Wikipédia:Oficina de tradução/Síntese de voz

Ver também: Gerador de fala
Stephen Hawking é uma das pessoas mais famosas a usar o comunicador de síntese de voz.

Síntese de voz é a produção artificial de voz humana. Um sistema de computador utilizado para este propósito é denominado sintetizador de voz, e pode ser implementado em produtos de software ou hardware. Um sistema text-to-speech converte uma linguagem normal de texto para áudio; outros sistemas interpretam representações linguísticas simbólicas como transcrições fonéticas para fala.[1]

Synthesized speech can be created by concatenating pieces of recorded speech that are stored in a database. Systems differ in the size of the stored speech units; a system that stores phones or diphones provides the largest output range, but may lack clarity. For specific usage domains, the storage of entire words or sentences allows for high-quality output. Alternatively, a synthesizer can incorporate a model of the vocal tract and other human voice characteristics to create a completely "synthetic" voice output.[2]

The quality of a speech synthesizer is judged by its similarity to the human voice and by its ability to be understood. An intelligible text-to-speech program allows people with visual impairments or reading disabilities to listen to written works on a home computer. Many computer operating systems have included speech synthesizers since the early 1990s.

Overview of a typical TTS system

A text-to-speech system (or "engine") is composed of two parts:[3] a front-end and a back-end. The front-end has two major tasks. First, it converts raw text containing symbols like numbers and abbreviations into the equivalent of written-out words. This process is often called text normalization, pre-processing, or tokenization. The front-end then assigns phonetic transcriptions to each word, and divides and marks the text into prosodic units, like phrases, clauses, and sentences. The process of assigning phonetic transcriptions to words is called text-to-phoneme or grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. Phonetic transcriptions and prosody information together make up the symbolic linguistic representation that is output by the front-end. The back-end—often referred to as the synthesizer—then converts the symbolic linguistic representation into sound. In certain systems, this part includes the computation of the target prosody (pitch contour, phoneme durations),[4] which is then imposed on the output speech.

[a] ^ Text-to-speech são programas de computador que convertem texto em fala. Sua tradução literal pode ser texto-fala ou texto-voz.}}


  1. Allen, Jonathan; Hunnicutt, M. Sharon; Klatt, Dennis (1987). From Text to Speech: The MITalk system. [S.l.]: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-30641-8 
  2. Rubin, P.; Baer, T.; Mermelstein, P. (1981). «An articulatory synthesizer for perceptual research». Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 70 (2): 321–328. doi:10.1121/1.386780 
  3. van Santen, Jan P. H.; Sproat, Richard W.; Olive, Joseph P.; Hirschberg, Julia (1997). Progress in Speech Synthesis. [S.l.]: Springer. ISBN 0-387-94701-9 
  4. Van Santen, J. (1994). «Assignment of segmental duration in text-to-speech synthesis». Computer Speech & Language. 8 (2): 95–128. doi:10.1006/csla.1994.1005