David Irving: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 10:
'''David John Cawdell Irving''' (nascido em 24 de Março de 1938) é um inglês [[Negacionismo do Holocausto|negador do Holocausto]]<ref>{{citecitar booklivro|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=F6d08lrIYNQC&pg=PA553|pagepágina=553|last1último1 =Hare|first1primeiro1 =Ivan|last2último2 =Weinstein|first2primeiro2 =James|titletítulo=Extreme Speech and Democracy|publisherpublicado=Oxford University Press|yearano=2010|isbn=0199601798}}</ref> e escritor sobre história militar e política da [[Segunda Guerra Mundial|II Guerra Mundial]], com foco na [[Alemanha Nazi|Alemanha Nazista]]sta. Seus livros incluem ''The destruction of Dresden'' (1963), ''Hitler's War'' (1977), ''Churchill's War'' (1987) e ''Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich'' (1996). Em suas obras ele argumentou que Hitler não sabia do extermínio de Judeus ou, se soubesse, seria contrário.<ref>{{Harvnb|Evans|2001|p=101}}.</ref> Embora a visão revisionista de Irving sobre a II Guerra Mundial nunca tenha sido levada a sério pelos historiadores, ele foi reconhecido por seu conhecimento da Alemanha Nazista e pela sua capacidade de descobrir novos documentos históricos.
Irving marginalizou-se em 1988. Com base na sua leitura do [[Pseudociência|pseudocientífico]]<ref name="pseudoscientific2">* "Leuchter and Rudolf have published pseudoscientific reports purporting to show that chemical residues present in the gas chambers of [[Auschwitz-Birkenau]] are incompatible with homicidal gassings." Green, Richard J. ''[http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/chemistry/blue/ "Leuchter, Rudolf, and the Iron Blues"]''. Retrieved 11 September 2008.
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* "... the institute relied primary on the talents of a California-based publicist named Bradley Smith who packaged and promoted Leuchter's discredited material as if it were the very essence of "scientific research" or at least a tenable "point of view," intrinsically worthy of inclusion in the academic agenda..." Churchill, Ward. ''A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas, 1492 to the Present''. City Lights Books, 1997, p. 24.
* "After the trial, both Irving and Zündel published the results of Leuchter's trial research as ''The Leuchter Report: The End of a Myth,'' despite the fact that the court rejected both the report and Leuchter's testimony. [...] The discredited report is popular in the Holocaust denial movement, and one edition features a foreword by Irving." Gerstenfeld, Phyllis B. Grant, Diana R. ''Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings'', SAGE Publications, 2003, p. 201.
* "Leuchter's report contained a considerable amount of scientific, or, as it turned out, pseudo-scientific analysis of chemical residues on the gas chamber walls, and similar matters. It was quickly discredited, not least on the basis of Leuchter's failure adequately to defend his findings on the witness stand." Evans, Richard J. ''David Irving, Hitler and Holocaust Denial: Electronic Edition'', Section 3.3c, [http://www.hdot.org/en/trial/defense/evans/330c.html The 1991 Edition of ''Hitler's War''], Paragraph 13. Retrieved 2008-09-12.</ref> [[relatório Leuchter]], ele começou a abraçar a negação do Holocausto, negando especificamente que os judeus foram assassinados em [[Câmara de gás|câmaras de gás]] no campo de extermínio de [[Auschwitz|Auschwitz]].<ref>{{citecitar booklivro|last1último1 =Jan van Pelt|first1primeiro1 =Robert|titletítulo=The Case for Auschwitz:Evidence from the Irving Trial|datedata=2002|publisherpublicado=Indiana University Press|locationlocal=Bloomington, Indiana|isbn=0-253-34016-0|pagepágina=15|editionedição=First|accessdateacessodata=19 Augustde agosto de 2016}}</ref><ref>{{Harvnb|Evans|2001|p=125}}.</ref>
A reputação de Irving como [[historiador]] foi desacreditada<ref name="DI_author2">* "In 1969, after David Irving's support for [[Rolf Hochhuth]], the German playwright who accused Winston Churchill of murdering the Polish wartime leader General Sikorski, ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'' issued a memo to all its correspondents. 'It is incorrect,' it said, 'to describe David Irving as a historian. In future we should describe him as an author.'" {{citecitar newsjornal|lastúltimo =Ingrams|firstprimeiro =Richard|url=http://comment.independent.co.uk/commentators/article347567.ece|titletítulo=Irving was the author of his own downfall|workobra=[[The Independent]]|datedata=25 Februaryde fevereiro de 2006|locationlocal=London|accessdateacessodata=27 Marchde março de 2010}}
* "It may seem an absurd semantic dispute to deny the appellation of 'historian' to someone who has written two dozen books or more about historical subjects. But if we mean by historian someone who is concerned to discover the truth about the past, and to give as accurate a representation of it as possible, then Irving is not a historian. Those in the know, indeed, are accustomed to avoid the term altogether when referring to him and use some circumlocution such as 'historical writer' instead. Irving is essentially an ideologue who uses history for his own political purposes; he is not primarily concerned with discovering and interpreting what happened in the past, he is concerned merely to give a selective and tendentious account of it to further his own ideological ends in the present. The true historian's primary concern, however, is with the past. That is why, in the end, Irving is not a historian." Irving vs. (1) Lipstadt and (2) Penguin Books, [http://hdot.org/en/trial/defense/evans/6.html Expert Witness Report by] [[Richard J. Evans]]<span> FBA, Professor of Modern History, </span>[[University of Cambridge]], 2000, Chapter 6.
* "State prosecutor Michael Klackl said: 'He's not a historian, he's a falsifier of history.'" {{citecitar newsjornal|lastúltimo =Traynor|firstprimeiro =Ian|url=https://www.theguardian.com/farright/story/0,,1714403,00.html|titletítulo=Irving jailed for denying Holocaust|workobra=The Guardian|datedata=21 Februaryde fevereiro de 2006|locationlocal=London|accessdateacessodata=27 Marchde março de 2010}}
* "... Irving has never examined and interpreted facts for the simple reason that he is not a historian. He twists or suppresses evidence to fit a foregone conclusion—the opposite of what any reputable historian does." {{citecitar web|lastúltimo =Taylor|firstprimeiro =Charles|url=http://archive.salon.com/books/feature/2001/05/23/irving/index4.html|titletítulo=Evil takes the stand|workobra=[[Salon (website)|Salon]]|datedata=24 Mayde maio de 2001|accessdateacessodata=30 Mayde maio de 2007}}
* [[Hugh Trevor-Roper]]: "But I don't regard him as an historian. I don't think he has any historical sense. He is a propagandist who uses efficiently collected and arranged material to support a propagandist line." Cited in Richard J. Evans (2002). ''Telling lies about Hitler: the Holocaust, history and the David Irving trial''. Verso. p. 261, and [[Michael Shermer]]. [http://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/05-05-03/ "''Enigma'': The Faustian Bargain of David Irving"], ''[[Skeptical Inquirer]]'', 3 May 2005.</ref> quando, ao longo de uma ação de difamação movida por ele contra a historiadora estadunidense [[Deborah Lipstadt]] e a editora [[Penguin Books]], foi mostrado que ele deliberadamente deturpou as evidências históricas para promover a negação do [[Holocausto]]. O tribunal inglês considerou que Irving foi um ativo negador do Holocausto, [[Antissemitismo|antisemita]] e [[Racismo|racista]],<ref name="Guardian ruling">{{citecitar newsjornal|url=https://www.theguardian.com/irving/article/0,,181049,00.html|titletítulo=The ruling against David Irving|workobra=The Guardian|datedata=11 Aprilde abril de 2000|locationlocal=London|accessdateacessodata=27 Marchde março de 2010}}</ref> que "por suas próprias razões ideológicas, persistente e deliberadamente deturpou e manipulou as evidências históricas".<ref>{{citecitar newsjornal|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/709128.stm|titletítulo=Hitler historian loses libel case|publisherpublicado=BBC News|datedata=11 Aprilde abril de 2000|accessdateacessodata=2 Januaryde janeiro de 2010}}</ref> Além disso, o tribunal considerou que os livros de Irving distorceram a história sobre o papel de [[Adolf Hitler]] no Holocausto para retratar Hitler de forma favorável.
== Bibliografia ==
* {{citecitar booklivro|authorautor =Evans, Richard J.|titletítulo=Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial|publisherpublicado=Basic Books|yearano=2001|locationlocal=New York|isbn=0-465-02152-2|ref=CITEREFEvans2001}}
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