Jyotisha: diferenças entre revisões

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FranciscoMG (discussão | contribs)
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'''Jyotisha''' é o sistema [[hindu]] de [[astrologia]], uma das seis disciplinas do [[Vedanta]], e considerada como uma das mais velhas escolas da astrologia antiga tendo uma origem independente, interagindo com todas as outras escolas na Índia. O termo em [[sânscrito]] deriva de ''jyótis'' (desmembrado em "Ja"+"Ya"+"O"+"T"+"ish" para chegar ao significado que é "água ou nascer" + "além de" + "terra" e "estrelas" + "conhecimento" equivalente àquele que tem conhecimento, ou iluminado com conhecimento, do nascimento, destino, e relações com a água, terra e estrelas) ou ainda quer dizer "luz, brilhante", mas no plural também pode significar "os corpos estelares, planetas e estrelas". ''Jyotish'' pode de fato ser entendido como a "ciência dos corpos estelares". De fato, Jyotish tem historicamente sido parte de uma contínua aproximação "holistica" para a vida e as práticas espirituais dentro do cotidiano Hindu predominante na Índia.
Jyotisha é frequentemente discutido como um elemento instrucional do [[Rig Veda]], e da mesma forma como um Vedanga, ou "parte separada" dos Vedas.
Parte do currículo Védico que inclui Matemática, Arquitetura, Medicina e Aplicações Militaristas, ela superficialmente tem muito em comum com a Astrologia antiga e a ocidental (e os primeiros traços de descente de várias escolas de Astrologia de [[Harappan]] à cultura [[Egito|Egípcia]], [[China|Chinesa]] e [[Chaldean]], além dos [[Árabe]]s, [[Grego]]s, e os primeiros [[Roma antiga|Romanos]], mostra um complexo interweavings that é assessed variously by diverse camps of scholars -- quem, however, currently find little common ground as to the exact historical development). Jyotish tem muitos aspectos, e alguns deles são basicamente also cornerstones da astrologia ocidental, tais como simbolicalmente endowed signs, casas e planetas. Mas Jyotish tem suas proprias referencias para o noumenal: os planetas são "grahas", forças que seize ou agem na formação do ser e influenciam suas ações e vida.
Como os Hindus acreditam que os humanos tem subidas e descidas na vida porcausa do [[karma]], mutios usam Jyotish para entender as descidas na vida devido as influencia dos planetas, [[Navagraha]] e realizamcerimonias religiosas para sairem do mau karma,
== Foundações ==
Jyotish de muitas linhagem ou [[parampara]]s enfase que seu estudo é um [[sadhana]] ou tecnica de desenvolvimento mental e existencial. Na era moderna ela é uma fonte de referencias para muitos Hindus e outros praticantes espiritualizados. Além de sustaining its own lore, comentarios e debates sobre o dilema do destino e of fate and free will e a filosofia do [[karma]], jyotish mantém uma virtual ''materia medica'' de remedios para dificuldades achadas no horoscopo. astrologos Védicos frequentimente prescrivem special stones, ou especificas praticas terapeuticas outecniocas de meditação (contemplativa) usando [[mantra]]s para enfrentar dificuldades ou um futuro impreciso predicted by means consistent with Jyotish methodology. In past centuries, [[Brahmins]] have been the primary practitioners of Jyotish. In the last century, a renaissance of study of Jyotish and other Vedic sciences emerged in India and the west.
The foundation of jyotish is the notion of [[bandhu]] of the [[Vedas]], which is the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. [[Surya]], the Sun, is a manifestation of [[Vishnu]], a central aspect of the Supreme, and is also the [[Atman (Hinduism)|Atman]] within man. The term "Vedic astrology" has been recently introduced by American and Western astrologers in the [[1980s]] and [[1990s]], leading to collaborative organizations such as the now-international [http://www.councilvedicastrology.org/ Council of Vedic Astrology].
Linha 18:
Jyotish é ainda utilizado com grande importancia nas importantes decisões na moderna [{India]]. In [[Hindu]] culture, newborns are traditionally named based on their jyotish charts, and jyotish concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in many areas of life and science. Astrology is vital to decisions made about marriage, opening a new business, and moving into a new home.
== Branches of Vedic / Hindu Astrology ==
Vedic astrology (''Aagam Shaastra / Jyotisha''- futurity sciences) has three main branches:
* '''''Siddhanta''''' (Astronomy): Astronomy & its application to astrology
* '''''Samhita''''' (Mundane astrology): Covers Mundane astrology, predicting important events related to countries such as war, earth quakes, political events, astro - meteorology, financial positions, electional astrology; house & construction related matters (Vaastu Shaastra), animals, portents & omens etc.
* '''''Hora'' (Predictive astrology):'''
This branch has the following different styles / sub branches:-
** ''Jaatak Shaastra'' / Hora Shaastra (Natal Astrology / horoscopy): Prediction based on individual horoscope.
** ''Muhurt or Muhurtha'' (Electional astrology): Selection of beneficial time to initiate an activity to get maximum fruition from the life activities.
** ''Swar Shaastra'' (Phonetical astrology): Predictions based on name & sounds.
** ''Prashna'' (Horary astrology): Predictions based on time when a question is asked by querent / querist.
** ''Ankjyotisha / Kabala'' (Numerology): A branch of astrology based on numbers.
** ''Nadi'' Astrology: An ancient treatise having detailed predictions for individuals.
** ''Tajik Shaastra / Varsha Phal'' (Annual Horoscopy): Astrology based on annual solar returns.
** ''Jaimini Sutras'': A non-conventional method of timing of events based on Famous Indian astrologer, Acharya Jaimini.
** ''Nastjaatakam'' (Lost Horoscopy): Art of tracing / construction of lost horoscopes.
** ''Streejaatak'' (female astrology): A special branch of astrology dealing with female nativities.
'''Other related branches'''
** ''Graha Samudriki'' (Astro- Palmistry): Palm reading as horoscope.
** ''Hasta Rekha / Samudrika Shaastra'' (Palmistry): Based on palm reading.
** ''Padatal Shaastra'' (Plantarology): Based on reading of lines & signs on the sole.
** ''Shakun Shaastra'' (Omens): Predictions based on omens & portents.
** ''Swapna Vidhya'' : Interpretation of dreams.
** ''Kapal Vidya'' (Phrenology)
** ''Aakriti Vidya'' (Physiognomy): Based on structure & moles on the body.
** ''Kerala Jyotisha'': Predictions based on querrist reply regarding name of flower or colour or touching part of body.
** Remedial Astrology: Various modes of propitiation of planets based on planetary positions in nativity, transits, elections & for religious functions.
In Vedic literature guidance is given on two other branches viz, Electional astrology & Remedial astrology.
== Astrologia Hindu e Ocidental ==
A mais significativa diferença entre as duas jaz no metodo de mensuras o [[Zodiaco]]. A astrologia Vedica usa primarily the [[sideral zodiac]] (no qual estrelas são consideradas estar fixed background against which the motion of the planets is measured), aonde a maioria das astrologias ocidentais usa o [[zodiaco tropical]] (o motion dos planetas é meido de acordo com a posição do sol no equinocio de verão). Esta diferença becomes only noticeable over time, after the course of several centuries, as a result of the [[precession of the equinoxes]]. Synchronically, the two systems are identical, with just a shift of the origin of the [[ecliptic longitude]] by about 22 degrees or days, resulting on the placement of planets in the previous sign in Western charts about 80% of the time.
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Predictions in jyotish incorporate various elements around the birth chart - influences of transits (similar to Western Astrology though more focused on houses or bhavas) as well as Dashas.
== Modern approaches to Jyotisha ==
Vedic astrology includes a number of techniques and approaches that have accumulated over the eons with little consensus on what gives consistently accurate results. This collection of techniques and approaches is sometimes referred to as Classical or Traditional Jyotish. However, the march towards new insights and applications continues in the modern epoch, as in earlier times, with the objective as ever to achieve more precise analysis and accurate predictions. In the 1960s, [[Distinguished Iyers|H.R. Seshadri Iyer]], introduced a system including the yoga point, which has become popular in also the West. In the early 1990s, [[V.K. Choudhry]] introduced the [[Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes]], a simplified system of Jyotish.
== Fundamentos do Jyotisha ==
Jyotish é baseado no que os astrologos ocidentais chamam de [[Casa (astrologia)|sistema de casa do signo]] e recognizes [[navagraha|nove grahas]] (corpos estelares ou "planetas"):
{| border=1
Linha 104:
| Ra
| [[Rahu]]
| Lua Ascendente/Norte Lunar
| often described as a [[demon]] who does his best to plunge any area of one's life he controls into [[chaos]]
Linha 121:
| 1
| Mesha
| [[Aries]]
| 2
Linha 170:
Aquele que é [[Ascendante]], ou ''lagna'', o rashi que esta se erguendo no horizonte oueste na horea do nascimento, é o mais influente e importante. De menor importancia mas com algum impacto é o Janma Rashi, o rashi que a lua esta no momento do nascimento.
Há três diferentes mapas astrais no Jyotish , que equivalem em funcionalidade mas são completamente diferentes na aparencia. As seguintes imagens mostram o mesmo mapa de nascimentos com duas das principaisnotações - norte e sul indiano. A terceira notação é usadas na região ocidental da Índia.
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Os mapas são quebrados em doze seções, casas ou Bhavas, cada um das quais é relacionada com um rashi em um [[sistema de casas equalentes]].
== O que fazer em um dia especifico da semanda - Védico / guia astrologico Hindu ==
Védica ou astrologia Hindu detalham orientações como que atividades fructify em um dia especifico da semana. No sistema Hindu, um semana começa no local do nascer do sol & termina no por do sol, que é diferente do calendario Gorgian no qual um dia da semana along with date starts at expiry of 1200 a.m. of the Zonal Standard Time. Seven days a week system is prevalent throughout the world. Weekdays are given due importance in selection of election as the desired work which easily gets fructified (''Siddhi'') when its day lord is strong, the same work does not get fructified when day lord is weak / powerless, even after extra efforts & facing of discomforts. To fortify election, a strong day lord (planet) should be properly placed in the election chart.
Védica ou astrologia Hindu detalham orientações como que atividades fructify em um dia especifico da semana. No sistema Hindu, um semana começa no local do nascer do sol & termina no por do sol, que é diferente do calendario Gorgian no qual um dia da semana along with date starts at expiry of 1200 a.m. of the Zonal Standard Time. Seven days a week system is prevalent throughout the world. Weekdays are given due importance in selection of election as the desired work which easily gets fructified (''Siddhi'') when its day lord is strong, the same work does not get fructified when day lord is weak / powerless, even after extra efforts & facing of discomforts. To fortify election, a strong day lord (planet) should be properly placed in the election chart.
Baseado na natureza & significação do dia dasemana, day lord (ruling planet), tutelary lord and other electional considerations following works (& works related to the mentioned items) are recommended for conduction & initiation in different weekdays. It is opined that on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday all types of works fructify; while on Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday only prescribed activities fructify. Here is the list of works which aspirants should do on different weekdays.
'''SUNDAY''': Coronation, service to the government / king, king worship, fire, fire related works, weapon making & usage, war, bravery, service & employment, travel, thief, doctor, transaction of medicine, purchase of cows, bullocks & animals, gold-silver-copper-wood-works, bones-skin-hides, auspicious (''Manglik'') works, Yagya, teaching Mantras (Agni Mantras), religious discourse, music learning, woolen clothes, wearing of new clothes, mountain, stones, dessert, forest, trees, usage of forest items, snake, animal rearing & husbandry, food grain, trade.
'''MONDAY''': Agriculture, farming, gardening, fragrant trees, lotus & flowers, milk, food, food-grains, sugar, sugarcane, raw sugar / molasses, Yagya, ornament making & wearing, silver, deer, sale & purchase of cows - buffaloes, gems-pearl & shells, conch-shell, singing & dancing- starting thereof, water related works, popular works, movable works, starting of education, night movements, benefit to mother’s brother, Brahmins, article causing phlegm, clothes, female related works, king, road.
Linha 198 ⟶ 196:
'''TUESDAY''': Killing, arresting, inciting insurgency, cruel works, piercing, army commanding, treaty, backing off treaty / agreement, fort, igniting fire, weapon, storing of war material, poison, lying, deception, thief, thievery, coral, gold related works & collection thereof, metal work, forest, night worker, doctor, ascetic / religious mendicant, treasurer, business of catching snakes, animal, trees with red coloured flowers, red colour items, works related to blood.
'''WEDNESDAY''': Fine arts, literature-music- dancing & starting thereof; poetry, sculpturing, all type of art, theater, education, writing, learning of Vedas, idol making, Mantra Kriya, meritorious works, marriage, friendship, starting of fast, holy bathing, trade, clever works, ordinary works, science, metal work, war, argument, intelligence, skill, ingenuity, messenger, physical exercise, collection of articles, juices & food grains, green sapphire, earth, clothes, fragrant articles, works which end fast - works which take long time – works which finish in the middle.
'''THURSDAY''' : Auspicious (''Manglik'') works, Yagya, Havan, worshipping, peaceful religious works, fast, oblation to the deads (''Pitri Sharadh'') , temple, installing of idol, Alankaar, education, knowledge related works, learning in general, ''Shaastras'', truthful works, wearing new clothes & trading thereof, ornaments, starting living in house, doctor, medicine, trading in medicine, physical works, health related works, physical works, development & expanding works, king, wealth, trees, gold, silver, elephant, horse, bullock, transport, travel.
Linha 206 ⟶ 204:
'''SATURDAY''' : Entering into new house & city, trading with deceit & forgery, telling lies, dreadful deeds, insurgency, works related to obstruction, trading of arms & ammunition, poisoning, bereft of courtesy, usage of iron & steel, arm & armory, dead, servant, debased person, old persons, thief, buffalo, camel, birds, trapping of elephant, stable works, profession related to capturing, collection of houses, departure, broken utensils, glass, stones, learning secret Mantras from Guru (Deeksha), service.
According to Sage Narad, Acharya Garga, Ramdeen, & host of other exponents it is opined that it is beneficial & augurs fortunate effects to initiate & conduct works related to iron on Saturdays. With this the learned readers may help remove doubts / superstition in certain parts of the country that purchase or sale of iron items, & doing works related to iron (steel) on Saturdays is inauspicious.
Linha 212 ⟶ 210:
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn in order are the rulers of the weekdays. Depending upon the inherent natures of the ruling planets, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are auspicious, benefic & good days; while Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday in general are malefic & cruel days. Tuesday & Saturday are maximum malefic, while Sunday is partially malefic. Auspicious & Manglik works are done on benefic days; while cruel, sinful (''Paap Karamas''), unethical works in general; & the specified works are done on Saturday, Tuesday & Sunday. Some benefic works also fructify on malefic days depending upon the nature of the work & special dictums regarding election (Muhurt). There is no very tight demarcation of the allocated works for the weekdays, and the day is selected based on the type of work, planet signifying the work, time of starting & host of other factors related to the weekday.
Nature of Sunday is fixed / stationary; of Monday is movable; of Tuesday is cruel; of Wednesday is mixed / ordinary; of Thursday is small / short; of Friday is sweet; & of Saturday is sharp / horrible. When constellation (occupied by the Moon) & day lord are of same nature then, the combined efficacy increases many folds – like when asterisms of Rohini & 3 Uttras coincide on a Sunday; fixed / stationary types of works fructify.
Thursday, Friday & Sunday are effective during daytime; Monday, Tuesday & Saturday are effective during night-time while Mercury is effective both during daytime & night-time.
Thursday, Friday & Sunday are effective during daytime; Monday, Tuesday & Saturday are effective during night-time while Mercury is effective both during daytime & night-time.
Malefic effect of Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday does not exist after mid-day. Some opine that “Vaar Dosha”(evil effects of weekday) does not prevail during night.
Linha 221 ⟶ 220:
Like for election of white washing / painting of a house certain criteria have been laid down. Meeting those requirements, the colour of the white washing / painting if done in yellow on Thursday or in green shade on Wednesday, enhances the beneficence. Similar guidance is taken in respect of other usages of the colours. Saturday is not recommended to sow seeds, but is considered fruitful to sow seeds of black grains, more profitable if Saturn is in the rising sign.
== '''Classical Jyotish / Vedic astrology Treatises/Books/Texts''' ==
* '''Treatises on Nativity''' :
* Skanda Hora or Jyotishmati(God Brahma)
* Brihat Prajapatya (Daksha Prajapati)
Linha 257 ⟶ 255:
* Daivajna Vallabha (Varahamihira)
* Kaalaprakashika
* '''Treatises on Hindu Electional Astrology'''
* Adbhuta Sagaar
*'''Treatises on Hindu Electional Astrology'''
* Brihannarad
* Brihatdaivygyaranjan
*Adbhuta Sagaar
* Brihatjyotisaar
* Daivygyamanoranjan Daivygyamanohar Granth
* Ganak Mandan
* Gian Manjari
*Daivygyamanoranjan Daivygyamanohar Granth
* Hindu Electional Astrology (V K Shridhar)
*Ganak Mandan
* Jaganmohan Granth
*Gian Manjari
* Jyotiprakash
*Hindu Electional Astrology (V K Shridhar)
* Jyotirnibandh
*Jaganmohan Granth
* Jyotish Ratan
* Jyotishsaar
* Jyotish Ratan Chintamani
* Jyotirvidabharnam
* Kaal Khanda
*Jyotish Chintamani
* Kaal Nirnaya Deepika
* Kaal Khanda Prakashika
* Madhaveeyam
*Kaal Nirnaya Deepika
* Muhurtarnava
*Kaal Prakashika
* Muhurt Bhaskar
* Muhurt Chintamani (Daivygya Ram)
* Muhurt BhaskarChudamani
* Muhurt Chintamani (Daivygya Ram) Darpaan
* Muhurt Chudamani Deepak
* Muhurt Deepika
*Muhurt Darpaan
* Muhurt Deepak Ganpati
* Muhurt Deepika Kalpadrum
* Muhurt Ganpati Maala
* Muhurt Kalpadrum Manjari
* Muhurt Maala Martanda
* Muhurt ManjariMuktaavali
* Muhurt Martanda Prakash
* Muhurt Padavi
*Muhurt Muktaavali
* Muhurt Saagar
*Muhurt Prakash
* Muhurt Sangraha
*Muhurt Padavi
* Muhurt Saagar Tattva
* Muhurt SangrahaTattvapradeep
* Muhurtarnava
*Muhurt Tattva
* Muktaavali
*Muhurt Tattvapradeep
* Narpatijacharyaaswarodaya
* Naardeeya
* Nibandh Chudamani
* Poorva Kaalamrit (2)
* Rajmartanda
*Nibandh Chudamani
* Ratan Koosh
*Poorva Kaalamrit (2)
* Ratanmaala
* Samarsaar
*Ratan Koosh
* Shiv Swarodaya
* Vaivahaar Pradeep
* Vivah Kautuhal
*Shiv Swarodaya
* Vivah Patal
*Vaivahaar Pradeep
* Vivah Pradeep
*Vivah Kautuhal
* Vivah Patal Saar
* Vivah Vrindavan
*Vivah Pradeep
* Vyvahaarochchya
*Vivah Saar
* Yoga Yatra
*Vivah Vrindavan
* Vyvaharsaar
* '''Samhitas''' : ''treatises on mundane, portents, omens, meteorology etc.''
*Yoga Yatra
* Brahmarshi Samhita
* Brihaspati Samhita
* Brihat Samhita
*'''Samhitas''' : ''treatises on mundane, portents, omens, meteorology etc.''
* Parasara Samhita
*Brahmarshi Garga Samhita
*Brihaspati Rishiputra Samhita
*Brihat Guru Samhita
*Parasara Kashyap Samhita
*Garga Lomasha Samhita
*Rishiputra Maanav Samhita
* Naagarjun Samhita
*Guru Samhita
* Narad Samhita
*Kashyap Samhita
*Lomasha Shakalya Samhita
*Maanav Samaas Samhita
*Naagarjun Samhita Pradeep
*Narad Samhita Sidhhanta
*Shakalya Satya Samhita
*Samaas Sur Samhita
* Vaikhaan Samhita
*Samhita Pradeep
* Vasist Samhita Sidhhanta ''
* '''Siddhanta''' : ''Astronomy and Mathematics and its application to astrology.''
*Satya Samhita
*Sur Samhita
*Vaikhaan Samhita
*Vasist Samhita ''
*'''Siddhanta''' : ''Astronomy and Mathematics and its application to astrology.''
* Ancient Surya Sidhata (Maya)
* Brahma Sidhanta (God Brahma)
Linha 355 ⟶ 349:
== Bibliografia ==
* "27 Celestial Portals", Trivedi, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-84-5
* "[http://www.astrojyoti.com astrojyoti]" site de astrologia védica em três lições - 18 escrituras Vedicas sobre astrologia e artigos.
* "[http://www.astrospeech.com astrospeech]" Introdução a astrologia Indiana"
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-varshaphala1.asp Um texto de Varshaphala: Anual técnico de horoscopo na astrologia védica ]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-1-5
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-yogini.asp Aplicações do Yogini Dasha para predições]", Rajeev Jhanji e N.K. Sharma, Systems Vision, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-86374-00-0
* "Astrology of the Seers", Frawley, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-914955-89-6
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-ashtakvarga.asp Dots do Destino: Aplicaçõs do Ashtakvarga]", Vinay Aditya, Systems Vision, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-86824-04-9
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-elements.asp Elementos da astrologia Védica ]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-0-7
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-medical1.asp Astrologia medica Essencial]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-3-1
* "Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol. 1", Behari, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-52-7
* "[http://www.srath.com/lectures/introduction.htm Introdução as astrologia védica]" por Pundit. Sanjay Rath
* "New Techniques of Prediction", Vols. 1 & 2, H.R. Seshadri Iyer, Rohini Printers, Bangalore, India, 1963
* "Key of Life: Astrology of the Lunar Nodes", Trivedi, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-33-0
** "Ayurvedic Astrology: Self Healing Through the Stars", Frawley, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-88-8
* "Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India", de Fouw e Svoboda, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-69-1
* "Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology", Behari, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-51-9
* "Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology", Harness, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-914955-83-7
* "Planets in the Signs and Houses: Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol. 2", Behari, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-940985-53-5
* "[[Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes]]", Terceira edição Revisada, 2002, V.K.Choudhry, Sagar Publications, New Delhi, India. ISBN 81-7082-017-0.
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-varshaphala2.asp Tecnicas de advinhação do Varshaphala: horoscopo Anual]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-86824-03-0
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-medical2.asp Subtleties de astrologia Medica]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-5-8
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-surya.asp Surya deus sol]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-2-3
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-yogas.asp Yoga na Astrologia]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-4-X
* [http://www.besttime-astrology.com/ Astrologia elemental - Védico Muhurtas]
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-surya.asp Surya O Deus sol]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-2-3
* "[http://www.vedicastro.com/book-yogas.asp Yogas na Astrologia]", Dr. K S Charak, Uma Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-901008-4-X
* [http://www.besttime-astrology.com/ Hindu Electional Astrology- Vedic Muhurtas]
=={{ Ver também}} ==
* [[Vedas]]
* [[Hinduísmo]]
Linha 392 ⟶ 386:
* [[Hindu]]
== Ligações externas ==
=={{ligações Externas}}==
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/rams/starsineyes2.ram BBC Radio ''"Stars in Their Eyes"'' programa de astrologia ocidental] - 1 Janeiro de 2004 (Audio, precisda de Real Player)
* [http://cs.annauniv.edu/insight/insight/astro/introduc.htm curso online para a introspecção], um workshop da tradicional ciência Indiana para crianças pelo Computador do departamento de Ciência da universidade de Anna, Chennai, India.
* [http://www.astrogyan.com Astrologia Indiana e Jyotish pesquisa cientifica], uma compilação da pesquisa ciêntifica sobre os efeitos da astrologia Indianana Humanidade. Contém um porção de material de leitura, analise, etc.
*[ {{Link||2=http://www.best-astrologyinfo.com/Indian-Astrology.php |3=Indian Astrology] |4={en}}}
{{Astronomia indiana}}