Poxviridae: diferenças entre revisões

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{{Em tradução|data=Agosto de 2007}}
'''Poxvirus''' são [[vírus]] da família '''poxviridae''' que têm como principal característica a capacidade de infectar tanto os animais [[vertebrado]]s como também os [[invertebrado]]s. Partículas viróticas de ''poxvirus'' são geralmente envelopados. Eles variam em forma dependendo da espécie, mas geralmente têm forma de tijolo ou uma forma mais oval. O viríon ( o virús que ainda não parasitou uma célula ) tem um tamanho de aproximadamente 200 [[Nanómetro|nmnms]]s de diâmetro e 300 [[Nanómetro|nmnms]]s de comprimento e leva o seu [[genoma]] num simples e linear segmento de DNA {{fn|1}}. Em comparação, o [[Rhinovirus]] possui 1/10 do tamanho dum virião ''Poxviridae'' típico{{fn|2}}. A [[Microscopia electrónica]] dos ''Orthopoxvirus'' e ''Parapoxvirus'' [[Genus|Genera]], incluindo os vírus [[varíola]] foi coligida pelo [[International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses]] no site [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTVdb/WIntkey/Images/em_poxvi.htm ''Poxviridae'' picture gallery].
O protótipo da família poxvírus é o vírus vaccinia, o qual tem sido usado com sucesso como vacina para erradicar o vírus da varíola. O vírus vaccinia também tem sido utilizado como uma ferramenta eficaz capaz de provocar uma forte resposta imunitária por parte de um hospedeiro. O vírus vaccinia penetra nas células principalmente por fusão celular, apesar de actualmente ainda não se conhecer qual o receptor responsável pela ligação do vírus à célula. <!--Virus contains three classes of genes, early, intermediate and late, that are transcribed by viral RNA polymerase and associated transcription factors. Vaccinia virus replicates its genome in cytoplasm of the infected cells and after late gene expression virion morphogenesis produces IMV that contains envelope, although the origin of the envelope membrane is still unknown. IMV is transported to Golgi to be wrapped additional two membrane to become intracellular enveloped virus (IEV). IEV transports along microtubules to reach cell periphery and fuse with plasma membrane to become cell-associated enveloped virus (CEV) that triggers actin tails on cell surfaces or is releared as EEV.-->
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Replication of the poxvirus involves several stages. The first thing the [[virus]] does is to bind to a receptor on the host cell surface; the receptors for the poxvirus are currently unknown. After binding to the receptor, the [[virus]] enters the cell where it uncoats. Uncoating of the [[virus]] is a two step process. Firstly the outer membrane is removed as the particle enters the cell; secondly the [[virus]] particle (without the outer membrane) is uncoated further to release the core into the [[cytoplasm]]. The pox viral [[genes]] are expressed in two phases. The early [[genes]] are expressed first. These [[genes]] the non-structural [[protein]], including [[proteins]] necessary for replication of the viral [[genome]], and are expressed before the [[genome]] is replicated. The late [[genes]] are expressed after the [[genome]] has been replicated and encode the structural [[proteins]] to make the [[virus]] particle. The assembly of the [[virus]] particle occurs in the [[cytoskeleton]] of the cell and is a complex process that is poorly understood but is currently being researched. Considering the fact that this [[virus]] is large and complex replication is relatively quick taking only 12 hours approximately. The replication of this virus is unusual for a [[virus]] with double stranded [[DNA]] [[genome]] because it encodes its own machinery for [[genome]] replication and therefore the replication occurs in the [[cytoplasm]]. Most [[viruses]] with a double stranded [[DNA]] [[genome]] replicate in the [[cell nucleus|nucleus]] and use the host cells [[genome]] replication machinery. -->
== Referências ==
*International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTVdb/ICTVdB/00.058.htm ICTVdb Descriptions: 58. Poxviridae]. Retrieved 2005-02-26.
*[http://www.cellsalive.com/howbig.htm How Big is a ... ?] at ''[http://www.cellsalive.com/index.htm Cells Alive!]''. Retrieved 2005-02-26.
<!--*{{cite journal | title=Pathogenic Molluscum Contagiosum Virus Sequenced | journal=Antiviral Agents Bulletin | month=August | year=1996 | pages=196-7 | publisher=Biotechnology Information Institute | url=http://www.bioinfo.com/mcv.html | accessdate=2006-07-16}}-->
== {{Links externos}} ==
* Buller, R.M.; Palumbo, G.J. (1991). [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=1851533 Poxvirus pathogenesis.] ''Microbiological Reviews'' '''55''' (1), 80-122. Link para o texto integral em [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/ PubMed Central]. Obtido em 27/02/2005.
* [http://www.poxvirus.org/ Informações genômicas e de bioinformática no Banco de Dados mantido pela NIH].
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