Sacerdócio de todos os crentes: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 11:
É um conceito fundamental do [[protestantismo]].<ref>"Protestantism originated in the 16th-century Reformation, and its basic doctrines, in addition to those of the ancient Christian creeds, are justification by grace alone through faith, the priesthood of all believers, and the supremacy of Holy Scripture in matters of faith and order" ("The Protestant Heritage." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 20 Sept. 2007 []</ref> Embora [[Martinho Lutero]] não tenha usado exatamente a frase ''"sacerdócio de todos os crentes,"'' ele apresenta um sacerdócio geral à cristandade em 1520 em ''"[[To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation]]"'', de modo a dispensar a visão medieval de que os Cristãos na vida presente fossem divididos em duas classes: "espirituais" e "temporais". Ele apresentou a doutrina em que todos os cristãos batizados são "sacerdotes" e "espirituais" à vista de [[Deus]]:
{{citação2|Que o [[papa]] ou o [[bispo]] façam as unções, [[tonsura]]s, [[ordem (sacramento)|ordenações]], [[consagração|consagrações]] ou se vistam diferentemente dos leigos; podem fazer um ícone hipócrita ou um ídolo pintado a óleo, mas de forma alguma podem fazer de um cristão um ser humano espiritual. De fato, somos todos sacerdotes consagrados através do [[batismo]], como [[São Pedro]], em {{citar bíblia|I Pedro|2|9}} diz, '"vós sóis um sacerdócio real e reino de sacerdotes"' e em {{citar bíblia|Apocalipse 5|10}}, "pelo Teu sangue nos fizeste sacerdotes e reis".|[[Martinho Lutero]]|''Weimar Ausgabe''<ref>Martin Luther, ''Weimar Ausgabe'', vol. 6, p. 407, lines 19-25 as quoted in Timothy Wengert, "The Priesthood of All Believers and Other Pious Myths," page 12 []{{Dead link|date=May 2010}}.</ref>}}
==Problemas com traduções==
Much of the doctrinal confusion on this matter is caused by the difference between the [[Ancient Greek|Greek]] words ''ἱερεύς'' (''hiereus'' meaning "sacred one") and [[presbyter|''πρεσβύτερος]]'' (''presbyteros'' meaning "one with elderhood"), which are usually both translated in English with the word "[[priest#In_Christianity|priest]]". The former term refers to the sacrificial ritual leaders of Judaism, the [[kohen|kohanim]], and to those holding the office of conducting sacrifices in ancient [[pagan]] temples, whereas the latter term refers to an acknowledged elder of a community.
The earliest Christianity is not recorded as ever having created an office of ''hiereus'', except to acknowledge [[Jesus]] in that role, and as in the Greek of 1 Peter 2:9, to recognize [[Christian Church#One universal church|the Church]] as having it in a collective sense. The New Testament records the role of [[presbyter]] (or ''[[episkopos]]'' which literally means "[[overseer]]") in the earliest Christian churches as the role granted by the Apostles to the earliest acknowledged leaders of the Church. So, to say that a Christian is a "[[sacred]] one" (i.e. ''hiereus'') is not to say that each Christian is "one with elderhood" (i.e. ''presbyteros'').
==Santos dos Últimos dias==
[[Priesthood (Latter Day Saints)|Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]] interpret 1 Peter 2:9 to mean that the members of Jesus Christ's church should aspire to be worthy of lay ordination to the priesthood in order to be able to perform the ordinances of the priesthood rather than depending upon a professional clergy. Much like Catholics, Latter-Day Saints believe in the absolute necessity of priesthood authority (via restored apostolic succession and ordination of lay priesthood holders) for the performance of necessary saving ordinances like Baptism by immersion and Sacrament (Communion).<ref></ref> However, ordained priesthood authority is not necessary for members of the church in personal prayer and daily religious life.<ref>[ Book of Mormon; Moroni 10:8-19]</ref>