Auguste Comte: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 1:
|imagem = Auguste_Comte.jpg
|legenda = Auguste Comte, por Tony Touillon
|nome = Auguste Comte
|nome_completo = Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier Comte
Linha 8:
|morte_data = {{nowrap|{{morte|5|9|1857|19|1|1798}}}}
|morte_local = [[Paris]], [[França]]
|escola = [[Sociologia]], [[Positivismo]]
|nacionalidade = {{FRAb}} Francês
|largura = 25em
|bgcolour = silver
|ocupação = [[escritor]], [[economista]], [[sociólogo]], [[historiador]], [[filósofo]]
|magnum_opus = ''[[Curso de Filosofia Positiva]]''
|alma_mater =[[Universidade de Montpellier]]<br>[[Escola Politécnica (França)|Escola Politécnica]]
|escola = [[Sociologia]], [[Positivismo]]
|interesses = [[Filosofia]], [[Sociologia]], [[Ciência|Ciências]], [[política]], [[teoria social]]
|religião = Ateu<ref>"(...) the only thing we have in common with those so designated is that we do not believe in God." John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte. 'The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte', Transaction Publishers, p. 320.</ref><ref>"Despite his atheism, Comte was concerned with moral regeneration and the establishment of a spiritual power." Mary Pickering, 'Auguste Comte and the Saint-Simonians', French Historical Studies Vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring 1993), pp. 211-236.</ref><ref>"But tragically, Comte's "remarkable clearness and extent of vision as to natural things" was coupled with a "total blindness in regard to all that pertains to man's spiritual nature and relations." His "astonishing philosophic power" served only to increase the "plausibility" of a dangerous infidelity. Comte was, once unmasked, a "blank, avowed, unblushing Atheist." [...] Some of the Reformed writers were careful enough to note that technically Comte was not an atheist since he never denied the existence of God, merely his comprehensibility. Practically, however, this made little difference. It only pointed to the skepticism and nescience at the core of his positivism. The epistemological issues dominated the criticism of Comte. Quickly, his atheism was traced to his sensual psychology (or "sensualistic psychology", as Robert Dabney preferred to say)." Charles D. Cashdollar, 'Auguste Comte and the American Reformed Theologians', Journal of the History of Ideas Vol. 39, No. 1 (January–March 1978), pp. 61-79.</ref><ref>[ Auguste Comte - University of Hawaii]</ref>
|interesses =
Linha 88 ⟶ 94:
{{Wikiquote|Auguste Comte}}
* ''Opúsculos de Filosofia Social'' (1816-1828) (republicados em conjunto, em 1854, como apêndice ao volume IV do ''Sistema de política positiva'')
* ''[[Curso de filosofia positiva]]'', em 6 volumes (1830-1842) (em 1848 foi renomeado para ''Sistema de filosofia positiva'')
* ''Discurso sobre o espírito positivo'' (1848)
* ''Discurso sobre o conjunto do Positivismo'' (1851) (Introdução geral ao ''Sistema de política positiva'')
Linha 129 ⟶ 135:
{{Filosofia da ciência}}
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[[Categoria:Filósofos do século XIX]]