Bem-vindo(a), João da Rocha Labrego!

Seu trabalho é importante. Sou colaborador da Wikipédia. Espero que também goste de colaborar com esta enciclopédia, que dá a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a melhorar e acrescentar informações. Obrigado por suas contribuições. Espero que goste daqui e decida ficar.

Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar:

Se precisar de ajuda, pergunte em minha página de discussão ou na página para tirar dúvidas. Pode também se inscrever no programa de tutoria e ser acompanhado(a) por um(a) editor(a) mais experiente. Por favor assine suas mensagens nas páginas de discussão usando quatro tiles (~~~~) ou o botão presente no alto da janela de edição; isso irá inserir automaticamente seu nome de usuário e a data. Guilherme Moura (discussão) 23h22min de 18 de fevereiro de 2015 (UTC)Responder

Testes em Logaritmo editar

  Boas vindas, e obrigado(a) por experimentar a Wikipédia. Seu teste na página Logaritmo funcionou, porém foi necessário revertê-lo ou excluí-lo. Motivo: o único local correto para testar as ferramentas de edição da Wikipédia é a página de testes. Por favor, consulte a página de boas-vindas para aprender mais a respeito de como contribuir com esta enciclopédia. Obrigado(a). Guilherme Moura (discussão) 23h22min de 18 de fevereiro de 2015 (UTC)Responder

Algoritmos Aritméticos editar

Tenho notado na Internet uma grande procura por algoritmos aritméticos, principalmente para trabalhar-se com números muito grandes que não cabem no escopo dos tipos numéricos disponíveis nas linguagens.

Como possuo uma coleção de algoritmos desenvolvidos e/ou coletados por mim na Internet, em função de uma biblioteca que estou desenvolvendo em C++ para trabalhar com números gigantes, gostaria disponibilizar esses mesmos algoritmos para as pessoas que deles necessitam.

Antes de mais nada, devo alerta-los de que usei o VBA para testar esses algoritmos e, por isso, disponibilizarei para vocês o código VBA para testes no EXCEL.

Não me delongarei em explicações sobre o código-fonte pois o entendimento ficará por conta do programado.

Defini o tipo numérico como BigInteger e, por isso, vocês deverão abrir uma planilha EXCEL e no VBA criar um módulo de classe com o nome BigInteger onde vocês copiarão o código-fonte abaixo na íntegra.

À medida em que eu for acrescentando novas coisas ou melhorando o código-fonte já existente, eu irei postando aqui para que vocês os utilizem.

No momento, creio que os programadores VBA mais avançados já conseguirão fazer alguma coisa com o código-fonte que ora disponibilizo.

  Option Explicit
  Option Base 1
  Private sign As Integer
  Private data() As LongLong
  Private length As Long
  Private physicalLength As Long
  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  End Sub
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
     'MsgBox "Created by João da Rocha Labrego"
  End Sub
  Friend Property Get Signal() As Integer
     Signal = sign
  End Property
  Friend Property Let Signal(ByVal value As Integer)
     sign = value
  End Property
  Friend Property Get Digit(ByVal index As Long) As LongLong
     Digit = data(index)
  End Property
  Friend Property Let Digit(ByVal index As Long, ByVal value As LongLong)
     data(index) = value
  End Property
  Friend Property Get GetLength() As Long
     GetLength = length
  End Property
  Public Function Parse(ByVal value As String) As String
     Dim i As Long, char As String
     Parse = vbNullString
     For i = 1 To Len(value)
         char = Mid(value, i, 1)
         If Not (char < "0" Or char > "9") Then
            If Not (char = "0" And Parse = vbNullString) Then
               Parse = Parse + char
            End If
         ElseIf char = "-" And Parse = vbNullString Then
            Parse = char
         End If
  End Function
  Friend Sub Resize(ByVal size As Long, Optional ByVal clearDigits As Boolean = False)
     Dim i As Long
     If size > physicalLength Then
        physicalLength = size + 50
        ReDim Preserve data(physicalLength)
     End If
     For i = IIf(clearDigits, 1, length + 1) To size
         data(i) = 0
     length = size
  End Sub
  Friend Sub ShiftRight(Optional times As Long = 1)
     Dim i As Long, j As Long
     If Not IsZero Then
        For i = 1 To times
            Resize length + 1
            For j = length To 2 Step -1
                data(j) = data(j - 1)
            data(j) = 0
     End If
  End Sub
  Public Sub SetValue(ByVal value As String)
     value = Parse(value)
     Valorize value
  End Sub
  Public Sub Valorize(ByVal value As String)
     Dim i As Long, j As Long, digitsCount As Long
     If value = vbNullString Then
        value = K_ZERO
     End If
     If Left(value, 1) = "-" Then
        sign = K_NEGATIVE
        value = Mid(value, 2)
        sign = K_POSITIVE
     End If
     digitsCount = Int(Len(value) / K_DIGIT_LENGTH) + IIf(Len(value) Mod K_DIGIT_LENGTH = 0, 0, 1)
     Resize digitsCount
     j = 1
     Do While value <> vbNullString
         data(j) = Val(Right(value, K_DIGIT_LENGTH))
         If Len(value) > K_DIGIT_LENGTH Then
            value = Left(value, Len(value) - K_DIGIT_LENGTH)
            value = vbNullString
         End If
         j = j + 1
  End Sub
  Public Function GetValue() As String
     Dim i As Long
     GetValue = vbNullString
     For i = 1 To length - 1
         GetValue = Right(String(K_DIGIT_LENGTH, "0") + CStr(data(i)), K_DIGIT_LENGTH) + GetValue
     GetValue = IIf(sign = K_NEGATIVE, "-", "") + CStr(data(i)) + GetValue
  End Function
  Friend Sub Copy(ByRef value As BigInteger, Optional ByVal startIndex As Long = 1, Optional ByVal endIndex As Long = -1)
     Dim i As Long
     If endIndex = -1 Then
        endIndex = value.GetLength
     End If
     Resize endIndex - startIndex + 1
     sign = value.Signal
     For i = startIndex To endIndex
         data(i - startIndex + 1) = value.Digit(i)
  End Sub
  Friend Sub Append(ByRef value As BigInteger)
     Dim lastLength As Long, i As Long, j As Long
     lastLength = length
     j = value.GetLength
     If IsZero Then
        Resize value.GetLength
        lastLength = 0
        ShiftRight value.GetLength
     End If
     For i = length - lastLength To 1 Step -1
         data(i) = value.Digit(j)
         j = j - 1
  End Sub
  Public Sub ToZero()
     Resize 1
     sign = K_POSITIVE
     data(1) = 0
  End Sub
  Public Sub ToOne()
     Resize 1
     sign = K_POSITIVE
     data(1) = 1
  End Sub
  Public Function ToBigInteger(ByVal value As LongLong) As BigInteger
     Dim result As New BigInteger
     sign = IIf(value < 0, K_NEGATIVE, K_POSITIVE)
        result.Digit(result.GetLength) = value Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
        value = Int(value / K_NUMERIC_BASE)
        If value > 0 Then
           result.Resize result.GetLength + 1
           Exit Do
        End If
     Set ToBigInteger = result
  End Function
  Public Function IsZero() As Boolean
     IsZero = length = 1 And data(1) = 0
  End Function
  Public Function IsOne() As Boolean
     IsOne = length = 1 And data(1) = 1 And sign = K_POSITIVE
  End Function
  Public Function IsMinusOne() As Boolean
     IsOne = length = 1 And data(1) = 1 And sign = K_NEGATIVE
  End Function
  Public Function IsNegative() As Boolean
     IsNegative = sign = K_NEGATIVE
  End Function
  Public Function IsPositive() As Boolean
     IsPositive = sign = K_POSITIVE
  End Function
  Public Function IsEven() As Boolean
     IsEven = data(1) Mod 2 = 0
  End Function
  Public Function IsOdd() As Boolean
     IsOdd = data(1) Mod 2 = 1
  End Function
  Public Function Opposite() As BigInteger
     Dim result As New BigInteger
     result.Copy Me
     result.Signal = -result.Signal
     Set Opposite = result
  End Function
  Public Function Absolute() As BigInteger
     Dim result As New BigInteger
     result.Copy Me
     result.Signal = K_POSITIVE
     Set Absolute = result
  End Function
  Friend Sub Normalize()
     Dim i As Long
     For i = length To 1 Step -1
         If data(i) <> 0 Then
            Exit For
         End If
     If i < length Then
        If i > 0 Then
           Resize i
        End If
     End If
  End Sub
  Public Function Compare(ByRef value As BigInteger) As Integer
     Dim i As Long
     Compare = K_EQUAL
     If length < value.GetLength Then
        Compare = K_MINOR
     ElseIf length > value.GetLength Then
        Compare = K_MAJOR
        For i = length To 1 Step -1
            If data(i) < value.Digit(i) Then
               Compare = K_MINOR
               Exit For
            ElseIf data(i) > value.Digit(i) Then
               Compare = K_MAJOR
               Exit For
            End If
     End If
  End Function
  Public Function CompareDigit(ByVal value As LongLong) As Integer
     Dim i As Long
     Compare = K_EQUAL
     If length = 1 Then
        If data(1) < value Then
           Compare = K_MINOR
        ElseIf data(1) > value Then
           Compare = K_MAJOR
        End If
     ElseIf length > 1 Then
        Compare = K_MAJOR
        Compare = K_MINOR
     End If
  End Function
  Public Function Add(ByRef value As BigInteger) As BigInteger
     Dim addend1 As BigInteger, addend2 As BigInteger, result As New BigInteger, sum As LongLong, i As Long
     If sign = value.Signal Then
        If IsZero Then
           result.Copy value
        ElseIf value.IsZero Then
           result.Copy Me
           If length < value.GetLength Then
              addend1 = value
              addend2 = Me
              Set addend1 = Me
              Set addend2 = value
           End If
           sum = 0
           result.Resize addend1.GetLength
           For i = 1 To addend2.GetLength
               sum = sum + addend1.Digit(i) + addend2.Digit(i)
               result.Digit(i) = sum Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
               sum = Int(sum / K_NUMERIC_BASE)
           For i = i To addend1.GetLength
               sum = sum + addend1.Digit(i)
               result.Digit(i) = sum Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
               sum = Int(sum / K_NUMERIC_BASE)
           If sum > 0 Then
              result.Resize result.GetLength + 1
              result.Digit(i) = sum
           End If
        End If
        result.Signal = sign
        Set result = Subtract(value.Opposite)
     End If
     Set Add = result
  End Function
  Public Sub Increment()
     Dim i As Long
     If sign = K_NEGATIVE Then
        Set Me = Absolute.Decrement
        sign = K_NEGATIVE
        For i = 1 To length
            If data(i) = K_NUMERIC_BASE - 1 Then
               data(i) = 0
               data(i) = data(i) + 1
               Exit For
            End If
        If i > length Then
           Resize length + 1
           data(i) = 1
        End If
     End If
  End Sub
  Public Function Subtract(ByRef value As BigInteger) As BigInteger
     Dim minuend As BigInteger, subtrahend As BigInteger, result As New BigInteger, difference As LongLong, i As Long
     If sign = value.Signal Then
        If IsZero Then
           result.Copy value
        ElseIf value.IsZero Then
           result.Copy Me
        ElseIf Compare(value) = K_EQUAL Then
           If Compare(value) = K_MINOR Then
              Set minuend = value
              Set subtrahend = Me
              Set minuend = Me
              Set subtrahend = value
           End If
           result.Resize minuend.GetLength, True
           difference = 0
           For i = 1 To subtrahend.GetLength
               difference = K_NUMERIC_BASE + minuend.Digit(i) - subtrahend.Digit(i) - difference
               result.Digit(i) = difference Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
               difference = IIf(difference < K_NUMERIC_BASE, 1, 0)
           For i = i To minuend.GetLength
               difference = K_NUMERIC_BASE + minuend.Digit(i) - difference
               result.Digit(i) = difference Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
               difference = IIf(difference < K_NUMERIC_BASE, 1, 0)
           result.Signal = minuend.Signal
        End If
        Set result = Add(value.Opposite)
     End If
     Set Subtract = result
  End Function
  Public Sub Decrement()
     Dim i As Long
     If sign = K_NEGATIVE Then
        Set Me = Absolute.Increment
        sign = K_NEGATIVE
        For i = 1 To length
            If data(i) = 0 Then
               data(i) = K_NUMERIC_BASE - 1
               data(i) = data(i) - 1
               Exit For
            End If
     End If
  End Sub
  Public Function Multiply(ByRef value As BigInteger) As BigInteger
     Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, result As New BigInteger, product As LongLong
     If IsZero Or value.IsZero Then
     ElseIf IsOne Then
        result.Copy value
     ElseIf value.IsOne Then
        result.Copy Me
        result.Resize length + value.GetLength, True
        For i = 1 To length
            k = i
            product = 0
            For j = 1 To value.GetLength
                product = product + data(i) * value.Digit(j) + result.Digit(k)
                result.Digit(k) = product Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
                product = Int(product / K_NUMERIC_BASE)
                k = k + 1
            result.Digit(k) = product
     End If
     result.Signal = sign * value.Signal
     Set Multiply = result
  End Function
  Public Function MultiplyByDigit(ByVal value As LongLong) As BigInteger
     Dim result As New BigInteger, product, i As Long
     If IsZero Or value = 0 Then
     ElseIf IsOne Then
        result = ToBigInteger(value)
     ElseIf value = 1 Then
        result.Copy Me
        value = value Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
        result.Resize length + 1, True
        product = 0
        For i = 1 To length
            product = product + data(i) * value
            result.Digit(i) = product Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
            product = Int(product / K_NUMERIC_BASE)
        If product > 0 Then
           result.Digit(result.GetLength) = product
        End If
     End If
     result.Signal = sign * IIf(value < 0, K_NEGATIVE, K_POSITIVE)
     Set MultiplyByDigit = result
  End Function
  Public Function Divide(ByRef value As BigInteger, Optional ByRef remainder As BigInteger = Nothing) As BigInteger
     Dim dividend As New BigInteger, product As New BigInteger, result As New BigInteger, minQuotient As LongLong, _
         maxQuotient As LongLong, quotient As LongLong, comparison As Integer, haveQuotient As Boolean, i As Long
     If value.IsZero Then
        Err.Raise 1000, Nothing, "Divisor is zero."
     End If
     Set remainder = New BigInteger
     If IsZero Then
     ElseIf value.IsOne Then
        result.Copy Me
        comparison = Compare(value)
        If comparison = K_MINOR Then
           remainder.Copy Me
        ElseIf comparison = K_EQUAL Then
           haveQuotient = False
           For i = length To 1 Step -1
               dividend.Digit(1) = data(i)
               comparison = dividend.Compare(value)
               If comparison = K_MINOR Then
                  If haveQuotient Then
                  End If
               ElseIf comparison = K_EQUAL Then
                  result.Digit(result.GetLength) = 1
                  haveQuotient = True
                  minQuotient = 0
                  maxQuotient = CLng(K_NUMERIC_BASE) - 1
                  Do While minQuotient <= maxQuotient
                     quotient = Int((minQuotient + maxQuotient) / 2)
                     Set product = value.MultiplyByDigit(quotient)
                     comparison = product.Compare(dividend)
                     If comparison = K_EQUAL Then
                        maxQuotient = quotient
                        Exit For
                     End If
                     If comparison = K_MINOR Then
                        minQuotient = quotient + 1
                        maxQuotient = quotient - 1
                     End If
                  If quotient <> maxQuotient Then
                     Set product = value.MultiplyByDigit(maxQuotient)
                  End If
                  result.Digit(1) = maxQuotient
                  Set dividend = dividend.Subtract(product)
                  haveQuotient = True
               End If
           remainder.Copy dividend
        End If
     End If
     result.Signal = sign * value.Signal
     Set Divide = result
  End Function
  Public Function DivideByDigit(ByVal value As LongLong, Optional ByRef remainder As BigInteger = Nothing) As BigInteger
     Dim result As New BigInteger, dividend As LongLong, quotient As LongLong, i As Long, j As Long, haveQuotient As Boolean
     If value = 0 Then
        Err.Raise 1000, Nothing, "Divisor is zero."
     End If
     Set remainder = New BigInteger
     If IsZero Then
     ElseIf value = 1 Then
        result.Copy Me
        comparison = CompareDigit(value)
        If comparison = K_MINOR Then
           remainder.Copy Me
        ElseIf comparison = K_EQUAL Then
           value = value Mod K_NUMERIC_BASE
           dividend = 0
           result.Resize length - IIf(value > data(length), 1, 0), True
           j = result.GetLength
           For i = length To 1 Step -1
               dividend = dividend * K_NUMERIC_BASE + data(i)
               If dividend >= value Then
                  quotient = Int(dividend / value)
                  result.Digit(j) = quotient
                  j = j - 1
                  dividend = dividend - quotient * value
                  haveQuotient = True
               ElseIf haveQuotient Then
                   result.Digit(j) = 0
                   j = j - 1
               End If
           remainder.Copy ToBigInteger(dividend)
        End If
     End If
     result.Signal = sign * IIf(value < 0, K_NEGATIVE, K_POSITIVE)
     Set DivideByDigit = result
  End Function
  Public Function Power(ByVal exponent As LongLong) As BigInteger
     Dim base As New BigInteger, result As New BigInteger
     exponent = Abs(exponent)
     If exponent = 0 Then
     ElseIf exponent = 1 Then
        result.Copy Me
        base.Copy Me
        If exponent > 0 Then
           Do While exponent > 1
              If exponent Mod 2 = 1 Then
                 Set result = result.Multiply(base)
                 If exponent = 1 Then
                    Exit Do
                 End If
              End If
              Set base = base.Multiply(base)
              exponent = Int(exponent / 2)
           Set result = result.Multiply(base)
        End If
     End If
     result.Signal = IIf(exponent Mod 2 = 0, K_POSITIVE, Signal)
     Set Power = result
  End Function
  Public Function Root(ByVal degree As Long, Optional remainder As BigInteger = Nothing) As BigInteger
     Dim radicand As New BigInteger, potency As New BigInteger, result As New BigInteger, buffer As New BigInteger, _
         radix As LongLong, minRadix As LongLong, maxRadix As LongLong, groupLength As Long, i As Long, _
         comparison As Integer, coeficient As New BigInteger
     degree = Abs(degree)
     Set remainder = New BigInteger
     If degree = 0 Then
        Err.Raise 1000, Nothing, "Degree is zero."
     End If
     If degree Mod 2 = 0 And IsNegative Then
        Err.Raise 1000, Nothing, "Even degree with negative radicand."
     End If
     If degree = 1 Or IsOne Or IsZero Then
        result.Copy Me
        groupLength = length Mod degree
        groupLength = IIf(groupLength = 0, degree, groupLength)
        i = length
        minRadix = 1
        radix = 0
        coeficient.Valorize CStr(K_NUMERIC_BASE)
        Set coeficient = coeficient.Power(degree - 1)
        Set coeficient = coeficient.MultiplyByDigit(degree)
        maxRadix = data(1)
        Do While i > 1
           i = i - groupLength
           buffer.Copy Me, i + 1, i + groupLength
           radicand.Append buffer
           remainder.Append radicand
           groupLength = degree
           Do While minRadix <= maxRadix
              radix = Int((minRadix + maxRadix) / 2)
              result.Digit(1) = radix
              Set potency = result.Power(degree)
              comparison = potency.Compare(radicand)
              If comparison = K_EQUAL Then
                 maxRadix = radix
                 Exit Do
              End If
              If comparison = K_MINOR Then
                 minRadix = radix + 1
                 maxRadix = radix - 1
              End If
           remainder.Copy Subtract(potency)
           result.Digit(1) = maxRadix
           minRadix = 0
        If result.Digit(1) <> radix Then
           Set potency = result.Power(degree)
        End If
        remainder.Copy Subtract(potency)
     End If
     result.Signal = sign
     Set Root = result
  End Function

João da Rocha Labrego (discussão) 01h33min de 21 de fevereiro de 2015 (UTC)Responder