Frente da Esquerda Anticapitalista Grega: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 15:
|dissolução =
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|ideologia = [[Comunismo]]<br>[[Socialismo revolucionário]]<br>[[Ecossocialismo]]<br>[[Anticapitalismo]]<ref>{{citecitar web|url=|titletítulo=Teachers' union calls for rally over arrest of ANTARSYA protester (in English)|publisherpublicado=[[Kathimerini]]|datedata=9 January -01-2014|accessdateacessodata=9 January -01-2014}}</ref><br>[[Euroceticismo]]<br>[[Antifascismo]]<br>[[Trotskismo]]
|espectro = [[Esquerda (política)|Esquerda]]<ref>{{cite newscitar jornal|lastúltimo= Alexander |firstprimeiro= Anila |datedata= 5 April -04-2012 |titletítulo= Violent Protests Erupt In Greece After Pensioner Kills Himself Over Debt, Called For Greeks To ‘Hang Traitors’ At The Square [VIDEO + PHOTOS] |url= |workobra= International Business Times |access-dateacessodata= 13 June -06-2020 |quotecitação= Petros Constantinou, an organizer for the left wing Antarsya group that participated in Wednesday's protests, told the Washington Post that the very public nature of the act -and the fact that it was done in front of Parliament- made it political.}}</ref><ref>{{cite newscitar jornal|datedata= 5 April -04-2012 |titletítulo= Greek retiree's suicide prompts new protest plans |url= |workobra= Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |access-dateacessodata= 13 June -06-2020 |quotecitação= "It was clearly a political act," said Petros Constantinou, organizer for the left wing Antarsya group that participated in Wednesday's protests. "The fact that a person reached the point of giving his life to change the situation shows ... where the policies of austerity and poverty have brought people."}}</ref> a [[extrema-esquerda]]<ref>{{cite newscitar jornal|lastúltimo= Kouvelakis |firstprimeiro= Stathis |datedata= 11 June -06-2019 |titletítulo= Syriza’s Failure Has Hurt Us All |url= |workobra= [[Jacobin (magazine)|Jacobin]] |access-dateacessodata= 13 June -06-2020 |quotecitação= Varoufakis’s success and the relatively honorable score for Kostantopoulou only make the defeats for Popular Unity (a political front created in the summer of 2015 by Syriza’s Left Platform after it left the party) and Antarsya (the far-left coalition founded in 2009) more painful, especially for the former, not least in a contest in which the pressure to vote tactically for bigger parties is much lesser than in a national-level general election.}}</ref><ref>{{cite newscitar jornal|last1último1= Baboulias |first1primeiro1= Yiannis |last2último2= Seth-Smith |first2primeiro2= Niki |datedata= 3 July -07-2015 |titletítulo= Letter from Athens: Greece divided over exit as anarchists and neo-Nazis wait in the wings |url= |workobra= International Business Times |locationlocal= Athens |access-dateacessodata= 13 June -06-2020 |quotecitação= In February, the far-left Antarsya group called on the wider left to "co-ordinate their forces and to invite workers, the people and youth and put up a large movement against the agreement".}}</ref><ref>{{citecitar web |url= |titletítulo= Syriza’s Rise and Fall |lastúltimo= Kouvelakis |firstprimeiro= Stathis |datedata= |website= [[New Left Review]] |access-dateacessodata= 13 June -06-2020 |quotecitação= The far-left Antarsya coalition has some potentially very interesting activists and could have contributed, but they were too sectarian.}}</ref><ref>{{cite newscitar jornal|lastúltimo= Georgiopoulou |firstprimeiro= Tania |datedata= 10 May -05-2017 |titletítulo= More than 2,500 refugees live in Athens squats |url= |workobra= [[Kathimerini]] |locationlocal= |access-dateacessodata= 13 June -06-2020 |quotecitação= At the same time, the municipal council spokesman for the far-left ANTARSYA party, Petros Constantinou, said the money raised from the squat's one-year anniversary events will be used to pay the “former owner's” workers money that is owed to them. }}</ref>
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Linha 83:
|Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores (Σοσιαλιστικό Εργατικό Κόμμα)
|[[Tendência Socialista Internacional]], [[Esquerda Anticapitalista Europeia]]<ref>{{citar web|url=|título=Statement by Anti-capitalist Left conference|acessodata=6 de junho de 2012|anodata=julho 2011|mes=julho|obra=International Viewpoint|língua=Inglês}}</ref>
A Organização dos Comunistas Internacionalistas da Grécia ({{lang-el| Οργάνωση Κομμουνιστών Διεθνιστών Ελλάδας, ''Organosi Kommouniston Diethniston Elladas''}}), participou na fundação da ANTARSYA mas deixou a coligação pouco depois de 18 de maio de 2009.<ref>{{citar web|publicado=Οργάνωση Κομμουνιστών Διεθνιστών Ελλάδας|url=|script-title=el:Γιατί αποχωρήσαμε από την ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ|data=18 Μαυ 2009|língua=Greek|acessodata=25 de março de 2011}}</ref>