Herbert Butterfield
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Sir Herbert Butterfield (Oxenhope, Yorkshire, 7 de outubro de 1900 — Sawston, Cambridgeshire, 20 de julho de 1979) foi um historiador e filósofo da história britânico, lembrado sobretudo por seu livro The Whig Interpretation of History (1931).
editar(em inglês)
- The Historical Novel, 1924.
- The Peace Treaties of Napoleon, 1806-1808, 1929.
- The Whig Interpretation of History, 1931.
- Napoleon, 1939.
- The Statecraft of Machiavelli, 1940.
- The Englishman and His History, 1944.
- Lord Acton, 1948.
- Christianity and History, 1949.
- George III, Lord North and the People, 1779-80, 1949.
- The Origins of Modern Science, 1300-1800, 1949.
- History and Human Relations, 1951.
- Reconstruction of an Historical Episode: The History of the Enquiry into the Origins of the Seven Years' War, 1951.
- Liberty in the Modern World, 1951.
- Christianity, Diplomacy and War, 1952.
- Man on His Past: The Study of the History of Historical Scholarship, 1955.
- Moral Judgments in History, 1959.
- George III and the Historians, 1957, revised edition, 1959.
- Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics (co-edited with Martin Wright), 1966.
- The Origins of History, ed. A. Watson, London, 1981.
(em português)
- As Origens da Ciência Moderna. Edições 70, 1992. ISBN 9789724411361. 212 págs.