Discussão:Língua suaíli

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Hello, Excuse-me for not writing in portuguese. I can read it but no write it. I speak Swahili, and I do not understand why you write it this way: kiSwahili. Is this the way to do it in portuguese?? Really?? Because in swahili it is written Kiswahili, with the s in lower case. 16:31, 24 Maio 2006 (UTC)

Several months ago I posted the previous message. No answer, and the article keeps on with a wrong name. If you don't trust me, check the other wikipedias, or the Kamusi (an online internet swahili dictionary) http://research.yale.edu/cgi-bin/swahili/lookup.cgi?Word=kiswahili&EngP=0 -- 17:59, 12 Janeiro 2007 (UTC)
By the way, maybe you can just check the Swahili wikipedia. -- 18:01, 12 Janeiro 2007 (UTC)
Ok, solved. Dantadd 14:46, 29 Março 2007 (UTC)

Hello, My name is Ricardo and i'm brazilian, i'm not the writter of this article but i can say truly that - in portuguese is written 'suaíli' or 'suahili'. I know it's sounds weird but it's the arcaic rules of transliteration. Unfortunataly, the word 'suaíli' had written this way since a long time for old and dead linguistics.The same way i think so weird 'Brazil' when it is written with 'z' because it's in portuguese is 'brasil' with 's'.

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