Wassily Hoeffding (Mukhino, Grão-Ducado da Finlândia, 12 de junho de 1914Chapel Hill (Carolina do Norte), 28 de fevereiro de 1991) foi um estatístico e probabilista finlandês.

Wassily Hoeffding
Nascimento 12 de junho de 1914
Mukhino, Grão-Ducado da Finlândia
Morte 28 de fevereiro de 1991 (76 anos)
Chapel Hill (Carolina do Norte)
Sepultamento Condado de Chatham
Nacionalidade finlandês, estadunidense
Cidadania Estados Unidos
Alma mater Universidade de Berlim
Ocupação matemático, estatístico, professor universitário
  • Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (1949)
Empregador(a) Universidade da Carolina do Norte em Chapel Hill, Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik
Orientador(a)(es/s) Alfred Klose
Orientado(a)(s) Donald Burkholder
Instituições Universidade da Carolina do Norte em Chapel Hill
Campo(s) estatística, teoria da probabilidade
Obras destacadas Hoeffding's inequality, Hoeffding's lemma, teste de independência de Hoeffding



Ver o collected works de Wassily Hoeffding.[1]

  • Masstabinvariante Korrelationstheorie, 1940
  • On the distribution of the rank correlation coefficient t when the variates are not independent in Biometrika, 1947
  • A class of statistics with a symptotically normal distribution, 1948
  • A nonparametric test for independence, 1948
  • The central limit theorem for dependent random variables (with Herbert Robbins), 1948
  • "Optimum" nonparametric tests, 1951
  • A combinatorial central limit theorem, 1951
  • The large-sample power of test based on permutations of observations, 1952
  • On the distribution of the expected values of the order statistics, 1953
  • The efficiency of tests (with J. R. Rosenblatt), 1955
  • On the distribution of the number of successes in independent trials, 1956
  • Distinguishability of sets of distributions. (The case of independent and identically distributed random variables.), (with Jack Wolfowitz), 1958
  • Lower bounds for the expected sample size and the average risk of a sequential procedure, 1960
  • Probability inequalities for sums of bounded random variables, 1963


  1. The Collected Works of Wassily Hoeffding (1994), N. I. Fisher and P. K. Sen, eds., Springer-Verlag, New York.

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