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bot : reversão de (vandalismo : -784), revertendo para a versão 16013869" parentid="15877453 de Burmeister
Linha 19:
| legenda_imagem = Praia de Can Picafort.
====PLEASE DISTRIBUTE TO THE airports and customs and excise authority .
I had no idea the customs and excise departmentt of Spain was now under the management of Indonesia's Mafia who were the founders of World War 2 Gestapo. It is estimated they have caused the death of over 500 million people since 1936====
=The Bali Bombers aka 911 Attackers aka Flight 103 Bombers aka US Embassy Africa bombers aka most of global terrorism using other people's IDs.=
==The Mandate from Almighty God I bring to all Human Beings is to throw fuel over and burn to death the TI.cia (aka as descendants of WW2 Gestapo officers).==
===Coroner:"So they tied up the Gestapo Officers in the middle of a cornfield."
Ann Mercer: "Yes, that is why they do not like people who smoke."
We were driving along the road and Bob threw a cigarette out the window then there was "fire in a cornfield".
Coroner: "Well then I'll put down "An Act of God" as cause of death.===
Bob Hope's family know Mr Young's story about the Kempe children in Woking is true. A childhood friend of Mr Erik Young's was a little girl called Betsy Hope a relative of Bob Hope the British American Comedian (Almighty God in disguise). Bob Hope's brother lived in Ashwood Road Woking keeping an eye on the children of Satan. Erik's Godmother Genevieve Strieby was Bob Hope's Public Relations Officer. When Aunt Gen was 79 years of age she was driving non-stop from chicago to Boynton Beach Florida a cool 2000 kilometer journey.
Poison Dwarf:"You know that Polaris Submarine that was caught up in the trawler net when they were off loading some heroin for the UK?
TI.Cia RTPC: "Shut up bitch."
"PoisonDwarf;"I lost a diamond ring in that submarine and now it has blown up off Summatra I can't get my ring back."
TI.Cia RTPC: "Shut up bitch"
PoisonDwarf: "Why don't we raid someone with some jewelry so i can recover my lost diamond value.'
TI.Cia RTPC: "Shut up bitch."
Geftapo means German Empire Tropical Rainforest Asia Pacific Ocean for that is their origin they are dark skinned and non Human "Homo Sapiens Satan. They bleached their skin from the inside out to occupy the IDs of german people who were posted in the Asia Pacific region.
Did you know the origins of many of the TI.cia ? A long time ago The German Empire occupied parts of Asia including Indonesia. Some of the TI.cia who are of the animal species "Homo Sapiens Satan" stole the IDs of Germans living in the region and this is how they found their way in to germany. They were also used to crew German U-Boats (submarines) thus they were given the nicknames of the "Drainpeople" and the "Underworld". It was their trickery and deceit that started World War 2 in Europe. On September 1, 1939, the German army launched a massive attack on Poland. On the night before, the German Gestapo staged the Gleiwitz incident. According to Alfred Naujocks, the Gestapo (Germany's secret police) ordered he and a small group of others to dress up as Polish soldiers and seize the Gleiwitz radio station. After seizing the station, Naujocks' group broadcast an anti-German message in Polish. The Germans would use the incident as an excuse to invade Poland. However they needed to make the attack more convincing. The Gestapo brought in Franciszek Honiok, a German who sympathized with Poland, as he had been captured the previous day. Honiok was dressed up as a saboteur, put to death using lethal injection, and given multiple bullet wounds. This would be used as evidence (given to the press and police) of the supposed Polish attack, as he would be presented as one of the dead attackers. They have been committing the same Satanic actions in thailand and the surrounding countries during the past ten years. Committing crime in the names of other people including serious high level terrorism such as the 911 World trade center attacks and the Lockerbie flight 103 bombing. They promote the sale of illicit products including illegal class A Heroin, major brand copyright infringement, intellectual property fraud and forgery, bank robbery by way of "scripted back door" access, insurance fraud by way of insuriong young people in what looks to them like a savings plan omitting the fact it included life assurance making one of their Gestapo comrades the beneficiary. The TI.cia are NOT humans they are Homo Sapiens SATAN. They will steal the ID of Buddha or Islaam or Christian to hide their NON-HUMANE identity. They need to be burnt to death as stated in the Holy scriptures of The bible and The Holy Quran. They stole the ID of Osama Bin Laden (not his real name for he is a member of the family Bin Al-Saud, the Saudi Arabia Royal Family). They loot their targets banks and steal their children whom they displace and use as drugs couriers and prostitutes. Some they refer to as "breeders" girls they use to breed the next generation of prostitues they require. they cross gene humans with animal hormones and genes and mutate the human species.
The Kempe children family is one of the group who were given refuge in Walton Road Woking Surrrey UK at the end of World War 2. The Kempe children were the result of genetic experients crossing animal genes with human genes. Geoffery Kempe (Genetic Ovary Chemical Physics Experiment) lived 500 meteres along the road from my family home in Ashwood Road Woking. I think Kenneth Winn-Pope was from the same group. The Gestapo scientists crossed Wolfe genes and Gorilla genes with the genes in the Human Ovary eggs to create "Guards" they did the same with girls to create "Rice Powered Sex machines" or bar girls some brought up in private prisons or to be used for body parts that they called "Organages" disguised under the term "Orphange". PLEASE WILL THE FINANCIAL COMMUNITY PETITION THE THAI MILITARY UPON ANY RESISTANCE WHATSOEVER TO BURN ALIVE ANY OF THE REMAINING TI.CIA IN THAILAND AND TO INTERROGATE THOSE WHO SURRENDER AS TO THE WHEREABOUTS OF MISSING GIRLS AND CHILDREN. THESE MEN ARE NOT THAIS THEY ARE HEROIN DEALERS AND TORTURERS. THESE WERE THE PEOPLE WHO RAIDED THE DAILY MIRROR PENSION FUND AND COMMITED GENOCIDE IN SERBIA CAMBODIA THAILAND RWANDA ANGOLA MOZAMBIQUE... JUST BURN THEM ALIVE. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC AND YOU COME ACROSS A GROUP OF THEM JUST RUN THEM DOWN WITH YOUR CAR DO NOT RISK THEM GETTING CONTROL OF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Holbock-Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh-Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy-Nesbitt) UN Human Rights Ambassador Thailand UK
'''Maiorca''' (em [[língua catalã|catalão]] e [[língua espanhola|castelhano]] '''Mallorca''') é a maior ilha do arquipélago das [[Ilhas Baleares]] localizado a leste da [[Espanha]] e sua maior cidade e capital é [[Palma de Maiorca]].