Charles Taze Russell: diferenças entre revisões

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Russell não era racista!
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Em [[1 de abril]] de 1913, o Tribunal Superior de Ontário devolveu um veredicto de decisão de que Russell não tinha direito a indenização porque a divulgação não era susceptível de resultar em violência no [[Canadá]].<ref>The Watch Tower, October 15, 1914, p. 286: "The lower Court found him [Ross] guilty of libel. But when the case went to the second Judge he called up an English precedent, in which it was held that criminal libel would only operate in a case where the jury felt sure that there was danger of rioting or violence. As there was no danger that myself or friends would resort to rioting, the case was thrown out."</ref> [96] Na sequência do caso de difamação, Ross publicou uma edição expandida de 48 páginas, intitulada " Alguns fatos e mais fatos sobre "o pastor de estilo autônomo Charles T. Russell". Neste trabalho, Ross afirmou que durante o processo em 17 de março de 1913, Russell havia repetidamente ministrado sob juramento, afirmando que ele foi ordenado, mas negando o mesmo quando foi interrogado, afirmando que ele conhecia a língua grega, mas quando lhe foi mostrado um trecho do Novo Testamento em grego ele não conseguiu reconhecê-lo.<ref>A Great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens, p. 31</ref>
Charles Taze Russell, acreditava que a cor negra era uma degeneração,<ref name="julho1902">'Zion’s Watch Tower'' (A Torre de Vigia de Sião) de 15 de julho de 1902, páginas 215-216 (em inglês) ''While it is true that the white race exhibits some qualities of superiority over any other, we are to remember that there are wide differences in the same Caucasian (Semitic and Aryan) family; and... that some of the qualities which have given this branch of the human family its preeminence in the world are not... in all respects admirable... that Ham's characteristics which had led him to unseemly conduct ... would be ... inherited by his son,--and prophetically he foretold that this degeneracy would mark the posterity of Canaan, degrading him, making him servile. We are not able to determine to a certainty that the sons of Ham and Canaan are negroes; but we consider that general view as probable as any other.''</ref> e que os negros seriam restituídos a uma condição original com o apocalipse, dependendo de sua humildade.<ref>''Zion’s Watch Tower'' (A Torre de Vigia de Sião) de 1 de Abril de 1914, páginas 105-106 (em inglês) ''If nature favors the colored brethren and sisters in the exercise of humility it is that much to their advantage, if they are rightly exercised by it. A little while, and [their]... humility will work out for [their]... good... those who have been faithful... will be granted new bodies, spiritual, beyond the veil, where color and sex distinctions will be no more.''</ref>
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