Ducado de Brunsvique-Luneburgo: diferenças entre revisões

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Mhmrodrigues (discussão | contribs)
Mhmrodrigues (discussão | contribs)
Linha 567:
|''[[George IV of Great Britain]]'' (regent)||[[File:George IV 1821 color.jpg|100px]]||12 August 1762||1815-1823||26 June 1830|| [[Ducado de Brunswick|Brunsvique]]||[[Caroline of Brunswick|Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]]<br>8 April 1795<br>[[London|Londres]]<br>one child|| Regent on behalf of the Duke of Brunswick, Charles.
|[[Charles II, Duke of Brunswick|Charles III]]||[[:File:Charles II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1804-1873).jpg|100px]]||30 October 1804||1815-1830||18 August 1873|| [[Ducado de Brunswick|Brunsvique]]||''Não casou''||On the eve of [[July Revolution]] of 1830, Charles was in Paris, and didn't manage to keep the duchy for himself; his brother William took over with the agreement of the people and his international neighbours.
|[[William IV of Great Britain|William VII Henry]]||[[File:William IV crop.jpg|100px]]||21 August 1765||1830-1837||20 June 1837||[[Reino de Hanôver]]