Wayne Enterprises: diferenças entre revisões

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Recentemente, [[Talia al Ghul]] secretamente adquiriu ações suficientes para tomar posse desta filial.<ref> BATMAN #635 & BATMAN ANNUAL #1 </ref>
====Wayne Biotech====
Wayne Biotech isé thea companycompanhia mostlyresponsável responsiblepor forgrande theparte Gothamdo healthcaresistema systemde saúde de Gotham. TheA companyprópria itselfcompanhia isé auma facilityinstalação forpara researchingpesquisa ande developingdesenvolvimento newde medicalnovos proceduresprocedimentos ande systemssistemas médicos. ItTambém alsotreina trainse andensina teachesum agrande hugenúmero numberde ofpessoas people annuallyanualmente. A Wayne Chemicals ande a Wayne Pharmaceuticals worktrabalham closelyjunto withcom a Wayne Biotech tono desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos developpara medicinesdiversos fortipos differentde diseasesdoenças.
The current research at Wayne Biotech is focused on finding the cure for cancer. Since the [[human]] [[genome]] has already been unlocked, Wayne Biotech is studying [[cloning]] to produce organs for future transplants. The company is involved in research into brain surgery methods, the fight against [[AIDS]] and [[HIV]], and reconstructive [[plastic surgery]]. Batman uses Wayne Biotech as a research tool for finding medical information, patient histories and information on illnesses.
A pesquisa atual da Wayne Biotech é focada em encontrar a cura para o câncer. Uma vez que o [[genoma]] [[humano]] já fora descoberto, Wayne Biotech estuda [[clonagem]] para produzir órgãos para futuros transplantes. A companhia é involvida em pesquisa de métodos de cirurgia cerebral, a luta contra a [[AIDS]] e o [[HIV]], e [[cirurgia plástica]] reconstrutiva. Batman utiliza a Wayne Biotech como ferramenta de pesquisa de informações médicas, históricos de pacientes e informação sobre doenças.
====Wayne Foods====
Wayne Foods is a little known subsidiary of WayneTech mostly based in Gotham City. It runs farms and cattle ranches in the Midwest United States, and imports meat from [[Argentina]] and other countries. Wayne Foods produces specialized products like ecological foods and natural lines with no additives and controlled growing. Batman uses Wayne Foods as a means to keep tabs on the food produce market. In recent times, Wayne Foods has concentrated development efforts on organic produce, as a result of changing fashion and consumer demand.