William Jack Baumol (Nova Iorque, 26 de fevereiro de 19224 de maio de 2017[1]) foi um economista americano. William J. Baumol, diretor acadêmico do Centro Berkley para o Empreendedorismo e Inovação da Universidade de Nova York, era professor emérito da Universidade de Princeton.

William Baumol
Nascimento 26 de fevereiro de 1922
Nova Iorque
Morte 4 de maio de 2017 (95 anos)
Nova Iorque
Cidadania Estados Unidos
Alma mater
Ocupação economista, professor universitário
  • Bolsa Guggenheim
  • Prêmio Antonio Feltrinelli
  • Frank E. Seidman Distinguished Award in Political Economy (1987)
  • doutor honoris causa da Universidade da Basileia
  • Membro distinto da Associação Econômica Americana
  • Fellow da Sociedade Econométrica (1953)
  • Membro da Academia Americana de Artes e Ciências
  • Honorary Doctor of Stockholm University of Economics (1971)
  • Clarivate Citation Laureates (economia, 2014)
  • Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research (2003)
  • doctor honoris causa from the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (2001)
Empregador(a) Universidade de Nova Iorque
Orientador(a)(es/s) Lionel Robbins
Assinatura de William Baumol

Foi professor de economia na Universidade de Nova Iorque, diretor acadêmico do Centro Berkley para o Empreendedorismo e Inovação da Universidade de Nova York, e professor emérito da Universidade de Princeton.[2]

Baumol é um autor prolífico de vários livros e centena de artigos. O foco principal de Baumol era o mercado de trabalho e outros fatores que afetam a economia. Fez significantes contribuições à teoria do empreendedorismo e a história do pensamento econômico. Foi indicado a candidato do Prêmio Nobel de Economia.[carece de fontes?]


Precursors in mathematical economics, 1968

Entre suas mais famosas contribuições estão a Teoria do mercado disputado, o Modelo Baumol-Tobin de demanda transacional por dinheiro, a Doença dos custos, o Modelo de maximização de receita das vendas e o Imposto pigouviano. Suas pesquisas em economia ambiental.[3] reconheceu o papel fundamental de não-convexidades em causar falhas de mercado.[4]

Baumol também foi um dos principais contribuintes para a transformação do campo das finanças, e publicou as contribuições para as áreas da eficiência dos mercados de capitais, a teoria da carteira, e orçamento de capital. [5]

Principais Publicações

  • "Community Indifference", 1946, RES
  • "A Community Indifference Map: A construction", 1949, RES.
  • "A Formalization of Mr. Harrod's Model", 1949, EJ.
  • "The Analogy between Producer and Consumer Equilibrium Analysis", with Helen Makower, 1950, Economica.
  • Economic Dynamics, with R. Turvey, 1951.
  • "The Transaction Demand for Cash: An inventory-theoretic approach", 1952, QJE.
  • "The Classical Monetary Theory: The outcome of the discussion", with G.S. Becker, 1952, Economica.
  • Welfare Economics and the Theory of the State, 1952.
  • "Firms with Limited Money Capital", 1953, Kyklos.
  • Economic Processes and Policies, with L.V. Chandler, 1954.
  • "More on the Multiplier Effect of a Balanced Budget", with M.H. Peston, 1955, AER.
  • "Acceleration without Magnification", 1956, AER.
  • "Variety in Retailing", with E.A. Ide, 1956 Management Science.
  • "Speculation, Profitability and Stability", 1957, REStat.
  • "Activity Analysis in One Lesson", 1958, AER.
  • "On the Theory of Oligopoly", 1958, Economica.
  • "Topology of Second Order Linear Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients", 1958, Econometrica.
  • "The Cardinal Utility which is Ordinal", 1958, EJ.
  • Business Behavior, Value and Growth, 1959.
  • "Integer Programming and Pricing", with R.E. Gomory, 1960, Econometrica.
  • Economic Theory and Operations Analysis, 1961.
  • "What Can Economic Theory Contribute to Managerial Economics?", 1961, AER.
  • "Pitfalls in Contracyclical Policies: Some tools and results", 1961, REStat.
  • "The Theory of Expansion of the Firm", 1962, AER.
  • "Stocks, Flows and Monetary Theory", 1962, QJE.
  • "An Expected Gain-Confidence Limit Criterion for Portfolio Selection", 1963, Management Science.
  • "Rules of Thumb and Optimally Imperfect Decisions", with R. E. Quandt, 1964, American Economic Review, 54, p. 23-46
  • "Decomposition, Pricing for Decentralization and External Economics", with T.Fabian, 1964, Management Science.
  • "On the Performing Arts: the anatomy of their economic problems", with W.G. Bowen, 1965, AER.
  • "Investment and Discount Rates Under Capital Rationing", with R.E.Quandt, 1965, EJ.
  • "Informed Judgement, Rigorous Theory and Public Policy", 1965, Southern EJ.
  • The Stock Market and Economic Efficiency, 1965.
  • Performing Arts: the economic dilemma, 1966.
  • "The Ricardo Effect in Point-Input, Point-Output Case", 1966, Essays in Mathematical Economics in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern.
  • "Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth: The anatomy of urban crisis", 1967, AER.
  • "Calculation of Optimal Product and Retailer Characteristics", 1967, JPE.
  • "The Firm's Optimal Debt-Equity Combination and the Cost of Capital", with B.G. Malkiel, 1967, QJE.
  • "Error Produced by Linearization in Mathematical Programming", with R. Bushnell, 1967, Econometrica.
  • "The Dual of Nonlinear Programming and its Economic Interpretation", with M.L.Balinski, 1968, RES.
  • "Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory", 1968, May, American Economic Review
  • "On the Social Rate of Discount", 1968, AER.
  • "On the Discount Rate for Public Projects", 1969, Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures.
  • "Input Choices and Rate-of-Return Regulation: An overview of the discussion", with A.K.Klevorick, 1970, Bell JE.
  • "Optimal Departures from Marginal Cost Pricing", with D.F. Bradford, 1970, AER.
  • "The Economics of Athenian Drama", 1971, QJE.
  • Environmental protection, International Spillovers and Trade, 1971.
  • "On the Economics of the Theatre in Renaissance London" with Mary Oates, 1972, Swedish JE.
  • "The Dynamics of Urban Problems and its Policy Implications", 1972, in Preston and Corry, editors, Essays in Honor of Lord Robbins.
  • "Taxation and the Control of Externalities", 1972, AER.
  • "Detrimental Externalities and Non-Convexity of the Production Set", with D.F. Bradford, 1972, Economica.
  • "The Transformation of Values: What Marx 'Really' Meant", 1974, JEL.
  • The Theory of Environmental Policy, with W.E.Oates, 1975.
  • Economics, Environmental Policy and Quality of Life, with W.E.Oates and S.A. Batey Blackman 1979.
  • Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure, with J.C. Panzar and R.D. Wilig, 1982
  • "Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure", 1982, "AER".
  • Microtheory: Applications and origins, 1986
  • Superfairness: Application and theory, with D. Fischer, 1986
  • "The Optimal Cash Balance Proposition: Maurice Allais' Priority", with J. Tobin, 1989, JEL
  • Productivity and American Leadership: The long view, with S.A. Batey Blackman and E.N. Wolff, 1989.
  • Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 98(3), pp. 893–921, 1990
  • Perfect Markets and Easy Virtue: Business ethics and the invisible hand, with S.A. Batey Blackman, 1992
  • Entrepreneurship, Management and the Structure of Profit, 1993.
  • The Free Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism, 2002.
  • Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity, co-authored with Robert Litan and Carl J. Schramm, 2007
  • The Cost Disease: Why Computers get Cheaper and Health Care Doesn't, 2012


  1. Timothy B. Lee (4 de maio de 2017). «William Baumol, whose famous economic theory explains the modern world, has died» (em inglês). Vox. Consultado em 4 de maio de 2017 
  2. http://www.getabstract.com/pt/resumo/economia-e-politica/a-doenca-dos-custos/20765
  3. Baumol, William J.; Oates, Wallace E.; com contribuições de V. S. Bawa e David F. Bradford (1988). «8 Detrimental externalities and nonconvexities in the production set». The Theory of environmental policy 2° ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. x+299. ISBN 978-0-521-31112-0. doi:10.2277/0521311128 
  4. Page 2: Guesnerie, Roger (1975). «Pareto optimality in non-convex economies». Econometrica. 43. pp. 1–29. JSTOR 1913410. MR 443877. doi:10.2307/1913410 
  5. Malkiel, Burton (1986). «11». Chapter 11, William Baumol and the Development of the Field of Finance, in Prices, Competition and Equilibrium: Essays in Honour of William J Baumol. [S.l.]: Oxford