
Nota: Depois de publicar, poderá ter de contornar a cache do seu navegador para ver as alterações.

  • Firefox / Safari: Pressione Shift enquanto clica Recarregar, ou pressione Ctrl-F5 ou Ctrl-R (⌘-R no Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Pressione Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R no Mac)
  • Edge: Pressione Ctrl enquanto clica Recarregar, ou pressione Ctrl-F5.
function urlDecoderButton(){
 addFuncButton2('urlDecoder', urlDecoderRun, '', 'Decode URL before cursor or all URLs in selected text', window.urlDecoderKey)
if (wgAction=='edit' || wgAction=='submit') addOnloadHook(urlDecoderButton)

function addFuncButton2(id, func, img, title, akey){
 if (window.wgWikiEditorEnabledModules && wgWikiEditorEnabledModules.toolbar){ //new
  var msg = {}; msg[id] = title;  mw.usability.addMessages(msg)
  // $('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addToToolbar', { section:'main', groups: {'ruwp':{}}})
  $('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addToToolbar', {
   section:'main', //groups: {'mytools':{}},
   group:'insert', tools: {id:{
     action: {type:'callback', execute: func},
 }else{ //old
  var tlb_ = document.getElementById('toolbar')
  if (!tlb_) return
  var i=document.createElement('img')
  i.onclick=func; i.src=img; i.title=title; i.alt=title.substr(0,3)
   appendCSS(' {height:20px; background-color:#bce; border:1px outset #bce; margin:0 1px; cursor:pointer}')
  if (akey){ i.accessKey = akey; i.title += ' ['+akey+']'; updateTooltipAccessKeys([i]) }

function urlDecoderRun(){ //main function

var httpRegExp = '(https?:\\/\\/[^\\]\\[\\n\\r<>" ]+)' //  except []<>"
var beforeCursor = new RegExp('(\\[{0,2})'+httpRegExp+'( +[^\\]\n]+)?\\]{0,2}$', 'i') 
var localPrefix = WMPrefixes(unSecure(wgServer+wgScript))
var newText, linkSize, txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1
var isBeforeCursor = false

if (document.selection) { //IE/Opera
  var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop
  range = document.selection.createRange()
  if (!range.moveStart) return
  if (range.text){
    newText = processSelText(range.text)
  }else { //no selection
    if (!(rr=range.duplicate())) return
    rr.moveStart('character', - 1500)
    linkSize = processBeforeCursor(rr.text)
    if (!linkSize) return
    range.moveStart('character', - linkSize) //select matched
  //replace text
  if (newText != range.text){
    range.text = newText
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) newText = newText.replace(/\r/g,'') //for IE: do not count \r
    range.moveStart('character', - newText.length)
  document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTop //restore window scroll position

}else if (txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') { // Mozilla
  var scrollTop = txtarea.scrollTop, txt = txtarea.value
  var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart, endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd
  if (startPos != endPos){
    newText = processSelText(txt.substring(startPos, endPos))
  }else{ //no selection
	linkSize = processBeforeCursor(txt.substring((endPos-1500>0?endPos-1500:0), endPos))
    if (!linkSize) return
    startPos = endPos - linkSize //select matched
  //replace text
  if (newText != txt.substring(startPos, endPos)){
    txtarea.value = txt.substring(0, startPos) + newText +	txt.substring(endPos, txtarea.value.length)
    txtarea.selectionEnd = startPos + newText.length
    txtarea.selectionStart = startPos
  txtarea.scrollTop = scrollTop
}//end of main function

function processBeforeCursor(str){//finds http:.* in string, returns its length and also newText var
 isBeforeCursor = true
 var pos = str.lastIndexOf('http://')
 if (pos == -1) pos = str.lastIndexOf('https://')
 if (pos == -1) return 0
 if (pos >= 2)  str = str.substring(pos-2) //move left to include leading [s
 var ma = str.match(beforeCursor) // result: (whole string)' '[', 'http:...', ' name]'
 if (!ma) return 0
 if (ma[3]) //link with name: automatically add brackets
   newText = simplifyMatched(ma[0], '[', ma[2], ma[3]+']')
 else //just url: add closing bracket only if there is leading bracket
   newText = simplifyMatched(ma[0], ma[1], ma[2], ma[1]?']':'')
 return ma[0].length

function processSelText(txt){
 txt = txt.replace(RegExp('(\\[{0,2})' + httpRegExp + '([^\\]\\[\\n\\r]*?\\]\\]?)?', 'ig'),
 if (window.urlDecoderIntLinks){
  var ut = 'user_talk' //skip user_talk, usually in sig
  if (window.wgFormattedNamespaces) ut = wgFormattedNamespaces[3].replace(/ /g,'_')
  ut = RegExp ('\\[\\[' + ut.toLowerCase() + ':[^#]+$', 'i')
  txt = txt.replace(/\[\[[^\]\|\n]+/g, function(lnk){
   return ut.test(lnk) ? lnk : decodeAnchor(lnk)
 return txt

function simplifyMatched(str, bracket, url, rest){//arguments: (whole string), '[', url, ' name]'; calls decodeUrl
 if (!bracket){//no brackets, just url
   var trail = url.match(RegExp('[,;\\\\\.:!\\?' //trailing punctuation, per Parser.php
    + (!/\(/.test(url) ? '\\)' : '') + ']+$' ))  //trailing no-matching )
   if (trail) url = url.substring(0, url.length-trail[0].length) //move these out of url
   return decodeUrl(url) + str.substring(url.length)
 }else if (rest) //both brackets and possibly name
   return decodeUrl(url, rest.replace(/\]+$|^ +| +$/g,'')) //trim ending brackets and spaces in 'name]'
 else return str //probably broken wikicode in selected text

function decodeUrl(url, name){ //url -> %-decoded -> [[link|name]] (if possible); name is optional
 url = unSecure(url)
 if (url.indexOf('%') != -1) try { url = decodeURI(url) } catch(e){}  //decode %
 url = url.replace(/%(3B|2F|2C|3A)/g, decodeURIComponent) //decode ;/,:
 url = url.replace(/[ <>"\[\]]/g, encodeURIComponent) //" disallowed chars
 if (isBeforeCursor)
   for (var n in window.urlDecoderEngNames) //to eng keywords
     url = url.replace(RegExp('(title=|wiki\/)('+urlDecoderEngNames[n]+':)'), '$1' + n + ':')
 var link
 if (!/(\}\}|\|)$/.test(url)) link = toWikilink(url) //trailing | or }}  can be a part of template, skip to be safe
 if (!link && window.urlDecoderCustom
     && (link = urlDecoderCustom(url)) && /^(https?:\/\/|\{\{)/.test(link))
	  {url = link; link = null} //still external
 if (link){
  link = link.replace(/%(3f|26|22)/ig, decodeURIComponent) //decode ?&"
  if ((wgNamespaceNumber==0 || wgNamespaceNumber==14)
      && isBeforeCursor)  
	  link=link.replace(/^:/,'') //probably interwiki
  return '[\[' + link + (name?'|'+name:'') + ']]'
 if (isBeforeCursor || typeof name == 'string')
   url = url.replace(/''/g,'%27%27')//techically '' means the end of URL, but more likely it's part of it
 if (typeof name == 'string') return '[' + url + (name?' '+name:'') + ']' //empty name
 else return url
function toWikilink(url){//url -> wikilink, otherwise null
 //try bugzilla and user-defined prefixes
 if (!window.urlDecoderPrefixes) urlDecoderPrefixes = {}
 for (var key in urlDecoderPrefixes)
   if (url.toLowerCase().indexOf(key)!=-1)
    return urlDecoderPrefixes[key]+':'+ url.substring(url.indexOf(key)+key.length)
 //try WM prefixes
 var parts = url.substring(7).split('/')
 if (parts[1]!='wiki' || url.indexOf('?')!=-1) return null
 var linkPrefix = WMPrefixes(url.toLowerCase()), prefixes = ''
 if (!linkPrefix) return null
 var title = url.substring(parts[0].length + parts[1].length + 9) //get part after  /wiki/
 title = decodeAnchor(title)
 if (linkPrefix[0] && (linkPrefix[0] != localPrefix[0])) prefixes = linkPrefix[0]
 if (linkPrefix[1] && (linkPrefix[1] != localPrefix[1])) prefixes += ':' + linkPrefix[1]
 if (prefixes || isColonNeeded(title)) prefixes += ':' //dividing colon or cat/file leading colon
 return prefixes + title

function decodeAnchor(link){//simplify internal link: replace %20 and _ then decode anchor
 link = link.replace(/(_|%20)/g, ' ').replace(/^ +| +$/g, '')
 var parts = link.split('#')
 if (parts.length != 2) return link //no anchor
 var anchor = parts[1], hidIdx = -1, hidden = []
 //decode 4, 3 and 2-byte:
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.F[0-4]\.[89AB][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]/g, deChar)
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.E[\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]/g, deChar)
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.[CD][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]/g, deChar)
 anchor = anchor.replace( //hide IPs
   function(s){ hidden[++hidIdx] = s; return '\x01' + hidIdx + '\x02' }
 //decode 1-byte chars: all symbols except  -.:_  and []{} prohibited in links
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.[2-7][0-9A-F]/g, function(hhh){
   var ch = deChar(hhh)
   if ('!"#$%&\'()*+,/;<=>?@\\^`~'.indexOf(ch) >= 0) return ch; else return hhh
 //unhide IPs and return
 for (var i=hidIdx; i>=0; i--) anchor = anchor.replace('\x01'+i+'\x02', hidden[i])
 if (anchor.indexOf("''") != -1) return link //cannot have double '' in link
 else return parts[0] + '#' + anchor

 function deChar(ss){ 
  try{ss = decodeURIComponent(ss.replace(/\.([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/g, '%$1'))} catch(e){}
  return ss

function WMPrefixes(url){  // htp://  -> [ 'w',  'en']
 var dd = url.substring(7).split('/')[0].split('.') // -> ['en','wikipedia','org']
 if (dd.pop() != 'org') return null
 var proj='', lang = '', part = dd.pop()
 if (proj = {'mediawiki':'mw','wikimediafoundation':'foundation'}[part]);
 else if (proj = {'wikipedia':'w','wikibooks':'b','wikinews':'n','wikiquote':'q',
   lang = dd.pop()
   if (!lang || lang=='www') lang = ''
   else if (lang=='test') {lang=''; proj='testwiki'}
 }else if (part == 'wikimedia'){
   part = dd.pop()
   if (!part || part=='www') proj = 'foundation'
   else if (/^(meta|commons|incubator|species|strategy)$/.test(part)) proj = part
   else return null
 }else return null
 return [proj, lang]

function unSecure(url){
 return url.replace(/https:\/\/secure\.wikimedia\.org\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/([^\]\|\n\r ]+)/,

function isColonNeeded(pg){
 if (pg.indexOf(':')==-1) return false
 else return RegExp('^('+getDecoderNS()+'|file|category) *:','i').test(pg)

function getDecoderNS(){
 if (!window.urlDecoderNS) var urlDecoderNS = {}
 urlDecoderNS.en = 'image'
 var ns = urlDecoderNS[wgContentLanguage]
 if (typeof ns == 'string') return ns //user-defined list
 if (!window.wgNamespaceIds) {
   alert('Warning: wgNamespaceIds not defined, old MediaWiki version?'); return '' 
 ns = ''
 for (var name in wgNamespaceIds)
   if (wgNamespaceIds[name]==6 || wgNamespaceIds[name]==14)
     ns += '|' + name
 ns = ns.substring(1)
 urlDecoderNS[wgContentLanguage] = ns
 return ns
