Usuário:Citizen Kimi/common.js

Nota: Depois de publicar, poderá ter de contornar a cache do seu navegador para ver as alterações.

  • Firefox / Safari: Pressione Shift enquanto clica Recarregar, ou pressione Ctrl-F5 ou Ctrl-R (⌘-R no Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Pressione Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R no Mac)
  • Edge: Pressione Ctrl enquanto clica Recarregar, ou pressione Ctrl-F5.

// [[File:User:!Silent/improveVandalBlock.js]]
mw.loader.load( '//ário:!Silent/improveVandalBlock.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

//Ajustes automáticos
mw.loader.load('//ário:Luizdl/Script de ajustes.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript', 'text/javascript');

//Smart hollback
mw.loader.load( '//ário:Tks4Fish/Smart Rollback.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

//URL mortas

// Respostas simplificadas em discussões
mw.loader.load( '//ário:Bageense/Reply link em português.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

//This adds a quick link in your toolbox to revert vandalism quickly by catching the tag "Repaeting characters".
function addNoVandal(){
          mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb","" ,"Revert vandalism","tb-repeating characters","Catches all edits with the tag repeating characters on them");

"use strict";
var mw, $;
if (
	mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'history'
	|| ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ), ['Recentchanges', 'Watchlist', 'Contributions'] ) + 1 )
	|| /\bdiff=/.test( window.location.href )  // poor-man's mw.util.paramValue()
$.when( mw.loader.using( [ 'jquery.ui', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.user', 'mediawiki.util' ] ), $.ready ).done ( function()  {
	var	summaryStorageKey = 'rollback summary',
		userTalkStorageKey = 'rollback user talk message',
		historyDepth = 20,
		api = new mw.Api(),
		onRollbackClick = function(e) {
			var $this = $(this),
				href = $this.attr( 'href' ),
				token = decodeURIComponent( href.replace( /.*[&\?]token=/, '' ).replace( /&.*/, '' ) ),
				title = decodeURIComponent( href.replace( /.*[&\?]title=/, '' ).replace( /&.*/, '' ).replace(/_/g, ' ') ),
				from = decodeURIComponent( href.replace( /.*[&\?]from=/, '' ).replace( /&.*/, '' ).replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) ),
				rbParams = { action: 'rollback', token: token, title: title, user: from },
				replaceTokens = function( str ) {
					return str.replace( /\$1/g, title ).replace( /\$2/g, from ).replace( /\$3/g, $this.text() );
				rollback = function( watchArticle, watchTalk ) {
					if ( watchArticle )
						rbParams.watchlist = 'watch'; rbParams, function() {
						var match = $this.text().match( /:(.*)/ ),
							edits = ( match && match.length > 1 ) ? match[1] : $this.text(),
							userLink = $this.closest('span').parent().find( '.mw-usertoollinks' ),
							talkPageLink = $this.closest( 'span' ).parent()
								.find( '.mw-usertoollinks a' )
								.filter( function() { return $( this ).text() == "Talk" } ),
							talkHref = talkPageLink.attr( 'href' ),
							vanarticle = 'vanarticle=' + mw.util.rawurlencode( title );

							.attr( 'href',  talkHref + ( /\?/.test( talkHref ) ? '&' : '?' ) + vanarticle )
							.css( 'font-weight', 'bold' );

						mw.util.jsMessage( i18n( 'success', edits, from ) );
						if ( talkPageMessage )
								{ action: 'edit',
									token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' ),
									appendtext: talkPageMessage,
									title: i18n('user talk', from),
									summary: replaceTokens( talkPageSummaryInputbox.val() ),
									watchlist: watchTalk ? 'watch' : 'preferences'
								function() { mw.util.jsMessage( i18n( 'talk success', talkPageMessage, from ) ); }
					} );

			var watchOption = mw.user.options.get('watchrollback');
			if ( e.type == 'click' ) // left click
				rollback( watchOption );
			else { // right click.
				var dialog,
					summariesJson = summaryStorageKey ) || "[]",
					summaries = JSON.parse(summariesJson),
					talkPageMessagesJson = userTalkStorageKey ) || "{}",
					talkPageMessages = JSON.parse(talkPageMessagesJson),
					summaryInputbox = $( '<input>', { width: '40em' } ),
					summarySelector = $( '<select>' ).append( $( '<option>' ) ).change( function() { summaryInputbox.val( this.value ); } ),
					watchArticleCheckbox = $( '<input>', { type: 'checkbox' } ).prop( 'checked', watchOption ),
					talkPageInputbox = $( '<input>', { width: '40em' } ),
					talkPageTextbox = $( '<textarea>', { rows: 5 } ),
					talkPageSummaryInputbox = $( '<input>', { width: '40em' } ),
					talkPageSelector = $( '<select>' ).change( function() {
						talkPageInputbox.val( this.value );
						talkPageTextbox.val( talkPageMessages[this.value].m || '' );
						talkPageSummaryInputbox.val( talkPageMessages[this.value].s || '' );
					} ),
					watchTalkpageCheckbox = $( '<input>', { type: 'checkbox' }).prop( 'checked', mw.config.get( 'watchTalkpageOnRollbackMessage' ) ),
					prepareTalkpageSelector = function() {
						talkPageSelector.find( '*' ).remove();
						talkPageSelector.append( $( '<option>' ) );
						for ( var talkMessageName in talkPageMessages ) {
							var option = $( '<option>', { value: talkMessageName, text: talkMessageName} );
							if ( /^=/.test( talkMessageName ) )
								option.attr( 'disabled', 'diabled' );
							talkPageSelector.append( option );
						talkPageInputbox.val( '' );
						talkPageTextbox.val( '' );
				$( summaries ).each( function( index, item ) { summarySelector.append( $( '<option>', { value: item, text: item } ) ); } );
				dialog = $( '<div>' ).dialog( {
					title: i18n( 'dialogtitle' ),
					modal: true,
					buttons: [
						{ text: i18n('ok'), click: function() {
							summary = $.trim( summaryInputbox.val() );
							talkPageMessage = $.trim( talkPageTextbox.val() );
							if ( !summary && !talkPageMessage )
							if ( summary ) {
								var old = $.inArray( summary, summaries );
								if ( old + 1 )
									summaries.splice( old, 1 );
								summaries.splice( 1, 0, summary );
								if ( summaries.length > 20 )
									summaries.pop(); summaryStorageKey, JSON.stringify( summaries ) );
								rbParams.summary = replaceTokens( summary );
							var talkPageMessageName = $.trim( talkPageInputbox.val() ),
								talkPageSummary = $.trim( talkPageSummaryInputbox.val() );
							if ( talkPageMessageName ) {
								if ( talkPageMessage ) {
									talkPageMessages[ talkPageMessageName ] = { m: talkPageMessage, s: talkPageSummary };
								} else
									delete talkPageMessages[ talkPageMessageName ]; userTalkStorageKey, JSON.stringify( talkPageMessages ) );
							if ( talkPageMessage )
								talkPageMessage = '\n' + replaceTokens( talkPageMessage );
							rollback( watchArticleCheckbox.prop( 'checked' ), watchTalkpageCheckbox.prop( 'checked' ) );
							$(this).dialog( 'close' );
						} },
						{ text: i18n( 'read boilerplate button' ), click: function() {
							var source = prompt( i18n( 'enter boilerplate source' ), i18n( 'default boilerplate page') );
							if ( source ) {
								$.ajax( {
									url: mw.util.wikiScript(),
									cache: false,
									data: {title: source, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/x-wiki'},
									success: function( data ) {
										try {
											talkPageMessages = JSON.parse( data );
		 userTalkStorageKey, JSON.stringify( talkPageMessages ) );
										} catch(e) {
											alert( i18n( 'exception reading boilerplates', source, e ) );
								} );
						} },
						{ text: i18n( 'cancel' ), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( 'close' ); } }
				} )
					.append( $( '<p>' ).html( i18n( 'description', title, from, $this.text() ) ) )
					.append( $( '<table>' )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'summary' ) } ) )
							.append( summaryInputbox )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'summaryhist' ) } ) )
							.append( summarySelector )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'watch article', title ) } ) )
							.append( watchArticleCheckbox )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'talkpagename' ) } ) )
							.append( talkPageInputbox )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'talkpagemessage', from ) } ) )
							.append( talkPageTextbox )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'talkpagesummary', from ) } ) )
							.append( talkPageSummaryInputbox )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', {text: i18n( 'talkpagemessagehist' ) } ) )
							.append( talkPageSelector )
						.append( $( '<tr>' )
							.append( $( '<td>', { text: i18n( 'watch talkpage', from ) } ) )
							.append( watchTalkpageCheckbox )
				dialog.dialog( 'option', { width: 'auto', height: 'auto' } );
				dialog.dialog( 'option', { position: { my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window } } );
				dialog.dialog( 'option', { width: '100', height: '100' } ); // this perversion is for rtl: we need to force a redraw.
				dialog.dialog( 'option', { width: 'auto', height: 'auto' } );
				dialog.dialog( 'option', { position: { my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window } } ); // ditto.
			} // e.type == contextmenu
		}, // onRollbackClick

		i18n = function () {
			var str = arguments[0];
			switch ( mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) ) {
				case 'he':
					switch ( str ) {
						case 'description':
							str = 'ניתן (אין חובה) להזין תקציר עריכה לשחזור, ו/או הודעה שתישמר בדף השיחה של %2.<br />'
								+ '$1 יוחלף בשם הדף (%1),<br />'
								+ '$2 יוחלף בשם המשתמש (%2)<br />'
								+ '$3 יוחלף בכותרת הקישור (%3)';

						case 'dialogtitle':
							return 'שחזור עריכה';
						case 'success':
							str = '%1 של %2 בוצע';
						case 'ok':
							return 'אישור';
						case 'cancel':
							return 'ביטול';
						case 'rightclick':
							return 'לחיצה בכפתור ימני מאפשרת להוסיף תקציר.';
						case 'summary':
							return 'תקציר עריכה:';
						case 'summaryhist':
							return 'תקצירים קודמים:';
						case 'talkpagename':
							return 'שם ההודעה בדף שיחה:';
						case 'talkpagemessagehist':
							return 'הודעות דף שיחה קודמות:';
						case 'talkpagemessage':
							str = 'הודעה לדף השיחה של %1:';
						case 'read boilerplate button':
							return 'קריאת ההודעות מדף';
						case 'enter boilerplate source':
							return 'הזינו את שם הדף בו נמצאות ההודעות המוכנות';
						case 'default boilerplate page':
							return 'משתמש:Neukoln/msgs.js';
						case 'exception reading boilerplates':
							str = 'שגיאה בניסיון לקריאת תבניות מדף "%1". השגיאה היא: %2';
						case 'watch article':
							str = 'הוסף את הדף %1 לרשימת המעקב';
						case 'watch talkpage':
							str = 'הוסף את דף השיחה של משתמש:%1 לרשימת המעקב';
						case 'user talk':
							str = 'שיחת משתמש:%1';
						case 'talkpagesummary':
							return  'תקציר להודעה בשיחת משתמש';
						case 'talk success':
							str = 'ההודעה:<br />%1<br />נשמרה בהצלחה בדף "שיחת משתמש:%2"';
					switch ( str ) {
						case 'description':
							str = 'You can enter a summary for the rollback instead of the default, '
								+ 'and an optional message to be added to %2 talk page<br />'
								+ '$1 will be replaced by page name (%1),<br />'
								+ '$2 will be replaced by user name (%2),<br />'
								+ '$3 will be replaced by rollover text (%3).';
						case 'dialogtitle' :
							return 'Rollback summary';
						case 'success':
							str = 'Successfully rolled back %1 by %2';
						case 'ok':
							return 'OK';
						case 'cancel':
							return 'Cancel';
						case 'rightclick':
							return 'Use right mouse button to add summary.';
						case 'summary':
							return 'Summary:';
						case 'summaryhist':
							return 'Summary history:';
						case 'talkpagename':
							return 'Talk page message name:';
						case 'talkpagemessagehist':
							return 'Talk page message name history:';
						case 'talkpagemessage':
							return 'Talk page message:';
						case 'talk success':
							str = 'Message %1 was successfuly saved in %2 talkpage';
						case 'read boilerplate button':
							return 'Read messages';
						case 'enter boilerplate source':
							return 'Please enter page name from which to read boilerplate messages';
						case 'default boilerplate page':
							return '';
						case 'exception reading boilerplates':
							str = 'Exception trying to interpret Page "%1". Exception is: %2';
						case 'watch article':
							str = 'Add page "%1" to your watchlist';
						case 'watch talkpage':
							str = 'Add "User talk:%1" to your watchlist';
						case 'user talk':
							str = 'User talk:%1';
						case 'talkpagesummary':
							return 'Summary for talk page message';
						case 'talk success':
							str = 'Successfuly added<br />%1<br />To page User talk:%2';
			for ( var arg = 1; arg < arguments.length; arg++ )
				str = str.replace( new RegExp( '%' + arg, 'g' ), arguments[ arg ] );
			return str;

	$( 'a[href *= "action=rollback"]' ).on( 'click contextmenu', onRollbackClick );
	var tries = 0,
		timer = setInterval( function() {
			if ( window.removeTooltip ) {
				$( 'a[href *= "action=rollback"]' ).each( function() {
					window.removeTooltip( this );
					this.title += " \n" + i18n( 'rightclick' );
				clearInterval( timer );
			} else if ( tries++ > 30 )
				clearInterval( timer );
		}, 100 );
} ); // using </source>

function rollbackEverythingWKMR(editSummary) 
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	var userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
	var titleRegex = /title=([^&]+)/;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var api = new mw.Api();
		$("a[href*='action=rollback']").each(function(ind, el)
			var params = {};
			if( editSummary != '' )
				params.summary = editSummary;
			api.rollback( decodeURIComponent(titleRegex.exec(el.href)[1]), userName, params).done( function()
			} );
		} );
	} );
	return false;
	if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions" && $("").length > 0)
		mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util").done( function ()
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback all", "ca-rollbackeverything", "rollback all edits displayed here");
			$("#ca-rollbackeverything").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackEverythingWKMR(prompt("Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));

if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Recentchanges') {
	mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function() {
		$('.mw-changeslist a').attr('target', '_blank');
$.when( mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.util'] ), $.ready ).done( function() {
    'View the original Special:NewPages, with patrolled edits hidden',
var pendch_http;

var pendch_enabled;
var pendch_num_pages;
var pendch_refresh;
var pendch_num_idle_req;
var pendch_curr_idle_req;
var pendch_diffonly;

var pendch_str_no_ajax = "There seems to be a problem using the pendingchanges script. Your browser is not supported.";
var pendch_str_box_title = "Pending changes";
var pendch_str_box_title_updating = "Pending changes (updating)";
var pendch_str_box_title_failed = "Pending changes (update failed)";
var pendch_str_enable = "Enable this box";
var pendch_str_disable = "Disable this box";

$(document).ready( pendch_init );
/* initalise */
function pendch_init() {
  if (window.location.toString().search(/diffonly=1/) != -1) {
    var currURL = window.location.toString();
    var newURL=currURL.replace(/diffonly=1/,diffonly=0);
    if (document.getElementById("difference") page below diff/) == -1) {
      document.getElementById("difference").innerHTML += '&nbsp;(<a href="' + newURL + '">Show page below diff</a>)';

  // allow user settings through
  if (pendch_enabled == null) {
    pendch_enabled = false;
  if (pendch_num_pages == null) {
    pendch_num_pages = 10;
  if (pendch_refresh == null) {
    pendch_refresh = 10;
  if (pendch_num_idle_req == null) {
    pendch_num_idle_req = 60;
  if(pendch_diffonly == null) {
    pendch_diffonly = 1;
  // A few limits to be nice to the servers
  if (pendch_num_pages > 50) {
    pendch_num_pages = 50;
  if (pendch_num_pages < 1) {
    pendch_num_pages = 1;
  if (pendch_refresh < 2) {
    pendch_refresh = 2;
  if (pendch_num_idle_req > 1000) {
    pendch_num_idle_req = 1000;
  if (pendch_num_idle_req < 5) {
    pendch_num_idle_req = 5;

  // get our cookie
  if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
    var c_start = document.cookie.indexOf("pendch_show_box=");
    if (c_start != -1) { 
      c_start = c_start + 16; 
      var c_end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", c_start);
      if (c_end == -1) {
        c_end = document.cookie.length;
      if (document.cookie.substring(c_start, c_end) == "yes") {
        pendch_enabled = true;
      } else {
        pendch_enabled = false;
  // Either make a request or show nothing
  pendch_curr_idle_req = 0;
  if (pendch_enabled == true) {
  } else {
/* init ajax */
function pendch_create_request() {
  try {
    pendch_http = new XMLHttpRequest();
  } catch (e) {
    try {
      pendch_http = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    } catch (e) {
      try {
        pendch_http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      } catch (e) {
        return false;
  pendch_http.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if(pendch_http.readyState == 4) pendch_ajax_response();
  return true;
/* make a request */
function pendch_ajax_request() {
  // if we have done too many requests, disable the box
  if (pendch_curr_idle_req > pendch_num_idle_req) {

  // check we are enabled
  if (pendch_enabled == false) return;

  // firstly, inform the user
  var cur_box = document.getElementById('p-pendingchanges');
  if (cur_box != null) { = pendch_str_box_title_updating;

  if (pendch_create_request () == false) {
    if (cur_box != null) { = pendch_str_box_title_failed;
    } else {
      alert (pendch_str_no_ajax);

  // Get the current time
  var dateobj = new Date();
  var now = Math.floor(dateobj.getTime() / 1000.0);

  // Then make the request"GET", "/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=oldreviewedpages&ornamespace=0|4&orlimit=" + pendch_num_pages, true);

function pendch_draw_disabled_box() {
  if (mw.config.get('skin') == 'vector') {
  } else {

function pendch_ajax_response() {
  if (mw.config.get('skin') == 'vector') {
  } else {

  // and do it again in 5 secs
  setTimeout("pendch_ajax_request()", pendch_refresh * 1000);

function pendch_disable_box() {
  pendch_enabled = false;
  document.cookie = "pendch_show_box=no; path=/";
function pendch_enable_box() {
  pendch_enabled = true;
  pendch_curr_idle_req = 0;
  document.cookie = "pendch_show_box=yes; path=/";

/* Draw disabled (monobook) */
function pendch_draw_disabled_box_monobook() {
  // Container div
  var link_div = document.createElement('div');
  link_div.className = 'pBody';
  var div = document.createElement('div');
  div.setAttribute('id', 'p-pendingchanges');
  div.className = 'portal';
  var heading = document.createElement('h3');
  // enable link
  var p = document.createElement('p'); = 'x-small'; = '0px';
  var a = document.createElement('a');
  a.onclick = pendch_enable_box;
  // now replace the div
  var old_div = document.getElementById('p-pendingchanges');
  var side_col = document.getElementById('column-one');
  if (old_div != null) {
    side_col.replaceChild(div, old_div);
  } else {
    var node = document.getElementById('p-search');
    side_col.insertBefore(div, node);

/* Draw response (monobook) */
function pendch_ajax_response_monobook() {
  var resp = JSON.parse(pendch_http.responseText);
  var items = resp.query.oldreviewedpages;
  // create the div that holds all the newpage links
  var link_div = document.createElement('div');
  link_div.className = 'pBody';
  var list = document.createElement('ul');
  // populate the list with 10 links.
  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  	var item = items[i];
    var item_name = item.title;
    var old_id = item.stable_revid;

    item_name = item_name.replace(/&/, "%26");
	var item_url = '' + item_name + '&diff=cur&oldid=' + old_id + '&diffonly=' + pendch_diffonly;
    a = document.createElement('a');
    a.setAttribute('href', item_url);

    var li = document.createElement('li');
  // Container div
  var div = document.createElement('div');
  div.setAttribute('id', 'p-pendingchanges');
  div.className = 'portal';
  var heading = document.createElement('h3');
  // disable link
  var p = document.createElement('p'); = 'x-small'; = '0px'; = 'right';
  a = document.createElement('a');
  a.onclick = pendch_disable_box;
  // now replace the div
  var old_div = document.getElementById('p-pendingchanges');
  var side_col = document.getElementById('column-one');
  if (old_div != null) {
    side_col.replaceChild(div, old_div);
  } else {
    var node = document.getElementById('p-search');
    side_col.insertBefore(div, node);

/* Draw disabled box (vector skin) */
function pendch_draw_disabled_box_vector() {
  // Container div
  var link_div = document.createElement('div');
  link_div.className = 'body'; = "block";
  var div = document.createElement('div');
  div.setAttribute('id', 'p-pendingchanges');
  div.className = 'portal collapsed';
  var heading = document.createElement('h3');
  // enable link
  var p = document.createElement('p'); = 'x-small'; = '0px';
  var a = document.createElement('a');
  a.onclick = pendch_enable_box;
  // add later
  // now replace the div
  var old_div = document.getElementById('p-pendingchanges');
  var side_col = document.getElementById('mw-panel');
  if (old_div != null) {
    side_col.replaceChild(div, old_div);
  } else {
    var node = document.getElementById('p-interaction');
    side_col.insertBefore(div, node);

  if( typeof $ != 'undefined' ) {
    $('#p-pendingchanges > h3').keydown( function( event ) {
      if ( event.which == 13 /* Enter */ || event.which == 32 /* Space */ ) {
        pendch_toggle( $(this) );
    } )
    .mousedown( function() {
      pendch_toggle( $(this) );
        return false;
    } );
  } else {

/* Draw response (vector skin) */
function pendch_ajax_response_vector() {
  var resp = JSON.parse(pendch_http.responseText);
  var items = resp.query.oldreviewedpages;

  // create the div that holds all the newpage links
  var link_div = document.createElement('div');
  link_div.className = 'body'; = "block";
  var list = document.createElement('ul');
  // populate the list with 10 links.
  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
   	var item = items[i];
    var item_name = item.title;
    var old_id = item.stable_revid;

    item_name = item_name.replace(/&/, "%26");
	var item_url = '' + item_name + '&diff=cur&oldid=' + old_id + '&diffonly=' + pendch_diffonly;
    a = document.createElement('a');
    a.setAttribute('href', item_url);
    // = 'x-small';
    var li = document.createElement('li');
  // Container div
  var div = document.createElement('div');
  div.setAttribute('id', 'p-pendingchanges');
  div.className = 'portal expanded';
  var heading = document.createElement('h3');

  // disable link
  var p = document.createElement('p'); = 'x-small'; = '0px'; = 'left';
  a = document.createElement('a');
  a.onclick = pendch_disable_box;
  // add later

  // now replace the div
  var old_div = document.getElementById('p-pendingchanges');
  var side_col = document.getElementById('mw-panel');
  if (old_div != null) {
    side_col.replaceChild(div, old_div);
  } else {
    var node = document.getElementById('p-interaction');
    side_col.insertBefore(div, node);

  if( typeof $ != 'undefined' ) {
    $('#p-pendingchanges > h3').keydown( function( event ) {
      if ( event.which == 13 /* Enter */ || event.which == 32 /* Space */ ) {
        pendch_toggle( $(this) );
    } )
    .mousedown( function() {
      pendch_toggle( $(this) );
        return false;
    } );
  } else {

function pendch_toggle( $element ) {
 $.cookie( 'vector-nav-' + $element.parent().attr( 'id' ), $element.parent().is( '.collapsed' ) );
 if( $element.parent().is('.collapsed') ) {
 } else {
  .toggleClass( 'expanded' )
  .toggleClass( 'collapsed' )
  .find( 'div.body' )
  .slideToggle( 'fast' );
mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.user'], function () {

	// Disable for now, as this script is throwing exceptions

  var imageHistory = "";
  var imageEdit = "";
  var imageSwitch = "";
  // Load prerequisites
  // Predict a static floater height
  var floaterHeight = 31;
  // Create/insert empty Floater div
  $('#mw-head').prepend('<div hidden="hidden" class="floater" ' + 
    'style="top:' + '-' + floaterHeight + 'px;' +
  // Grab the div
  var floater = $('.floater');
  // Set URL prefix
  var pre = location.protocol + '//' + mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage') + '.' + mw.config.get('wgNoticeProject') + '.org' + '/w/index.php?title=';
  // Construct the page title line here. Long titles will need to be truncated.
  if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').length > 40){
    if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 0){
      pageNS = '';
    } else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 4) {
      pageNS = 'WP:';
    } else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 5) {
      pageNS = 'WP Talk:';
    } else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 8) {
      pageNS = 'MW:';
    } else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 9) {
      pageNS = 'MW Talk:';
    } else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 14) {
      pageNS = 'Cat:';
    } else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 15) {
      pageNS = 'Cat talk:';
    } else {
      pageNS = mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') + ':';
    var pageTitle = pageNS + mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(0,7) + '...' + mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(-15);
    var titleLine = '<li style="margin-right:10px;font-size:0.85em;"><abbr style="border-bottom:none;" title="' + mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g,' ') + '">' + pageTitle.replace(/_/g,' ') + '</abbr></li>';
  } else {
    var titleLine = '<li style="margin-right:10px;font-size:0.9em;">' + mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g,' ') + '</li>';
  // If the current page has an "add section" tab, construct a link 
  if ($('#ca-addsection').length > 0){
    var addSection = '<li><a href="' + pre + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&action=edit&section=new' + '"><span style="font-size:1.15em;margin-right:3px;">+</span>Section</a>' + '</li>';
  } else {
    var addSection = '';
  // Add preview and save buttons if we're editing
  if ((mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'edit') || (mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'submit')){
    var editButton = '<li class="buttonLi"><input class="button" form="editform" type="submit" value="Preview" name="wpPreview"></input></li>' +
      '<li class="buttonLi"><input class="button" form="editform" type="submit" value="Save" name="wpSave"></input></li>' +
      '<li><a href="' + pre + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&action=edit' + '"><img style="padding-right:5px;margin-bottom:3px;" src="' + imageEdit + '" height="17px" alt="">Edit</a>' + '</li>';
  } else {
    var editButton = '<li><a href="' + pre + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&action=edit' + '"><img style="padding-right:5px;margin-bottom:3px;" src="' + imageEdit + '" height="17px" alt="">Edit</a>' + '</li>';
  // Leave out main/talk switch and history buttons on Special pages
  if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') > -1){
    var switchButton = '<li><a href="' + pre + getAssoc('url') + '"><img style="padding-right:5px;margin-bottom:3px;opacity:0.9;" src="' + imageSwitch + '" height="15px" alt="">' + getAssoc('name') + '</a>' + '</li>';
    var historyButton = '<li><a href="' + pre + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&action=history' + '"><img style="padding-right:3px;margin-bottom:3px;" src="' + imageHistory + '" height="17px" alt="">History</a>' + '</li>';
  } else {
    var switchButton = '';
    var historyButton = '';
  // Fill the Floater div with some crap
    // Left section for page title, edit, history, and main/talk toggle
    '<div style="font-weight:bold;float:left;font-size:0.9em;">' + 
      '<ul class="floaterPagelinks" style="margin-left:10px;list-style-type:none;list-style-image:none;display:inline;">' +
        titleLine + 
        editButton +
        addSection +
        historyButton +
        switchButton +
      '</ul>' +
    '</div>' + 
    // Small links for info, logs, whatlinkshere
    '<div style="float:left;margin-top:-7px;margin-left:-15px;">' +
      '<ul class="smallLinks" style="list-style-type:disc;">' +
        '<li><a href="' + pre + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&action=info" title="Information for this page">I</a></li>' +
        '<li>|</li>' +
        '<li><a href="/wiki/Special:Log/' + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '" title="Page logs">L</a></li>' +
        '<li>|</li>' +
        '<li><a href="/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/' + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '" title="What Links Here">W</a></li>' +
        '<li>|</li>' +
        '<li><a class="gotoTop" href="#topTop" title="Go back to the top">Top</a></li>' +
      '</ul>' +
    '</div>' +
    // Search bar
    '<div style="float:right;margin-top:3px;font-size:.9em;">' + 
      '<form class="searchform" action="/w/index.php">' +
        '<div id="simpleSearch2" class="simpleSearch" style="margin-top:-4px;margin-bottom:-20px;margin-right: 25px;width:14em;">' +
          '<input id="searchInput2" class="mw-searchInput" placeholder="Search" name="search" tabindex="10" autocomplete="off" style="width:100%;"></input>' +
          '<button id="searchButton" name="button" type="submit" style="position: absolute;right: 0px;top: 0px;padding: 0.45em 0.4em 0.2em 0.3em;margin-right: 20px;border: medium none;cursor: pointer;background-color: transparent;background-image: none;">' + 
            '<img width="12" height="13" alt="Search" src="//"></img>' +
          '</button>' +
          '<input type="hidden" value="Special:Search" name="title"></input>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</form>' +
    '</div>' +
    // User links
    '<div style="float:right;font-size:.8em;font-weight:bold;margin-top:1px;">' + 
      '<ul class="floaterUserlinks" style="list-style-type:none;list-style-image:none;display:inline;margin-right:20px;">' +
        '<li class="floaterUserpageLink"><a title="Your user page" href = "/wiki/User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '">' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '</a></li>' + 
        //'<li><a class="mw-echo-notifications-badge" href="/wiki/Special:Notifications"></a></li>' +
        '<li><a title="Your talk page" href = "/wiki/User talk:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '">' + 'Talk' + '</a></li>' +
        '<li><a title="Your preferences" href = "/wiki/Special:Preferences">' + 'Prefs' + '</a></li>' +
        '<li><a title="Go to your watchlist" href = "/wiki/Special:Watchlist">' + 'Watchlist' + '</a></li>' +
        '<li><a title="Display your contribution history" href = "/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '">' + 'Contribs' + '</a></li>' +
        '<li id="utcdate2"><a title="Click to purge this page" href="' + pre + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&action=purge"></a></li>' +
      '</ul>' +
  // Set the "go to top" click function: Go to the MediaWiki top anchor, then scroll up some more
    window.scrollBy(0, -floaterHeight - 50);
  // Wait half a sec for images to load etc. b4 un-hiding Floater
  setTimeout(function(){floater.prop('hidden', false)},500);
  // Listen for TOC or other internal anchor clicks and adjust page scrolling to un-obscure the associated header
  $(window).on('hashchange', function(){
  // Run the scroll function once on load after additional half-second delay to display Floater in case we come in mid-page
  function adjustForHash(){
    // If we're coming in mid-page due to an anchor link, make sure the anchored header isn't obscured by Floater
    if (window.location.hash) {
      // Get DOM version of the anchored header using [0], then use DOM method to get its viewport coordinates
      var anchorCoords = $('[id="' + window.location.hash.replace('#','') + '"]:last')[0].getBoundingClientRect();
      // If the pagetop links aren't in view and the anchored header is likely obscured by Floater, scroll up to reveal it
      if (($('#p-namespaces ul li:above-the-top').length > 0) && (anchorCoords.bottom < 25)){
        window.scrollBy(0, -floaterHeight - 5);
  // Set the function for scrolling
  // Use :above-the-top (from plugin below) to check for pagetop stuff outside window. If they're there, start the music.
  function scroll(){
    if ($('#p-namespaces ul li:above-the-top').length > 0){
    } else {
      floater.css('top','-' + floaterHeight + 'px');
  // Find the title of the associated talk or main page. Is there an easier way?
  function getAssoc(type){
    var toggledTitle = '';
    var toggled = '';
    var ns = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
    var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
    if (ns == 0){
      toggledTitle = "Talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 1){
      toggledTitle = title;
      toggled = "Article";
    } else if (ns == 2){
      toggledTitle = "User_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 3){
      toggledTitle = "User:" + title;
      toggled = "User page";
    } else if (ns == 4){
      toggledTitle = "Wikipedia_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 5){
      toggledTitle = "Wikipedia:" + title;
      toggled = "Project page";
    } else if (ns == 6){
      toggledTitle = "File_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 7){
      toggledTitle = "File:" + title;
      toggled = "File page";
    } else if (ns == 8){
      toggledTitle = "MediaWiki_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 9){
      toggledTitle = "MediaWiki:" + title;
      toggled = "MediaWiki page";
    } else if (ns == 10){
      toggledTitle = "Template_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 11){
      toggledTitle = "Template:" + title;
      toggled = "Template page";
    } else if (ns == 12){
      toggledTitle = "Help_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 13){
      toggledTitle = "Help:" + title;
      toggled = "Help page";
    } else if (ns == 14){
      toggledTitle = "Category_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 15){
      toggledTitle = "Category" + title;
      toggled = "Cat page";
    } else if (ns == 16){
      toggledTitle = "Portal_talk:" + title;
      toggled = "Talk";
    } else if (ns == 17){
      toggledTitle = "Portal:" + title;
      toggled = "Portal page";
    if (type == 'url'){
      var returned = toggledTitle;
    } else if (type == 'name'){
      var returned = toggled;
    return returned;
  // Add the :above-the-top jQuery selector, which we use to check if user has scrolled past a certain point.
  function loadJQViewport(){
    /* Excerpt from, Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Mika Tuupola, MIT license:
     $(":above-the-top") */
    (function($) {
      $.abovethetop = function(element, settings){
        var top = $(window).scrollTop();
        return top >= $(element).offset().top + $(element).height() - settings.threshold;
      $.extend($.expr[':'], {
        "above-the-top": function(a, i, m) {
          return $.abovethetop(a, {threshold : 0});
  //If the clock gadget is enabled, replicate it for Floater
  if (mw.user.options.get('gadget-UTCLiveClock') == 1){
    var $target;
    function showTime($target){
      var dateNode = $('#utcdate2');
      if (!dateNode){return;}
      var now = new Date();
      var hh = now.getUTCHours();
      var mm = now.getUTCMinutes();
      var ss = now.getUTCSeconds();
      if ($target === undefined){$target = $(dateNode).find('a:first');}
      var time = ( hh < 10 ? '0' + hh : hh ) + 
        ':' + ( mm < 10 ? '0' + mm : mm ) + 
        ':' + ( ss < 10 ? '0' + ss : ss );
            var ms = now.getUTCMilliseconds();
      setTimeout( function(){showTime($target); }, 1100 - ms);
  // The rest of this replicates the MediaWiki suggest functionality for Floater's search box
  var map2, resultRenderCache2, searchboxesSelectors2;
  var $searchInput2 = $('#searchInput2');
  var $searchRegion2 = $('#simpleSearch2');
  function computeResultRenderCache2(context){
    var $form, formAction, baseHref, linkParams;
    $form = context.config.$region.closest('form');
    formAction = $form.attr('action');
    baseHref = formAction + (formAction.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?');
    linkParams = {};
    $.each( $form.serializeArray(), function (idx, obj){linkParams[] = obj.value;});
    return {textParam:$textbox.attr('name'), linkParams: linkParams, baseHref: baseHref};
  function renderFunction2(text, context){
    if (!resultRenderCache2){resultRenderCache2 = computeResultRenderCache2(context);}
    resultRenderCache2.linkParams[resultRenderCache2.textParam] = text;
    this.append($('<span>').css('whiteSpace', 'nowrap').text(text)).wrap($('<a>')
      .attr('href', resultRenderCache2.baseHref + $.param( resultRenderCache2.linkParams)).addClass('mw-searchSuggest-link'));
  searchboxesSelectors2 = ['#searchInput2'];
  $(searchboxesSelectors2.join(', ')).suggestions({fetch: function (query){
    var $el, jqXhr;
    if (query.length !== 0){
      $el = $(this);
      jqXhr = $.ajax({url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),data: {format: 'json', action: 'opensearch', search: query, namespace: 0, suggest: ''},
        dataType: 'json', success: function (data){if ($.isArray(data) && data.length){$el.suggestions('suggestions', data[1]);}}});
      $'request', jqXhr);
  cancel: function (){
    var jqXhr = $(this).data('request');
    if (jqXhr && $.isFunction(jqXhr.abort)){jqXhr.abort();$(this).removeData('request');
    }},result: {render: renderFunction2,select: function ($input){$input.closest('form').submit();}},
  delay: 120, highlightInput: true}).bind('paste cut drop', function (){$(this).trigger('keypress');});
  function specialrenderFunction2(query, context){
    var $el = this;
    if (!resultRenderCache2){resultRenderCache2 = computeResultRenderCache2(context);}
    resultRenderCache2.linkParams[resultRenderCache2.textParam] = query;
    if ($el.children().length === 0){
      $el.append($('<div>').addClass('special-label').text(mw.msg('searchsuggest-containing')), $('<div>').addClass('special-query').text(query).autoEllipsis()).show();
    } else {$el.find('.special-query').text(query).autoEllipsis();}
    if ($el.parent().hasClass('mw-searchSuggest-link')){
      $el.parent().attr('href', resultRenderCache2.baseHref + $.param(resultRenderCache2.linkParams) + '&fulltext=1');
    } else {$el.wrap($('<a>').attr('href', resultRenderCache2.baseHref + $.param(resultRenderCache2.linkParams) + '&fulltext=1').addClass('mw-searchSuggest-link'));}
  $searchInput2.attr('placeholder', mw.msg('searchsuggest-search'));
  $searchInput2.suggestions({result: {render: renderFunction2, select: function ($input){$input.closest('form').submit();}},
    special: {
      render: specialrenderFunction2, select: function ($input){$input.closest('form').append($('<input type="hidden" name="fulltext" value="1"/>'));
      $input.closest('form').submit();}}, $region: $searchRegion2});
mw.loader.load('//', 'text/css');



if ($("#t-wikibase").length === 1) {//do we have a wikidata link?
		var splitHref = $("#t-wikibase a").attr("href").split("/");//split up the link
		var qnum = splitHref[splitHref.length - 1];//get the last item
		$("#firstHeading").append(' <span style="font-size:65%">(' + qnum + ")</span>");//add to title
	} else if (mw.config.get("wgWikibaseItemId")) {
		$("#firstHeading").append(' <span style="font-size:65%">(' + mw.config.get("wgWikibaseItemId") + ")</span>");//add to title


if ('action=history') || location.href.includes('Special:Watchlist') || location.href.includes('Special:Contributions')) {
		var items = document.querySelectorAll('li[data-mw-revid]');
		for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
			items[i].getElementsByClassName('mw-changeslist-date')[0].appendChild(document.createTextNode(' | ' + items[i].getAttribute('data-mw-revid')));
$( document ).ready( function() {
    mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:RecentChanges' ),
    'Mudanças Recentes',
    'Mudanças Recentes',

/* ======================================================== *\
** StatusCheck - JavaScript User Online Status Checker
**   for Wikipedia
** Created by Alex Barley [[User:Ale_jrb]]
\* ======================================================== */
// the following settings are used in this script:
if (offlineAfter == null)	var offlineAfter 			= (15 * 60);	// number of seconds after which a user is considered offline (default: 15 * 60 seconds)
if (statCloseOnClick == null)	var statCloseOnClick 	= true;			// whether to close the status window when clicking on it
if (statPosition == null)	var statPosition = new Array(20, 600);		// position of the status window [left, top, right, bottom]

//main script
function statusCheck() {
	this.launch = function() {
		// launch helper. check whether there is a deletion tag on this page.
		if ((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 2) || (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 3) || (window.location.href.indexOf('Special:Contributions/') > -1)) {
			this.control	= new statusCheck_controller();
		} else { return false; /* do nothing!*/ }

function statusCheck_controller() {
	var statusCheck = this;
	if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') == 'Special:Contributions') {
		this.userName = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf('Special:Contributions/') + 22);
		if (this.userName == '') return false;
	} else {
		if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('/') > -1) { this.userName = mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(0, mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('/')); } else { this.userName = mw.config.get('wgTitle'); }
	this.runCheck = function(callback) {
		switch(callback) {
				statusCheck.interface = new wa_window();
				statusCheck.interface.win_left 		= statPosition[0];
				statusCheck.interface.win_top 		= statPosition[1];
				if (statPosition[2] != null)		statusCheck.interface.win_right = statPosition[2];
				if (statPosition[3] != null)		statusCheck.interface.win_bottom = statPosition[3];
				statusCheck.interface.win_width 	= 110;
				statusCheck.interface.win_height 	= 35;
				statusCheck.interface.win_fontsize	= 10;
				statusCheck.interface.win_bg		= '#dddddd';
				statusCheck.interface.win_bd		= '#aaaaaa';
				statusCheck.interface.win_bd_wd		= 1;
				statusCheck.interface.win_alpha 	= 0.75;				
				statusCheck.interface.win_pos 		= 'fixed';
				statusCheck.interface.win_content	= '<div style="width: 100px; margin: auto; margin-top: 2px; text-align: center; font-size: 1.15em;">Checking status...</div><div style="width: 100px; margin: auto; margin-top: 7px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.85em;">StatusCheck</div>';
			case '1':
				statusCheck.user = new wa_mediawikiUser(this.userName);
				statusCheck.user.getUserContribs(1, function() { statusCheck.runCheck('2'); });
			case '2':
				statusCheck.user.getUserLogs(1, function() { statusCheck.runCheck('3'); });
			case '3':
				// regex extract data: [0] - year; [1] - month; [2] - day; [3] - hour; [4] - minutes; [5] - seconds
				var regTest = /([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})Z/;
				statusCheck.lastEdit = []; var tempCheck = [];
				tempCheck = regTest.exec(statusCheck.user.editDetails[0]['timestamp']);
				if (tempCheck != null) { statusCheck.lastEdit = tempCheck.slice(1); } else { statusCheck.lastEdit = false; }
				statusCheck.lastAction = []; var tempCheck2 = [];
				tempCheck2 = regTest.exec(statusCheck.user.logDetails[0]['timestamp']);
				if (tempCheck2 != null) { statusCheck.lastAction = tempCheck2.slice(1); } else { statusCheck.lastAction = false; }
				// convert both timestamps to seconds
				if (statusCheck.lastEdit != false) {
					var timeEdit = new Date();
					timeEdit.setFullYear(statusCheck.lastEdit[0], statusCheck.lastEdit[1] - 1, statusCheck.lastEdit[2]);
					var lastEdit = (timeEdit.getTime() / 1000);
				} else { var lastEdit = 0; }
				if (statusCheck.lastAction != false) {
					var timeAction = new Date();
					timeAction.setFullYear(statusCheck.lastAction[0], statusCheck.lastAction[1] - 1, statusCheck.lastAction[2]);
					var lastAction = (timeAction.getTime() / 1000);
				} else { var lastAction = 0; }
				var mostRecent;
				if (lastAction >= lastEdit) { mostRecent = lastAction; } else { mostRecent = lastEdit; }
				var currentTime = new Date();
				currentTime = ((currentTime.getTime() / 1000) + (currentTime.getTimezoneOffset() * 60));
				if ((currentTime - mostRecent) > offlineAfter) { /*offline*/ = false; } else { /*online*/ = true; }
				// build interface
			case '4':
				var contribsLink = '(<a href="'+mw.config.get('wgServer')+mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1','Special:Contributions')+'/'+statusCheck.userName+'">contribs</a>)';
				if ( == true) {
					statusCheck.interface.win_bg		= '#bbddbb';
					statusCheck.interface.win_bd		= '#99cc99';
					statusCheck.interface.win_content	= '<div style="width: 100px; margin: auto; margin-top: 2px; text-align: center; font-size: 1.15em; color: #00aa00;">online</div><div style="width: 100px; margin: auto; margin-top: 7px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.85em;">StatusCheck '+contribsLink+'</div>';
				} else {
					statusCheck.interface.win_bg		= '#ddbbbb';
					statusCheck.interface.win_bd		= '#cc9999';
					statusCheck.interface.win_content	= '<div style="width: 100px; margin: auto; margin-top: 2px; text-align: center; font-size: 1.15em; color: #dd3333;">offline</div><div style="width: 100px; margin: auto; margin-top: 7px; text-align: center; font-size: 0.85em;">StatusCheck '+contribsLink+'</div>';
				statusCheck.interface.win_alpha 	= 0.95;
				statusCheck.interface.win_cursor	= 'pointer';
				statusCheck.interface.win_func		= function() { statusCheck.interface.fade(0.3); };

// -- run program
function launchstatusCheck() {
	// lib proto
	wa_window.prototype = new wa_document();
	wa_element.prototype = new wa_document();
	// init object
	var obj_statusCheck = new statusCheck();
	return true;

$.getScript("", function() {$(document).ready(launchstatusCheck);});
importScript('Usuário:Citizen Kimi/OnlyRedirects.js'); // Backlink: [[Usuário:Citizen Kimi/OnlyRedirects.js]]