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{{Ver desambig|redir=Igreja Ortodoxa Oriental||Igrejas ortodoxas orientais}}
[[Imagem:EasternEasteghrn Orthodoxy by country.png|upright=1.5|thumb|População cristã ortodoxa ao redor do mundo, o estado norte-americano do [[Alasca]] é contado à parte do resto dos [[Estados Unidos]]]]
A '''Igreja Ortodoxa''' ({{langx|el|ὀρθός||''orthós''|lit. reto, correto}} e ''δόξα'', transl. ''dóxa'': opinião, glória;<ref>[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3Ddo%2Fca%5E A Greek-English Lexicon: δόξα]</ref> literalmente, "igreja da opinião correta" ou "igreja da glória verdadeira", como traduzido pelos eslavos) ou '''Igreja Católica Ortodoxa'''<ref>Encyclopaedia Britannica. "[http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/177174/Eastern-Orthodoxy Eastern Orthodoxy]". Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Eastern Orthodoxy, official name, used in British English as well, is Orthodox Catholic Church, one of the three major doctrinal and jurisdictional groups of Christianity. [...] The official designations of the church in its liturgical or canonical texts are either “the Orthodox Catholic Church” or the "Greek Catholic Church" only. Because of the use of the name "Greek Catholics" by the Eastern churches of the Catholic Church and the historical links of the Orthodox Catholic church with the Eastern Roman Empire and Byzantium (Constantinople), however, the exonyms in American English usage referred to it as the “Eastern” or “Greek Orthodox” Church. These terms are sometimes misleading, especially when applied to Russian or Slavic churches and to the Orthodox communities in western Europe and America."</ref><ref>Wendy Doninger (1999). ''[http://books.google.com/books?id=ZP_f9icf2roC&pg=PA309 Merriam-Webster's encyclopedia of world religions]''. Merriam-Webster. p.&nbsp;309. ISBN&nbsp;978-0-87779-044-0. Retrieved 2 April 2013. "The official designation of the church in Eastern Orthodox liturgical or canonical texts is "the Orthodox Catholic Church.""</ref> é uma comunhão de [[Igreja cristã|igrejas cristãs]] [[Autocefalia|autocéfalas]], herdeiras da [[cristandade]] do [[Império Bizantino]], que reconhece o [[primus inter pares|primado]] de honra do [[Patriarcado Ecumênico de Constantinopla]] desde que a sede de Constantinopla e [[Papado|Roma]] deixaram de comungar, resultando no [[Grande Cisma]]. Reivindica ser a mesma instituição anunciada por [[Jesus]], considerando seus líderes sucessores dos apóstolos.