Lista de obras de Jack Higgins

Bibliografia de Jack Higgins em ordem cronológica

Ano Título original Pseudônimo Personagem Editor Título no Brasil Tradutor Editor Título em Portugal Tradutor Editor Notas
1 1959 Sad Wind from the Sea Harry Patterson Mark Hagen John Long
2 1960 Cry of the Hunter Harry Patterson Martin Fallon John Long Martin Fallon Book 1
3 1961 The Thousand Faces of Night Harry Patterson Hugh Marlow John Long
4 1962 Comes the Dark Stranger Harry Patterson Martin Shane John Long
5 1962 Hell Is Too Crowded Harry Patterson Matthew Brady John Long
6 1962 The Testament of Caspar Schultz Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Abelard-Schuman Paul Chavasse Book 1
Revised and re-released in 2006 as The Bormann Testament
7 1963 The Dark Side of the Island Harry Patterson Hugh Lomax Fawcett
8 1963 Pay the Devil Harry Patterson Clay Fitzgerald Barrie & Rockliffe Dívida com o demônio Sylvio Gonçalves Record, 221p Revised and re-released in 2000 under the same name
9 1963 Seven Pillars to Hell Hugh Marlowe Gavin Kane Abelard-Schuman Revised and re-released in 1994 as Sheba
10 1963 Year of the Tiger Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Abelard-Schuman O ano do tigre Alves Calado Record, 192p Paul Chavasse Book 2
Revised and re-released in 1996 under the same name
11 1964 Passage by Night Hugh Marlowe Harry Manning Abelard-Schuman
12 1964 A Phoenix in the Blood Harry Patterson Jay Williams
13 1964 Thunder at Noon Harry Patterson John Dillinger Revised and re-released in 1983 as Dillinger
14 1964 Wrath of the Lion Harry Patterson Neil Mallory Dillinger: o inimigo público nº 1 A. B. Pinheiro de Lemos Record, 191p
15 1965 The Graveyard Shift Harry Patterson Nick Miller Nick Miller Book 1
16 1965 The Keys of Hell Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Paul Chavasse Book 3
Revised and re-released in 2002 under the same name
17 1966 A Candle for the Dead Hugh Marlowe Sean Rogan Inimigo brutal Domingos Demasi Record, 190p Revised and re-released the same year as The Violent Enemy
18 1966 The Iron Tiger Jack Higgins Jack Drummond
19 1966 Midnight Never Comes Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Paul Chavasse Book 4
20 1967 Brought in Dead Harry Patterson Nick Miller Nick Miller Book 2
21 1967 Dark Side of the Street Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Paul Chavasse Book 5
22 1968 East of Desolation Jack Higgins Joe Martin Berkley Inferno branco Raul Jungman Record, 180p
23 1968 Hell Is Always Today Harry Patterson Nick Miller Nick Miller Book 3
24 1969 A Fine Night for Dying Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Uma noite perfeita para morrer Pinheiro de Lemos Record, 172p Paul Chavasse Book 6
25 1969 In the Hour Before Midnight Jack Higgins Stacy Wyatt Revised and re-released the same year as The Sicilian Heritage
26 1970 A Game for Heroes James Graham Owen Morgan
27 1970 Night Judgement at Sinos Jack Higgins Jack Savage Uma noite em sinos Record, 229p
28 1971 The Last Place God Made Jack Higgins Sam Hannah
29 1971 Toll for the Brave Jack Higgins Ellis Jackson
30 1971 The Wrath of God James Graham Emmet Kogh
31 1972 The Khufra Run James Graham Jack Nelson
32 1972 The Savage Day Jack Higgins Simon Vaughan Holt
33 1973 A Prayer for the Dying Jack Higgins Martin Fallon Holt Prece para um condenado Aulyde Soares Rodrigues Record, 173p Os guerrilheiros da sombra Maria Emília Ferros Moura Círculo de leitores, 241 p Martin Fallon Book 2
34 1974 The Run to Morning Martin Fallon Oliver Grant Revised and re-released the same year as Bloody Passage
35 1975 The Eagle Has Landed Jack Higgins Liam Devlin Holt A águia pousou Ruy Jugman Record, 448p A águia aterrou Maria Adelaide Namorado Freire Liam Devlin Book 1
36 1976 Storm Warning Jack Higgins Paul Gericke Holt A última travessia Pinheiro de Lemos Record, 286p
37 1977 The Valhalla Exchange Jack Higgins Hamilton Canning A permuta de Valhala A. B. Pinheiro de Lemos Record, 370p
38 1978 Day of Judgement Martin Fallon Paul Chavasse Holt Dia do juízo Olga Meyer Record, 240p Paul Chavasse Book 7
39 1979 To Catch a King Harry Patterson Walter Schellenberg Um rei na manga Marisa Gomes Record, 255p Raptar um rei
40 1980 Solo Jack Higgins Asa Morgan Stein and Day O solista A. B. Pinheiro de Lemos Record, 221 Solo Maria Emília Ferros Moura Asa Morgan Book 1
Revised and re-released the same year as The Cretan Lover
41 1981 Luciano's Luck Jack Higgins Harry Carter Stein and Day A sorte de Luciano Myriam Campello Record, 232p
42 1982 Touch the Devil Jack Higgins Liam Devlin Stein and Day Pacto com o diabo Heitor A. Herrera Record, 272p Liam Devlin Book 2
43 1983 Exocet Jack Higgins Tony Villiers Stein and Day Exocet Heitor Herrera Record, 233p Exocet: missão impossível Maria Isabel Nascimento Pereira Europa América, 172p Tony Villiers Book 1
44 1985 Confessional Jack Higgins Liam Devlin Stein and Day Segredo de confissão Licínio Rios Neto Record Atentado na catedral Manuel Cordeiro Círculo de leitores, 279p Liam Devlin Book 3
45 1986 Night of the Fox Jack Higgins Harry Martineau Simon & Schuster A noite da raposa Marisa Gomes Record, 254p
46 1989 Memoirs of a Dance Hall Romeo Jack Higgins Oliver Shaw Simon & Schuster
47 1989 A Season in Hell Jack Higgins Tony Villiers Simon & Schuster Uma temporada no inferno Octavio Alves Velho Record, 304p Vingança no inferno Samuel Soares Tony Villiers Book 2
48 1990 Cold Harbour Jack Higgins Craig Osbourn Simon & Schuster Operação Cold Harbour ou O porto secreto Otávio Alves Velho Record, 255p
49 1990 The Eagle Has Flown Jack Higgins Liam Devlin Simon & Schuster A águia voou Eduardo Francisco Alves Record, 254p A águia levantou voo Magda Cunha Viana Liam Devlin Book 4
50 1992 Eye of the Storm Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam O olho da tempestade Raquel Mendes Círculo do livro, 310, Record, 283 O centro da tempestade Maria Eduarda Correia Sean Dillon Book 1
Revised and re-released in 1996 as Midnight Man
51 1993 Thunder Point Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Cabo do trovão Eduardo Francisco Alves Record, 333p Sean Dillon Book 2
52 1994 On Dangerous Ground Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Terreno minado Reinado Guarany Record, 300p Sean Dillon Book 3
53 1995 Angel of Death Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Anjo da morte Raquel Mendes Record, 317p Sean Dillon Book 4
54 1995 The Morgan Score Jack Higgins Asa Morgan Published as a short story in "Great Irish Tales Of Horror" Asa Morgan Book 2
55 1996 Drink with the Devil Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Um drinque com o demônio Alves Calado Record, 270p Sean Dillon Book 5
56 1997 The President's Daughter Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam A filha do presidente Eduardo Francisco Alves Record, 316p Sean Dillon Book 6
57 1998 Flight of Eagles Jack Higgins Harry Kelso Putnam O voo das águias Domingos Demasi Record, 365p
58 1999 The White House Connection Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam A conexão casa branca Domingos Demasi Record, 317p Sean Dillon Book 7
59 2000 Day of Reckoning Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Ajuste de contas Oliveira Júnior Record, 316 Sean Dillon Book 8
60 2001 Edge of Danger Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam No limite do perigo Marcos Demoro Record, 317p Sean Dillon Book 9
61 2002 Midnight Runner Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam A morte chega à noite Oliveira Júnior Record, 334p Sean Dillon Book 10
62 2003 Bad Company Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Má companhia Marcos Demoro Record, 269p Sean Dillon Book 11
63 2004 Dark Justice Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Justiça secreta Haroldo Netto Record, 286 Sean Dillon Book 12
64 2005 Without Mercy Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Sean Dillon Book 13
65 2006 Sure Fire Jack Higgins The Chance Twins Putnam Tiro certeiro Otacílio Nunes Júnior Martins Fontes, 256p The Chance Twins Book 1
Co-written with Justin Richards
66 2007 The Killing Ground Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Campo da morte Michele Gerhardt Record, 384p Sean Dillon Book 14
67 2007 Rough Justice Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Justiça bruta: uma aventura do agente Sean Dillon Gabriel Zilde Neto Record, 397p Sean Dillon Book 15
68 2008 Death Run Jack Higgins The Chance Twins Putnam The Chance Twins Book 2
Co-written with Justin Richards
69 2009 A Darker Place Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam Sean Dillon Book 16
70 2009 First Strike Jack Higgins The Chance Twins Putnam The Chance Twins Book 3
Co-written with Justin Richards
71 2009 Sharp Shot Jack Higgins The Chance Twins Putnam The Chance Twins Book 4
Co-written with Justin Richards
72 2009 The Wolf at the Door Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam O lobo à porta - tradução livre - confirmar publicação Sean Dillon Book 17
73 2010 The Judas Gate Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam O portão de Judas - tradução livre - confirmar publicação Sean Dillon Book 18
74 2012 A Devil is Waiting Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam O diabo está esperando/aguardando - tradução livre - confirmar publicação Sean Dillon Book 19
75 2013 The Death Trade Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam O comércio da morte ... - tradução livre - confirmar publicação Sean Dillon Book 20
76 2014 Rain on the Dead Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam A chuva da morte - tradução livre - confirmar publicação Sean Dillon Book 21
77 2016 The Midnight Bell Jack Higgins Sean Dillon Putnam O sino da meia-noite - tradução livre - confirmar publicação Sean Dillon Book 22

Observação: No quadro "Obras" as informações quanto ao título em Português e nome do tradutor(a) foram pesquisadas em exemplares dos próprios livros ou ainda em registros disponibilizados on line pela Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil, seja da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.