Martin Esslin: diferenças entre revisões

Conteúdo apagado Conteúdo adicionado
Linha 32:
* Absurd Drama
* Absurd Drama (Introduction)
* An Anatomy of Drama (1965)
* Antonin Artaud
* Artaud (1976)
* Artaud and The Age of Television (1981)
* Brecht : Das Paradox des politischen Dichters - dtv(-Taschenbücher)
* Brecht: A Choice of Evils (1959)
* Brecht: The Man and His Work
* Brief Chronicles: Essays on Modern Theatre
* Espedair Street Special (Abacus Books) 1 copy
* Harold Pinter
* Illustrated Encyclopaedia of World Theatre
* Mediations: Essays on Brecht, Beckett, and the Media
* Peopled Wound: Plays of Harold Pinter. Methuen young books; First Edition (1970)
* Pinter the Playwright (Modern theatre profile) (Plays and Playwrights)
* Pinter: A Study of His Plays
Linha 58 ⟶ 59:
* The Peopled Wound: The Work of Harold Pinter (1970)
* Theatre of the Absurd - A history and analysis of this dramatic movement, which includes the work of such dramatists as Beckett, Ionesco, Genet and Pinter (1961).
* Theatre of the Absurd: Essential Reading List - A must-read list for anyone interested in absurdist theatre.
* Three Plays of the Absurd