Predefinição:Certification Table Entry/Sales/sandbox/doc


  • artist - artista o grupo
  • title - título del trabajo
  • certification - Plata/Oro/Platino/Diamante
  • tipo - album/sencillo/video

Supported regions

País Notas Fuente Vemtas/Envios
Argentina type can only be album/video
Sales require relyear
[1] No seguro
Australia requires certyear [2] Envios
Austria Manual search required
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth.
[3] No seguro
Belgica requires certyear
supports domestic=true
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
[4] [5] [6], [7], [8] [9] Ventas
Brasil Sales require relyear
supports domestic=true
[10] Ventas
Canada Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
For correct sales for digital singles, set digital=true
[11] Shipments
Dinamarca Specifying recent=false uses charts, certyear is the chart year and id is the chart week. Otherwise, requires certyear
Require relyear and sometimes relmonth and relday with unknown thresholds between January and September 2007 for albums/videos, October 2007 and August 2010 for singles
[12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Shipments
Europa requires certyear
Albums only
Use only in the summary section
[19] Sales
Finlandia requires salesamount data from reported source
Francia requires certyear
type can also be compilation
Sales require certyear and certmonth for some release dates
set recent=false for certification dates before 1994
[21][22][23] Sales
GCC requires certyear. Supports domestic=true, but without automatic citation. [24] Sales
Alemania type can also be jazz
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth and relday
In cases where the best certification does not show up (known bug), set best=no to show the entire certification history
[25] Shipments
Grecia Referenced from wayback machine archive here require id, the full 14 digit timestamp, e.g. 20070114174502
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
[26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
Hungría requires certyear
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth and relday with unknown thresholds on some date ranges for albums
[31] [32] Unsure
Irlanda requires certyear ? Unsure
Italia requires relyear for sales [33] [34] [35] [36] Shipments
Japón requires certyear and certmonth
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
Automatic citation for albums only
[37] [38] Shipments
México Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
Supports award=Platinum+Gold,award=Diamond+Gold,award=Platinum+Diamond and even award=Platinum+Diamond+Gold
[39] Shipments
Paises Bajos id required (search for the artist, then select the title and observe the URL for documentid)
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
[40] Sales
Nueva Zelanda type can also be compilation
Specifying recent=true uses Radioscope certifications which start around April 2007
Specifying recent=website uses the newer website which works from November 2011. id is required (the chart number) and domestic=true is supported.
Otherwise, uses the older website which worked until October 2011. id required, the chart number
[41] Depends
Noruega Manual search required
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
[42][43] Sales
Polonia type can only be album/video
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
supports domestic=true
[44][45] Sales
Portugal if recent=true (from 2007) specify certyear. Otherwise requires id in the format XXXXYY where XXXX is the year and YY is the week in which the title charted [46] [47] [48] Unsure
Rusia requires certyear
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
supports domestic=true
Automatic citation for albums only
[49] Sales
España Requires id, in the format XX_YY where XX is the year and YY is the week in which the title charted
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
Automatic citation for albums only
Productores de Música de España#Certifications Shipments
Suecia requires certyear
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
[50] [51] Depends
Suiza Sales require relyear
Set domestic=true for repertoire in French and Italian
[52] Unclear
Reino Unido Manual search required
Sales for singles require relyear
Set discount=true for correct discount album sales figure.
For albums, sales correct only from 1979
[53] Shipments
Estados Unidos Supports multidisc for multi-disc packages
set Spanish for Spanish speaking
To show correct sales/shipments footnote for digital singles, set digital=true
For correct Spanish album sales figures, use certyear and sometimes certmonth
[54] [55] [56] [57] Shipments
Uruguay requires certyear [58] [59] [60] [61] Unclear

IFPI sumario tabla: September 2010, January 2009, October 2007, 2005/2006



A no ser que se establece nocat, la plantilla categoriza la página en la que se utiliza en una categoría "usos entrada de la tabla de Certificación para X", donde X es la región. Esto se utiliza para controlar el uso de la plantilla y para facilitar el mantenimiento en el caso de todas las certificaciones de una región deben ser corregidos. Ver Categoría: usos entrada de la tabla de Certificación.

Si Autocat se establece, la tabla, además, categorizar la página en una categoría basada en la concesión exacta dada. Esto sólo funciona para los álbumes y singles, videos no se clasifican automáticamente en este punto.



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As informações a seguir (editar) são definidas com TemplateData. Isso possibilita o seu uso pelo Editor Visual e por outras ferramentas. Predefinição:Certification Table Entry/Sales/sandbox/dados

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