
Quanto ao trecho inicial: ...cuja primeira fase vigorou desde o século XIX até a Primeira Guerra Mundial...pode conter um equívoco pois o primeiro padrão-ouro pode ser considerado adotado pela Grã Bretanha desde 1717 por iniciativa de Isaac Newton enquanto "master of the mint". Vide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Later_life_of_Isaac_Newton: As a result of a report written by Newton on 21 September 1717 to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury[19] the bimetallic relationship between gold coins and silver coins was changed by Royal proclamation on 22 December 1717, forbidding the exchange of gold guineas for more than 21 silver shillings.[20] Due to differing valuations in other European countries this inadvertently resulted in a silver shortage as silver coins were used to pay for imports, while exports were paid for in gold, effectively moving Britain from the silver standard to its first gold standard, rather than the bimetallic standard implied by the proclamation.

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