Usuária:Dianakc/Tríade escura

A Tríade escura[1] Tríade negra[2] ou Tríade obscura é um assunto da psicologia dedicada a três traços de personalidade: narcisismo, maquiavelismo e psicopatia.[3][4][5][6] O uso do termo "escuro" implica que as pessoas que possuem esses traços têm qualidades malévolas.[7][8][9][10] Os três traços da tríade escura são conceitualmente distintos, embora evidências empíricas mostrem que eles se sobrepõem e estão associados a um estilo interpessoal insensível e manipulador.[11]

Uma análise fatorial conduzido pela Universidade Caledônia de Glasgow descobriu que entre os cinco grandes traços de personalidade, baixa amabilidade é a correlação mais forte da tríade escura, enquanto o neuroticismo e uma falta de consciência foram associados a alguns membros da tríade.[13]



Em 1998, McHoskey, Worzel e Szyarto[15] provocaram uma controvérsia ao afirmar que o narcisismo, o maquiavelismo e a psicopatia são mais ou menos intercambiáveis em amostras normais. Delroy L. Paulhus e McHoskey debateram essas perspectivas em uma conferência posterior da Associação Americana de Psicologia (APA), inspirando um conjunto de pesquisas que continuam a crescer na literatura publicada. Paulhus e Williams encontraram diferenças comportamentais, de personalidade e cognitivas suficientes entre os traços para sugerir que eram construções distintas; No entanto, eles concluíram que eram necessárias pesquisas adicionais para elucidar como e porquê se sobrepõem.[3]



O problema "Inato ou adquirido há muito discutido foi aplicado à tríade escura. A pesquisa começou a investigar as origens dos traços da tríade de forma semelhante à pesquisa sobre os cinco grandes traços, estudos empíricos foram conduzidos em um esforço para entender as contribuições relativas da biologia (natureza) e fatores ambientais (nutrição) no desenvolvimento de traços da tríade escura. Uma das maneiras pelas quais os pesquisadores tentam dissecar a influência relativa dos fatores genéticos e ambientais na personalidade (e as diferenças individuais em geral) é uma ampla técnica investigativa vagamente agrupada sob o título de "estudos gêmeos". Por exemplo, em uma abordagem para estudos de gêmeos, os pesquisadores comparam os escores de personalidade dos gêmeos monozigóticos (MZ) ou idênticos criados entre os gêmeos dizigóticos (DZ) ou fraternos criados juntos. Como ambos os tipos de gêmeos nesta configuração são criados juntos, todos os pares de gêmeos são considerados como tendo compartilhado um ambiente 100% comum. Em contraste, os gêmeos monozigóticos compartilham 100% de seus genes, enquanto os gêmeos dizigóticos compartilham apenas cerca de 50% de seus genes. Portanto, para qualquer característica de personalidade dada, é possível distribuir influências genéticas ao obter a correlação MZ (refletindo 100% de ambiente comum e 100% de genes compartilhados) e subtrair a correlação DZ (refletindo 100% de ambiente comum e 50% de genes compartilhados ). Essa diferença representa 50% da influência genética; duplicado, diz-se que este número representa 100% da influência genética e é uma maneira de derivar um índice de herdabilidade (às vezes chamado de coeficiente de hereditariedade e representado como h2). Similarmente, MZ - h2 pode ser considerado como uma estimativa da influência do ambiente comum. Finalmente, porque as diferenças individuais e o meio ambiente são responsáveis pela totalidade do comportamento, diz-se que subtraindo a soma de h2 e a influência do ambiente comum de 1 é igual à influência de ambientes únicos ou não compartilhados.[16][17][18]



Todos os três traços da tríade negra foram descobtertos terem componentes genéticos substanciais.[19] Verificou-se também que as relações observadas entre a tríade escura e entre a tríade escura e os cinco grandes traços de personalidade são fortemente influenciadas pelas diferenças individuais nos genes.[20] No entanto, enquanto a psicopatia (h2 = .64) e narcisismo (h2 = .59) ambos têm um componente hereditário relativamente grande, o maquiavelismo (h2 = .31) foi descoberto ser menos hereditário.[20][21]



Comparado a fatores biológicos, a influência de fatores ambientais parece ser mais sutil e representa menos variações — ainda assim significativas — nas diferenças individuais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de traços da tríade escura.[20] A influência de fatores ambientais não compartilhados ou únicos (a definição e derivação matemática estão incluídas acima no final da subseção "Origem") representam uma quantidade significativa da variância em todos os 3 traços da tríade escura (narcisismo = .41, maquiavelismo =. 30, psicopatia = .32), enquanto que apenas o maquiavelismo (r = .39) se mostrou significativamente relacionado a um fator ambiental compartilhado.[22] Embora isso exija uma substância, alguns pesquisadores interpretaram esse último achado (juntamente com a comparativamente menor herdabilidade observada na seção acima) significando que o maquiavelismo é o traço da tríade escura mais provável a ser influenciado pela experiência.[23] No mínimo, essa noção sobre a modificabilidade do maquiavelismo faz algum sentido na medida em que quanto menor a variação que é atribuível aos fatores genéticos, mais variância deve ser atribuída a outros fatores e "outros" fatores tradicionalmente foram sinopresados como ambiental ou experiencial por natureza.



Uma terceira teoria que foi referida como instrumental no desenvolvimento de traços da tríade escura e que parece influenciar fatores tanto biológicos como ambientais é a teoria evolutiva. Foi argumentado que o comportamento evolutivo prediz não apenas o desenvolvimento de personalidades da tríade escura, mas também o florescimento de tais personalidades.[24] Na verdade, descobriu-se que os indivíduos que demonstram a personalidade da tríade escura podem ser altamente bem- sucedidos na sociedade,[20] porém geralmente de curta duração.[20] O principal argumento evolutivo por trás dos traços da tríade escura enfatiza estratégias de acasalamento.[25][26] Este argumento centra-se na noção de estratégia de vida.[27] A estratégia de história da vida propõe que os indivíduos diferem em estratégias reprodutivas; a ênfase no acasalamento é denominada estratégia de "vida rápida", enquanto a ênfase na parentalidade é denominada estratégia de "reprodução lenta".[27] Há algumas evidências[28][29] que os traços da tríade escura estão relacionados a estratégias de vida rápida, no entanto, houve alguns resultados mistos, e nem todos os três traços da tríade escura foram relacionados a essa estratégia. Uma abordagem mais detalhada[30] tentou explicar alguns desses resultados mistos, analisando os traços com um nível de detalhe mais fino. Esses pesquisadores descobriram que, enquanto alguns componentes da tríade escura estão relacionados a uma estratégia de vida rápida, outros componentes estão relacionados a estratégias reprodutivas lentas.[31]

Dimensões sub-clínicas vs. distúrbios


Em geral, os clínicos tratam esses traços como patológicos, algo que precisa ser tratado e inerentemente indesejável, por exemplo, socialmente condenado ou pessoalmente contraproducente. No entanto, outros argumentam que as qualidades adaptativas podem acompanhar os mal-adaptados. A perspectiva evolutiva (acima) considera a tríade como diferentes estratégias para acasalamento. Sua freqüência no pool de genes requer pelo menos alguma adaptação local. As versões cotidianas desses traços aparecem em amostras de estudantes e comunitárias, onde mesmo altos níveis podem ser observados entre indivíduos que conseguem viver bem no cotidiano. Mesmo nestas amostras, a pesquisa indica correlações com agressão,[32] racismo,[33] e bullying[34] entre outras formas de aversão social.

O narcisismo foi discutido nos escritos de Sigmund Freud, e a psicopatia como diagnóstico clínico foi abordada nos primeiros escritos de Hervey Cleckley em 1941 com a publicação de seu livro The Mask of Sanity.[35] Dado o modelo dimensional de narcisismo e psicopatia, complementado por avaliações de autorrelato que são apropriadas para a população em geral, essas características podem agora ser estudadas no nível subclínico.[36] Na população geral, as taxas de prevalência de psicopatia subclínica e clínica são estimadas em torno de 1% e 0,2%, respectivamente.[37][38][39] Infelizmente, não parece haver nenhuma estimativa confiável de narcisismo clínico ou subclínico na população geral.[40]

With respect to empirical research, psychopathy was not formally studied until the 1970s with the pioneering efforts of Robert Hare, his Psychopathy Checklist (PCL), and its revision (PCL-R).[41] Hare notes in his book, Without Conscience[42] that asking psychopaths to self-report on psychologically important matters does not necessarily provide accurate or unbiased data. However, recent efforts have been made to study psychopathy in the dimensional realm using self-reported instruments, as with the Levenson Primary and Secondary Psychopathy Scales,[43] The Psychopathic Personality Inventory,[44] and the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale.[45]

Similarly, assessment of narcissism required clinical interviews, until the popular "Narcissistic Personality Inventory" was created by Raskin and Hall in 1979.[46] Since the NPI, several other measures have emerged which attempt to provide self-report alternatives for personality disorder assessment.[47] In addition, new instruments have been developed to study "pathological" narcissism[48] as opposed to "grandiose" narcissism, which is what many argue the NPI measures.[49][50]

Machiavellianism has never been referenced in any version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) for psychological disorders. It has been treated as strictly a personality construct. The original published version of the Mach-IV[51] is still the most widely used in empirical research.[52]


English presenter Jimmy Savile exhibited the dark triad.[53][54]

As noted previously, there is a good deal of conceptual and empirical overlap between the dark triad traits. For example, researchers have noted that all three traits share characteristics such as a lack of empathy,[23] interpersonal hostility,[55] and interpersonal offensiveness.[56] Likely due in part to this overlap, a number of measures have recently been developed that attempt to measure all three dark triad traits simultaneously, such as the Dirty Dozen[57] and the short dark triad (SD3).[58]

At their root, however, most of these measures are questionnaire-style and require either self-response or observer-response (e.g., ratings from supervisors or coworkers). Both methods can prove problematic when attempting to measure any socially aversive trait as self-responders may be motivated to deceive.[59] A more specific confound might also exist for dark triad traits and Machiavellianism in particular: individuals who are skilled at deceiving and manipulating others should be perceived as low in deceptiveness and manipulation by others, and are therefore likely to receive inaccurate ratings.[60]

Despite these criticisms and the acknowledged commonalities among the dark triad traits, there is evidence that the constructs are related yet distinct.



Named after the philosophy espoused by Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince, people who score high on this trait are cynical (in an amoral self-interest sense, not in a doubtful or skeptical sense), unprincipled, believe in interpersonal manipulation as the key for life success, and behave accordingly.[20] Scores on measures of Machiavellianism correlate negatively with agreeableness (r= -.47) and conscientiousness (r=-.34).[61] Machiavellianism is also significantly correlated with psychopathy.[62]



Individuals who score high on narcissism display grandiosity, entitlement, dominance, and superiority.[63] Narcissism has been found to correlate positively with extraversion (r = .42) and openness (r = .38) and negatively with agreeableness (r = -.36).[64] Narcissism has also been found to have a significant correlation with psychopathy.[65]



Considered the most malevolent of the dark triad,[66] individuals who score high on psychopathy show low levels of empathy combined with high levels of impulsivity and thrill-seeking.[67] The similarity between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder have been noted by some researchers.[20] Psychopathy has been found to correlate with all of the Big Five personality factors: extraversion (r = .34), agreeableness (r = -.25), conscientiousness (r = -.24), neuroticism (r = -.34) and openness (r = .24).[68]

Group differences


The most pronounced group difference is in gender: numerous studies have shown that men tend to score higher than women on narcissism,[69] Machiavellianism,[70][71][72] and psychopathy,[43][44][73][74] although the magnitude of the difference varies across traits and the measurement instruments used. One interesting finding related to narcissism—albeit one based on non-representative samples—is that while men continue to score higher than women, it seems that the gender gap has shrunk considerably when comparing cohort data from 1992 and 2006. More specifically, the aforementioned findings indicate that there has been a general increase in levels of narcissism over time among college students of both sexes, but comparatively, the average level of narcissism in women has increased more than the average level of narcissism in men.[75]

There is far less information available on race differences in dark triad traits, and the data that is available is not representative of the population at-large. For instance, a 2008 research study using undergraduate participants found that Caucasians reported higher levels of narcissism relative to Asians.[76][77] Similarly, another 2008 study using undergraduate participants found that Caucasians tended to score slightly higher than non-Caucasians on Machiavellianism.[78] When attempting to discern whether there are ethnic differences in psychopathy, researchers have addressed the issue using different measurement instruments (e.g., the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale and The Psychopathic Personality Inventory), but no race differences have been found regardless of the measure used.[79][80] Additionally, when comparing Caucasians and African Americans from correctional, substance abuse, and psychiatric samples—groups with typically high prevalence rates of psychopathy—researchers again failed to find any meaningful group differences in psychopathy.[81] In summary, there is some sparse evidence that Caucasians tend to score higher on measures of narcissism and Machiavellianism than other ethnicities, while no evidence exists for race differences in psychopathy.

The focal variable when analyzing generational or cohort differences in dark triad traits has tended to be narcissism, arising from the hypothesis that so-called “Generation Me” or “Generation Entitlement” would exhibit higher levels of narcissism than previous generations. Indeed, based on analyses of responses to the Narcissistic Personality Inventory collected from over 16,000 U.S. undergraduate students between 1979 and 2006, it was concluded that average levels of narcissism had increased over time.[82] Similar results were obtained in a follow-up study that analyzed the changes within each college campus.[83] Trzesniewski & Donnellan (2010)[84] present conflicting evidence and argue that there have not been large changes in disposition or behavioral strategies across generations, although they do note that the current generation is less trusting and more cynical, which are both changes that might be indicative of an increase in Machiavellianism.



In the workplace


Oliver James identifies each of the three dark triadic personality traits as typically being prevalent in the workplace (see also Machiavellianism in the workplace, narcissism in the workplace and psychopathy in the workplace).[85] Furnham[86] (2010) has identified that the dark triad is related to the acquisition of leadership positions and interpersonal influence. In a meta-analysis of dark triad and workplace outcomes, Jonason and colleagues (2012) found that each of the dark triad traits were related to manipulation in the workplace, but each via unique mechanisms. Specifically, Machiavellianism was related with the use of excessive charm in manipulation, narcissism was related with the use of physical appearance, and psychopathy was related with physical threats.[87] Jonason and colleagues also found that the dark triad traits fully mediated the relationship between gender and workplace manipulation. The dark triad traits have also been found to be fairly well-represented in upper-level management and CEOs.[88]

Internet trolls


Predefinição:Main article Recent studies have found that people who are identified as trolls tend to have dark personality traits and show signs of sadism, antisocial behavior, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.[89][90][91] The 2013 case study suggested that there are a number of similarities between anti-social and flame trolling activities and the 2014 survey indicated that trolling is an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism. Both studies suggest that this trolling may be linked to bullying in both adolescents and adults.

As a mating strategy


Studies have suggested that on average, those who exhibit the dark triad of personality traits have an accelerated mating strategy, reporting more sex partners, more favorable attitudes towards casual sex,[92] lowered standards in their short-term mates,[93] a tendency to steal or poach mates from others,[94] more risk-taking in the form of substance abuse,[95] a tendency to prefer immediate but smaller amounts of money over delayed but larger amounts of money,[96] limited self-control and greater incidence of ADHD symptoms[97] and a pragmatic and game-playing love style.[98] These traits have been identified as part of a fast life strategy that appears to be enacted by an exploitative, opportunistic, and protean approach to life in general[99] and at work.[100]

The evidence is mixed regarding the exact link between the dark triad and reproductive success. For example, there is a lack of empirical evidence for reproductive success in the case of psychopathy.[14] Additionally, these traits are not universally short-term-oriented[101] nor are they all impulsive.[102] Furthermore, much of the research reported pertaining to the dark triad cited in the above paragraph is based on statistical procedures that assume the dark triad are a single construct, in spite of genetic[103] and meta-analytic evidence to the contrary.[104]



Several academic studies have found evidence that people with dark triad personalities are judged as slightly better-looking than average on first sight.[105] Two studies have determined that this is because people with dark triad traits put more effort into their appearance, and the difference in attractiveness disappears when "dressed down" with bland clothing and without make up.[106][107] Two more studies found that only narcissistic subjects were judged to be better-looking, but the other dark triad traits of machiavellianism and psychopathy had no correlation with looks.[108][109]


Big Five


The five factor model of personality has significant relationships with the dark triad combined and with each of the dark triad’s traits. The dark triad overall is negatively related to both agreeableness and conscientiousness.[110] More specifically, Machiavellianism captures a suspicious versus trusting view of human nature which is also captured by the Trust sub-scale on the agreeableness trait.[111] Extroversion captures similar aspects of assertiveness, dominance, and self-importance as narcissism.[111] Narcissism also is positively related to the achievement striving and competence aspects of Conscientiousness. Psychopathy has the strongest correlations with low dutifulness and deliberation aspects of Conscientiousness.[110]



The honesty-humility factor from the HEXACO model of personality is used to measure sincerity, fairness, greed avoidance, and modesty. Honesty-Humility contrasts antisocial behavior at the low end of the trait with pro-social behavior at the high end which strongly theoretically links it to the dark triad traits.[112] Likewise, all three dark triad traits are strongly negatively correlated with Honesty-Humility.[110] The conceptual overlap of the three traits which represents a tendency to manipulate and exploit others for personal gain defines the negative pole of the honesty-humility factor.[113] · Typically, any positive effects from the DT and low H-H occur at the individual level, that is, any benefits are conferred onto the beholder of the traits (e.g., successful mating, obtainment of leadership positions) and not onto others or society at large. However, one positive outcome of low H-H, that while still providing benefits to the individual, also indirectly benefits society, is that of creativity. A study by Silvia and colleagues (2011) found that individuals who score low in Honesty-Humility have higher levels of creativity.[114]

Dark Tetrad


Several researchers have suggested expanding the dark triad to contain a fourth dark trait. Everyday sadism, defined as the enjoyment of cruelty, is the most common addition. While sadism is highly correlated with the dark triad, researchers have shown that sadism predicts anti-social behavior beyond the dark triad.[115][116] Borderline personality disorder and status-driven risk-taking have also been proposed as additions.[110]

Vulnerable dark triad


The vulnerable dark triad (VDT) comprises three related and similar constructs: vulnerable narcissism, factor 2 psychopathy, and borderline personality disorder. A study found that these three constructs are significantly related to one another and manifest similar nomological networks. Although the VDT members are related to negative emotionality and antagonistic interpersonal styles, they are also related to introversion and disinhibition.[117]


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