Assembleia tribal: diferenças entre revisões

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{{AP|prefixo=Mais informações|Tribo romana}}
<!-- Deleted image removed: [[Image:Gaius Gracchus Flees.jpg|thumb|[[Gaius Gracchus]] flees after failing to win reelection to the tribunate.]] -->
As 35 tribos romanas não eram grupos [[etnia|étnicos]] ou de parentesco, mas divisões genéricas nas quais os cidadãos romanos estavam distribuídos. Quando elas foram criadas, as subdivisões eram geográficas, muito similares aos modernos [[distrito eleitoral|distritos eleitorais]]. Porém, o pertencimento a uma tribo era herdado pela linhagem paterna, o que levou, gradualmente, à perda do caráter geográfico<ref name="Lintott, 51">Lintott, 51</ref>. Cada tribo tinha subdivisões internas chamadas de ''"vici"'' nas tribos urbanas e ''"pagi"'' nas rurais. Apesar de outras subdivisões também terem existido, como [[guilda]]s profissionais ([[colégio (Roma Antiga)|colégio]]s ou ''"collegia"''), as tribos sempre foram a unidade fundamental de organização da política romana.
{{Details|Roman tribe}}
Cada tribo tinha seus próprios oficiais, como tesoureiros (''"divisores"''), registradores, responsáveis pelo censo tribal<ref name="Lintott, 52">Lintott, 52</ref> e, no final do período republicano, oficiais cuja única função era distribuir [[propina]]s. Como o pertencimento às tribos era reafirmado apenas a cada cinco anos, durante o [[censor romano|censo]], tornou-se possível a prática do ''[[gerrymandering]]'' nas tribos. Apesar da impossibilidade de retirar território de uma tribo, magistrados conhecidos como [[censor romano|censores]] tinham poder para alocar novos territórios às tribos existentes como parte do censo. Desta forma, podiam atribuir estas terras de forma vantajosa a eles ou seus aliados<ref name="Taylor, 66">Taylor, 66</ref>.
The 35 tribes were not ethnic or kinship groups, but generic divisions into which Roman citizens were distributed. When the tribes were created, the divisions were geographical, similar to modern [[U.S. Congress|U.S. Congressional districts]]. However, tribe membership was inherited from fathers, so the geographical distinctions were eventually lost.<ref name="Lintott, 51">Lintott, 51</ref> Each tribe had further subdivisions, called ''vici'' in urban tribes and ''pagi'' in rural tribes. While other subdivisions within tribes were possible, such as professional guilds ("colleges" or ''collegia''), the tribe always remained the fundamental organizing unit.
Durante os primeiros anos da república e o período intermediário, a Assembleia tribal se reuniu em diversos locais diferentes do [[Fórum Romano]], incluindo a [[rostra]], o [[Comício (Roma Antiga)|Comício]], o [[Templo de Castor e Pólux]] e na "Área Capitolina", perto do [[Templo de Júpiter Ótimo Máximo]]. No final da República, a Assembleia tribal geralmente se reunia foram da [[Muralha Serviana|muralha]], no [[Campo de Marte (Roma)|Campo de Marte]], pois o espaço permitia que as votações ocorressem de forma muito mais rápida<ref name="Lintott, 55">Lintott, 55</ref>.
Each tribe had its own officers, such as Treasurers (''divisores'') Registers (who conducted the tribal census),<ref name="Lintott, 52">Lintott, 52</ref> and by the late republic, officers whose only task was to distribute bribes. Because tribal membership was reaffirmed once every five years in each census, it became possible to crudely [[gerrymander]] tribes. While land could never be taken away from a tribe, the magistrates known as "[[Roman censor|censors]]" had the power to allocate new lands into existing tribes as a part of the Census. Thus, Censors had the power to apportion tribes in a manner that might be advantageous to them or to their partisans.<ref name="Taylor, 66">Taylor, 66</ref>
O magistrado presidente tinha que garantir que todas as tribos tivessem pelo menos cinco membros votando e, se não conseguisse, ele mesmo poderia redesignar indivíduos de outras tribos para a tribo vaga<ref name="Taylor, 66">Taylor, 66</ref><ref name="Taylor, 77">Taylor, 77</ref>.
During the early and middle republic, the Tribal Assembly met at various locations in the [[Roman Forum]], including the ''[[rostra]]'', the ''[[comitium]]'', the [[Temple of Castor and Pollux]], and in a location near the [[Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus]] (the ''area Capitolina''). By the late republic, the assembly often met right outside of the city wall on the [[Campus Martius|Field of Mars]] (''Campus Martius''), because the size of the field allowed votes to occur more quickly.<ref name="Lintott, 55">Lintott, 55</ref>
A primeira tribo selecionada para votar (''"principium"'') era geralmente a tribo mais importante, pois geralmente decidia a questão. Acreditava-se que a ordem do sorteio era definida pelos deuses e, por isto, a posição defendida pelas primeiras tribos era considerada como sendo, geralmente, a posição dos deuses<ref name="Taylor, 76">Taylor, 76</ref>. Uma vez atingida a maioria das tribos, a votação era encerrada e o resultado, declarado.
The presiding magistrate (either a Consul or a Praetor), always ensured that all tribes had at least five members voting, and if any tribe did not, the magistrate reassigned individuals from other tribes into the vacant tribe.<ref name="Taylor, 66">Taylor, 66</ref> The order that the 35 tribes voted in was selected randomly by lot: after each tribe had voted, a lot was used to determine which tribe should vote next.<ref name="Taylor, 77">Taylor, 77</ref>
The first tribe selected (the ''principium'') was usually the most important tribe, because it often decided the matter. It was believed that the order of the lot was chosen by the gods, and thus, that the position held by the early voting tribes was the position of the gods.<ref name="Taylor, 76">Taylor, 76</ref> As can (usually) be seen in US Presidential primaries, the early results tended to create a [[bandwagon effect]]. Once a majority of tribes had voted the same way, voting ended.
== See also ==