Virgindade perpétua de Maria: diferenças entre revisões

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Já no século IV, a doutrina já estava bem estabelecida<ref>L. Gambero, ''Mary and the Fathers of the Church'' trans. T. Buffer (San Francisco: Ignatius, 1991) pp. 97-98; and also for an overview of each source.</ref>. Por exemplo, referências a ela podem ser encontradas nas obras do século anterior de [[Hipólito de Roma]], que chamava Maria de ''"tabernáculo isento de poluição e corrupção"'' <ref name=Ripley264 /> e nas obras do século IV de [[Atanásio de Alexandria|Atanásio]]<ref>Athanasius, ''Orations against the Arians'' 2.70</ref>, Epifânio<ref>Epiphanius of Salamis, ''The Man Well-Anchored'' 120, c.f. ''Medicine Chest Against All Heresies'' 78:6</ref>, [[Hilário de Poitiers|Hilário]]<ref>Hilary of Poitiers, ''Commentary on Matthew'' §1:4</ref>, [[Dídimo, o Cego]]<ref>Didymus the Blind, ''The Trinity'' 3:4</ref>, [[Ambrósio de Milão|Ambrósio]]<ref>Ambrose of Milan, ''Letters'' 63:111</ref>, Jerônimo<ref>Jerome, ''[[Helvidius|Against Helvetius]]'', 21</ref> e do [[papa Sirício]]<ref>Denziger §91</ref> a doutrina foi repetidamente atestada - uma tendência que ganhou ainda mais ímpeto no século seguinte<ref name=BWell315 /><ref name=Bromiley271 >''The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia'' by Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1995 ISBN 0-8028-3785-9 page 271</ref>.
=== Padres da Igreja e Idade Média ===
[[JohnJoão ChrysostomCrisóstomo]] (347–407) defendeddefendia perpetuala virginityvirgindade onperpétua abaseado numberem ofdiversos groundsargumentos, oneum ofdos quais os whichcomandos wasque Jesus' commandsdeu toà hismãe mother inno [[CalvaryCalvário]]: "Woman, behold{{citar yourbíblia|João|19|26|citação=Mulher, son!"eis and toteu hisfilho!}} disciplee "Behold, thy mother!" inao [[wikisource:Biblediscípulo (Americanamado]], {{citar Standard)/John#bíblia|João|19:26|John27|citação=Eis aí 19:26-27]].tua mãe!}}<ref name=MEvangel >''Mary for evangelicals: toward an understanding of the mother of our Lord'' by Tim S. Perry, William J. Abraham 2006 ISBN 0-8308-2569-Xpages 153-154</ref><ref>''John 11-21'' by Joel C. Elowsky 2007 ISBN 0-8308-1099-4 page 318</ref>. SinceDesde theo secondséculo centuryII theseestas twoduas [[Sayingsfrases ofde Jesus onna thecruz]] cross|statementstem ofsido Jesusutilizadas fromcomo theracionais cross]]para hado beenfato thede basisMaria ofnão reasoningster thattido Maryoutros hadfilhos noe other children andque ''"fromdessa thathora hourem thediante discipleo tookdiscípulo hera untotomou hispara ownsua homecasa"'' becausejustamente afterpor theque, deathsapós ofa Josephmorte andde Jesus theree wasde no one else to look after MaryJosé, andnão shehaveria hadmais toninguém bepara entrustedcuidar tode the disciple.Maria<ref name=Burke308 >Burke, Raymond L.; et al. (2008). ''Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Persons'' ISBN 978-1-57918-355-4 pages 308-309</ref><ref name=Miravalle62 >Mark Miravalle, 1993, I''ntroduction to Mary'', Queenship Publishing ISBN 978-1-882972-06-7, pages 62-63</ref>.
===Church Fathers and the Middle Ages===
[[File:Otsy.jpg|thumb|220px|left|The ''[[Church Fathers]]'' in an 11th-century depiction from [[Kiev]]]]
[[John Chrysostom]] (347–407) defended perpetual virginity on a number of grounds, one of which was Jesus' commands to his mother in [[Calvary]]: "Woman, behold your son!" and to his disciple "Behold, thy mother!" in [[wikisource:Bible (American Standard)/John#19:26|John 19:26-27]].<ref name=MEvangel >''Mary for evangelicals: toward an understanding of the mother of our Lord'' by Tim S. Perry, William J. Abraham 2006 ISBN 0-8308-2569-Xpages 153-154</ref><ref>''John 11-21'' by Joel C. Elowsky 2007 ISBN 0-8308-1099-4 page 318</ref> Since the second century these two [[Sayings of Jesus on the cross|statements of Jesus from the cross]] had been the basis of reasonings that Mary had no other children and "from that hour the disciple took her unto his own home" because after the deaths of Joseph and Jesus there was no one else to look after Mary, and she had to be entrusted to the disciple.<ref name=Burke308 >Burke, Raymond L.; et al. (2008). ''Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Persons'' ISBN 978-1-57918-355-4 pages 308-309</ref><ref name=Miravalle62 >Mark Miravalle, 1993, I''ntroduction to Mary'', Queenship Publishing ISBN 978-1-882972-06-7, pages 62-63</ref>
ByNo thetempo time ofde [[GregoryGregório ofde NyssaNissa]] ande de [[AugustineAgostinho ofde HippoHipona]], withcom thea increasedcrescente emphasisênfase onna Marianpiedade pietymariana, aum widerpapel rolemais foramplo Maryde beganMaria tocomeçou appeara inaparecer theno contextcontexto ofda thehistória historyda of[[Salvação salvation.(cristianismo)|salvação]]<ref name=ThemeM2 />. AugustineO himselfpróprio presentedAgostinho aapresentou numberdiversos ofargumentos arguments ina favor ofda the doctrine of perpetual virginity.doutrina<ref>''Augustine through the ages: an encyclopedia'' by John C. Cavadini 1999 ISBN 0-8028-3843-X page 544</ref><ref>''St. Augustine, Faith, Hope & Charity By J. Kuasten, Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.) 1978 ISBN 0-8091-0045-2 page 126</ref>. No final do século IV, {{citar bíblia|Lucas|1|34|citação=Como será isso, uma vez que não conheço varão?}} começou a ser interpretado como uma indicação de um "voto de perpétua virgindade" por parte de Maria<ref name=ThemeM2 >''Mary in the New Testament'' edited by Raymond Edward Brown 1978 ISBN 0-8091-2168-9 pages 278-281</ref>.
By J. Kuasten, Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.) 1978 ISBN 0-8091-0045-2 page 126</ref> By the end of the 4th century, [[wikisource:Bible (American Standard)/Luke#1:34|Luke 1:34]] (''How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?'') had started to be read as a passage that indicated a "vow of perpetual virginity" on the part of Mary.<ref name=ThemeM2 >''Mary in the New Testament'' edited by Raymond Edward Brown 1978 ISBN 0-8091-2168-9 pages 278-281</ref>
TheEste conceptconceito ofde Mary's"voto vowde ofMaria" virginity hadtinha alreadyaparecido appearedno in[[Protoevangelho thede ProtovangeliumTiago|Protoevangelho]] (4:1), whichque assertedafirma thatque Mary'sa mother,[[Ana Anne(mãe de Maria)|Ana]], gavea Marymãe asde aMaria, "virginofertou ofMaria thecomo uma Lord"virgem inao serviceSenhor" inno the[[Segundo Temple,Templo|Templo]] ande thatque JosephJosé, aum widowerviúvo, wasserviria tocomo serveseu asguardião her(a guardianproteção (legal protectionspara foras womenmulheres dependeddependiam on their having ade maleum protectorguardião: fatherpai, brother,irmão orou, failingna thatfalta destes, aum husbandmarido).<ref>''[[ProtoevangeliumProtoevangelho ofde James]]''Tiago 4, 7, 8-9, 15</ref>. EarlyNo ininício thedo 7thséculo centuryVII, inno the"Pequeno ''ShortLivro Booksobre ona theVirgindade PerpetualPerpétua Virginityda ofAbençoada Blessed Mary''Maria", [[IsidoreIsidoro ofde SevilleSevilha]] connectedliga thetemas [[Mariologymariologia|Mariologicalmariológicos]] ande [[Christologycristologia|Christologicalcristológicos]] themesao byrelacionar linkinga thevirgindade virginityde ofMaria Marycom toa thedivindade divinityde ofCristo Christnum inúnico a single line of argument.argumento<ref>''The History of Theology: Middle Ages'' by Giulio D'Onofrio, Basil Studer 2008 ISBN 0-8146-5916-0 page 38 </ref>. TheO [[LateranConcílio Councilde ofLatrão (649)|Concílio de Latrão]] de 649, attendedque byteve a presença de [[MaximusMáximo, theo Confessor]], explicitlyexplicitamente affirmedafirmou theo teachingensinamento ofsobre Mary'sa virginityvirgindade beforede Maria antes, duringdurante ande afterdepois parto<ref name=Rahner896 >''Encyclopedia of theology: a concise Sacramentum mundi by Karl Rahner 2004 ISBN 0-86012-006-6 pages 896-897</ref>. ThisA wasdoutrina furtherfoi affirmednovamente atafirmada theno [[ThirdSexto CouncilConcílio of Constantinople|sixth ecumenical councilEcumênico]] inem 680.<ref name=BWell315 >''The Blackwell Companion to Catholicism'' by James Buckley, Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, Trent Pomplun 2010 ISBN 1-4443-3732-7 page 315</ref>.
AnotherOutro booklivro, "[[TheA HistoryHistória ofde JosephJosé, theo CarpenterCarpinteiro]]", do (7thséculo Century)VII, presentsapresenta Jesus as speakingfalando, atna the[[morte deathde of JosephJosé]], ofde MaryMaria ascomo ''"myminha mothermãe, virginvirgem undefiledincorrupta".''<ref>''Saint Joseph: His Life and His Role in the Church Today'' by Louise Bourassa Perrotta 2000 ISBN 0-87973-573-2 page 86</ref>.
OverAo thelongo centuriesdos theséculos, interpretationa ofinterpretação Maryde asMaria ancomo evera virgin"sempre bridevirgem ofnoiva thedo LordSenhor whoque hadtomou takenum avoto vowde ofperpétua perpetualvirgindade" chastityse spreadespalhou ande wasestava inconsolidado fullna vogueépoca by the time ofde [[RupertRuperto ofde Deutz]] inno theséculo 12th century.XII<ref name=ThemeM2 />. By theNo 13thséculo centuryseguinte, [[ThomasTomás de AquinasAquino]] hadcriou fashioneduma longlonga ande detaileddetalhada theologicaldefesa argumentsteológica inda defense of the doctrinedoutrina ande statedafirmou thatque a denialnegação ofda thevirgindade perpetualperpétua virginityde ofMaria Maryseria wouldderrogatória bepara derogatory to thea [[perfectionperfeição ofde ChristCristo]], anum insultinsulto to theao [[HolyEspírito Spirit (Christianity)|Holy SpiritSanto]], ande anuma affrontafronta toà thedignidade dignity of theda [[MotherMãe ofde GodDeus]].<ref>''Aquinas on doctrine: a critical introduction'' by Thomas Gerard Weinandy, John Yocum 2004 ISBN 0-567-08411-6 page 95</ref><ref>''The Westminster handbook to Thomas Aquinas'' by Joseph Peter Wawrykow 2005 ISBN 0-664-22469-5 page 91</ref>.
===Mary, the Second Eve===
[[File:MCB-mosaicob.jpg|thumb|170 px|13th century [[Byzantine]] [[Eleusa|Eleusa depiction]], of [[Madonna and Child]], [[Athens]]]]