William Kendall (nasceu William Isaac Kendall; Londres, 26 de agosto de 19031 de abril de 1984) foi um ator britânico de cinema e televisão.[1]

Filmografia selecionada

  • Goodnight, Vienna (1932)
  • That's a Good Girl (1933)
  • The King's Cup (1933)
  • Doctor's Orders (1934)
  • Debt of Honour (1936)
  • This'll Make You Whistle (1936)
  • Sweet Devil (1938)
  • The Sky's the Limit (1938)
  • Blind Folly (1940)
  • Dance, Little Lady (1954)
  • Jumping for Joy (1956)
  • Strictly Confidential (1959)
  • Idol on Parade (1959)
  • Left Right and Centre (1959)
  • A Touch of Larceny (1959)
  • The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960)
  • Sands of the Desert (1960)
  • The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960)
  • Live Now - Pay Later (1962)
  • The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery (1966)
  • The Assassination Bureau (1969)


  1. «William Kendall». BFI. Consultado em 14 de novembro de 2014 

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