Lista de Capitães China

Esta é uma lista de indivíduos que ocuparam o cargo de Capitão China, uma posição do governo que existia na Indonésia colonial, Malásia e Cingapura. O cargo vinha com graus de poder muito variados, dependendo das circunstâncias históricas e locais: da autoridade quase soberana com poderes legais, políticos e militares até um título honorário de líder comunitário.

Capitães China em Hirado, Japão

  • Capitão Cina Li Dan

Capitães China em Jakarta, Indonésia[1]


Chefes dos chineses da Batávia (atual Jacarta)[2]

  • 1619-1636: Capitão Souw Beng Kong (anteriormente Capitão China de Banten)
  • 1636-1645: Capitão Lim Lak Ko
  • 1645-1663: Capitão Phoa Beng Gan
  • 1663-1666: Capitão Gan Djie
  • 1666-1678: Capitão Nyai Gan Djie
  • 1678-1685: Capitão Tjoa Hoan Giok
  • 1736-1740: Capitão Nie Hoe Kong
  • 1791-1800: Capitão Oey Bian Kong
  • 1800-1809: Capitão Gouw Tjang Sie
  • 1809-1812: Capitão Tan Peng Long
  • 1811-1817: Capitão Tan Jap Long
  • 1817-1822: Capitão Lie Tiauw Ko
  • 1822-1829: Capitão Ko Tian Tjong
  • 1829-1865: Major Tan Eng Goan
  • 1865-1879: Major Tan Tjoen Tiat
  • 1879-1895: Major Lie Tjoe Hong
  • 1896-1907: Major Tio Tek Ho
  • 1910–1945: Major Khouw Kim An
  • Tenente Souw Tok Soen
  • Tenente Souw Sioe Tjong
  • Tenente Souw Sioe Keng

Chefes dos chineses de Buitenzorg (atualmente Bogor), residência da Batávia

  • Capitão Tan Oe Ko (1829-1860)
  • Capitão Tan Soey Tiong (1860-1866)
  • Capitão Phoa Tjeng Tjoan (1866-1878)
  • Capitão Tan Kong Tjan (1869-1882)
  • Capitão Tan Goan Piauw (1878-1883)
  • Tenente Thio Tian Soe (1869-1879)
  • Tenente Tan Keng Boen (1878-1879)
  • Capitão Tan Goan Pouw (1883-1891)
  • Tenente Thio Sian Lok (1879-1886)
  • Tenente Thio Sian Tjiang (1883-1886)
  • Tenente Khouw Oen Tek (1886-1889)
  • Capitão Khouw Kim Tjiang (1891-1902)
  • Tenente Tan Tjoen Hong (1891-1893)
  • Tenente Tan Tjoen Kiat (1892-1898)
  • Tenente Tan Tjoen Kie (1893-1895)
  • Capitão Oey Ban Tjie (1903-1911)
  • Tenente Thung Tjoen Ho (1895-1911)
  • Tenente Thung Tjeng Ho (1910-1913)
  • Capitão Tan Tjoen Tjiang (1912-1913)
  • Tenente Lie Tjoe Tjin (1911-1913)
  • Tenente Lie Beng Hok (1912-1913)
  • Tenente Tan Hong Joe (1913-1919)
  • Tenente Tan Hong Tay (1913-1926)
  • Tenente Tan Tjoen Lien (1914-1919)
  • Tenente Tan Hong Yoe( 1925-1934)
  • Tenente Tjan Soen Hay (1926-1934)

Capitães China no resto da Indonésia


Chefes dos chineses ou bandung


Chefes dos chineses ou Batang


Chefes de chinês ou manado

  • Capitão The Tjien Tjo
  • Capitão Sie Sieuw
  • Capitão Ong Tjeng Hie
  • Capitão Lie Tjeng Lok
  • Capitão Tan Tjin Bie
  • Capitão Oei Pek Jong
  • Capitão Tjia Pak Liem
  • Capitão Lie Goan Oan
  • Capitão Tjia Goan Tjong
  • Tenente Que Ing Hie
  • Tenente Ong Bondjie
  • Tenente Tan Bian Loe
  • Tenente Tjoa Jaoe Hoei
  • Tenente Pauw Djoe

Tenentes ou Gorontalo

  • Tenente Liem Peng Boen (林炳文)
  • Tenente Liem Kiem Thae (林金逮)
  • Tenente Ong Teng Hoen

Chefes dos chineses ou Medan


Chefes dos chineses ou Surabaya


Capitães China da Malásia


Capitão de Sarawak


Capitães de Kuala Lumpur


Capitães de Johor / Major China de Johor


Capitães de Kuala Terengganu

  • 1736–1820 Teo Tioh Eng
  • 1782–17xx Kow Geok Seng
  • 1798–1847 Lim Eng Huat
  • 1810–18xx Kow Teck Lee
  • 18xx–18xx Low Kian Tee
  • 18xx–1899 Wee Teck Siew
  • 1xxx–19xx Kow Swee Leng

Capitães de Malaca

  • 1572–1617 Tay Hong Yong @ Tay Kie Ki (鄭甲)
  • 1614–1688 Li Wei King @ Li Koon Chang (李為經)
  • 1662–1708 Lee Chiang Hou @ Lee Chong Kian
  • 1643–1718 Chan Ki Lock @ Chan Lak Kua
  • 1725–1765 Chan Hian Kway @ Chan Kwang Hwee
  • 1703–1784 Tan Seng Yong
  • 1748–1794 Tan Ki Hou @ Tan Siang Lian
  • 1750–1802 Chua Su Cheong @ Chua Tok Ping
  • 1771–1882 Chan Yew Liang @ Chan Keng Sin

Capitães de Penang

  • 1787–1826 Capitão China Koh Lay Huan (辜禮歡)
  • 1894–1908 Cheah Ching Hui (謝清輝)
  • 1908–1918 Cheah Yong Chong (謝榮宗)

Capitães de Perak

  • 1830–18xx Tan Ah Hun (陳亞漢)
  • 1875–1900 Chung Keng Quee (鄭景貴)
  • 1875–1899 Chin Ah Yam @ Chin Seng Yam (陳亞炎)
  • 1886–1906 Khaw Boo Aun @ Khaw Ewe Kuang (許武安)
  • 1930–1935 Chung Thye Phin (鄭大平)

Capiães China em Singapura


Capitães China de Singapura


Outros capitães em Singapura


Outros capitães



  1. «Sekitar 200 tahun sejarah Jakarta, 1750-1945». Consultado em 4 de dezembro de 2019 
  2. «Batavia, 1740: menyisir jejak Betawi». Consultado em 4 de dezembro de 2019 
  3. A social history of the Chinese in Singapore and Malaya, 1800-1911 - Page 232
  4. A Gallery of Chinese Kapitans, CS Wong
  5. A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore - Page 77
  6. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 68 - Page 34
  7. Triad and Tabut: a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and ... - Page 350
  8. The Straits Settlements, 1826-67: Indian presidency to crown colony - Page 259
  9. Wong Ah Fook: immigrant, builder, and entrepreneur - Page 85
  10. Singapore: wealth, power and the culture of control - Page 49
  11. The Western Malay States, 1850-1873: the effects of commercial development ... - Page 35
  12. One hundred years' history of the Chinese in Singapore - Page 21
  13. A social history of the Chinese in Singapore and Malaya, 1800-1911 - Page 267
  14. Toponymics: a study of Singapore street names - Page 345
  15. Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a survey of the Triad Society from 1800 ... - Page 206
  16. Chinese epigraphic materials in Malaysia - Page 452
  17. Studies in the Social History of China and South-east Asia - Page 36
  18. Pope-Hennesy to C.O., 13 October 1869. Co. 144/20. To F.O., 1 September 1869. F.O. 12/34B. To Lord Knutsford, 25 May 1888. C.O. 133/66
  19. The Sarawak Museum journal - Page 9, 1963
  20. The Eastern seas: or, Voyages and adventures in the Indian Archipelago, in ... - Page 363
  21. European commercial expansion in early modern Asia - Page 273
  22. Opium and empire: Chinese society in Colonial Singapore, 1800-1910 - Page 195
  23. Kelantan zaman awal: kajian arkeologi dan sejarah di Malaysia By Hassan Shuhaimi bin Nik Abd. Rahman, 1987, Pg 227
  24. Ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia: a dialogue between tradition and modernity by Leo Suryadinata, 2002, Pg 86
  25. The cultural melting pot By Robert Sin Nyen Tan, 1991, Page 85
  26. Rites of belonging: memory, modernity, and identity in a Malaysian Chinese ... By Jean Elizabeth DeBernardi Page 27
  27. Growing Up in Trengganu By Awang Goneng by Monsoon Books, 2007, Page 161
  28. Reconstructing identities: a social history of the Babas in Singapore by Jürgen Rudolph - Page 149
  29. The Baba of Melaka: culture and identity of a Chinese peranakan community in ... - Page 64
  30. The Portuguese Missions in Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958): Malacca - Page 317
  31. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volumes 11-12, 1933, - Page 1
  32. Wong, 1963: 1-2, Studies in ASEAN sociology: urban society and social change - Page 232
  33. Historical Sabah: The Chinese by Danny Tze-Ken Wong, 2005 - Page 57
  34. Wong C.S., 1963, p. 47, Reconstructing identities: a social history of the Babas in Singapore By Jürgen Rudolph, Page 38
  35. See historical Malacca in one day - Page 18 by Marcus Scott-Ross - History - 1973
  36. The overseas Chinese and the 1911 revolution, with special reference to Singapore and Malaya by Yen Ching Hwang, Qinghuang Yan, 1976, Pg 182
  37. The Straits Times 20 March 1922, Page 8
  38. The Straits Times, 29 September 1924, Page 10
  39. The Straits Times, 25 August 1966, Page 10
  40. The Straits Times, 28 July 1914, Page 9
  41. The Straits Times, 5 April 1965, Page 11
  42. The Straits Times, 25 April 1948, Page 7
  43. The Straits Times, 2 May 1933, Page 12
  44. The Straits Times, 7 August 1949, Page 4
  45. Weekly Sun, 15 October 1910, Page 4
  46. The Straits Times, 16 August 1917, Page 6.
  47. The Strtaits Times, 16 August 1926, Page 7
  48. The Straits Times, 14 August 1926, Page 8
  49. The Straits Times, 13 July 1909, Page 7
  50. The Straits Times, 30 May 1937, Page 9