Putinismo: diferenças entre revisões

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{{Reciclagem|data=janeiro de 2020}}[[Imagem:Vladimir Putin - 2006.jpg|miniatura|Vladimir Putin]]
'''Putinismo''' ("regime de Putin") é a [[ideologia]], as prioridades e [[política]]s do regime de governo praticado pelo político russo [[Vladimir Putin]]. O termo é utilizado na imprensa ocidental e pelos analistas russos para "demonizar" Putin, e muitas vezes com uma conotação negativa<ref>One of the first recorded usage of the term: {{citar jornal|autor =[[William Safire]]|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9403EFDD163FF932A05752C0A9669C8B63|título=Putinism Looms|publicado=[[New York Times]]|data=31 de dezembro de 2000|acessodata=2008-12-26}}</ref><ref>[http://www.hoover.org/publications/digest/7468137.html The Perils of Putinism], By [[Arnold Beichman]], [[Washington Times]], February 11, 2007</ref><ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20887-2004Nov29.html Putinism On the March], by [[George F. Will]], [[Washington Post]], November 30, 2004</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/simonheffer/3561411/The-West-must-start-to-hit-Russia-where-it-hurts---in-the-roubles.html The West must start to hit Russia where it hurts - in the roubles], Simon Heffer, <u>Telegraph</u> (U.K.): ''"Few in the outside world were enthused in an election that was stage-managed through the constructs of electoral machinery that thrived on exclusivism and partisan majoritarianism, to make sure that former President Putin's hand-picked successor was elected. And, it was. Medvedev was a vehicle for institutionalizing '''Putinism'''--a draconian authoritarianism and xenophobic foreign policy--in Russia. It worked for Putin. And, the question became: Who will be calling the shots after Putin engineered his way back to behind-the-scene power, when he took the position of the prime minister?"'', retrieved 18-Jan-2009</ref><ref>[http://www.eurotopics.net/es/presseschau/medienindex/media_articles/archiv_article/ARTICLE25007-Europe-is-sceptical-facing-the-Russian-presidentials, Europe is skeptical facing the Russian presidentials] {{Webarchive|url=https://archive.is/20120731141755/http://www.eurotopics.net/es/presseschau/medienindex/media_articles/archiv_article/ARTICLE25007-Europe-is-sceptical-facing-the-Russian-presidentials |date=2012-07-31 }}, euro|topics Spanish site, English language summary of Swedish press article in <u>Expressen</u>, quoting the article: ''"Whatever Putin is contemplating, '''Putinism''' will emerge as the victor in the upcoming transfer of power," writes the paper. "Well-staged events like the presidential election cannot belie the fact that it's been a while since Russia was a democracy. Yesterday, Amnesty International published a report that finds a dramatic drop in freedom of expression in Russia. Independent media have been silenced, the murder of journalists remains unexplained and police put down protests by the opposition. Today's Russia is led by gangs with close ties to the FSB security service. ... The only pluralistic element in Russian politics is the conflict between these gangs. And the Russian people have no say in this power play."'', retrieved 18-Jan-2009</ref><ref name="JShelton">{{citar web|url=http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB122039907604792875.html|título=The Market Will Punish Putinism|publicado=[[The Wall Street Journal]]|data=3 de setembro de 2009|acessodata=2009-02-10}}</ref> para descrever o [[sistema político]] da [[Rússia]] sob Vladimir Putin como [[Presidente da Rússia|presidente]] (2000-2008) e (2012-''atual'') e, posteriormente, como [[Primeiro-ministro da Rússia|primeiro-ministro]] (2008-2012), onde grande parte da política e poderes financeiros são controlados por ''[[siloviki]]'', isto é, pessoas com histórico de segurança do Estado, proveniente do total de 22 seguranças governamentais e agências de inteligência, como o [[FSB]], a [[MVD|Polícia]] e o [[Forças Armadas da Rússia|Exército]].<ref name="Rahn">[http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/2501 From Communism to Putinism], by [[Richard W. Rahn]], [[The Brussels Journal]], 19 September 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/08/a728d464-224e-4ba1-8560-ad580c9c1d71.html Russia: Putin May Go, But Can 'Putinism' Survive?], By Brian Whitmore, [[RFE/RL]], August 29, 2007</ref> Muitas dessas pessoas têm sua formação profissional com Putin, ou são seus amigos pessoais.<ref>[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ffb58e54-2216-11dd-a50a-000077b07658.html Friends in high places?] By Catherine Belton and Neil Buckley, [[Financial Times]], May 15, 2008</ref><ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/18/business/worldbusiness/18kgb.html?_r=1&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&oref=slogin Former Russian Spies Are Now Prominent in Business] by Andrew Kramer [[New York Times]] December 18, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://www.iie.com/publications/opeds/oped.cfm?ResearchID=857 Russia's New Oligarchy: For Putin and Friends, a Gusher of Questionable Deals] by [[Anders Aslund]] December 12, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/finance/01nov2007/gunvor.html Миллиардер Тимченко, «друг Путина», стал одним из крупнейших в мире продавцов нефти.] [[NEWSru.com]] Nov 1, 2007.</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/russia/17dec2007/putin40.html#2 Путин остается премьером, чтобы сохранить контроль над бизнес-империей.] NEWSru.com Dec 17, 2007.</ref><ref>{{Citar web |url=http://allcred.ru/2007/12/16/mn222.html |titulo=За время президентства Путин «заработал» 40 миллиардов долларов? |acessodata=2010-09-12 |arquivourl=https://web.archive.org/web/20081206131344/http://allcred.ru/2007/12/16/mn222.html |arquivodata=2008-12-06 |urlmorta=yes }}</ref><ref>[http://newsru.com/russia/13may2008/megaputin.html Путин под занавес президентства заключил мегасделки по раздаче госактивов "близким людям"] [[NEWSru.com]] Mat 13, 2008.</ref>
[[Imagem:Moscow Russia Flag and Hammer and Sickle.jpg|miniatura|esquerda|A [[Foice e martelo|foice e o martelo]], ícones máximos da [[União Soviética]], sob a [[bandeira da Rússia]], símbolo da Rússia independente, marcam o sincretismo do governo de Putin]]
O sistema político de Putin foi caracterizado principalmente por parte de alguns elementos de [[liberalismo econômico]], a falta de transparência na governação, o [[nepotismo]] e a [[corrupção]] generalizada, que assumiu na Rússia de Putin "a forma sistêmica e institucionalizada", de acordo com um relatório de [[Boris Nemtsov]], bem como outras fontes.<ref>[http://www.nemtsov.ru/docs/putin-itogi.pdf ''Независимый экспертеый доклад «Путин. Итоги»''] Experts' report by [[Boris Nemtsov]] and [[Vladimir Milov]] released in February 2008.</ref><ref>[http://www.finiz.ru/cfin/tmpl-art/id_art-937000 За четыре года мздоимство в России выросло почти в десять раз (''Bribe-taking in Russia has increased by nearly ten times'')] {{Wayback|url=http://www.finiz.ru/cfin/tmpl-art/id_art-937000 |date=20090123083315 }} ''Финансовые известия'' July 21, 2005.</ref><ref>[http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2006-07/2006-07-13-voa25.cfm Energy Revenues and Corruption Increase in Russia] [[Voice of America]] 13 July 2006.</ref><ref>[http://gazeta.aif.ru/online/aif/1290/04_01 Чума-2005: коррупция] [[Argumenty i Fakty]] № 29 (1290) July 2005</ref><ref>[http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2005/07/C6FC8C8F-C942-4D9F-897B-564EE730990E.html Russia: Bribery Thriving Under Putin, According To New Report] [[Radio Liberty]] July 22, 2005</ref><ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/dec/21/russia.topstories3 Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune] [[The Guardian]] Dec 21, 2007</ref> Entre 1999 e o outono de 2008, a economia russa cresceu a um ritmo constante,<ref name="worldbankreports">[http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/RUSSIANFEDERATIONEXTN/0,,contentMDK:20888536~menuPK:2445695~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:305600,00.html Russian Economic Reports]</ref> que alguns especialistas atribuem à [[Crise russa de 1998|forte desvalorização do rublo de 1998]], as reformas estruturais da era [[Yeltsin]], o [[Aumentos do preço do petróleo desde 2004|preço do petróleo]] e o crédito barato em bancos ocidentais.<ref>{{citar jornal|último = Polukin |primeiro = Alexey |título= К нефти легко примазаться |publicado= [[Novaya Gazeta]] |data=10 de janeiro de 2008 | url = http://www.novayagazeta.ru/data/2008/01/10.html |acessodata= 2008-12-29 }}</ref><ref name="Troublepipe">{{citar jornal|título=Trouble in the pipeline |publicado=The Economist |data=8 de maio de 2008 |url=http://www.economist.com/business/PrinterFriendly.cfm?story_id=11332313 |acessodata=2008-11-26}}</ref><ref>{{citar jornal|título=The flight from the rouble |publicado=The Economist |data=20 de novembro de 2008 |url=http://www.economist.com/world/europe/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12641926 |acessodata=2008-11-26}}</ref> Na opinião de [[Michael McFaul]] (junho de [[2004]]), "o impressionante" crescimento econômico de curto prazo da Rússia, "foi em simultâneo com a destruição da mídia livre, ameaças à sociedade civil e uma corrupção absoluta da justiça."<ref>[http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2004/06/b99061.html The Putin Paradox] by [[Michael McFaul]] June 24, 2004</ref>