Coral (protestantismo): diferenças entre revisões

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Lukasdoro (discussão | contribs)
Lukasdoro (discussão | contribs)
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{{Predefinição:Música Erudita}}
'''Forma Coral''' ou simplesmente Coral eraeram originalmente um hinohinos da Igreja Luterana cantadocantados por toda a congregação. InNo casualsentido modern usagemoderno, theo termtermo alsoinclui includestambém classicala settingsforma ofdesses suchhinos hymnse andas worksobras ofde acaráter similar character.
Chorales tend to have simple and singable tunes, because they were originally intended to be sung by the congregation rather than a professional choir. They generally have rhyming words and are in a strophic form (with the same melody being used for different verses). Within a verse, most chorales follow the AAB pattern of melody that is known as the German Bar form.