Internacional Comunista: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 97:
* [[Quarta Internacional]]
* [[Pacto Anti-Komintern]]
== Bibliografia ==
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* Behan, Tom 2003, The Resistible Rise of Benito Mussolini, London: Bookmarks.
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* Reisberg, Arnold 1971, An den Quellen der Einheitsfrontpolitik, Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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* Riddell, John 2012, Toward the United Front: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922, Chicago: Haymarket Books,
* RILU 1921, Resolutions and Decisions of the First International Congress of Revolutionary Trade and Industrial Unions, Chicago: The Voice of Labor.
* Rothschild, Joseph 1959, The Communist Party of Bulgaria: Origins and Development, 1883–1936, New York: Columbia University Press.
* Sekei, G. 1980, ‘IV kongress Kominterna i problemy bor’by protiv fashizma v 1922–1923 gg.’, in Chetvertyi kongress Kominterna,edited by K.K. Shirinia and F.I. Firsov, Moscow: Izdat. Politicheskoi Literatury.
* Spriano, Paolo 1967, Storia del Partito comunista italiano, 7 volumes, Turin: Einaudi.
* Tasca, Angelo [A.Rossi, pseud.] 1966 [1941], The Rise of Italian Fascism 1918–1922, New York: Howard Fertig.
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