Usuário:Qwertyfrancis/traduções/Evolução do Império Português

An anachronistic map of the Portuguese Empire (1415-1999). Red: actual possessions; Pink: explorations, areas of influence and trade and claims of sovereignty; Blue: main sea explorations, routes and areas of influence.

This article is a comprehensive list of all the actual possessions of the Portuguese Empire.

Ver artigo principal: Portuguese Empire

Territories of the Portuguese empire


In Africa


Portuguese presence in Africa started in 1415 with the conquest of Ceuta and is generally viewed as ending in 1975, with the independence of its later colonies, although the present autonomous region of Madeira is located in the African Plate, some 650 km (360 mi) off the North African coast, Madeira belongs and has always belonged ethnically, culturally, economically and politically to Europe, some 955 km (583 mi) from the European mainland.

  • Angola/Portuguese West Africa: colony (1575–1589); crown colony (1589–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); state (1971–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • Arguin/Arguim: (1455–1633)
  • Accra: (1557–1578)
  • Cabinda: protectorate (1883–1887); Congo district (1887–1921); intendancy subordinate to Maquela (1921–1922); dependency of Zaire district (1922–1930); Intendacy of Zaire and Cabinda (1930–1932); intendancy under Angola (1932–1934); dependency under Angola (1934–1945); restored as District (1946–1975). Controlled by Frente Nacional para a Libertação de Angola (National Liberation Front of Angola) as part of independent Angola in 1975. Declared Cabinda a Republic in 1975, but not recognized by Portugal nor Angola.
  • Cabo Verde/Cape Verde: settlements (1462–1495); dominion of crown colonies (1495–1587); crown colony (1587–1951); overseas province (1951–1974); autonomous republic (1974–1975). Independence in 1975.
From Cantino planisphere of 1502.
  • Ceuta: possession (1415–1640). Became Spanish in 1640.
  • Elmina: possession (1482–1637)
  • Fernando Poo and Annobón: colonies (1474–1778). Ceded to Spain in 1778.
  • Portuguese Gold Coast: (1482–1642), ceded to Dutch Gold Coast in 1642
  • Guiné Portuguesa/Portuguese Guinea: colony (1879–1951); overseas province (1951–1974). Unilateral independence declared in 1973, recognized by Portugal in 1974.
    • Cacheu: captaincy (1640–1879). United with Bissau in 1879.
    • Bissau: settlement under Cacheu (1687–1696); captaincy (1696–1707); abandoned (1707–1753); separate colony under Cape Verde (1753–1879). United with Cacheu in 1879.
  • Madagascar: southern part (1496–1550)
  • Madeira: possession (1418–1420); colony (1420–1580); crown colony (1580–1834); autonomous district (1834–1976). Made an autonomous region in 1976.
  • Mascarene Islands: fortified post (1498–1540)
  • Malindi: occupation (1500–1630)
  • Mombassa: occupation (1593–1638); colony subordinate to Goa (1638–1698; 1728–1729). Under Omani sovereignty in 1729.
  • Morocco enclaves
    • Aguz/Souira Guedima (1506–1525)
    • Alcacer Ceguer/El Qsar es Seghir (1458–1550)
    • Arzila/Asilah (1471–1550; 1577–1589). Restored to Morocco in 1589.
    • Azamor/Azemmour (1513–1541). City restored to Morocco in 1541.
    • Mazagan/El Jadida (1485–1550); possession (1506–1769). Incorporation into Morocco in 1769.
    • Mogador/Essaouira (1506–1510)
    • Safim/Safi (1488–1541)
    • Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gué/Agadir (1505–1541)
  • Mozambique/Portuguese East Africa: possession (1498–1501); subordinate to Goa (1501–1569); captaincy-general (1569–1609); colony subordinate to Goa (1609–1752); colony (1752–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); state (1971–1974); local transitional administration (1974–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • Quíloa (1505–1512)
  • São João Baptista de Ajudá: fort subordinate to Brazil (1721–1730); subordinate to São Tomé e Príncipe (1865–1869). Annexed by Dahomey in 1961.
  • São Tomé e Príncipe: crown colony (1753–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); local administration (1971–1975). Independence in 1975.
    • São Tomé: possession (1470–1485); colony (1485–1522); crown colony (1522–1641); administration under Dutch occupation (1641–1648). French occupation in 1648.
    • Príncipe: colony (1500–1573). United with São Tomé in 1573.
  • Tangier: possession (1471–1662). Ceded to England in 1662.
  • Zanzibar: possession (1503–1698). Became part of Oman in 1698.
  • Ziguinchor: possession (1645–1888). Ceded to France in 1888.

North Atlantic and North America

From Reinel-Lopo Homem Atlantic chart of 1519.

The Azores were discovered soon in the Discovery Ages. Labrador and Corte-Real brothers later explored and claimed Greenland and eastern modern Canada from 1499 to 1502.

In Central and South America

From Vaz Dourado atlas of c. 1576

Brazil was explored and claimed in 1500, and become independent in 1822. Unlike the Spanish, the Portuguese did not divide its possession in South America in several vice-royalties.

  • Barbados: Possession known as Os Barbados, discovered by Pedro Campos in 1536 being an exile post for Brazilian Jews. The only Caribbean possession the Portuguese held for eighty-four years until Portugal abandoned the island to continue exploring nearby Brazil.
  • Brazil: possession known as Ilha de Santa Cruz, later Terra de Vera Cruz (1500–1530); colony (1530–1714); vice-kingdom (1714–1815); kingdom under United Kingdom of Portugal (1815–1822), independence in 1822.
  • Cisplatina (Uruguay): occupation (1808–1822). Captaincy in 1817 (of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves). Adhered as a province of the new Empire of Brazil in 1822. Became independent 1827, changing its name to Uruguay.
  • French Guiana: occupation (1809–1817). Restored to France in 1817.
  • Nova Colônia do Sacramento: colony in present Uruguay (1680; 1683–1705; 1715–1777). Ceded to the Spanish Empire in 1777.

In Asia and Oceania


India was reached by the Portuguese in 1498 by Vasco da Gama. Macau was the last possession in Asia and was handed over to the People's Republic of China in 1999.

  • Aden: possession (failed in 1510;1516–1538)
  • Bahrain: possession (1521–1602)
  • Ceylon: colony (1597–1658). Dutch took control in 1656, Jaffna taken in 1658.
  • Flores Island: possession (16th-19th century)
    • Solor: possession (1520–1636)
  • Gamru/Bandar Abbas: possession (1506–1615)
  • Hormuz/Ormuz: possession subordinate to Goa (1515–1622). Incorporated into Persia in 1622.
  • Laccadive Islands (1498–1545)
  • Macau/Macao: settlement (1553–1557), leased territory subordinated to Goa (1557–1844); overseas province (1844–1883); combined overseas province with Timor-Leste under Goa (1883–1951); overseas province (1951–1976); Chinese territory under Portuguese administration (1976–1999). Returned to full sovereignty of People's Republic of China as a special administrative region in 1999.
  • Makassar (1512–1665)
  • Malacca: settlement (1511–1641); lost to the Dutch
  • Maldives: possession (1518–1521, 1558–1573)
  • Maluku Islands
    • Amboina/Ambon: settlement (1576–1605)
    • Ternate: settlement (1522–1575)
    • Tidore: colony (1578–1605). Seized by Dutch in 1605.
  • Muscat: possession (1515–1650)
  • Índia Portuguesa/Portuguese India: overseas province (1946–1962). Taken over by India in 1962 and recognised by Portugal in 1974.
  • Socotra: possession (1506–1511). Became part of Mahri Sultanate of Qishn and Suqutra
  • Qatar: possession (1517–1538). Lost to the Ottomans
  • Timor: claimed and partially possessed from 1520 to 1640.
    • West Timor: part of Timor lost to the Dutch in 1640.
    • East Timor: colony subordinate to Portuguese India (1642–1844); subordinate to Macau (1844–1896); separate colony (1896–1951); overseas territory (1951–1975); republic and unilateral independence proclaimed, annexed by Indonesia (1975–1999, UN recognition as Portuguese territory). UN administration from 1999 until independence in 2002.

Countries with territories part of the Portuguese Empire


The Portuguese empire spread over time throughout a vast number of Territories that are now part of 53 different Sovereign States.

Region States Countries with Territories part of the Portuguese Empire
Africa 26 States
Countries with at least one territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire
Dark Blue: Countries with at least one Territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire.
Light Blue: Countries with at least one Claimed territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire
Pale Blue: Countries with at least one Christian Mission of the Portuguese Empire
North America 3 States
Central and South America 4 States
Asia and Oceania 22 States

In Africa

Now part of Name of territory
  Angola Portuguese West Africa, Portuguese Congo (Cabinda)
  Benin Ouidah
  Cape Verde Cape Verde
  Comoros Grande Comore
Predefinição:Country data DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo Technically the area around the mouth of the Congo River was part of the Portuguese West Africa and Portuguese Congo until the early 19th century
  Eritrea Massawa
  Ethiopia Amba Senayt, Christian Missions in Gondar and Gorgora
  Equatorial Guinea Fernando Poo and Annobón
  Gambia James Island, Albreda, San Domingo [1][2]
  Ghana Accra, Elmina, Portuguese Gold Coast
  Gabon Outposts at the mouth of the Ogooué River [3]
  Guinea-Bissau Portuguese Guinea
  Kenya Malindi, Mombassa
  Madagascar Madagascar (southern part), Tôlanaro
  Malawi Claimed as part of Pink Map
  Mauritania Arguin
  Mauritius Mauritius, Rodrigues
  Morocco Tanger, Souira Guedima, Alcacer Ceguer, Arzila, Azamor, Mazagan, Mogador, Safim, Agadir
  Mozambique Portuguese East Africa
  Nigeria Benin City
  France Réunion
  Senegal Ziguinchor
  Sierra Leone Bunce Island
  Somalia Mogadischu, Barawa, Berbera (Somaliland)
  São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe
  Tanzania Kilwa Kisiwani, Zanzibar
  Zambia Claimed as part of Pink Map
  Zimbabwe Mutapa. Later (19th century) all claimed as part of Pink Map
  United Kingdom Saint Helena, Ascension Island
  Spain Ceuta, Canary Islands

North Atlantic and North America

Now part of Name of territory
  Canadá Terra Nova, Labrador, Nova Escócia
  França Saint Pierre e Miquelon
  Dinamarca Gronelândia

In Central and South America

Hoje parte de Nome do território
  Argentina Jesuit Missions in the area bordering colonial Brazil
  Barbados Barbados
  Bolívia Jesuit Missions in the area bordering colonial Brazil
  Brasil Brasil
  França Guiana Francesa
  Paraguai Jesuit Missions in the area bordering colonial Brazil
  Uruguai Uruguai

In Asia and Oceania

Now part of Name of territory
  Bahrain Bahrain
  Bangladesh Chittagong
  Birmânia Thanlyin
  Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste
  Hong Kong SAR Tuen Mun District
  Iémen Aden, Socotra
  Índia Índia Portuguesa (Vasai, Bombaím/Mumbai, Calicut/Kozhikode, Cambay/Khambhat, Cannanore, Chaul, Cochin, Cranganore, Damão/Daman, Diu, Dadra, Goa, Hughli, Nagar Haveli, Masulipatnam, Mangalore, Negapatam/Nagapattinam, Paliacate, Coulão/Quilon, Salsette Island, São Tomé de Meliapore, Surat, Tuticorin/Thoothukudi), Ilhas Laquedivas
  Indonésia Flores, Solor, Makassar, Ambon, Ternate, Tidore, West Timor
  Irão Bandar-Abbas, Hormuz, Qeshm, Bandar-e Kong
  Japão Dejima
  ARE de Macau Macau
  Malásia Malaca
  Maldivas Maldivas
  Omã Muscat, Muttrah, Sohar, Qurayyat, Qalhat, Barka, As Sib, Khasab, Madha
  Paquistão Gwadar, Thatta
  República Popular da China Hengqin New Area, Ningbo, Sanchuang
  Qatar Qatar
  Arábia Saudida Qatif, Tarut
  Singapura Temasek
  Sri Lanka Ceilão Português
  Tailândia Ayutthaya
  Emirados Árabes Unidos Dibba Al-Hisn, Khor Fakkan, Julfar (Ras al-Khaimah), Bidiyah, Kalba
  Vietname Hoi An


An anachronistic map of the Portuguese Empire (1415-1999). Red: actual possessions; Pink: explorations, areas of influence and trade and claims of sovereignty; Blue: main sea explorations, routes and areas of influence.

This article is a comprehensive list of all the actual possessions of the Portuguese Empire.

 Ver artigo principal: Portuguese Empire

Territórios do Império Português


Em Africa


Portuguese presence in Africa started in 1415 with the conquest of Ceuta and is generally viewed as ending in 1975, with the independence of its later colonies, although the present autonomous region of Madeira is located in the African Plate, some 650 km (360 mi) off the North African coast, Madeira belongs and has always belonged ethnically, culturally, economically and politically to Europe, some 955 km (583 mi) from the European mainland.

  • Angola/Portuguese West Africa: colony (1575–1589); crown colony (1589–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); state (1971–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • Arguin/Arguim: (1455–1633)
  • Accra: (1557–1578)
  • Cabinda: protectorate (1883–1887); Congo district (1887–1921); intendancy subordinate to Maquela (1921–1922); dependency of Zaire district (1922–1930); Intendacy of Zaire and Cabinda (1930–1932); intendancy under Angola (1932–1934); dependency under Angola (1934–1945); restored as District (1946–1975). Controlled by Frente Nacional para a Libertação de Angola (National Liberation Front of Angola) as part of independent Angola in 1975. Declared Cabinda a Republic in 1975, but not recognized by Portugal nor Angola.
  • Cabo Verde/Cape Verde: settlements (1462–1495); dominion of crown colonies (1495–1587); crown colony (1587–1951); overseas province (1951–1974); autonomous republic (1974–1975). Independence in 1975.
From Cantino planisphere of 1502.
  • Ceuta: possession (1415–1640). Became Spanish in 1640.
  • Elmina: possession (1482–1637)
  • Fernando Poo and Annobón: colonies (1474–1778). Ceded to Spain in 1778.
  • Portuguese Gold Coast: (1482–1642), ceded to Dutch Gold Coast in 1642
  • Guiné Portuguesa/Portuguese Guinea: colony (1879–1951); overseas province (1951–1974). Unilateral independence declared in 1973, recognized by Portugal in 1974.
    • Cacheu: captaincy (1640–1879). United with Bissau in 1879.
    • Bissau: settlement under Cacheu (1687–1696); captaincy (1696–1707); abandoned (1707–1753); separate colony under Cape Verde (1753–1879). United with Cacheu in 1879.
  • Madagascar: southern part (1496–1550)
  • Madeira: possession (1418–1420); colony (1420–1580); crown colony (1580–1834); autonomous district (1834–1976). Made an autonomous region in 1976.
  • Mascarene Islands: fortified post posto fortificado (1498–1540)
  • Malindi: occupation (1500–1630)
  • Mombassa: occupation (1593–1638); colónia subordinada a Goa (1638–1698; 1728–1729). Under Omani sovereignty in 1729.
  • Morocco enclaves
    • Aguz/Souira Guedima (1506–1525)
    • Alcacer Ceguer/El Qsar es Seghir (1458–1550)
    • Arzila/Asilah (1471–1550; 1577–1589). Restored to Morocco in 1589.
    • Azamor/Azemmour (1513–1541). City restored to Morocco in 1541.
    • Mazagan/El Jadida (1485–1550); possession (1506–1769). Incorporation into Morocco in 1769.
    • Mogador/Essaouira (1506–1510)
    • Safim/Safi (1488–1541)
    • Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gué/Agadir (1505–1541)
  • Mozambique/Portuguese East Africa: possessão (1498–1501); subordinate to Goa (1501–1569); captaincy-general (1569–1609); colony subordinate to Goa (1609–1752); colony (1752–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); state (1971–1974); local transitional administration (1974–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • Quíloa (1505–1512)
  • São João Baptista de Ajudá: fort subordinate to Brazil (1721–1730); subordinate to São Tomé e Príncipe (1865–1869). Annexed by Dahomey in 1961.
  • São Tomé e Príncipe: crown colony (1753–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); local administration (1971–1975). Independence in 1975.
    • São Tomé: possession (1470–1485); colony (1485–1522); crown colony (1522–1641); administration under Dutch occupation (1641–1648). French occupation in 1648.
    • Príncipe: colony (1500–1573). United with São Tomé in 1573.
  • Tangier: possession (1471–1662). Ceded to England in 1662.
  • Zanzibar: possession (1503–1698). Became part of Oman in 1698.
  • Ziguinchor: possession (1645–1888). Ceded to France in 1888.

Atlântico Norte e América do Norte

From Reinel-Lopo Homem Atlantic chart of 1519.

The Azores were discovered soon in the Discovery Ages. Labrador and Corte-Real brothers later explored and claimed Greenland and eastern modern Canada from 1499 to 1502.

Na América Central e do Sul

From Vaz Dourado atlas of c. 1576

Brazil was explored and claimed in 1500, and become independent in 1822. Unlike the Spanish, the Portuguese did not divide its possession in South America in several vice-royalties.

  • Barbados: Possession known as Os Barbados, discovered by Pedro Campos in 1536 being an exile post for Brazilian Jews. The only Caribbean possession the Portuguese held for eighty-four years until Portugal abandoned the island to continue exploring nearby Brazil.
  • Brazil: possession known as Ilha de Santa Cruz, later Terra de Vera Cruz (1500–1530); colony (1530–1714); vice-kingdom (1714–1815); kingdom under United Kingdom of Portugal (1815–1822), independence in 1822.
  • Cisplatina (Uruguay): occupation (1808–1822). Captaincy in 1817 (of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves). Adhered as a province of the new Empire of Brazil in 1822. Became independent 1827, changing its name to Uruguay.
  • French Guiana: occupation (1809–1817). Restored to France in 1817.
  • Nova Colônia do Sacramento: colony in present Uruguay (1680; 1683–1705; 1715–1777). Ceded to the Spanish Empire in 1777.

Na Ásia e na Oceânia


India was reached by the Portuguese in 1498 by Vasco da Gama. Macau was the last possession in Asia and was handed over to the People's Republic of China in 1999.

  • Aden: possession (failed in 1510;1516–1538)
  • Bahrain: possession (1521–1602)
  • Ceylon: colony (1597–1658). Dutch took control in 1656, Jaffna taken in 1658.
  • Flores Island: possession (16th-19th century)
    • Solor: possession (1520–1636)
  • Gamru/Bandar Abbas: possession (1506–1615)
  • Hormuz/Ormuz: possession subordinate to Goa (1515–1622). Incorporated into Persia in 1622.
  • Laccadive Islands (1498–1545)
  • Macau/Macao: settlement (1553–1557), leased territory subordinated to Goa (1557–1844); overseas province (1844–1883); combined overseas province with Timor-Leste under Goa (1883–1951); overseas province (1951–1976); Chinese territory under Portuguese administration (1976–1999). Returned to full sovereignty of People's Republic of China as a special administrative region in 1999.
  • Makassar (1512–1665)
  • Malacca: settlement (1511–1641); lost to the Dutch
  • Maldives: possession (1518–1521, 1558–1573)
  • Maluku Islands
    • Amboina/Ambon: settlement (1576–1605)
    • Ternate: settlement (1522–1575)
    • Tidore: colony (1578–1605). Seized by Dutch in 1605.
  • Muscat: possession (1515–1650)
  • Índia Portuguesa/Portuguese India: overseas province (1946–1962). Taken over by India in 1962 and recognised by Portugal in 1974.
  • Socotra: possession (1506–1511). Became part of Mahri Sultanate of Qishn and Suqutra
  • Qatar: possession (1517–1538). Lost to the Ottomans
  • Timor: claimed and partially possessed from 1520 to 1640.
    • West Timor: part of Timor lost to the Dutch in 1640.
    • East Timor: colony subordinate to Portuguese India (1642–1844); subordinate to Macau (1844–1896); separate colony (1896–1951); overseas territory (1951–1975); republic and unilateral independence proclaimed, annexed by Indonesia (1975–1999, UN recognition as Portuguese territory). UN administration from 1999 until independence in 2002.

Countries with territories part of the Portuguese Empire


The Portuguese empire spread over time throughout a vast number of Territories that are now part of 53 different Sovereign States.

Region States Countries with Territories part of the Portuguese Empire
Africa 26 Estados
Countries with at least one territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire
Dark Blue: Countries with at least one Territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire.
Light Blue: Countries with at least one Claimed territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire
Pale Blue: Countries with at least one Christian Mission of the Portuguese Empire
North America 3 States
Central and South America 4 States
Asia and Oceania 22 States

In Africa

Now part of Name of territory
  Angola Portuguese West Africa, Portuguese Congo (Cabinda)
  Benin Ouidah
  Cape Verde Cape Verde
  Comoros Grande Comore
Predefinição:Country data DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo Technically the area around the mouth of the Congo River was part of the Portuguese West Africa and Portuguese Congo until the early 19th century
  Eritrea Massawa
  Ethiopia Amba Senayt, Christian Missions in Gondar and Gorgora
  Equatorial Guinea Fernando Poo and Annobón
  Gambia James Island, Albreda, San Domingo [4][5]
  Ghana Accra, Elmina, Portuguese Gold Coast
  Gabon Outposts at the mouth of the Ogooué River [6]
  Guiné-Bissau Portuguese Guinea
  Quénia Malindi, Mombassa
  Madagáscar Madagáscar (parte sul), Tôlanaro
  Malawi Claimed as part of Pink Map
  Mauritania Arguin
  Mauritius Mauritius, Rodrigues
  Marrocos Tanger, Souira Guedima, Alcacer Ceguer, Arzila, Azamor, Mazagan, Mogador, Safim, Agadir
  Mozambique Portuguese East Africa
  Nigeria Benin City
  França Réunion
  Senegal Ziguinchor
  Sierra Leone Bunce Island
  Somalia Mogadischu, Barawa, Berbera (Somaliland)
  São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe
  Tanzania Kilwa Kisiwani, Zanzibar
  Zambia Claimed as part of Pink Map
  Zimbabwe Mutapa. Later (séc. 19) all claimed as part of Pink Map
  Reino Unido Saint Helena, Ascension Island
  Espanha Ceuta, Canary Islands

North Atlantic and North America

Now part of Name of territory
  Canada Terra Nova (Newfoundland), Labrador, Nova Scotia
  França Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  Dinamarca Greenland

In Central and South America

Now part of Name of territory
  Argentina Jesuit Missions in the area bordering colonial Brazil
  Barbados Barbados
  Bolivia Jesuit Missions in the area bordering colonial Brazil
  Brazil Brazil
  França French Guiana
  Paraguay Jesuit Missions in the area bordering colonial Brazil
  Uruguay Uruguay

Na Ásia e na Oceânia

Now part of Name of territory
  Bahrain Bahrain
  Bangladesh Chittagong
  Myanmar Thanlyin
  Timor-Leste Timor-Leste East Timor
  Hong Kong Tuen Mun District
  India Portuguese India (Vasai, Bombaím/Mumbai, Calicut/Kozhikode, Cambay/Khambhat, Cannanore, Chaul, Cochin, Cranganore, Damão/Daman, Diu, Dadra, Goa, Hughli, Nagar Haveli, Masulipatnam, Mangalore, Negapatam/Nagapattinam, Paliacate, Coulão/Quilon, Salsette Island, São Tomé de Meliapore, Surat, Tuticorin/Thoothukudi), Laccadive Islands
  Indonésia Flores, Solor, Makassar, Ambon, Ternate, Tidore, West Timor
  Irão Bandar-Abbas, Hormuz, Qeshm, Bandar-e Kong
  Japão Dejima
  Macau Macau
  Malásia Malacca
  Maldivas Maldives
  Omã Muscat, Muttrah, Sohar, Qurayyat, Qalhat, Barka, As Sib, Khasab, Madha
  Paquistão Gwadar, Thatta
  República Popular da China Hengqin New Area, Ningbo, Sanchuang
  Qatar Qatar
  Arábia Saudita Qatif, Tarut
  Singapura Temasek
  Sri Lanka Portuguese Ceylon
  Tailandia Ayutthaya
  Emirados Árabes Unidos Dibba Al-Hisn, Khor Fakkan, Julfar (Ras al-Khaimah), Bidiyah, Kalba
  Vietname Hoi An
  Yemen Aden, Socotra
  1. «James Island and Related Sites - UNESCO World Heritage Centre». 11 de setembro de 2009. Consultado em 21 de dezembro de 2010 
  3. «Gabon - History». Consultado em 3 de janeiro de 2012 
  4. «James Island and Related Sites - UNESCO World Heritage Centre». 11 de setembro de 2009. Consultado em 21 de dezembro de 2010 
  6. «Gabon - History». Consultado em 3 de janeiro de 2012