Discussão:Chojun Miyagi

Miyagui aprendeu Naha-te em NAHA, não na China, com Kanryo Higashionna. Somente foi à china depois de já ser um aluno avançado de Higashionna.

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Personal history

He was born in Naha, Okinawa and was the adopted son of a wealthy businessman. Miyagi began his study in karate at the age of nine (or eleven). He first learned martial arts from Ryuko Aragaki, who then introduced him to Naha-te Master Kanryo Higashionna when Miyagi was 14. Under the tutelage of this Master, Miyagi underwent a very long and arduous period of training.

After the death of Master Kanryo Higashionna, Miyagi travelled to Fujian Province in China as his teacher had done before him. In China he studied the Shaolin and Pa Kua forms of Chinese boxing. From the blending of these systems, the hard linear/external form of Shaolin, the soft circular/internal form of Pa Kua, and his native Naha-Te, a new system emerged. However, it was not until 1929 that Chojun Miyagi named the system Goju-ryu, meaning "hard soft style".

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