Discussão:Cristianismo no período pré-niceno

Último comentário: 21 de janeiro de 2023 de Himbeerbläuling no tópico Página marcada como má tradução (Dez. 2020)

Página marcada como má tradução (Dez. 2020)


Hello Usuário:Yanguas, i think the problem is not the translation itself. The English text is bad. Let us compare the English sentence "The ante-Nicene period was without such authority and was more diverse" with the Portugese translation "O período ante-Niceno foi sem essa autoridade e foi mais diversificado". I think, the English sentence is bad encyclopedic text, it could possibly be a little bit better to say "In the ante-Nicene period, the church was without such authority and was more diverse" - however, that is far from perfect. A remark that might be interesting: The French version started as a translation from English, too. The first version included the sentence "La période anté-nicéenne n'était pas concernée par une telle autorité et était plus diversifiée". In very recent times, the French text has been changed significantly. I am not an expert, but it sounds to be improved. What do you think? --Himbeerbläuling (discussão) 17h06min de 21 de janeiro de 2023 (UTC)Responder

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