Budismo na China: diferenças entre revisões

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{{em tradução}}
O '''budismo na China''' (汉传佛教) é um ramo do [[budismo]] que é originário da [[Ásia Central]]. Na [[China]], o budismo é uma das três maiores escolas de [[filosofia]], junto com o [[confucionismo]] e o [[taoismo]]. Ele tem influenciado e sido influenciado pela cultura, política, literatura e filosofia chinesas ao longo de dois milênios.
[[Ficheiroimagem:Central Asian Buddhist Monks.jpeg|thumb|left|Pintura nas [[Cavernas dos Mil Budas de Bezeklik|grutas de Bezeklik]], no oeste da China, retratando monges budistas.]]
== História ==
A tradição atribui a introdução do budismo na China ao imperador [[Ming de Han]] (25-220 d.C.), o segundo imperador da [[dinastia Han]] do Leste. Este imperador teria visto um ser voador dourado parecendo um [[unicórnio]], o que foi interpretado por seus conselheiros como uma visão do [[Buda]]. O imperador, então, enviou cerca de 400 emissários a outros países a oeste da China para obter informações sobre a doutrina de Buda.
Escrituras budistas teriam sido trazidas à China nas costas de cavalos brancos por [[Dharmarakṣa]] e [[Kaśyapa Mātaṅga]], dois grandes monges [[Índia|indianos]]. Então, o imperador ordenou a construção do primeiro templo budista da China, o [[Templo do Cavalo Branco|monastério Baima]], na atual cidade de [[Luoyang]], na província de [[Henan]]. Os monges levaram, para a China, 42 [[sutra]]s contendo 600 000 palavras em [[sânscrito]].
Independentemente da tradição, o budismo só se espalhou na China nos séculos [[Século V|V]] e [[Século VI|VI]] com o apoio das dinastias [[Dinastia Wei do Norte|Wei do Norte]] e [[Dinastia TangTangue|TangTangue]]. Durante este período, estabelecem-se, na China, escolas budistas de origem indiana ao mesmo tempo em que se desenvolvem escolas próprias chinesas.
[[Buddhism]], a [[religion]] of [[Indian]] origin, has affected and been affected by [[Chinese culture]], [[Politics of China|politics]], [[Chinese literature|literature]] and [[Chinese philosophy|philosophy]] for almost two millenia. For a more generalized discussion of Chinese religion, see [[religion in China]].
==History of Buddhism in China==
===Arrival along the Silk Road===
Buddhism arrived in China at the start of the [[1st century]] from [[Central Asia]] by way of the [[Silk Road]], the main trade route connecting China with the [[Middle East]] and [[India]]. References to early Chinese Buddhism in the histories, however, contain hagiographical elements and are not necessarily reliable or accurate. These include references to how [[Emperor Ming of Han China|Emperor Ming of Han]] dreamt of Buddha and the persecution of King [[Liu Ying]], who was denounced and exiled for his religious beliefs. Nevertheless, historians generally agree that by the middle of the 1st century, the religion had penetrated to areas north of the Huai River. [[67]] saw Buddhism's official introduction to China with the coming of the two monks [[Moton]] and [[Chufarlan]]. In [[68]], under imperial patronage, they established the [[White Horse Temple]] (&#30333;&#39340;&#23546;) close to the imperial capital at [[Luoyang]]. By the end of the second century, a prosperous commuity had been settled at Pengcheng (modern [[Xuzhou]], [[Jiangsu]]).
[[Ficheiro: Chinese_temple_gate-bright.jpg|thumb|260px|right|The front gate of a temple at [[Mt. Jiuhua]] in [[China]]'s [[Anhui]] province.]]
The first Buddhist scripture to be written in Chinese was probably ''[[Sutra of Forty-two Sections]]'' (&#22235;&#21313;&#20108;&#31456;&#32147;), although its authenticity is a matter of debate. [[An Shigao]], a [[Parthia|Parthian]] Buddhist prince, arrived at the Han capital in [[148]] and was the first to initiate a systematic translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese. Traces of Buddhist iconography can also be seen in works of art from this period.
===Relation to Confucianism and Daoism===
Nevertheless most of the Chinese gentry were indifferent to these [[Central Asia|Central Asian]] travelers and their religion. Not only was their religion unknown but much of it seemed alien and amoral to Chinese sensibilites. Concepts such as monasticism and individual spiritual enlightenment directly contradicted the core Confucian principles of family and emperor. Confucianism promoted social stability, order, strong families, and practical living. Chinese officials questioned how a monk's personal attainment of [[nirvana]] benefited the empire. Buddhism was less antithetical to [[Daoism]], the other major religion of China, but at its core Daoism sought harmony with the natural world while Buddhism sought to master the inner world.
===Local interpretation of Indian texts===
To thrive in China Buddhism had to transform itself into a system that could exist within the Chinese way of life. Thus obscure Indian [[sutra]]s that advocated [[filial piety]] became core texts in China. Buddhism was made compatible with ancestor worship and participation in China's heirarchical system. Works were written arguing that the salvation of an individual was a benefit to that individual's society and family and monks thus contributed to the greater good.
It is conjectured that the shocking collapse of the [[Han Dynasty]] in [[220]] and the resulting period of social upheaval and political unrest known as the [[Three Kingdoms]] period may have helped the spread of Buddhism. Buddhism was a minor force, however, compared with Daoism which was directly associated with efforts to defy the emperor (cf. [[Yellow Turban Rebellion]]). The Daoist [[Zhang]] family self-governed the [[Hanzhong Commandry]] for nearly 20 years until invasion by the renowned Chinese [[warlord]] [[Cao Cao]].
A reason for the lack of interest mostly stemmed from the ruling entity and gentry. All the rulers were [[Han Chinese]] and had simply never heard of or knew too little of the religion. The [[Nine-grade controller system]], by which prominent individuals in each local administrative area were given the authority to rank local families and individuals in nine grades according to their potential for government service, further consolidated the importance of Confucianism. [[Daoism]] too remained a strong force among the population and philosophers.
===Buddhism gains political traction in the north===
Subsequent chaotic periods of [[Sixteen Kingdoms]] and [[Southern and Northern Dynasties]] changed the situation, resulting in state support of Buddhism. Most rulers and population of the Wu, Hu, and the Northern dynasties originated from more than ten distinct ethnic groups including either non-Han Chinese "barbarians", or Han Chinese after generations of "barbarian" influence. They did not propagate nor trust the combined philosophical concept of [[Confucianism]] and [[Daoism]] as zealously as their rivals in the south. Official support of Buddhism would eventually mould a new Chinese populace with a common ideology out of the diversely ethnic population, which would in turn consolidate these dynasties.
[[Ficheiro:WeiBuddha.jpg|thumb|150px|right|A triad of Buddha figures, [[Northern Dynasties|Eastern Wei Dynasty]] ([[534]]-[[550]]).]]
It is instructive that Buddhism propagated faster in northern China than in the south. Social upheaval in northern China worked to break down cultural barriers between the elite ruling families and the general populace, in contrast to the south where elite clans and royal families firmly monopolized politics. Daoist and Confucian political ideology had long consolidated the political status of elite clans in the south. Support of another religion would have unknown and possibly adverse effects, for which these clans would not risk their privileges. Furthermore pro-Buddhist policy would not be backed by the bureaucracy, which had been staffed by members of the clans. Southern rulers were in weaker positions to strive for their legitimacy - some were even installed by the clans. It was not until the reign of Emperor Wu of the [[Liang Dynasty]] that saw the official support of Buddhism. Rebellion of [[Hou Jing]] near the end of Emperor Wu's reign wreaked havoc on the political and social privileges of the elite clans, which indirectly assisted the spread of Buddhism. But Buddhism spread pretty well in the peasant populace, both in the north and the south.
===Monks and rulers join forces===
[[Ficheiro:SuiBodhisattva.JPG|thumb|left|170px|Sui Dynasty [[Bodhisattva]], sandstone, Tianlongshan Grottoes, [[Shanxi]], [[6th century]].]]
Arrivals of several prestigious monks in the early [[5th century]] also contributed to the propagation of the religion and were welcomed by rulers of the [[Sixteen Kingdoms]] and [[Northern Dynasty|Northern Dynasties]]. [[Fo Tu Teng]] was entrusted by the tyrant [[Shi Hu]] of [[Later Chao]]. [[Kumarajiva]] was invited by [[Lu Guang]], the founder of [[Later Liang]], and later by [[Yao Xing]], second ruler of [[Later Qin]]. Biographies of these monks, among others, were the subject of the ''[[Memoirs of Eminent Monks]]''.
The direct experiential impact of contact with practicing monks should not be underestimated. Confucianism had no equivalent to holy men &mdash; the archetypical best and brightest was a wise government minister, not a saint. Daoist priests were more immediate, but given to relativism and rarely strict or principled in their practice. A Buddhist was a different matter &mdash; here was someone in direct connection to a higher plane and you could meet him in person. It is notable that when another "foreign " religion, [[Nestorianism]], sought to extol the virtues of one of its main benefactors they claimed he was so moral that "...even among the most pure and self-denying of the Buddhists, such excellence was never heard of;" (cf. [[Nestorian Stele]]). Through the actions and example of monks, Buddhists successfully laid claim to the high moral ground in society.
In this way Buddhism grew to become a major religion in China. By the start of the [[6th century]], Buddhism had grown in popularity to rival [[Daoism]]. We know they were successful because the monks were soon accused of falling into extravagance and their lands and properties confiscated by [[Emperor Wu]] of the [[Northern Zhou]] dynasty and [[Wuzong]] of the [[Tang Dynasty]].
During the early [[Tang dynasty]] the monk [[Xuanzang]] journeyed to [[Nalanda]] in India and other important sites to bring back scriptures. He sought to expand influence of [[Mahayana]] over [[Theravada]], though the [[Yogacara]] school he preferred differs significantly from the later Chinese Mahayana schools that developed such as [[Pure Land]]. The Tang capital of [[Chang'an]] became an important center for Buddhist thought. From there Buddhism spread to [[Korea]], and Japanese embassies of [[Kentoshi]] helped gain footholds in [[Japan]]. Buddhist ideology began to merge with [[Confucianism]] and [[Daoism]], due in part to the use of existing Chinese philosophical terms in the translation of Buddhist scriptures. Various [[Confucius|Confucian]] scholars of the [[Song dynasty]], including [[Zhu Xi]] ([[Wade-Giles|wg:]] [[Chu Hsi]]), sought to redefine Confucianism as [[Neo-Confucianism]].
[[Ficheiro:longmen-hidden-stream-temple-cave-amitabha.jpg|thumb|right|200px|A [[Tang Dynasty]] [[Amitabha]] sculpture in the Hidden Stream Temple Cave, [[Longmen Grottoes]], [[China]].]]
The popularization of Buddhism in this period is evident in the many scripture-filled caves and structures surviving today. The [[Mogao Caves]] near [[Dunhuang]] in [[Gansu]] province, the [[Longmen Grottoes]] near [[Luoyang]] in [[Henan]] and the [[Yungang Grottoes]] near [[Datong]] in [[Shanxi]] are the most renowned of the [[Northern Dynasties]]. The [[Leshan Giant Buddha]], carved out of a hillside in the [[8th century]] during [[Tang Dynasty]] and looking down on the confluence of three rivers, is still the largest Buddha statue in the world. As a side note, duplications of Buddhist texts were considered to bring meritorious [[karma]]. [[Printing]] from individually carved wooden blocks[http://www.bl.uk/collections/treasures/diamond.html], from movable clay type and from movable metal type[http://www.korea-np.co.jp/pk/070th_issue/98111805.htm], proved much more efficient and eventually eclipsed hand copying. The ''[[Diamond Sutra]]'' of AD [[868]], a Buddhist scripture discovered in AD [[1907]] inside the Mogao Caves, was the first dated example of block printing.
==Modern Chinese Buddhism==
Today the most popular form of Buddhism in both [[mainland China]] and [[Taiwan]] is the [[Western Pure Land]] school. Its central scripture, the Amitabha Sutra was first brought to China by [[An Shigao]], circa [[147]], however the school did not become popular until later.
==Timeline of Chinese Buddhism==
(Excerpted from [[Timeline of Buddhism]].)
*[[67]]: Buddhism officially came to [[China]], with the two monks [[Moton]] and [[Chufarlan]].
*[[148]]: [[An Shigao]], a [[Parthia|Parthian]] prince and Buddhist monk, arrived in China and proceeded to translate many Buddhist works in to Chinese.
*[[399]]-[[414]]: [[Faxian]] traveled from China to India, then returned to translate Buddhist works in to Chinese.
*[[402]]: At the request of [[Yao Xing]], [[Kumarajiva]] travels to [[Changan]] and translates many Buddhist texts in to [[Chinese languages|Chinese]].
*[[403]]: In China, [[Hui Yuan]] argues that Buddhist monks should be exempt from bowing to the emperor.
*[[405]]: [[Yao Xing]] honours [[Kumarajiva]].
*[[475]]: [[Bodhidharma]] arrives in China, where he will later found the [[Chan]] school at the [[Shaolin]] Temple.
*[[6th century|500s]]: [[Chan]] adherents enter [[Vietnam]] from China.
*[[552]]: Buddhism was introduced to [[Japan]] via [[Baekje]] according to [[Nihonshoki]]. (Some scholars place this event in [[538]])
*[[7th century|600s]]: [[Xuanzang]] traveled to India, noting the persecution of Buddhists by [[Sasanka]] (king of [[Gouda]], a state in north-west [[Bengal]]), before returning to [[Chang An]] in China to translate Buddhist scriptures.
*[[671]]: Chinese Buddhist pilgrim [[I Ching (monk)|I-Ching]] visited [[Palembang]], the capital of the partly-Buddhist kingdom of [[Srivijaya]], on the island of [[Sumatra]], [[Indonesia]]. He reported over 1000 Buddhist monks in residence.
*[[841]]-[[846]]: [[Li Yan]], also known as [[Emperor Wuzong of Tang China]], reigns in [[China]] during the [[Tang Dynasty]], one of three Chinese emperors to prohibit Buddhism.
[[Ficheiro: Bodhidarma.jpg|thumb|right|190px| A Japanese scroll made by [[Hakuin Ekaku]] ([[1685]] to [[1768]], depicting [[Bodhidharma]], the founder of Chinese [[Chan]] Buddhism)]]
=== Chinese Schools of Buddhism ===
When Buddhism moved to China it met a religiously sophisticated culture. As a result a number of Indian-transplant as well as Chinese-indigenous schools of Buddhism developed.
''Indian transmitted''
''Indigenous Chinese''
*[[Chan]] (&#31146;&#23447;, Wade-Giles: Ch'an) Mythically attributed in founding to [[Bodhidharma]]
*[[Huayan]] (&#33775;&#22196;&#23447;, WG: Hua-yen)
*[[Pure Land]] (&#28136;&#22303;&#23447;, WG: Chingtu)
*[[Tiantai]] (&#22825;&#21488;&#23447;, WG: T'ien-t'ai) founded by [[Zhiyi]] (Chih-I)
#Wright, Arthur F.; '''Fo T'u Teng.... A Biography (&#20315;&#22294;&#28548;)''', ''Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies'' (11) 1948, p.312-371
==See also==
*[[History of Buddhism]]
*[[Timeline of Buddhism]]
*[[Chinese philosophy]]
*[[Religion in China]]
*[[Chinese Buddhist cuisine]]
*''[[Memoirs of Eminent Monks]]''
==External links==
*[http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/history/chin_timeline.htm Timeline of Buddhism]
== Ver também ==
Linha 108 ⟶ 16:
* [[Religião tradicional chinesa]]
{{Commonscat|Buddhist temples in China}}