
Afro-Brazilian Music


This type of music is created by Afro-Brazilian artists and consists of a mixture of musical and cultural influences from Sub-Saharan Africa, Portugal, and on a smaller scale, Amerindian music, creating a large variety of styles.

This famous music is strongly influenced by African rhythms. The most well known sub-genres of Afro-Brazilian musical genres are Samba, Marabaixo, maracatu, ijexá, coco, jongo, carimbó, lambada, maxixe, and maculelê.

Like every other part of the American continent where there were African slaves, music made by Afro-descendants were initially neglected and marginalized, until they gained their reputation at the beginning of the 20th century and became extremely popular in contemporary culture. Unique instruments were are used in Afro-Brazilian music including Afoxé, Agogô, Alfaia, Atabaque, Berimbau, and Tambor. [1]

Afro-Brazilian Musicians

There are many artists that influenced the Afro-Brazilian music and culture. Some examples include Gilberto Gil, Pixinguinha, Abigail Moura, Nei Lopes, Agnaldo Timóteo, and many more. These artists play many different genres including, but not limited to, samba, rap, jazz, rock, funk, reggae, and disco. Afro-Brazilian music was influenced by African instruments, rhythms, cultures, and beliefs that are still present in the day-to-day culture of Brazil. [1]

Músicos Afro-brasileiros


Existem muitos músicos que influenciaram a música e a cultura afro-brasileira. Alguns exemplos são Gilberto Gil, Pixinguinha, Abigail Moura, Nei Lopes, Agnaldo Timóteo, e muitos outros. Esses músicos tocam muitos géneros diferentes como samba, rap, jazz, rock, funk, reggae, e música disco. A música afro-brasileira foi influenciada de instrumentos, ritmos, culturas, e crenças Africanas e isso ainda se manifesta na cultura brasileira cotidiana. [1]