Sociedade Zoológica de Londres: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 1:
{{em tradução|:en:Zoological Society of London}}
A '''Sociedade Zoológica de Londres''' (também conhecida pela sigla '''ZSL''') é uma [[sociedade científica]] fundada em [[Londres]] em in [[April]] de [[1826]] por Sir [[Thomas Stamford Raffles]], [[Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, III Marquês de Lansdowne|Marquês de Lansdowne]], [[George Eden, I Conde de Auckland|Lord Auckland]], Sir [[Humphry Davy]], [[Robert Peel]], [[Joseph Sabine]], [[Nicholas Aylward Vigors]] além de varios outros membros da nobreza, clero, naturalistas e senhores.<ref>{{citar jornal
|jornal =Times
Linha 16 ⟶ 14:
|título=The Zoological Society of London
|editora=Cassell & Co.
|páginas=}}</ref> Raffles foi o primeiro corrdenador e presidente mas em [[Julho]] do mesmo do mesmo ano veio a falecer. Foi sucedido pelo [[Marquês]] de Lansdowne que supervisionou a construção da primeira casa de animais, um pedaço de terra no [[Regent's Park]] obtida por Crown na reunião de inauguração. RecebendoRecebeu a Escritura Real de [[Jorge IV do Reino Unido|Jorge IV]] em [[27 de Março]] de [[1829]].
== História ==
[[Ficheiro:Hux-Oxon-72.jpg|thumb|200px|Julian Huxley.]]
Inicialmente eram "apenas" dez espécies, eis elas: morcego-abelha, lóris delgado, équidna, o golfinho bicudo do rio Yangtze, hipopótamo pigmeu, jerboa, solenodon, mico leão preto e o antílope hirola – o programa vai levar o esforço de conservação a remotos lugares ao redor do globo terrestre.
"São espécies únicas", Jonathan Baillie, cientista inglês. "Se elas se perderem não haverá nada no planeta parecido com elas".
Linha 29 ⟶ 28:
"Huxley era parte de uma distinta família de acadêmicos britânicos. Era irmão do escritor Aldous Huxley, e meio irmão do também biólogo e Prêmio Nobel de Fisiologia ou Medicina, Andrew Huxley; seu pai foi o escritor e editor Leonard Huxley; e seu avô paterno foi o biólogo T. H. Huxley, famoso por ser colega e apoiar Charles Darwin. Seu avô materno foi o acadêmico Tom Arnold filho de Thomas Arnold da Rugby School."
[[Ficheiro:Hux-Oxon-72.jpg|thumb|200px|Julian Huxley.]]
== History ==
[[Ficheiro:BanksZSL.jpg|thumb|Sir Joseph Banks house was the initial meeting place for the Zoological Society.]]
The Zoological Society was formed by a number of leading scientists who felt that they needed an organization. The Royal Society, "the dignified parent of all our scientific societies," was found to have an emphasis on the physical sciences and this led to the establishment of the Linnean Society in 1788, by Dr. (Sir in 1814) James Edward Smith, a young Norwich physician. Its aim was defined as " the cultivation of the science of Natural History in all its branches, and more especially of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland." It was however considered that since Linnaeus worked on botany, that the society had a greater focus on botany.<ref name=Scherren/>
On November 29, 1822, the birthday of [[John Ray]], "the father of modern zoology," a meeting held in the Linnean Society in Soho Square and led by Rev. [[William Kirby (entomologist)|William Kirby]], resolved to form a "Zoological Club of the Linnean Society of London". Between 1816 and 1826 discussions between Sir Stamford Raffles, Sir Humphry Davy, Sir Joseph Banks and others led to the idea that an establishment along the lines of the [[Jardin des Plantes]] was needed that would house a zoological collection "which should interest and amuse the public."<ref name=scherren/>
[[Ficheiro:ZoolSocLondon.jpg|thumb|Left|Plan of the Zoological Society of London (1829).]]
[[Ficheiro:Punchzool.jpg|thumb|Punch illustration of a meeting of the zoologists.]]
The purpose of the society was to create a collection of animals for study at leisure, an associated museum and library. In April 1828 the Zoological Gardens were opened to members. In [[1831]] [[William IV of the United Kingdom|William IV]] presented the royal menagerie to the Zoological Society, and in [[1847]] the public were admitted to aid funding, and Londoners soon christened the Zoological Gardens the "[[Zoo]]". [[London Zoo]] soon had the most extensive collection of animals in the world.
As the twentieth century began, the need to maintain and research large animals in a more natural environment became clear. Sir [[Peter Chalmers Mitchell]] (ZSL Secretary 1903–35) conceived the vision of a new park no more than {{convert|70|mi|km|lk=on}} away from London and thus accessible to the public, and at least {{convert|200|acre|km2|lk=on}} in extent. In [[1926]], profiting from the agricultural depression, the ideal place was found: Hall Farm, near [[Whipsnade|Whipsnade village]], was derelict, and held almost {{convert|600|acre|km2}} on the [[Chiltern Hills]]. ZSL bought the farm in December [[1926]] for £13,480 12s 10d. In 1928 the first animals arrived at the new [[Whipsnade Park]] — two Amherst pheasants, a [[golden pheasant]] and five [[red jungle fowl]]. Others soon followed, including [[muntjac deer]], [[llama]]s, [[wombat]]s and [[skunk]]s. In 1931 Whipsnade Park was opened to the public as the world's first open zoological park.
In 1960–61, [[Lord Zuckerman]], then Secretary of ZSL, raised funds from two medical foundations to found laboratories as an [[Institute of Zoology]] where scientists would be employed by ZSL and undertake research.
Today ZSL is an international scientific, conservation and educational charity. Its key role is the conservation of animals and their habitats. ZSL runs [[ZSL London Zoo]], [[ZSL Whipsnade Zoo]] and [[Biota!]], carries out scientific research in the [[Institute of Zoology]] and is actively involved in field conservation in other countries worldwide. The society published the ''[[Zoological Record]]'' (''ZR'') from 1864 to 1980, when the ''ZR'' was transferred to [[BIOSIS]]. It has also published the ''[[Journal of Zoology]]'' since 1830. The Society's Patron is [[Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II]]
== Publications ==
The Society published the '''''Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London''''' from around 1833. Its modern title is the ''[[Journal of Zoology]]''.
== Fellows ==
:See also: [[:Category:Fellows of the Zoological Society of London|Fellows of the Zoological Society of London]]
== Council ==
The Council is the governing body of The Zoological Society of London.
There are 21 Council members, led by the President and served by the Secretary and Treasurer.
Council members are the Trustees of the Society and serve for up to four years at a time.
From 17 June 2008 the Council is made up as:
* President: Professor Sir [[Patrick Bateson]] FRS
* Secretary: Professor [[Paul H. Harvey]] CBE BA MA DPhil DSc FRS
* Treasurer: Paul Rutteman CBE BSc(Econ) FCA
* Vice President: John Edwards BA FLS
* Vice President: Sheila Anderson MBE
* [[Richard Ballerand|Richard Melville Ballerand]] FRUSI
* Dr Robin Bidwell CBE (co-opted)
* Dr Jonathan Boyce DM MA MSc FRCP FFPH
* Martin Cooke MSc MA VetMB, MRCVS CertPH(MH)
* Dr David Dixon FIBiol
* Ray Heaton CertEd BEd GIBiol MSc FRGS FLS
* Professor David Houston BSc DPhil (co-opted)
* Nick Jackson MBE (co-opted 17 February 2005)
* Dr Andrew Kitchener BSc(Hons)
* Alastair Land MA FLS
* Hon [[Sir William McAlpine]] Bt
* Dr Azra Meadows OBE BSc MSc CBiol MIBiol FLS
* Martin Rowson
* Anthony Sheridan
* Ken Sims
* Robert Wingate MSc
== {{Ver também}} ==
* [[LivingZoológico Planetde IndexWhipsnade]]
* [[RedZoológico Listde IndexLondres]]
* [[Regional Red List]]
* [[EDGE of Existence Programme]]
* [[EDGE Species]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Sociedade Zoologica Londres}}
[[Categoria:Learned societies of the United Kingdom]]
[[Categoria:Zoology organizations]]
[[Categoria:Biology societies]]
[[Categoria:1826 establishments]]
== {{Ver também}} ==
* [[EDGE Species]]
== {{Ligações externas}} ==
* {{Link||2= |3=siteSite oficial}}
* {{Link||2= |3=siteSite do Instituto de Zoologia}}
* {{Link||2= |3=21st Century Tiger}}