[:Masaru Furukawa]]
# [[:William Yorzyk]]
# [[:Lorraine Crapp]]
# [[:Shelley Mann]]
# [[:Judith Grinham]]
# [[:Ursula Happe]]
# [[:Nicolien Sauerbreij]]
# [[:Reinaldo Colucci]]
# [[:Daniel Santiago]]
# [[:Guilherme Hamelmann]]
# [[:Fabiola da Silva]]
# [[:Luan de Oliveira]]
# [[:Ryan Decenzo]]
# [[:Clarke Scholes]]
# [[:Jean Boiteux]]
# [[:Gerry Austgarden]]
# [[:Ford Konno]]
# [[:Yoshinobu Oyakawa]]
# [[:John Davies]]
# [[:Rafael Freire Luz]]
# [[:Augusto César Lima]]
# [[:Vítor Benite]]
# [[:Nilson Andrè]]
# [[:Bruno Lins]]
# [[:Ailson Feitosa]]
# [[:Leandro Prates Oliveira]]
# [[:Solonei da Silva]]
# [[:Rosângela Santos]]
# [[:Vanda Gomes]]
# [[:Franciela Krasucki]]
# [[:Maíla Machado]]
# [[:Adriana Aparecida da Silva]]
# [[:Valéria Gyenge]]
# [[:Joan Harrison]]
# [[:Éva Székely]]
# [[:Lucas Kanieski]]
# [[:Fernanda Alvarenga]]
# [[:Graciele Herrmann]]
# [[:Jéssica Cavalheiro]]
# [[:Manuella Lyrio]]
# [[:Sarah Corrêa]]
# [[:Felipe Borges]]
# [[:Jaqson Kojoroski]]
# [[:Vinícius Teixeira]]
# [[:Edson da Silva]]
# [[:Naiane Pereira]]
# [[:Ronilson de Oliveira]]
# [[:Celso Oliveira]]
# [[:Erlon Silva]]
# [[:Bernardo Oliveira]]
# [[:Juliana Domingos]]
# [[:Bárbara Arenhart]]
# [[:Fernanda da Silva]]
# [[:Ana Paula Rodrigues (handebolista)]]
# [[:Silvia Helena Pitombeira]]
# [[:Felipe Wu]]
# [[:Ruy Fonseca]]
# [[:Jacko Gill]]
# [[:Seleção Brasileira de Futsal]]
# [[:Hannah Teter]]
# [[:Torah Bright]]
# [[:Damiris Dantas do Amaral]]
# [[:Bridgette Caquatto]]
# [[:Jessie DeZiel]]
# [[:Brandie Jay]]
# [[:Grace McLaughin]]
# [[:Valéria Kumizaki]]
# [[:Daniel Hernandes]]
# [[:Nery Brenes]]
# [[:Peter Mankoč]]
# [[:Walter Ris]]
# [[:William Smith (nadador)]]
# [[:James McLane]]
# [[:Allen Stack]]
# [[:Arash Miresmaeili]]
# [[:Philipp Boy]]
# [[:Joseph Verdeur]]
# [[:Greta Andersen]]
# [[:Huang Qiushuang]]
# [[:Guilherme Toldo]]
# [[:Pietro Bianchi]]
# [[:Guido Boni]]
# [[:Giuseppe Domenichelli]]
# [[:Carlo Fregosi]]
# [[:Alfredo Gollini]]
# [[:Francesco Loi]]
# [[:Luigi Maiocco]]
# [[:Giovanni Mangiante]]
# [[:Lorenzo Mangiante]]
# [[:Serafino Mazzarochi]]
# [[:Guido Romano]]
# [[:Paolo Salvi]]
# [[:Luciano Savorini]]
# [[:Adolfo Tunesi]]
# [[:Umberto Zanolini]]
# [[:Angelo Zorzi]]
# [[:Isak Abrahamsen]]
# [[:Per Bertilsson]]
# [[:Wilfredo León Venero]]
# [[:Zbigniew Bartman]]
# [[:Kim Dae-eun]]
# [[:Xiao Junfeng]]
# [[:Xing Aowei]]
# [[:Zheng Lihui]]
# [[:Magnus Wislander]]
# [[:Yevgeni Podgorny]]
# [[:Ionela Loaieş]]
# [[:Alexandra Marinescu]]
# [[:Mirela Ţugurlan]]
# [[:Sergei Kharkov]]
# [[:Dmitri Trush]]
# [[:Dmitri Vasilenko]]
# [[:Andreas Wecker]]
# [[:Anja Andersen]]
# [[:Lim O-kyeong]]
# [[:Olga Kapranova]]
# [[:Tandara Caixeta]]
# [[:Nel van Vliet]]
# [[:Ann Curtis]]
# [[:Hélio Rubens Garcia]]
# [[:Kyrie Irving]]
# [[:Stacy Dragila]]
# [[:Ulrike Meyfarth]]
# [[:Jackline Maranga]]
# [[:Mauro Vinícius da Silva]]
# [[:Marcelo Tomazini]]
# [[:Stephen Holland]]
# [[:Kate Ziegler]]
# [[:Sylvio de Magalhães Padilha]]
# [[:Maya Usova]]
# [[:Alexander Zhulin]]
# [[:Isabelle Duchesnay]]
# [[:Paul Duchesnay]]
# [[:Irina Moiseeva]]
# [[:Andrei Minenkov]]
# [[:Krisztina Regőczy]]
# [[:András Sallay]]
# [[:Mandy Wötzel]]
# [[:Vigor Bovolenta]]
# [[:Ingo Steuer]]
# [[:Marina Cherkasova (patinadora)]]
# [[:Sergei Shakhrai]]
# [[:Reinaldo Conrad]]
# [[:Lilly Scholz]]
# [[:Otto Kaiser]]
# [[:Ludwig Wrede]]
# [[:Marika Kilius]]
# [[:Daymí Ramírez]]
# [[:Hans-Jürgen Bäumler]]
# [[:Frances Dafoe]]
# [[:Norris Bowden]]
# [[:Karol Kennedy]]
# [[:Peter Kennedy]]
# [[:Andrea Kékesy]]
# [[:Ede Király]]
# [[:Emília Rotter]]
# [[:László Szollás]]
# [[:Tom Schaar]]
# [[:László Nagy (futebolista)]]
# [[:Isabelle Brasseur]]
# [[:Lloyd Eisler]]
# [[:Derek Redmond]]
# [[:Mark Lenzi]]
# [[:Jennison Heaton]]
# [[:Opika von Méray Horváth]]
# [[:Shun Fujimoto]]
# [[:Nino Bibbia]]
# [[:Jon Montgomery]]
# [[:Alexander Tretiakov]]
# [[:Hugo Calderano]]
# [[:Maya Pedersen-Bieri]]
# [[:Tristan Gale]]
# [[:Albertina Dias]]
# [[:Amel Mekić]]
# [[:Jack Shea]]
# [[:Eddie Eagan]]
# [[:Dain Blanton]]
# [[:Eric Fonoimoana]]
# [[:Thạch Kim Tuấn]]
# [[:Natalie Cook]]
# [[:Kerri Pottharst]]
# [[:Zhang Xi]]
# [[:Siegfried Grabner]]
# [[:David Greene]]
# [[:Randy Foye]]
# [[:Elaine Zayak]]
# [[:Nels Stewart]]
# [[:Andréa dos Santos Teixeira]]
# [[:Heidemarie Rosendahl]]
# [[:Christiane Krause]]
# [[:Teresa Marinova]]
# [[:Fani Halkia]]
# [[:Luigi Beccali]]
# [[:Ferdinand Bie]]
# [[:Nils Schumann]]
# [[:Vera Komisova]]
# [[:Tamara Press]]
# [[:Irina Press]]
# [[:Ângela Moraes]]
# [[:Arlene Xavier]]
# [[:Bryan Trottier]]
# [[:Brett Hull]]
# [[:Sergei Fedorov]]
# [[:Estefânia de Souza]]
# [[:Ana Dulce Félix]]
# [[:Silke Renk]]
# [[:Claudia Losch]]
# [[:Katelyn Ohashi]]
# [[:Rolf Danneberg]]
# [[:Brigitte Rohde]]
# [[:Ellen Stropahl-Streidt]]
# [[:Lee Evans]]
# [[:Ralph Doubell]]
# [[:Tommy Thomson]]
# [[:Fernando Roscio de Ávila]]
# [[:Olga Bryzgina]]
# [[:Olga Nazarova]]
# [[:Tatyana Ledovskaya]]
# [[:Mariya Pinigina]]
# [[:Frank Jarvis]]
# [[:Walter Tewksbury]]
# [[:Maxwell Long]]
# [[:Irving Baxter]]
# [[:Richard Sheldon]]
# [[:Kerly Santos]]
# [[:John Lovelock]]
# [[:Norma Croker]]
# [[:Fleur Mellor]]
# [[:Maureen Caird]]
# [[:Glynis Nunn]]
# [[:Debra Flintoff-King]]
# [[:Pauline Davis-Thompson]]
# [[:Yuri Bilonoh]]
# [[:Nina Romashkova]]
# [[:Savatheda Fynes]]
# [[:Chandra Sturrup]]
# [[:Yelena Ruzina]]
# [[:Lyudmyla Dzhyhalova]]
# [[:Yanina Karolchyk-Pravalinskaya]]
# [[:Ellina Zvereva]]
# [[:Voula Patoulidou]]
# [[:Mariana Silva (judoca)]]
# [[:María Colón]]
# [[:Maritza Martén]]
# [[:Osleidys Menéndez]]
# [[:Ethel Smith]]
# [[:Jane Bell]]
# [[:Myrtle Cook]]
# [[:Duncan McNaughton]]
# [[:Cilene Drewnick]]
# [[:Mark McKoy]]
# [[:Glenroy Gilbert]]
# [[:Bruny Surin]]
# [[:Wang Junxia]]
# [[:Wang Liping (atleta)]]
# [[:Cristina Lopes]]
# [[:Thiago Braz]]
# [[:Ellen van Langen]]
# [[:Ria Stalman]]
# [[:Netti Witziers-Timmer]]
# [[:Gerda van der Kade-Koudijs]]
# [[:Gabriella Dorio]]
# [[:Burkhard Cordes]]
# [[:Abdon Pamich]]
# [[:Livio Berruti]]
# [[:Trebisonda Valla]]
# [[:Olga Gyarmati]]
# [[:Imre Németh]]
# [[:Ron Delany]]
# [[:Mary Peters]]
# [[:Giuseppe Dordoni]]
# [[:Adolfo Consolini]]
# [[:Balázs Kiss]]
# [[:Frederick Schule]]
# [[:James Lightbody]]
# [[:Harry Hillman]]
# [[:Simone Storm]]
# [[:Samuel Jones]]
# [[:Charles Dvorak]]
# [[:József Csermák]]
# [[:Angéla Németh]]
# [[:Bob Tisdall]]
# [[:Miklós Németh (atleta)]]
# [[:Pat O'Callaghan]]
# [[:Deon Hemmings]]
# [[:George Rhoden]]
# [[:Leslie Laing]]
# [[:Herb McKenley]]
# [[:Kaitlin Sandeno]]
# [[:Martina Moravcová]]
# [[:Helge Løvland]]
# [[:Egil Danielsen]]
# [[:Trine Hattestad]]
# [[:John Rimmer]]
# [[:Daniel Kowalski]]
# [[:George Larner]]
# [[:Arthur Russell]]
# [[:Peter Rono]]
# [[:Mihaela Peneş]]
# [[:Elvira Ozolina]]
# [[:Leonid Spirin]]
# [[:David Berkoff]]
# [[:Eric Namesnik]]
# [[:Angel Martino]]
# [[:Denise Souza]]
# [[:Sidney Robinson]]
# [[:Viorica Viscopoleanu]]
# [[:Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner]]
# [[:Stan Rowley]]
# [[:Ralph Rose]]
# [[:Max Emmerich]]
# [[:Arthur Newton]]
# [[:George Underwood]]
# [[:Howard Valentine]]
# [[:David Munson]]
# [[:Paul Pilgrim]]
# [[:Heloísa Roese]]
# [[:Forrest Smithson]]
# [[:Monique Hennagan]]
# [[:Joanna Hayes]]
# [[:Wallace Spearmon]]
# [[:Otis Harris]]
# [[:Charles Bacon]]
# [[:LoLo Jones]]
# [[:Brad Walker]]
# [[:Jason Richardson (atleta)]]
# [[:Chaunté Lowe]]
# [[:Ryan Whiting]]
# [[:Jennifer Simpson]]
# [[:Harry Porter]]
# [[:Frank Irons]]
# [[:Jon Olsen]]
# [[:Allison Wagner]]
# [[:Tripp Schwenk]]
# [[:William Hamilton (atleta)]]
# [[:John Taylor (atleta)]]
# [[:Ana Maria Volponi]]
# [[:Nathaniel Cartmell]]
# [[:Edward Cook]]
# [[:Alfred Carlton Gilbert]]
# [[:Kenny Harrison]]
# [[:Dan O'Brien]]
# [[:LaTasha Colander]]
# [[:Nick Hysong]]
# [[:Jon Drummond]]
# [[:Brian Lewis]]
# [[:Bernard Williams (atleta)]]
# [[:Walter Davis]]
# [[:Michelle Perry]]
# [[:Yvette Williams]]
# [[:Yukina Ōta]]
# [[:Norman Read]]
# [[:Stanisława Walasiewicz]]
# [[:Halldór Helgason]]
# [[:Elżbieta Krzesińska]]
# [[:Davaadorjiin Tömörkhüleg]]
# [[:Zdzisław Krzyszkowiak]]
# [[:Chryste Gaines]]
# [[:Jesse Williams]]
# [[:Ana Sátila]]
# [[:Choi Gwang-Hyeon]]
# [[:Sofiane Milous]]
# [[:Ashley McKenzie]]
# [[:Tom Wilkens]]
# [[:Kristy Kowal]]
# [[:Cristina Teuscher]]
# [[:Josh Davis (nadador)]]
# [[:Szymon Ziółkowski]]
# [[:Bronisław Malinowski (atleta)]]
# [[:Władysław Komar]]
# [[:James Roberts]]
# [[:Belinda Hocking]]
# [[:Murray Halberg]]
# [[:Sérgio Sasaki]]
# [[:Teresa Ciepły]]
# [[:Ewa Kłobukowska]]
# [[:Peter Snell]]
# [[:Halina Górecka]]
# [[:Tagir Khaibulaev]]
# [[:Antal Kovács]]
# [[:Ana Lúcia de Camargo]]
# [[:Jessica Ennis]]
# [[:João Monteiro]]
# [[:Oscar Swahn]]
# [[:Maria Elisa Antonelli]]
# [[:Danny Everett]]
# [[:Richard Schuil]]
# [[:Reinder Nummerdor]]
# [[:Darya Klishina]]
# [[:Fernanda Ferreira]]
# [[:Wallace de Souza]]
# [[:Arnie Dickins]]
# [[:Frank Amyot]]
# [[:Josef Holeček]]
# [[:Leon Rotman]]
# [[:János Parti]]
# [[:Jürgen Eschert]]
# [[:Tibor Tatai]]
# [[:Mark Knowles (jogador de hóquei sobre a grama)]]
# [[:Natalia Mărăşescu]]
# [[:Helena Fibingerová]]
# [[:Yelena Nikolayeva]]
# [[:Svetlana Masterkova]]
# [[:Olga Kuzenkova]]
# [[:Olga Fikotová]]
# [[:Gustav Hügel]]
# [[:Matthew Wells]]
# [[:Yelena Yelesina]]
# [[:Sergei Klyugin]]
# [[:Ivan Patzaichin]]
# [[:Matija Ljubek]]
# [[:Donald Thomas (atleta)]]
# [[:Nicola Vizzoni]]
# [[:Kibwe Johnson]]
# [[:Raphael Vieira]]
# [[:Vera Trezoitko]]
# [[:Roseli Ana Timm]]
# [[:Mark Hickman]]
# [[:Dean Butler]]
# [[:Michael Brennan]]
# [[:Lyubomir Lyubenov]]
# [[:Ulrich Eicke]]
# [[:Nathan Eglington]]
# [[:Frithiof Mårtensson]]
# [[:Ivans Klementjevs]]
# [[:Nikolay Bukhalov]]
# [[:Martin Doktor]]
# [[:Daley Thompson]]
# [[:Aleksandr Rogov]]
# [[:Sergei Postrekhin]]
# [[:Larry Cain]]
# [[:Olaf Heukrodt]]
# [[:Maksim Opalev]]
# [[:John Walker (atleta)]]
# [[:Reinhard Eiben]]
# [[:Lukáš Pollert]]
# [[:Elena Tyurina-Batukhtina]]
# [[:Michael McCann]]
# [[:Alan Fonteles Cardoso Oliveira]]
# [[:Yordanka Blagoeva]]
# [[:Thiago Gelinski]]
# [[:Tamara Bykova]]
# [[:Troy Kemp]]
# [[:Minke Smabers]]
# [[:Leszek Drogosz]]
# [[:Gilson Bernardo]]
# [[:Kęstutis Šapka]]
# [[:Ema Klinec]]
# [[:Zhu Jianhua]]
# [[:Vyacheslav Voronin]]
# [[:Lee Jin-Taek]]
# [[:Mark Boswell]]
# [[:István Major]]
# [[:James Gilkes]]
# [[:Walter Hofmann]]
# [[:Rolf-Dieter Amend]]
# [[:Joe Jacobi]]
# [[:Scott Strausbaugh]]
# [[:Franck Adisson]]
# [[:Wilfrid Forgues]]
# [[:Vladimír Syrovátka]]
# [[:Jan Brzák-Felix]]
# [[:Bohumil Kudrna]]
# [[:Bent Peder Rasch]]
# [[:Finn Haunstoft]]
# [[:Zilda Ulbrich]]
# [[:Dalton Grant]]
# [[:Isaura Marly Gama Álvarez]]
# [[:Carlo Thränhardt]]
# [[:Marlene Djinishian]]
# [[:Paul Ngadjadoum]]
# [[:Helena Valente Duarte]]
# [[:Lylian Collier]]
# [[:Lilian Hilda Érica Poetscher]]
# [[:Iriana Silveira Sá Carvalho]]
# [[:Maria Alice dos Santos Ricciardi]]
# [[:Martha Miráglia Martins]]
# [[:Elda Maria da Silva Pimenta]]
# [[:Norma Vaz]]
# [[:Eunice Rondino]]
# [[:Gilmar Nascimento Teixeira]]
# [[:Edna Veiga]]
# [[:Jacques Freitag]]
# [[:Joanna Mary Ribeiro Freire de Carvalho e Silva]]
# [[:Leila Fernandes Peixoto]]
# [[:Ingeborg Ingrid Crause]]
# [[:Lia Savignia de Freitas]]
# [[:Letitia Vriesde]]
# [[:Alexe Dumitru]]
# [[:Simion Ismailciuc]]
# [[:Leonid Geyshtor]]
# [[:Rosa Maria Teixeira Bastos O’Shea]]
# [[:Sergei Makarenko]]
# [[:Andrei Khimich]]
# [[:Stepan Oshchepkov]]
# [[:Serghei Covaliov]]
# [[:Tânia Lobo Fagundes]]
# [[:Lúcia Mendes de Morais]]
# [[:Carmem Castello Branco]]
# [[:Kim Batten]]
# [[:Vladas Česiūnas]]
# [[:Yuri Lobanov]]
# [[:Serhei Petrenko]]
# [[:Aleksandr Vinogradov]]
# [[:Toma Simionov]]
# [[:Hildegard Caroline Lassen]]
# [[:Marina Conceição Celistre]]
# [[:Corina Von Lasperg]]
# [[:Viktor Reneysky]]
# [[:Nicolae Juravschi]]
# [[:Ulrich Papke]]
# [[:Ingo Spelly]]
# [[:Max Jeferson Pereira]]
# [[:Lilyana Tomova]]
# [[:Doina Melinte]]
# [[:Gunar Kirchbach]]
# [[:Mitică Pricop]]
# [[:Florin Popescu]]
# [[:Oleh Tverdokhlib]]
# [[:Paweł Januszewski]]
# [[:Aldemir da Silva Junior]]
# [[:Marcelo Pugliese]]
# [[:Fernanda de Carvalho Doval]]
# [[:Elena Vasilyevna Chebukina]]
# [[:Paulo Sevciuc]]
# [[:Jens-Peter Herold]]
# [[:Adolfo Guilherme]]
# [[:Sami Mehlinsky]]
# [[:Roland Dalhäuser]]
# [[:João Campos (atleta)]]
# [[:Mike Boit]]
# [[:Andréa Moraes]]
# [[:P. T. Usha]]
# [[:Siegbert Horn]]
# [[:Pierpaolo Ferrazzi]]
# [[:Oliver Fix]]
# [[:Thomas Schmidt]]
# [[:Gennaro Di Napoli]]
# [[:Manuel Martínez]]
# [[:Marcel Ramon Ponickwar de Souza]]
# [[:John Godina]]
# [[:Inna Ryskal]]
# [[:Vladimir Kiselyov]]
# [[:Edward Sarul]]
# [[:Marcelle (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Geoff Capes]]
# [[:Hartmut Briesenick]]
# [[:Bilal Saad Mubarak]]
# [[:Erhard Wunderlich]]
# [[:Gregor Hradetzky]]
# [[:Gert Fredriksson]]
# [[:Andréia Luciana Marras]]
# [[:Erik Hansen]]
# [[:Rolf Peterson]]
# [[:Tong Wen]]
# [[:Oleksandr Bagach]]
# [[:Mihály Hesz]]
# [[:Aleksandr Shaparenko]]
# [[:Rüdiger Helm]]
# [[:Magalys Carvajal]]
# [[:Burger Lambrechts]]
# [[:Lars Arvid Nilsen]]
# [[:Alan Thompson (canoísta)]]
# [[:Greg Barton]]
# [[:Vyacheslav Zaytsev]]
# [[:Popó (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Knut Holmann]]
# [[:Remigius Machura]]
# [[:Hreinn Halldórsson]]
# [[:Ana Paula de Tassis]]
# [[:Arsi Harju]]
# [[:Nabor Castillo]]
# [[:Oliver-Sven Buder]]
# [[:Janus Robberts]]
# [[:Joachim Olsen]]
# [[:Lang Ping]]
# [[:Klaus Bodenmüller]]
# [[:Yojer Medina]]
# [[:Ralf Bartels]]
# [[:Sergey Smirnov]]
# [[:Paolo Dal Soglio]]
# [[:Bishop Dolegiewicz]]
# [[:Adolf Kainz]]
# [[:Alfons Dorfner]]
# [[:Reijo Ståhlberg]]
# [[:Marco Antonio Verni]]
# [[:Hans Berglund]]
# [[:Lennart Klingström]]
# [[:Kurt Wires]]
# [[:Yrjö Hietanen]]
# [[:Michel Scheuer]]
# [[:Meinrad Miltenberger]]
# [[:Sven-Olov Sjödelius]]
# [[:Gunnar Utterberg]]
# [[:Volodymyr Morozov]]
# [[:Nikolai Gorbachov]]
# [[:Viktor Kratasyuk]]
# [[:Oleksandr Klymenko]]
# [[:Ulrike Bruns]]
# [[:Serhiy Nahorniy]]
# [[:Vladimir Romanovsky]]
# [[:Vladimir Parfenovich]]
# [[:Serhiy Chukhrai]]
# [[:Mohamed Al-Malky]]
# [[:Marlenis Costa]]
# [[:Elisa Togut]]
# [[:Lyudmila Buldakova]]
# [[:Nina Smoleyeva]]
# [[:Hugh Fisher]]
# [[:Alwyn Morris]]
# [[:Norman Bellingham]]
# [[:Kay Bluhm]]
# [[:Torsten Gutsche]]
# [[:Yuriy Poyarkov]]
# [[:Vladimir Kondra]]
# [[:Katsutoshi Nekoda]]
# [[:Masayuki Minami]]
# [[:Paolo Tofoli]]
# [[:Daniele Scarpa]]
# [[:Markus Oscarsson]]
# [[:Ivans Bugajenkovs]]
# [[:Nikolay Burobin]]
# [[:Yury Chesnokov]]
# [[:Nikolai Chuzhikov]]
# [[:Vazha K'ach'arava]]
# [[:Valery Kalachikhin]]
# [[:Vitaly Kovalenko]]
# [[:Georgy Mondzolevsky]]
# [[:Eduard Sibiryakov]]
# [[:Yury Vengerovsky]]
# [[:Dmitry Voskoboynikov]]
# [[:Anatoli Grishin]]
# [[:Vyacheslav Ionov]]
# [[:Steinar Amundsen]]
# [[:Tore Berger]]
# [[:Jeoselyna Rodríguez]]
# [[:Egil Søby]]
# [[:Jan Johansen (canoísta)]]
# [[:Yuriy Filatov]]
# [[:Yuriy Stetsenko]]
# [[:Man Bok Park]]
# [[:Valery Didenko]]
# [[:Aleksandr Degtyaryov]]
# [[:Bernd Olbricht]]
# [[:Harald Marg]]
# [[:Staņislavs Lugailo]]
# [[:Bernd Duvigneau]]
# [[:Grant Bramwell]]
# [[:Ian Ferguson]]
# [[:Paul MacDonald]]
# [[:Zsolt Gyulay]]
# [[:Ferenc Csipes]]
# [[:Marko Podraščanin]]
# [[:Yūzo Nakamura]]
# [[:Sándor Hódosi]]
# [[:Attila Ábrahám]]
# [[:Mario von Appen]]
# [[:Oliver Kegel]]
# [[:Thomas Reineck]]
# [[:André Wohllebe]]
# [[:Olaf Winter]]
# [[:Detlef Hofmann]]
# [[:Mark Zabel]]
# [[:Gábor Horváth (canoísta)]]
# [[:Aleksey Abalmasov]]
# [[:Bartosz Kurek]]
# [[:Dave Smith]]
# [[:Jorge Barros de Araújo]]
# [[:Josiane Grunewald Marangon]]
# [[:František Čapek]]
# [[:Frank Havens]]
# [[:Václav Mottl]]
# [[:Zdeněk Škrland]]
# [[:Steve Lysak]]
# [[:Steve Macknowski]]
# [[:Georges Turlier]]
# [[:Jean Laudet]]
# [[:Pavel Kharin]]
# [[:Gratsian Botev]]
# [[:Ernst Krebs]]
# [[:Paul Wevers]]
# [[:Ludwig Landen]]
# [[:Gunnar Åkerlund]]
# [[:Hans Wetterström]]
# [[:János Urányi]]
# [[:László Fábián]]
# [[:Éder Carbonera]]
# [[:László Foltán]]
# [[:István Vaskuti]]
# [[:Mirko Nišović]]
# [[:Dmitry Dovgalyonok]]
# [[:Aleksandr Maseykov]]
# [[:Csaba Horváth]]
# [[:Ferenc Novák]]
# [[:Imre Pulai]]
# [[:Vasile Dîba]]
# [[:Mikko Kolehmainen]]
# [[:Angelika Bahmann]]
# [[:Elisabeth Micheler-Jones]]
# [[:Štěpánka Hilgertová]]
# [[:Karen Hoff]]
# [[:Sylvi Saimo]]
# [[:Yelizaveta Dementyeva]]
# [[:Antonina Seredina]]
# [[:Lyudmila Pinayeva]]
# [[:Yulia Ryabchinskaya]]
# [[:Francesca Piccinini]]
# [[:Carola Zirzow]]
# [[:Agneta Andersson]]
# [[:Vanya Gesheva]]
# [[:Rita Kőbán]]
# [[:Nataša Dušev-Janić]]
# [[:Inna Osypenko]]
# [[:Fernanda Emerick]]
# [[:Israel Machado Campelo Andrade]]
# [[:Mariya Shubina]]
# [[:Roswitha Esser]]
# [[:Annemarie Zimmermann]]
# [[:Kateryna Kuryshko]]
# [[:Nina Gopova]]
# [[:Galina Kreft]]
# [[:Carsta Genäuß]]
# [[:Martina Bischof]]
# [[:Anna Olsson]]
# [[:Anke Nothnagel]]
# [[:Ramona Portwich]]
# [[:Susanne Gunnarsson]]
# [[:Agafia Constantin]]
# [[:Nastasia Ionescu]]
# [[:Tecla Marinescu]]
# [[:Maria Ştefan]]
# [[:Heike Singer]]
# [[:Éva Dónusz]]
# [[:Erika Mészáros]]
# [[:Kinga Czigány]]
# [[:Diego Reyes]]
# [[:Anett Schuck]]
# [[:Manuela Mucke]]
# [[:Maike Nollen]]
# [[:Velimir Stjepanović]]
# [[:Cristian Rosso]]
# [[:João Alberto Schwindt Filho]]
# [[:Hans Beyer]]
# [[:Hartmann Bjørnsen]]
# [[:Alfred Engelsen]]
# [[:Bjarne Johnsen]]
# [[:Sigurd Jørgensen]]
# [[:Knud Leonard Knudsen]]
# [[:Alf Lie]]
# [[:Rolf Lie]]
# [[:Tor Lund]]
# [[:Petter Martinsen]]
# [[:Per Mathiesen]]
# [[:Jacob Opdahl]]
# [[:Nils Opdahl]]
# [[:Bjarne Pettersen]]
# [[:Frithjof Sælen]]
# [[:Øistein Schirmer]]
# [[:Georg Selenius]]
# [[:Robert Sjursen]]
# [[:Einar Strøm]]
# [[:Gabriel Thorstensen]]
# [[:Nils Voss]]
# [[:Gela Ketashvili]]
# [[:Rafael Rodrigues de Araújo]]
# [[:Eduardo Nilton Agra Galvão]]
# [[:Guido Andreozzi]]
# [[:George Lyon]]
# [[:Kajsa Bergström]]
# [[:Rhona Martin]]
# [[:Deborah Knox]]
# [[:Janice Rankin]]
# [[:Margaret Morton]]
# [[:Sandra Schmirler]]
# [[:Jan Betker]]
# [[:Joan McCusker]]
# [[:Ana Cabecinha]]
# [[:Warren Wood]]
# [[:Clement Smoot]]
# [[:Ludmila Engquist]]
# [[:Miloslava Rezková]]
# [[:Ludvík Daněk]]
# [[:Robert Změlík]]
# [[:Anisoara Cusmir-Stanciu]]
# [[:Paula Ivan]]
# [[:Gabriela Szabo]]
# [[:Ben Askren]]
# [[:Ingrid Kristiansen]]
# [[:Gunnar Höckert]]
# [[:Bob Schul]]
# [[:Alexandre Massura]]
# [[:Leonardo Costa]]
# [[:André Cordeiro]]
# [[:Pernilla Wiberg]]
# [[:Vreni Schneider]]
# [[:John Ljunggren]]
# [[:Natalya Sadova]]
# [[:Lia Manoliu]]
# [[:Ralph Craig]]
# [[:Fred Kelly]]
# [[:Charles Reidpath]]
# [[:Gabriela Cecchini]]
# [[:Teófilo Ferreira]]
# [[:Rui Campos do Nascimento]]
# [[:Antônio Salvador Sucar]]
# [[:Gete Wami]]
# [[:Rui Pedro Silva]]
# [[:Edna Kiplagat]]
# [[:Anita Wachter]]
# [[:Friedrich Wilhelm Braun]]
# [[:Robert de Castella]]
# [[:Victor Mirshawka]]
# [[:Magomedrasul Khasbulaev]]
# [[:María Del Carmen Díaz]]
# [[:Lidia Șimon]]
# [[:Petra Kronberger]]
# [[:Maria Höfl-Riesch]]
# [[:Michela Figini]]
# [[:Annemarie Pröll]]
# [[:Ingemar Stenmark]]
# [[:Luís Henrique Dias]]
# [[:Tamara McKinney]]
# [[:Silvio Paiva]]
# [[:Maria Walliser]]
# [[:David Broome]]
# [[:Erika Hess]]
# [[:The Woodies]]
# [[:Bob e Mike Bryan]]
# [[:Irmãs Williams]]
# [[:Irmãos Jensen]]
# [[:Antônio Braga Neto]]
# [[:Luiz Felipe Fonteles]]
# [[:Mariana Lobato]]
# [[:Jasey-Jay Anderson]]
# [[:Taiana Lima]]
# [[:Daniela Meuli]]
# [[:José Loiola]]
# [[:Digo Menezes]]
# [[:Evandro Guerra]]
# [[:Bárbara Seixas]]
# [[:Nino Benvenuti]]
# [[:Camilla dos Reis Saldanha]]
# [[:Vitor Felipe]]
# [[:Maëlle Ricker]]
# [[:Tanja Frieden]]
# [[:Gustavo Carvalhaes]]
# [[:Marcus Vinicius Toledo]]
# [[:Misha Latuhihin]]
# [[:Brecht Rodenburg]]
# [[:Guido Görtzen]]
# [[:Boris Diaw]]
# [[:Élie Blanchard]]
# [[:George Bretz]]
# [[:William Burns]]
# [[:George Cattanach]]
# [[:Bas van de Goor]]
# [[:Mike van de Goor]]
# [[:George Cloutier]]
# [[:Sandy Cowan]]
# [[:Jack Flett]]
# [[:Benjamin Jamieson]]
# [[:Stuart Laidlaw]]
# [[:Hilliard Lyle]]
# [[:Lawrence Pentland]]
# [[:Billy Brennagh]]
# [[:Rob Grabert]]
# [[:Patrick Brennan]]
# [[:Jack Broderick]]
# [[:Doc Campbell]]
# [[:Gus Dillon]]
# [[:Rodrigo de Ângelo Freitas]]
# [[:Thiago Henrique Sens]]
# [[:Frank Dixon]]
# [[:Dirceu da Silva Paulino]]
# [[:Richard Duckett]]
# [[:Tommy Gorman]]
# [[:Renato Felizardo]]
# [[:Joachim Mattern]]
# [[:Ernie Hamilton]]
# [[:Henny Hoobin]]
# [[:Clary McKerrow]]
# [[:George Rennie]]
# [[:Sandy Turnbull (jogador de lacrosse)]]
# [[:Valery Kravchenko]]
# [[:Carlos Pérez]]
# [[:Bruno Martini (trampolinista)]]
# [[:Marie-Theres Nadig]]
# [[:Roberto Bosch Nogueras Filho]]
# [[:Denise Lewis]]
# [[:Luiz Carlos Monzillo Filho]]
# [[:John Mikaelsson]]
# [[:Alex Lenz]]
# [[:Ricardo Micieli Roim]]
# [[:Violeta Szekely]]
# [[:Galina Chistyakova]]
# [[:António Santos (atleta)]]
# [[:Gabriela Guimarães]]
# [[:Mike Smith (atleta)]]
# [[:Nicole Ramalalanirina]]
# [[:Grigoriy Yegorov]]
# [[:Tiago Brendle]]
# [[:Robert Curry]]
# [[:George Mehnert]]
# [[:Isidor Niflot]]
# [[:Benjamin Bradshaw]]
# [[:Otto Roehm]]
# [[:Charles Ericksen]]
# [[:Juciely Barreto]]
# [[:Fita Bayisa]]
# [[:Luís Feiteira]]
# [[:Roberto Hernández]]
# [[:Théo Lopes]]
# [[:Bernhoff Hansen]]
# [[:Alejandro Cárdenas]]
# [[:Verner Weckman]]
# [[:Tim Forsyth]]
# [[:Rolf Beilschmidt]]
# [[:Steve Smith (atleta)]]
# [[:Othmane Belfaa]]
# [[:Richárd Weisz]]
# [[:George Dole]]
# [[:George de Relwyskow]]
# [[:George Con O'Kelly]]
# [[:Chi Cheng]]
# [[:Rafael Pascual]]
# [[:Vitaly Minakov]]
# [[:Aliuska López]]
# [[:Leonardo Mello]]
# [[:Andrea Blackett]]
# [[:Daimí Pernía]]
# [[:Lucyna Langer]]
# [[:Yekaterina Fesenko]]
# [[:Grażyna Rabsztyn]]
# [[:Jorge Zarif]]
# [[:Julie Baumann]]
# [[:Yuliya Pechonkina]]
# [[:Maria Usifo]]
# [[:Anjanette Kirkland]]
# [[:Edith Noeding]]
# [[:Michelle Pavão]]
# [[:Huang Xiaoxiao]]
# [[:Monique Pavão]]
# [[:Hanni Wenzel]]
# [[:Isaquias Queiroz]]
# [[:Ana Beatriz Chagas]]
# [[:Ítalo Manzine]]
# [[:Carlos Roberto Toaldo]]
# [[:Kerstin Knabe]]
# [[:Ronaldo Henrique]]
# [[:Roberto Custódio]]
# [[:Manius Abbadi]]
# [[:Gillian Russell]]
# [[:Tatyana Anisimova]]
# [[:Rafael Martins de Almeida]]
# [[:Sandra Farmer-Patrick]]
# [[:Fatmata Fofanah]]
# [[:Percy Oncken]]
# [[:Lynn Davies]]
# [[:Victor Penalber]]
# [[:Diana Yankey]]
# [[:Loïc Pietri]]
# [[:Matthew Pinsent]]
# [[:David Hemery]]
# [[:Monique Éwanjé-Épée]]
# [[:Clarissa Cristina dos Santos]]
# [[:Allen Kelley]]
# [[:Glory Alozie]]
# [[:Brigitte Foster-Hylton]]
# [[:Vladimir Belyayev]]
# [[:Yevgeny Lapinsky]]
# [[:Sriyani Kulawansa]]
# [[:Oļegs Antropovs]]
# [[:Vasilijus Matuševas]]
# [[:Anne Piquereau]]
# [[:Viktor Mikhalchuk]]
# [[:Boris Tereshchuk]]
# [[:Vladimir Ivanov]]
# [[:Kenji Kimura]]
# [[:Jungo Morita]]
# [[:Tadayoshi Yokota]]
# [[:Seiji Oko]]
# [[:Tetsuo Sato]]
# [[:Kenji Shimaoka]]
# [[:Michelle Freeman]]
# [[:Yoshihide Fukao]]
# [[:Yasuhiro Noguchi]]
# [[:Tetsuo Nishimoto]]
# [[:Esther Roth]]
# [[:Shirley Strong]]
# [[:Raphael Florêncio Margarido]]
# [[:Patricia Girard]]
# [[:Kurt Couto]]
# [[:Włodzimierz Stefański]]
# [[:Bronisław Bebel]]
# [[:Lech Łasko]]
# [[:Edward Skorek]]
# [[:Tomasz Wójtowicz]]
# [[:Wiesław Gawłowski]]
# [[:Mirosław Rybaczewski]]
# [[:Zbigniew Lubiejewski]]
# [[:Ryszard Bosek]]
# [[:Włodzimierz Sadalski]]
# [[:Zbigniew Zarzycki]]
# [[:Marek Karbarz]]
# [[:Vladimir Dorokhov]]
# [[:Aleksandr Yermilov]]
# [[:Pāvels Seļivanovs]]
# [[:Oleg Moliboga]]
# [[:Vladimir Chernyshov]]
# [[:Yury Panchenko]]
# [[:Fyodor Lashchenov]]
# [[:Valery Krivov]]
# [[:Viljar Loor]]
# [[:Moses Tanui]]
# [[:Nadine Faustin]]
# [[:Pam Kilborn]]
# [[:Károly Kárpáti]]
# [[:Frank Lewis (luta livre)]]
# [[:Émile Poilvé]]
# [[:Knut Fridell]]
# [[:Kristjan Palusalu]]
# [[:Márton Lőrincz]]
# [[:Dusty Dvorak]]
# [[:Dave Saunders]]
# [[:Steve Salmons]]
# [[:Paul Sunderland]]
# [[:Rich Duwelius]]
# [[:Craig Buck]]
# [[:Marc Waldie]]
# [[:Chris Marlowe]]
# [[:Aldis Berzins]]
# [[:Pat Powers]]
# [[:Andrea Lucchetta]]
# [[:Troy Tanner]]
# [[:Jon Root]]
# [[:Ricci Luyties]]
# [[:Doug Partie]]
# [[:Scott Fortune]]
# [[:Jeff Stork]]
# [[:Eric Sato]]
# [[:Irina Shilova]]
# [[:Yury Cherednik]]
# [[:Rosi Mittermaier]]
# [[:Ron Zwerver]]
# [[:Jan Posthuma]]
# [[:Olof van der Meulen]]
# [[:Peter Blangé]]
# [[:Carlos Weber]]
# [[:Sergei Belov]]
# [[:Andrea Gardini]]
# [[:Pasquale Gravina]]
# [[:Marco Bracci]]
# [[:Lorenzo Bernardi]]
# [[:Luca Cantagalli]]
# [[:Andrea Zorzi]]
# [[:Mirko Corsano]]
# [[:Simone Rosalba]]
# [[:Matej Černič]]
# [[:Paolo Cozzi]]
# [[:Yaşar Erkan]]
# [[:Lauri Koskela]]
# [[:Rudolf Svedberg]]
# [[:Ivar Johansson]]
# [[:Axel Cadier]]
# [[:Yuko Fujimoto]]
# [[:Masae Kasai]]
# [[:Emiko Miyamoto]]
# [[:Kinuko Tanida]]
# [[:Yuriko Handa]]
# [[:Yoshiko Matsumura]]
# [[:Sata Isobe]]
# [[:Masako Kondo]]
# [[:Katsumi Matsumura]]
# [[:Setsuko Sasaki]]
# [[:Yoko Shinozaki]]
# [[:Ayano Shibuki]]
# [[:Valentina Kamenek-Vinogradova]]
# [[:Rolando Ferreira]]
# [[:Lyudmila Mikhaylovskaya]]
# [[:Vera Lantratova]]
# [[:Vera Galushka-Duyunova]]
# [[:Tatyana Sarycheva]]
# [[:Tatyana Ponyayeva-Tretyakova]]
# [[:Galina Leontyeva]]
# [[:Roza Salikhova]]
# [[:Tatyana Veinberga]]
# [[:Tatyana Gonobobleva]]
# [[:Lyubov Tyurina]]
# [[:Lyudmila Borozna]]
# [[:Nataliya Kudreva]]
# [[:Marlon Muraguti Yared]]
# [[:Takako Iida]]
# [[:Takako Shirai]]
# [[:Mariko Okamoto]]
# [[:Echiko Maeda]]
# [[:Noriko Matsuda]]
# [[:Kiyomi Kato]]
# [[:Yuko Arakida]]
# [[:Katsuko Kanesaka]]
# [[:Mariko Yoshida]]
# [[:Shoko Takayanagi]]
# [[:Hiromi Yano]]
# [[:Juri Yokoyama]]
# [[:Robert Pearce]]
# [[:Hermanni Pihlajamäki]]
# [[:Charles Pacôme]]
# [[:Benita Fitzgerald-Brown]]
# [[:Jack van Bebber]]
# [[:Peter Mehringer]]
# [[:Lyudmila Chernyshova]]
# [[:Nadejda Radzevich]]
# [[:Nataliya Razumova]]
# [[:Olga Solovova]]
# [[:Yelena Akhaminova]]
# [[:Yelena Andreyuk]]
# [[:Ricardo Lucarelli de Souza]]
# [[:Irina Makogonova]]
# [[:Lyubov Kozyreva]]
# [[:Svetlana Nikishina]]
# [[:Svetlana Badulina]]
# [[:Lidiya Loginova]]
# [[:Larisa Pavlova]]
# [[:Liang Yan]]
# [[:Zhu Ling]]
# [[:Hou Yuzhu]]
# [[:Yang Xilan]]
# [[:Jiang Ying (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Li Yanjun]]
# [[:Yang Xiaojun]]
# [[:Zheng Meizhu]]
# [[:Zhang Rongfang]]
# [[:Su Huijuan]]
# [[:Zhou Xiaolan]]
# [[:Valentina Ogiyenko]]
# [[:Yelena Volkova]]
# [[:Marina Kumysh]]
# [[:Irina Smirnova]]
# [[:Trecia Roberts]]
# [[:Tatyana Sidorenko]]
# [[:Irina Parkhomchuk]]
# [[:Tatyana Kraynova]]
# [[:Olga Shkurnova]]
# [[:Marina Nikulina]]
# [[:Svetlana Korytova]]
# [[:Olga Krivosheyeva]]
# [[:Mercedes Calderón]]
# [[:Idalmis Gato]]
# [[:Lilia Izquierdo]]
# [[:Li Shan]]
# [[:Norka Latamblet]]
# [[:Tania Ortíz]]
# [[:Raisa O'Farrill]]
# [[:Mirka Francia]]
# [[:Marta Sánchez Salfrán]]
# [[:Chen Jing (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Linda Ferga]]
# [[:Jakob Brendel]]
# [[:Marina Sheshenina]]
# [[:Michèle Jacot]]
# [[:João Paulo Tavares]]
# [[:Joedison Teixeira]]
# [[:Väinö Kokkinen]]
# [[:Ödön Zombori]]
# [[:Lennart Viitala]]
# [[:Nasuh Akar]]
# [[:Gazanfer Bilge]]
# [[:Celal Atik]]
# [[:Yaşar Doğu]]
# [[:Glen Brand]]
# [[:Edward Cummins]]
# [[:Ézinho]]
# [[:Felix Gottwald]]
# [[:Hannu Manninen]]
# [[:Ronny Ackermann]]
# [[:William Arjona]]
# [[:Mayssa]]
# [[:Gyula Bóbis]]
# [[:Pietro Lombardi]]
# [[:Kurt Pettersén]]
# [[:Mehmet Oktav]]
# [[:Gustav Freij]]
# [[:Drussyla Costa]]
# [[:Ellen van Dijk]]
# [[:Xanxa]]
# [[:Rafael Luiz Fantin]]
# [[:Tiago Enrique Barth]]
# [[:Toni Nieminen]]
# [[:Sarah Hendrickson]]
# [[:Sven Hannawald]]
# [[:Hélder Zech Coelho]]
# [[:Birger Ruud]]
# [[:Sara Takanashi]]
# [[:Henrique Randow]]
# [[:Gösta Andersson]]
# [[:Axel Grönberg]]
# [[:Karl-Erik Nilsson]]
# [[:Ahmet Kireççi]]
# [[:Hasan Gemici]]
# [[:Janne Ahonen]]
# [[:Amir Ghafour]]
# [[:Megan Taylor]]
# [[:Willian Reffatti]]
# [[:Ana Paula Lopes Ferreira]]
# [[:Shohachi Ishii]]
# [[:Bayram Şit]]
# [[:Olle Anderberg]]
# [[:Mikaela Shiffrin]]
# [[:Rodolpho Pfaff Granato]]
# [[:Douglas Cordeiro]]
# [[:Joel dos Santos Monteiro]]
# [[:Aleksandrs Samoilovs]]
# [[:William Smith (lutador)]]
# [[:David Tsimakuridze]]
# [[:Viking Palm]]
# [[:Roberto Minuzzi]]
# [[:Pedro Solberg]]
# [[:Ian Borges]]
# [[:Oscar Brandão]]
# [[:Arsen Mekokishvili]]
# [[:Boris Maksovich Gurevich]]
# [[:Imre Hódos]]
# [[:Yakiv Punkin]]
# [[:Sérgio Luiz Seixas Francia Nogueira]]
# [[:Verônica Maria Cavalcanti de Brito]]
# [[:Shazam Safin]]
# [[:Miklós Szilvásy]]
# [[:Allan Lobo Cocato]]
# [[:Paulo Anchieta Veloso Pinto]]
# [[:Antônio Marcos Lerbach]]
# [[:Kelpo Gröndahl]]
# [[:Johannes Kotkas]]
# [[:Mirian Tsalkalamanidze]]
# [[:Mustafa Dağıstanlı]]
# [[:Shozo Sasahara]]
# [[:João Paulo Bravo]]
# [[:Carolina Salgado Collett Solberg]]
# [[:Maria Clara Salgado Rufino]]
# [[:Dani Suco]]
# [[:Shaylyn Bedê]]
# [[:Allison Francioni]]
# [[:Verê (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Rogério Fernandes da Silva]]
# [[:Karol Souza]]
# [[:Deborah Hannah]]
# [[:Emam-Ali Habibi]]
# [[:Mitsuo Ikeda]]
# [[:Nikola Stanchev]]
# [[:Gholam Reza Takhti]]
# [[:Hamit Kaplan]]
# [[:Nikolai Solovyov]]
# [[:Everton Fagundes Pereira da Conceição]]
# [[:Diva Santiago Correia]]
# [[:Denise Porto Mattioli]]
# [[:Mikkel Hansen]]
# [[:Akiko Suzuki]]
# [[:Yuzuru Hanyu]]
# [[:Kanako Murakami]]
# [[:Célia Regina Oliveira Garritano]]
# [[:Alena Figerova Hunka]]
# [[:Takahiko Kozuka]]
# [[:Takahito Mura]]
# [[:Maurício Souza]]
# [[:Eduardo Arruda]]
# [[:Raquel Ruiz Centeno]]
# [[:Regina Villela dos Santos]]
# [[:Paulo Ricardo Ferreira]]
# [[:Julia Lipnitskaia]]
# [[:Lenice Peluso de Oliveira]]
# [[:Dominique Gisin]]
# [[:Carlos César da Silva]]
# [[:Helga Yolanda Suffert Cordal Sasso]]
# [[:Anna Fenninger]]
# [[:Carlos Schwanke]]
# [[:Viktoria Rebensburg]]
# [[:Adelina Sotnikova]]
# [[:Renan Buiatti]]
# [[:Nick Collison]]
# [[:Wanderson Fernandes Paranhas Campos]]
# [[:Juliana Borges Saracuza]]
# [[:Patrick Chan]]
# [[:Denis Ten]]
# [[:Regina Uchôa]]
# [[:Maxim Trankov]]
# [[:Marco Antônio da Silva Pompeu]]
# [[:Fábio Paranhos Marcelino]]
# [[:Tatiana Volosozhar]]
# [[:Braz Rozas Neto]]
# [[:Eric Lindros]]
# [[:Chris Pronger]]
# [[:Peter Forsberg]]
# [[:Cássio Leandro das Neves Pereira]]
# [[:Martin St. Louis]]
# [[:Joe Thornton]]
# [[:Henrik Sedin]]
# [[:Corey Perry]]
# [[:Dominik Hašek]]
# [[:Alexander Ovechkin]]
# [[:André Sanz]]
# [[:Murilo Radke]]
# [[:Enrico Zappoli]]
# [[:André Ryuma Oto Aleixo]]
# [[:Douglas Correia Bastos]]
# [[:Thales Hoss]]
# [[:Silmar Antônio de Almeida]]
# [[:Lucas Provenzano]]
# [[:Henrique Avancini]]
# [[:Vilho Tuulos]]
# [[:Ville Pörhöla]]
# [[:James Meredith (atleta)]]
# [[:Renata Lúcia de Oliveira Carvalho]]
# [[:Luan Weber]]
# [[:Edward Lindberg]]
# [[:Matthew McGrath]]
# [[:Alma Richards]]
# [[:Platt Adams]]
# [[:Albert Gutterson]]
# [[:Harry Babcock]]
# [[:Pat McDonald]]
# [[:Tell Berna]]
# [[:Norman Taber]]
# [[:George Bonhag]]
# [[:Heli Rantanen]]
# [[:Tapio Korjus]]
# [[:Juha Tiainen]]
# [[:Arto Härkönen]]
# [[:Eino Rastas]]
# [[:Väinö Sipilä]]
# [[:Timothy Ahearne]]
# [[:Frej Liewendahl]]
# [[:Eino Seppälä]]
# [[:Sameli Tala]]
# [[:Tamara Tyshkevich]]
# [[:Lyudmila Shevtsova]]
# [[:Jason Gardener]]
# [[:Alfonso César Almeida Ribeiro]]
# [[:Darren Campbell]]
# [[:Marlon Devonish]]
# [[:Mark Lewis-Francis]]
# [[:Antonio Díaz (karateca)]]
# [[:Lyudmila Bragina]]
# [[:Vera Kalashnikova-Krepkina]]
# [[:Vasili Rudenkov]]
# [[:Robert Shavlakadze]]
# [[:Viktor Tsybulenko]]
# [[:Romuald Klim]]
# [[:Hjalmar Andersson]]
# [[:John Eke]]
# [[:Josef Ternström]]
# [[:Tore Sjöstrand]]
# [[:Henry Eriksson]]
# [[:Hugo Wieslander]]
# [[:William Pettersson]]
# [[:Jānis Lūsis]]
# [[:Julius Sang]]
# [[:Robert Ouko]]
# [[:Charles Asati]]
# [[:Hezekiah Nyamau]]
# [[:Julius Korir]]
# [[:Erik Lundqvist]]
# [[:Matthew Birir]]
# [[:William Tanui]]
# [[:Arne Åhman]]
# [[:Joseph Keter]]
# [[:Reuben Kosgei]]
# [[:LaMont Smith]]
# [[:Alvin Harrison]]
# [[:Derek Mills]]
# [[:Anthuan Maybank]]
# [[:Rochelle Stevens]]
# [[:Kim Graham]]
# [[:Maicel Malone-Wallace]]
# [[:Jearl Miles Clark]]
# [[:Joseph Deakin]]
# [[:Archie Robertson]]
# [[:William Coales]]
# [[:Evelin Jahl]]
# [[:Faina Melnyk]]
# [[:Clement Chukwu]]
# [[:Jude Monye]]
# [[:Sunday Bada]]
# [[:Enefiok Udo-Obong]]
# [[:Vladimir Krylov]]
# [[:Viktor Bryzhin]]
# [[:Vitaly Savin]]
# [[:Vladimir Muravyov]]
# [[:Riad Ribeiro]]
# [[:Mary Rand]]
# [[:Ann Packer]]
# [[:Kenneth Matthews]]
# [[:Donald Thompson]]
# [[:Nikolai Avilov]]
# [[:David Jacobs (atleta)]]
# [[:Jüri Tarmak]]
# [[:Nadejda Chijova]]
# [[:Henry Macintosh]]
# [[:Victor d'Arcy]]
# [[:William Applegarth]]
# [[:Orlando Luz]]
# [[:Rodrigo Nascimento Pinto]]
# [[:Flávia Assis]]
# [[:Ksenia Stolbova]]
# [[:Fedor Klimov]]
# [[:Tiago Gatiboni Wesz]]
# [[:Elena Ilinykh]]
# [[:Nikita Katsalapov]]
# [[:Ekaterina Bobrova]]
# [[:Dmitri Soloviev]]
# [[:Kevin Reynolds (patinador)]]
# [[:Cacá Bizzocchi]]
# [[:Thiago Antônio Machado]]
# [[:Meagan Duhamel]]
# [[:Rodrigo Alves dos Santos]]
# [[:Eric Radford]]
# [[:Vinícius Mendes de Siqueira]]
# [[:Maurício Borges]]
# [[:Filipe Ferraz]]
# [[:Guilherme Fiori Kachel]]
# [[:Andre Drummond]]
# [[:Franco Paese]]
# [[:Klay Thompson]]
# [[:Kenneth Faried]]
# [[:Lucas Lóh]]
# [[:Thaís David Barbosa]]
# [[:Ivna Marra]]
# [[:Suelle Oliveira]]
# [[:Dayse Figueiredo]]
# [[:Nilo Martins Guimarães]]
# [[:Suelen Pinto]]
# [[:Pri Daroit]]
# [[:Al-Farouq Aminu]]
# [[:Neneca (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Cadum]]
# [[:Silvana Papini]]
# [[:Maria Angélica Beraldo]]
# [[:Elymara Vieira Silva]]
# [[:Tatiana Vieira Rodrigues]]
# [[:Sílvia Regina Montanarini]]
# [[:Suzana Silva]]
# [[:Maria Estela Junior]]
# [[:Helenize de Freitas]]
# [[:Mason Plumlee]]
# [[:Rosita Garcia Madalen]]
# [[:Patrícia Cocco]]
# [[:Marta Aparecida Pereira da Silva]]
# [[:Margareth Torelli de Moraes Diogo Tavares]]
# [[:Natasha Farinéa]]
# [[:Ana Carolina da Silva]]
# [[:Diná Pettenuzzo Santiago]]
# [[:Arvydas Sabonis]]
# [[:Maria Ângela Sabino]]
# [[:Paula Neves Magalhães de Barros]]
# [[:Jo Bonfrere]]
# [[:Susanne Lahme]]
# [[:Mari Helen Pedra Mendes]]
# [[:Andréia Laurence]]
# [[:Jenő Buzánszky]]
# [[:Isaác Brizuela]]
# [[:Amanda Francisco]]
# [[:Miki Ando]]
# [[:Yuka Satō]]
# [[:Jill Trenary]]
# [[:Denise Biellmann]]
# [[:Gundi Busch]]
# [[:Alena Vrzáňová]]
# [[:Gilbert Burns]]
# [[:Takeshi Honda]]
# [[:Facundo Campazzo]]
# [[:Javier Fernández (patinador)]]
# [[:Henning Grenander]]
# [[:Gilbert Fuchs]]
# [[:Matt Lindland]]
# [[:Gösta Sandahl]]
# [[:Fritz Kachler]]
# [[:Graham Sharp]]
# [[:Alain Giletti]]
# [[:Donald McPherson]]
# [[:Emmerich Danzer]]
# [[:Sergei Volkov (patinador)]]
# [[:Alexandr Fadeev]]
# [[:Kurt Browning]]
# [[:Todd Eldredge]]
# [[:Fernanda Gritzbach]]
# [[:Alexei Tikhonov]]
# [[:Marina Eltsova]]
# [[:Andrei Bushkov]]
# [[:Fernanda Berti]]
# [[:Marcelo Zormann]]
# [[:Karl Mejstrik]]
# [[:Robert Drysdale]]
# [[:Camilla Adão]]
# [[:Alessandra Alves Sperb]]
# [[:Evgenia Shishkova]]
# [[:Vadim Naumov]]
# [[:Irina Vorobieva]]
# [[:Igor Lisovsky]]
# [[:Katchú]]
# [[:Radka Kovaříková]]
# [[:René Novotný]]
# [[:Tiquinho]]
# [[:Sabrina Bado]]
# [[:Christina Hering]]
# [[:Claudinei Santos (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Barbara Underhill]]
# [[:Paul Martini]]
# [[:Sabine Baeß]]
# [[:Tassilo Thierbach]]
# [[:Tai Babilonia]]
# [[:Randy Gardner]]
# [[:Maria Jelinek]]
# [[:Otto Jelinek]]
# [[:Jennifer Nicks]]
# [[:John Nicks]]
# [[:Cecília Menezes]]
# [[:Anna Cappellini]]
# [[:Luca Lanotte]]
# [[:Isabelle Delobel]]
# [[:Olivier Schoenfelder]]
# [[:Albena Denkova]]
# [[:Maxim Staviski]]
# [[:Shae-Lynn Bourne]]
# [[:Victor Kraatz]]
# [[:Diane Towler]]
# [[:Bernard Ford]]
# [[:Eva Romanová]]
# [[:Pavel Roman]]
# [[:Doreen Denny]]
# [[:June Markham]]
# [[:Courtney Jones]]
# [[:Pamela Weight]]
# [[:Paul Thomas (patinador)]]
# [[:Jean Westwood]]
# [[:Lawrence Demmy]]
# [[:Nathalie Péchalat]]
# [[:Fabian Bourzat]]
# [[:Kaitlyn Weaver]]
# [[:Andrew Poje]]
# [[:Rangel Leonardo (voleibolista)]]
# [[:José Jorge Sousa dos Santos Júnior]]
# [[:Cidão (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Alexander Szot Marczenski]]
# [[:Juliana Valongo de Castro]]
# [[:José Alves Neto]]
# [[:Guilherme Koepp]]
# [[:Luke Durbridge]]
# [[:Rogério Lintz Leite Medeiros Nogueira]]
# [[:Guilherme Brito Santos]]
# [[:Reinaldo Alves (voleibolista)]]
# [[:Léia Silva]]
# [[:Alberto Pedra Mendes]]
# [[:Ialisson César Mello de Amorin]]
# [[:Luciano Paczko Bozko]]
# [[:Eduardo Jorge Bacil Filho]]
# [[:Nicolas Bernard Muck dos Santos]]
# [[:Danilo Cruz de Carvalho]]
# [[:Marcus Almeida]]
# [[:Robson Tadeu de Fazio]]
# [[:Paulo Victor Costa da Silva]]
# [[:Paula Cristina Ferreira]]
# [[:Otávio Henrique Rodrigues Pinto]]
# [[:Fábio Luís Malachias Paes]]
# [[:Giovanni Baliana das Chagas]]
# [[:Renato Russomanno dos Santos]]
# [[:Ricardo Ribas]]
# [[:Raphael Thiago de Oliveira]]
# [[:Daniela Vieira da Silva]]
# [[:Álex Abrines]]
# [[:Bruno Zanuto]]
# [[:Hugo Hamacher da Silva]]
# [[:Maria de Lourdes Ribeiro Silva]]
# [[:William Bersani da Costa]]
# [[:Thomas Heurtel]]
# [[:Jaline Prado de Oliveira]]
# [[:Dejan Bodiroga]]
# [[:Fabiana Berto Belarmino]]
# [[:Juan Sebastián Cabal]]
# [[:Carlos Arroyo]]
# [[:Igor Braz Vilela Pinto]]
# [[:Gustavo Ayón]]
# [[:Nando de Colo]]
# [[:Joel Perosa]]
# [[:Sônia Benedito]]
# [[:Nobunari Oda]]
# [[:Leonardo Cruz de Miranda]]
# [[:Paulo Marcelo Ferreira]]
# [[:Leandro Araújo da Silva]]
# [[:Lyudmila Kondratieva]]
# [[:Viacheslav Ivanenko]]
# [[:Tatyana Samolenko]]
# [[:Jaak Uudmäe]]
# [[:William Roberts]]
# [[:Godfrey Brown]]
# [[:Frederick Wolff]]
# [[:Harold Whitlock]]
# [[:Allen Woodring]]
# [[:Frank Loomis]]
# [[:Patrick Ryan (atleta)]]
# [[:Frank Foss]]
# [[:Horace Brown (atleta)]]
# [[:Arlie Schardt]]
# [[:Ivan Dresser]]
# [[:Jackson Scholz]]
# [[:Loren Murchison]]
# [[:Mario Hezonja]]
# [[:Morris Kirksey]]
# [[:Ante Tomić (basquete)]]
# [[:Michael Marsh]]
# [[:Michael Stulce]]
# [[:Dennis Mitchell]]
# [[:Louis Scott]]
# [[:Abel Kiviat]]
# [[:Esther Jones]]
# [[:Carlette Guidry]]
# [[:Leroy Burrell]]
# [[:Viktor Rashchupkin]]
# [[:Dainis Kūla]]
# [[:Albert Hill]]
# [[:Percy Hodge]]
# [[:Cecil Griffiths]]
# [[:Robert Lindsay]]
# [[:Guy Butler]]
# [[:John Ainsworth-Davis]]
# [[:Daniel Kinsey]]
# [[:Morgan Taylor]]
# [[:Harold Osborn]]
# [[:Clarence Houser]]
# [[:Salah Mejri]]
# [[:William DeHart Hubbard]]
# [[:Lee Barnes]]
# [[:Louis Clarke]]
# [[:Frank Hussey]]
# [[:Alfred LeConey]]
# [[:Commodore Cochran]]
# [[:Oliver MacDonald]]
# [[:Alan Helffrich]]
# [[:William Stevenson]]
# [[:Douglas Lowe]]
# [[:Nadejda Tkachenko]]
# [[:Tatyana Kolpakova]]
# [[:Steve Lewis]]
# [[:Louise Ritter]]
# [[:Sheila Echols]]
# [[:Kevin Robinzine]]
# [[:Butch Reynolds]]
# [[:David Burghley]]
# [[:Nikolai Sidorov]]
# [[:Andrei Prokofiev]]
# [[:Aleksandr Aksinin]]
# [[:Ray Barbuti]]
# [[:George Baird]]
# [[:Emerson Spencer]]
# [[:Fred Alderman]]
# [[:Robert King]]
# [[:Edward Hamm]]
# [[:Sabin Carr]]
# [[:John Kuck]]
# [[:Frank Wykoff]]
# [[:James Quinn]]
# [[:Charles Borah]]
# [[:Henry Russell]]
# [[:Thomas Green]]
# [[:Thomas Hampson (atleta)]]
# [[:Remigijus Valiulis]]
# [[:Mikhail Linge]]
# [[:Nikolai Chernetsky]]
# [[:Tetyana Prorochenko]]
# [[:Tatyana Goyshchik]]
# [[:Nina Zyuskova]]
# [[:Irina Nazarova]]
# [[:Joe DeLoach]]
# [[:Fred Tootell]]
# [[:Larissa Oliveira]]
# [[:William Miller (atleta)]]
# [[:Eddie Tolan]]
# [[:George Saling]]
# [[:William Carr]]
# [[:James Bausch]]
# [[:John Anderson (atleta)]]
# [[:Lillian Copeland]]
# [[:Jean Shiley]]
# [[:Edward Gordon]]
# [[:Leo Sexton]]
# [[:Emmett Toppino]]
# [[:Robert Kiesel]]
# [[:Hector Dyer]]
# [[:Mary Carew]]
# [[:Wilhelmina von Bremen]]
# [[:Evelyn Furtsch]]
# [[:Annette Rogers]]
# [[:Ivan Fuqua]]
# [[:Karl Warner]]
# [[:Edgar Ablowich]]
# [[:Al Joyner]]
# [[:Camila Barbosa Monteiro]]
# [[:Alice Brown]]
# [[:Jeanette Bolden]]
# [[:Chandra Cheeseborough]]
# [[:Ron Brown]]
# [[:Sunder Nix]]
# [[:Ray Armstead]]
# [[:Lillie Leatherwood]]
# [[:Sherri Howard]]
# [[:Helen Stephens]]
# [[:Harriet Bland]]
# [[:Forrest Towns]]
# [[:Glenn Hardin]]
# [[:Archie Williams]]
# [[:John Woodruff]]
# [[:Matheus Santana]]
# [[:Alessandra Marchioro]]
# [[:Glenn Morris]]
# [[:Ken Carpenter]]
# [[:Everaldo Lucena da Silva]]
# [[:Earle Meadows]]
# [[:Foy Draper]]
# [[:Deivid Júnior Costa]]
# [[:Marko Simonović]]
# [[:Stefan Birčević]]
# [[:Miroslav Raduljica]]
# [[:Vladimir Štimac]]
# [[:Gisele Cristina Florentino]]
# [[:Cintha Boersma]]
# [[:Érica Pivetta Adachi]]
# [[:Rafaela Miranda Félix]]
# [[:Ellen Braga]]
# [[:Carla Santos]]
# [[:Cláudia Bueno]]
# [[:Aleksey Cheremisinov]]
# [[:Seleção Iraquiana de Futebol]]
# [[:Guerrinha (basquetebolista)]]
# [[:George Kobaladze]]
# [[:Luiz Henrique Ferreira de Menezes]]
# [[:Osvaldo Suárez]]
# [[:Martine Grael]]
# [[:Kahena Kunze]]
# [[:Kazimierz Górski]]
# [[:Conceição Geremias]]
# [[:Polina Edmunds]]
# [[:Max Bohatsch]]
# [[:Ernst Herz]]
# [[:Layana Colman]]
# [[:Ualas da Conceição Martins]]
# [[:Stela Santos Nascimento]]
# [[:Mickaël Gelabale]]
# [[:Oscar Furlong]]
# [[:Naiane de Almeida Rios]]
# [[:Facundo Bagnis]]
# [[:Nicolás Albarracín]]
# [[:Flávia Saraiva]]
# [[:Gabriela Dabrowski]]
# [[:Martina Batini]]
# [[:Uwe Kamps]]
# [[:R. C. Pitts]]
# [[:Ray Lumpp]]
# [[:Guilherme Murray]]
# [[:Márcio Vilela]]
# [[:Dirce Lara]]
# [[:Francisco Barreto Júnior]]
# [[:Ronaldo Vadson Schwantes]]
# [[:María Vento-Kabchi]]
# [[:Ana Cristina Porto]]
# [[:Léo Meindl]]
# [[:Pau Ribas]]
# [[:Miriam Jacinta Volkweis]]
# [[:Hans Podlipnik]]
# [[:Nicolás Jarry]]
# [[:Carey Price]]
# [[:Natalia Malykh]]
# [[:Ekaterina Pankova]]
# [[:Marcus Vinicius D'Almeida]]
# [[:Blagoy Ivanov]]
# [[:Ju Costa]]
# [[:Andrey Koreshkov]]
# [[:Bruno Oscar Schmidt]]
# [[:Suzana Ćebić]]
# [[:Fabián Puerta]]
# [[:Larisa Korobeynikova]]
# [[:Gabriel Aglio]]
# [[:Kazys Petkevičius]]
# [[:Aleksandr Moiseyev]]
# [[:Kimberly Hill]]
# [[:Yuri Ozerov]]
# [[:Bárbara Riveros]]
# [[:Sarah Haskins]]
# [[:Nicola Spirig]]
# [[:Crisanto Grajales]]
# [[:Arkady Bochkaryov]]
# [[:Rommel Pacheco]]
# [[:Jahir Ocampo]]
# [[:Charles Chibana]]
# [[:Hallan Garcia]]
# [[:Alisha Glass]]
# [[:Antonella Del Core]]
# [[:Carolina Costagrande]]
# [[:Dolores Hernández]]
# [[:Jeinkler Aguirre]]
# [[:José Antonio Guerra]]
# [[:Orlando Duque]]
# [[:Ellie Black]]
# [[:Thiago Simon]]
# [[:David Moura]]
# [[:Luisa Matsuo]]
# [[:Lena Schöneborn]]
# [[:Carol Zhao]]
# [[:Kevin Cordón]]
# [[:Brandonn Almeida]]
# [[:Luiz Altamir Melo]]
# [[:Aleksandar Atanasijević]]
# [[:Earvin N'Gapeth]]
# [[:Cassio Rippel]]
# [[:Maxwell Holt]]
# [[:Matthew Anderson]]
# [[:Hugo Barrette]]
# [[:Joseph Veloce]]
# [[:Fernando Gaviria]]
# [[:Juan Esteban Arango]]
# [[:Arles Castro]]
# [[:Jhonatan Restrepo]]
# [[:Hersony Canelón]]
# [[:César Marcano]]
# [[:Ángel Pulgar]]
# [[:Allison Beveridge]]
# [[:Monique Sullivan]]
# [[:Kate O'Brien]]
# [[:Laura Brown]]
# [[:Kirsti Lay]]
# [[:Lisandra Guerra]]
# [[:Michał Kubiak]]
# [[:Evan Carey]]
# [[:Kelly Catlin]]
# [[:Raphaël Gagné]]
# [[:Nathalie Moellhausen]]
# [[:Emily Batty]]
# [[:Tory Nyhaug]]
# [[:Felicia Stancil]]
# [[:Hugo Houle]]
# [[:Joana Cunha]]
# [[:Júlio Ferreira]]
# [[:Arlenis Sierra]]
# [[:Paweł Zatorski]]
# [[:Angie González]]
# [[:María Luisa Calle]]
# [[:Benjamin Toniutti]]
# [[:Miguel Ubeto]]
# [[:Irina Fetisova]]
# [[:Kristin Hildebrand]]
# [[:Rosamaria Montibeller]]
# [[:Beatriz Travalon]]
# [[:João Vianna]]
# [[:Anna Malova]]
# [[:Alexandra Pasynkova]]
# [[:Yana Shcherban]]
# [[:Irina Zaryazhko]]
# [[:Diogo Villarinho]]
# [[:Carolina Bilich]]
# [[:Anastasia Bavykina]]
# [[:Arthur Mendes]]
# [[:Ekaterina Bogacheva]]
# [[:Harrison Dillard]]
# [[:William Porter]]
# [[:Mel Patton]]
# [[:Anastasia Shlyakhovaya]]
# [[:Zsuzsanna Vörös]]
# [[:Stephanie Cook]]
# [[:Roy Cochran]]
# [[:Malvin Whitfield]]
# [[:Amélie Cazé]]
# [[:Guillermo Hernangómez]]
# [[:Bob Mathias]]
# [[:Willie Steele]]
# [[:Guinn Smith]]
# [[:Wilbur Thompson]]
# [[:Barney Ewell]]
# [[:Lorenzo Wright]]
# [[:Arthur Harnden]]
# [[:Cliff Bourland]]
# [[:Erick Barrondo]]
# [[:Arnie Robinson]]
# [[:Harvey Glance]]
# [[:Lam Jones]]
# [[:Millard Hampton]]
# [[:Steve Riddick]]
# [[:Herman Frazier]]
# [[:Fred Newhouse]]
# [[:Maxie Parks]]
# [[:Benjamin Brown]]
# [[:Eugenio Monti]]
# [[:David Wottle]]
# [[:Randy Williams]]
# [[:Larry Black]]
# [[:Robert Taylor (atleta)]]
# [[:Gerald Tinker]]
# [[:Eddie Hart]]
# [[:Lindy Remigino]]
# [[:Dean Smith]]
# [[:Andy Stanfield]]
# [[:Horace Ashenfelter]]
# [[:Charles Moore (atleta)]]
# [[:Sim Iness]]
# [[:Walt Davis]]
# [[:Cyrus Young]]
# [[:Jerome Biffle]]
# [[:Bob Richards]]
# [[:Parry O'Brien]]
# [[:Mae Faggs]]
# [[:Barbara Jones]]
# [[:Kim Yeon-Koung]]
# [[:Janet Moreau]]
# [[:Catherine Hardy]]
# [[:Jim Hines]]
# [[:Madeline Manning]]
# [[:Bill Toomey]]
# [[:Bob Seagren]]
# [[:Randy Matson]]
# [[:Melvin Pender]]
# [[:Charles Greene]]
# [[:Ronnie Ray Smith]]
# [[:Barbara Ferrell]]
# [[:Mildrette Netter]]
# [[:Margaret Bailes]]
# [[:Wyomia Tyus]]
# [[:John Carlos]]
# [[:Ron Freeman]]
# [[:Vincent Matthews]]
# [[:Seleção Brasileira de Voleibol Sentado Masculino]]
# [[:Bobby Morrow]]
# [[:Lee Calhoun]]
# [[:Glenn Davis]]
# [[:Charles Jenkins]]
# [[:Tom Courtney]]
# [[:Milt Campbell]]
# [[:Charles Dumas]]
# [[:Mildred McDaniel]]
# [[:Gregory Bell]]
# [[:Ira Murchison]]
# [[:Thane Baker]]
# [[:Leamon King]]
# [[:Genzebe Dibaba]]
# [[:Ghirmay Ghebreslassie]]
# [[:Miguel Ángel López (atleta)]]
# [[:Ma Long]]
# [[:Zhang Jike]]
# [[:Lu Lin]]
# [[:Chen Qi]]
# [[:Yan Sen]]
# [[:Li Xiaoxia]]
# [[:Qiao Hong]]
# [[:Dafne Schippers]]
# [[:Ding Ning]]
# [[:Zuzana Hejnová]]
# [[:Anita Wlodarczyk]]
# [[:Liu Hong]]
# [[:Saif Saaeed Shaheen]]
# [[:Šarūnas Marčiulionis]]
# [[:Louis Jones]]
# [[:Jesse Mashburn]]
# [[:Oskar Uhlig]]
# [[:Joffrey Lauvergne]]
# [[:Shane Lawal]]
# [[:Jim Barnes]]
# [[:Renata Sandor]]
# [[:Kaitlyn Lawes]]
# [[:Tomáš Dvořák]]
# [[:Jill Officer]]
# [[:Joe Caldwell]]
# [[:Dick Davies]]
# [[:Gwen Jorgensen]]
# [[:Non Stanford]]
# [[:Dmitri Gaag]]
# [[:Iván Raña]]
# [[:Lucious Jackson]]
# [[:Wenceslau Malta]]
# [[:Eric Tinoco Marques]]
# [[:Krešimir Ćosić]]
# [[:János Greminger]]
# [[:Betina Jozami]]
# [[:Florencia Labat]]
# [[:Hernán Gumy]]
# [[:Andressa Cavalari Machry]]
# [[:Dino Rađa]]
# [[:Martin Fourcade]]
# [[:Vincent Jay]]
# [[:Björn Ferry]]
# [[:Vincent Defrasne]]
# [[:Sven Fischer]]
# [[:Ricco Groß]]
# [[:Marquinhos Abdalla]]
# [[:Milagros Sequera]]
# [[:Carioquinha (basquetebolista)]]
# [[:Luiz Claudio Menon]]
# [[:Vyacheslav Khrynin]]
# [[:Juris Kalniņš]]
# [[:Nikolai Bagley]]
# [[:Emil Hegle Svendsen]]
# [[:Halvard Hanevold]]
# [[:Tarjei Bø]]
# [[:Claude Onesta]]
# [[:Julen Aguinagalde]]
# [[:Mike Barrett]]
# [[:Doug Collins]]
# [[:Tom Henderson]]
# [[:Bobby Jones (basquetebolista)]]
# [[:Susan Rojcewicz]]
# [[:Ana Barros (andebolista)]]
# [[:Francesco Verri]]
# [[:Ana Muniz]]
# [[:Lusia Harris]]
# [[:Nikola Mirotić]]
# [[:Júlio Lópes]]
# [[:Ksenia Ilchenko]]
# [[:José Carlos Souza]]
# [[:Emanuel Nascimento]]
# [[:Adhemar Grijó Filho]]
# [[:Lucila Vianna da Silva]]
# [[:Jader Souza]]
# [[:Elizaveta Tuktamysheva]]
# [[:Eduard Engelmann Jr.]]
# [[:Gabriella Papadakis]]
# [[:Guillaume Cizeron]]
# [[:Simone Biles]]
# [[:Tibor von Földváry]]
# [[:Georg Zachariades]]
# [[:Lidia Popova]]
# [[:Alexander Fischer]]
# [[:Ivi Monteiro]]
# [[:Tanya Dubnicoff]]
# [[:Mark Price]]
# [[:Surya Bonaly]]
# [[:Claudia Leistner]]
# [[:Damian McDonald]]
# [[:Claudia Kristofics-Binder]]
# [[:Hanna Walter]]
# [[:Hanna Eigel]]
# [[:Valda Osborn]]
# [[:Mara Leão]]
# [[:Henry Brask Andersen]]
# [[:Boban Marjanović]]
# [[:Andrey Muniz de Castro]]
# [[:Carsten Bergemann]]
# [[:Vyacheslav Zahorodnyuk]]
# [[:Tomeu Rigo]]
# [[:Isaac Fotu]]
# [[:Deonise Fachinello]]
# [[:Norbert Schramm]]
# [[:Igor Bobrin]]
# [[:Diego Esteban Simonet]]
# [[:Sebastián Simonet]]
# [[:Matías Schulz]]
# [[:Madison Chock]]
# [[:Yoon Kyung-shin]]
# [[:Stine Bredal Oftedal]]
# [[:Joan Cañellas]]
# [[:Evan Bates]]
# [[:Josip Pavić]]
# [[:Damir Burić]]
# [[:Miho Bošković]]
# [[:Nikša Dobud]]
# [[:Slobodan Soro]]
# [[:Zoltán Szécsi]]
# [[:Biljana Pavićević]]
# [[:Matthew Dellavedova]]
# [[:Daniel Costantini]]
# [[:Ausra Fridrikas]]
# [[:Dani Díez]]
# [[:Carlos Suárez]]
# [[:Jan Pytlick]]
# [[:Antoine Diot]]
# [[:Nair Almeida]]
# [[:Ilda Bengue]]
# [[:Natália Bernardo]]
# [[:Elizabeth Cailo]]
# [[:Cristina Branco (andebolista)]]
# [[:Marcelina Kiala]]
# [[:Luísa Kiala]]
# [[:Chicória (handebolista)]]
# [[:Dilane Roese]]
# [[:Margareth Lobo Montão]]
# [[:Lino Červar]]
# [[:José Ronaldo do Nascimento]]
# [[:Petar Muslim]]
# [[:Ivan Buljubašić]]
# [[:Andro Bušlje]]
# [[:Sandro Sukno]]
# [[:Samir Barač]]
# [[:Igor Hinić]]
# [[:Paulo Obradović]]
# [[:Frano Vićan]]
# [[:Tamás Varga]]
# [[:Tibor Benedek]]
# [[:Tamás Kásás]]
# [[:Péter Biros]]
# [[:Gergely Kiss]]
# [[:Tamás Molnár]]
# [[:István Gergely]]
# [[:Norbert Madaras]]
# [[:Rajmund Fodor]]
# [[:Attila Vári]]
# [[:Barnabás Steinmetz]]
# [[:Ádám Steinmetz]]
# [[:Jesús Rollán]]
# [[:Daniel Ballart]]
# [[:Manuel Estiarte]]
# [[:Salvador Gómez]]
# [[:Miguel Ángel Oca]]
# [[:Jordi Sans]]
# [[:Dezső Gyarmati]]
# [[:Yana Kudryavtseva]]
# [[:Huang Qiuyan]]
# [[:Margarida Conte]]
# [[:Nicolas Batum]]
# [[:Živko Gocić]]
# [[:Vanja Udovičić]]
# [[:Ervin Zádor]]
# [[:Duško Pijetlović]]
# [[:Andrija Prlainović]]
# [[:Nikola Rađen]]
# [[:Aleksandar Ćirić]]
# [[:Dénes Varga]]
# [[:Norbert Hosnyánszky]]
# [[:Dániel Varga]]
# [[:Gábor Kis]]
# [[:Zoltán Kósz]]
# [[:Tamás Märcz]]
# [[:Bulcsú Székely]]
# [[:Zsolt Varga]]
# [[:Sandra Soldan]]
# [[:Dejan Savić]]
# [[:Vladimir Vujasinović]]
# [[:Aleksandar Šapić]]
# [[:Gilberto González]]
# [[:Liudmila Bodnieva]]
# [[:Hunter Kemper]]
# [[:Andy Potts]]
# [[:Sheila Taormina]]
# [[:Sergi Pedrerol]]
# [[:Pedro García Aguado]]
# [[:Maja Ognjenović]]
# [[:Vladimir Lučić]]
# [[:Guillem Vives]]
# [[:John Shurna]]
# [[:Svetlana Grankovskaya]]
# [[:Lizzy Yarnold]]
# [[:Vic Wild]]
# [[:Lajos Baróti]]
# [[:Danilo Ikodinović]]
# [[:Viktor Jelenić]]
# [[:Vladimir Gojković]]
# [[:Predrag Jokić]]
# [[:Miguel Hernández Sánchez]]
# [[:Vicente Miera]]
# [[:Teslim Fatusi]]
# [[:Abiodun Obafemi]]
# [[:Kingsley Obiekwu]]
# [[:Serge Mimpo]]
# [[:Clement Beaud]]
# [[:Serge Branco]]
# [[:Jean-Paul Akono]]
# [[:Georg Buschner]]