Predefinição:Use dmy dates

  Retentionist countries: 54
  Abolitionist-in-practice countries (have not executed anyone during the last decade or more and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions): 29
  Abolitionist-in-practice countries (have not executed anyone during the last 14 or more years), and abolitionist-in-law for all crimes except those committed under exceptional circumstances (such as crimes committed in wartime): 7
  Abolitionist countries: 105

O texto a seguir é um resumo sobre a utilização de pena de morte por país.

Visão global


Historicamente, a pena de morte foi utilizanda em quase todas as partes do mundo. Atualmente, a grande maioria dos países aboliu ou interrompeu a prática. Os Estados Unidos da América são o maior país desenvolvido a utilizar pena de morte.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] O uso da pena de morte é normalmente dividido nas quatro categorias listadas abaixo. Em novembro de 2017, dos 195 estados independentes que são membros das Nações Unidas ou possuem condição de estados observadores:[8]

  • 54 mantém-na tanto na lei quanto na prática;
  • 29 aboliram-na de facto, o que significa, de acordo com os padrões da Anistia Internacional, que eles não executaram ninguém na última década ou mais e acredita-se que possuem uma política ou estaleceram uma prática de não realizar execuções;[9]
  • 7 aboliram-na de facto, o que significa que não executaram ninguém nos últimos 14 anos ou mais e aboliram a prática de jure, mas a mantém para circunstâncias excepcionais ou especiais (como crimes cometidos em período de guerra).
  • 105 aboliram-na para todos os crimes. Mais recentemente: Madagascar (2015), Fiji (2015), República do Congo (2015), Suriname (2015), Nauru (2016), Benim (2016), Mongólia (2017), Guiné (2017), Burkina Faso (2018).
Execução de menores
Desde 2009, Irã e Arábia Saudita executaram criminosos quer eram menores de 18 anos (ou 21) a época do crime.[10][11]
Execução pública
Em 2013, execuções públicas foram conduzidas pelos governos do Irã, Coreia do Norte, Arábia Saudita e Somália.[12]
Execução extrajudicial
Em alguns países a prática de execução extrajudicial fora de sua forma legal constituída ocorre esporadicamente ou sistematicamente. Dados sobre essas práticas não constam neste artigo.

Países classificados como "muito bons" no Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano


Dos países/regiões classificadas como "muito bons" no Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano, oito países praticam a pena de morte: Estados Unidos, Japão, Singapura, Arábia Saudita, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Kuwait, Bahrein e Taiwan. Na Coreia do Sul e Rússia há uma suspensão da lei (não está revogada, mas não é aplicada). Qatar e Brunei existe uma suspensão vigente. Em Israel e no Chile, só pode ser aplicada a crimes cometidos em período de guerra.



Na África, vários países aplicam a pena de morte. O Chade aboliu a pena de morte em 2014, mas reintroduiziu-a em 2015 para crimes de terrorismo. Botswana e Nigéria são exemplos de países que ainda executam pessoas. Mais recentemente, Burkina Faso extinguiu a pena de morte em 2018. Gâmbia anunciou uma suspensão como primeiro passo em direção à abolição da prática.[13]



Nos países do Caribe,a pena de morte existe pelo menos de jure, exceto na República Dominicana e no Haiti, que aboliram a prática em 1966 e 1987 respectivamente. A última execução no Caribe e a última execução nas Américas fora dos Estados Unidos foi em São Cristóvão e Neves em 2008. Na América Central e América do Sul, a pena de morte existe em Belize e na Guiana, embora não tenha sido aplicada há muitos anos. No Brasil, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala e Peru, a pena de morte só é legalizada em circunstâncias excepcionais/especiais como crimes cometido em período de guerra. Nos outros casos, ela foi abolida. Pesquisas de opinião nos países indicam um sentimento de desejo alto de que os governos voltem a aplicar a pena de morte em vários países do Caribe.

A maior parte das execuções ao redor do planeta acontecem na Ásia. A China é o país que mais aplica a pena de morte. No Irã e na Arábia Saudita, os números de execuções são bastante altos também. Na Coreia do Norte, o estado utiliza a pena de morte contra crimes graves e para aqueles suspeitos de cometer ofensas "graves". Os 8 países com Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano "muito alto" que praticam execuções, 7 são da Ásia: Japão, Taiwan, Singapura, Arábia Saudita, Kuwait, Bareihn e Emirados Árabes Unidos. Em 2017, a Mongólia aboliu a pena de morte. Nas Filipinas, o presidente Rodrigo Duterte quer reinstaurar a pena de morte, mas a proposta de alteração da lei na passou no Senado. O presidente turco Recep Erdogan afirmou que deseja restaurar a pena de morte, mas ainda não conseguiu. A Índia executa criminosos somente em casos extremos. Somente 26 execuções aconteceram na Índia desde 1991, sendo a última a do terrorista Yakub Memon em 2015.



A União Europeia sustenta uma forte posição contrária à pena de morte; sua abolição é um dos objetivos de sua política de direitos humanos. A abolição da pena de morte é também um pré requisito para fazer parte da União Europeia. Na Europa, somente Belarus e a não reconhecida República Popular de Donetsk continuam a aplicar ativamente a pena capital.[14]

Federação Russa e antigas repúblicas Soviéticas


A Rússia mantém a pena de morte na lei, mas existe uma moratória. A última execução no território russo foi na Chechênia em 1999. Das antigas repúblicas soviéticas, somente Belarus, Cazaquistão e Tajiquistão não aboliram formalmente a pena capital e somente Belarus a utiliza na prática. No Cazaquistão, só pode ser aplicada em circunstâncias excepcionais/especiais como em crimes cometidos em tempos de guerra. Há somente uma pessoa à espera da execução.



Praticamente todos os países da região aboliram a pena de morte como forma de punição e os dois países que ainda a mantém na lei (Papua-Nova Guiné e Tonga) não a aplicam há anos. A última execução registrada na região aconteceu em Tonga em 1982.

Número de executados em 2017


Ao menos 23 países realizaram execuções em 2017:

  • África (3 países): Egito (35+), Somália (24 [Puntland 12, Governo Federal da Somália 12]), Sudão do Sul (4)
  • Américas (1 país): Estados Unidos (23)
  • Ásia-Pacífico (18 países): Afeganistão (5), Arábia Saudita (130+), Bahrein (3), Bangladesh (6), China (1,551+), Coreia do Norte (11+), Emirados Árabes Unidos (1), Estado da Palestina (6 [Autoridade do Hamas, Gaza]), Iêmen (2+), Irã (525+), Iraque (111+), Japão (4), Jordânia (15), Kuwait (7), Malásia (4), Paquistão (65+), Singapura (8), Síria (número desconhecido), Vietnã (número desconhecido)
  • Europa (1 país): Belarus (2)

Números precisos não estão disponíveis em muitos países. Logo, o número total de execuções é desconhecido. Outros países como a Líbia conduziram execuções extrajudiciais.

Pena capital por continentes




Dos 54 países independentes na África que são membros das Nações Unidas:

  • 15 (28%) mantém a pena de morte na lei e na prática;
  • 18 (33%) permitem seu uso para crimes comuns, mas não a aplicaram pelo menos nos últimos 10 anos e acredita-se que tenham uma política ou estabeleceram a prática de não levar a cabos execuções, ou estão sob moratória;
  • 21 (39%) aboliram a pena de morte.

Muitos países africanos não realizaram execuções por mais de 10 anos mas não se acredita que possuem uma política abolicionista ou a prática de não realizar execuções.

A informação acima é a mais fiel possível em 2017, quando a Guiné aboliu a pena capital. O Chade aboliu a pena de morte em 2014, mas a restaurou para casos de terrorismo em 2015.

Em 2018, a Gâmbia anunciou uma moratória como um primeiro passo em direção à abolição.

Execuções na África em 2017: Egito (35+), Somália (24), Sudão do Sul (4)[15][16]
Observação: As tabelas podem ser ordenadas alfabeticamente ou cronologicamente usando o ícone .

Key País Ano da última execução Execuções em 2017 Ano da Abolição Observações
  Argélia 1993 n/a Pelotão de fuzilamento, tiro de arma de fogo. Pena de morte por traição: espionagem; assassinato qualificado; castração resultante em morte; incêndio (ou destruição com explosivos) de prédios, veículos ou colheitas resultantes em morte; destruição intencional de equipamento militar resultante em morte; tentativa de mudança do regime ou atos que incitem a mudança; sabotagem a bens públicos; massacres e chacinas; participação em grupos armados ou movimentos rebeldes; falsificação; terrorismo; atos de tortura ou crueldade; sequestro; furto; alguns crimes militares; envenenamento; tentativa de um crime passível de pena de morte; alguns casos de perjúrio que permitam uma sentença de morte.[17] Atualmente em suspensão. Em 20 de dezembro de 2012, a Argélia co-redigiu e votou a favor de uma Resolução sobre Suspensão do Uso da Pena de Morte na Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas.[18]
  Angola *Nenhuma desde a independência em 1975 1992 Abolida pela constituição de 1992.
  Benim 1987 2016 Em 6 de julho de 2012, o Benim On 6 July 2012, Benim aderiu ao Segundo Protocolo Adicional do Pacto Internacional dos Direitos Civis e Políticos que fazem do Benim um país abolicionista.[19] As decisão foi referendada pela Suprema Corte em janeiro de 2016 embora a pena de morte ainda esteja presente no código penal.[9]
  Botswana 2018[20] n/a Enforcamento, e o estado também tem poder para determinar o método de execução em função do crime cometido. Pena de morte por assassinato; espionagem; traição; tentativa de homicídio do chefe de estado; deserção para o inimigo, agravada por pirataria e terrorismo. Pessoas inimputáveis à pena de morte são mulheres grávidas, adolescentes de até 18 anos quando da ocorrência do crime e os doentes mentais.[21] Até 2016, houve um homem suspeito de ter sido enforcado.
  Burquina Fasso 1988 2018[22] O parlamento de Burkina Faso aboliu a pena de morte no novo código penal em 2018.
  Burundi 2000[23] 2009[24] Pena de morte abolida na revisão do código penal de 2009. Execuções extrajudiciais ainda são comuns.[25] Apesar de ter abolido a pena de morte, o Burundi votou contra a Suspensão da Aplicação de Pena de Morte das Nações Unidas em 2016.
  Camarões 1997[26] n/a Enforcamento, pelotão de fuzilamento, tiro de arma de fogo. Pena de morte para secessão; espionagem; traição; terrorismo; homicídio qualificado; assassinato hediondo; assassinato premeditado; roubo violenta resultante em morte ou graves lesões; sequestro de menores resultante na morte do menor; ataque a agente do estado com inteção de matar; tentativa de crime passível de pena de morte e conspiração para execução de crime passível de morte; pilhagem por gangues com uso de força durante tempos de guerra e incitamento à guerra.[27][28] Em fevereiro de 2014, o presidente da república Paul Biya, comutou a pena de todos os condenados à morte para prisão perpétua. O decreto comutou suas sentenças para 25 anos de prisão.[29] Não obstante, penas de morte continuaram a ser executadas até 2016.[30]
  Cabo Verde *Nenhuma desde a independência em 1975 1981 A última execução ocorreu em 1835 quando ainda era colônia portuguesa. Foi abolida pela Constituição em 1981.
  República Centro-Africana 1981 n/a Pelotão de fuzilamento. Pena de morte para traição; espionagem; charlatanismo; bruxaria; assassinato;[31] assassinato qualificado; terrorismo; estupro; roubo armado; sequestro; agressão constante ou negligência para com uma crianção resultando em morte; castração resultando em morte; falso testemunho resultando sentença de morte para outra pessoa; utilização de tortura relacionada a outro crime; ataque a membro do governo ou parlamento, juiz ou policial com intenção de matar; tentativa de crime com previsão de pena de morte; alguns casos de reincidência; genocídio, crimes de guerra e crimes contra a humanidade.[32]
  Chade[33] 2015[34] n/a Firing Squad, shooting.[35] Death penalty for aggravated murder, arson, kidnapping resulting in the death of the victim, terrorism-related crimes, treason, espionage, assaulting a public official, attempting murder by poisoning, committing torture or other barbarous acts, and military offenses.[36] Persons excused from capital punishment are women with small children, women who are pregnant, teenagers who were under 18 at time of crime, and the mentally ill.[36] Capital punishment was abolished in 2014,[37] but then reintroduced the following year.
  Comores 1997[38] n/a Firing squad. Death penalty for aggravated murder, murder, public comments, rape (if it results in the death of the victim), barbaric actions including torture, and aggravated rape.[39] Persons excluded from capital punishment are pregnant women, women with small children, teenagers who were under 18 at the time of the crime, and the mentally ill.
  Congo 1982 2015[40] Death penalty abolished November 2015 by constitution.
  República Democrática do Congo 2003[41] n/a Hanging, shooting. Death penalty for murder, aggravated murder, treason, destruction of military facilities resulting in death, imposing superstitious trials by ordeal resulting in death, terrorism, armed robbery, drug trafficking and drug possession during wartime, espionage, misappropriation by a public prosecutor of seized or confiscated goods in time of war, some military offences, war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.[42]
  Djibouti *None since independence in 1977 1995
  Egito 2018[43] 35+ n/a Hanging/firing squad. Death penalty for rape (if the victim is also kidnapped); murder; treason; terrorism; espionage; perjury causing wrongful execution[44] and organized drug trafficking. Those excused from the death penalty are: women with small children, women who are pregnant, teenagers who were under 18 at the time of the crime, and the mentally ill.[45] In Egypt, it is believed that at least 1,700 people were executed under the death penalty, and 1,413 death sentences alone were issued between 2007 and 2014.[45] Since the beginning of 2015, there have been reports of at least 354 death sentences carried out; however, numbers are not totally reliable, for the government's secrecy surrounding capital punishment prevents them from releasing total information.
  Guiné Equatorial 2014[46] n/a Hanging, firing squad. Death penalty for murder, treason, terrorism, armed robbery, espionage, piracy, war crimes, some military offences and crimes against humanity.[47]
  Eritreia *None since independence in 1993 n/a Hanging, shooting. Last execution when part of Ethiopia was 1989. Death penalty for murder, armed robbery, espionage, treason, economic crimes, military offenses, war crimes and genocide. At least one execution may have been carried out between 1999 and 2008, but this remains unconfirmed.[48]
  Etiópia 2007[49] n/a Firing squad. Death penalty for murder, robbery resulting in death or permanent disability of the victim, armed robbery, terrorism, some economic crimes, espionage, treason, certain military offences, armed conspiracy, war crimes, genocide, attempted capital offenses, certain economic crimes in time of war and outrages against the constitution[50]
  Gabão 1981[51] 2010[52] Abolished in February 2010
  Gâmbia 2012[53] n/a Hanging, firing squad. Death penalty for treason, murder and terrorism.[54] Capital punishment was abolished in 1993 but was reinstated by Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council in August 1995[55] In 2018, Gambia announced a moratorium on the death penalty.[56]
  Gana 1993 n/a Firing squad, hanging. Death penalty for murder; treason; armed robbery[55] In 2014, it was agreed that a referendum would be held on several constitutional amendments including the abolition of capital punishment.[57]
  Guiné 2001[58] 2017 Abolished 2016 for ordinary crimes, 2017 for all crimes.[59]
  Guiné-Bissau 1986 1993 Abolished 1993 by Constitution.
  Costa do Marfim *None since independence in 1960[55] 2000
  Quénia 1987 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for terrorism; terrorism acts; high treason; murder, armed robbery,[60] treason, military offenses and administering an oath purported to bind a person to commit a capital offense.[61] On 3 August 2009, the death sentences of all 4,000 death row inmates were commuted to life imprisonment, and government studies were ordered to determine if the death penalty has any impact on crime.
  Lesoto 1995[62] n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder, treason, rape, and military offenses such as mutiny.[63]
  Libéria 2000[64] n/a Hanging. Death penalty for aggravated murder, armed robbery, terrorism, "mercenarism" resulting in death, hijacking, treason and espionage.[65] On 16 September 2005, Liberia acceded to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, abolishing the death penalty, but re-introduced elements of it in July 2008.[66][67]
  Líbia 2010[68] n/a Firing squad, shooting. Libya executed more people (18) in 2010, than any other African state. Current laws allow capital punishment for high treason; attempt to forcibly change the form of government; premeditated murder; aggravated murder; terrorism; drug trafficking; robbery resulting in death; espionage and military offences such as assisting the enemy or undermining the defense or the territorial integrity of the State[68][69]
  Madagascar 1958 2015 Abolished 10 December 2014[70] Earlier, on 24 September 2012, Madagascar had signed the Second Additional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[71]
  Malawi 1992[72] n/a Hanging is used. Death penalty for murder; rape; violent robbery; burglary; treason; housebreaking and military offenses.[73]
  Mali 1980 n/a Executions by firing squad. Death penalty for aggravated murder; terrorism; violent robbery, armed robbery or gang-robbery; arson; kidnapping; treason; espionage; certain military offenses; crimes against humanity; genocide; assaulting on-duty state employees with the intention of causing death; poisoning or mass poisoning of water supplies; committing torture or barbarous acts in the course of a serious offense and attempting a death-eligible crime.[74] Currently, no individual has been executed since 1980, making Mali a de facto abolitionist country.
  Mauritânia 1987 n/a Death penalty for homosexuality, sodomy,[75] apostasy[76] (no recorded executions), blasphemy,[77] adultery, murder, aggravated murder, terrorism, torture, rape, armed robbery, attempted armed robbery, arson, accomplice to a death-eligible crime, assaulting a judge or public official in the course of his duties resulting in his death, kidnapping resulting in death, abandoning a child or an incapacitated person causing his/her death, espionage, treason, perjury causing wrongful execution, some cases of repeat offences and the voluntary destruction of buildings, bridges, dams or roads causing deaths.[78]
  Maurícia 1987 1995
  Marrocos 1993 n/a Death penalty for terrorism,[60] treason, espionage, corruption, perjury causing wrongful execution and aggravated murder.[79] In December 2013 a parliamentary opposition group filed a bill to abolish the death penalty in Morocco. The MP who introduced the bill said he was "optimistic" about the bill passing "in view of the current reform movement in Morocco".[80]
  Moçambique 1986 1990 Abolished November 1990 by Constitution
  Namíbia *None since independence in 1990 1990 Last execution when occupied by South Africa was in 1988. Abolished March 1990 by Constitution.
  Níger 1976 n/a Executions by firing squad. Death penalty allowed for aggravated murder; castration resulting in death; kidnapping a minor resulting in death; terrorism; robbery; treason; espionage; genocide; crimes against humanity; attempt or conspiracy to commit genocide, crimes against humanity and certain war crimes; torture; human trafficking; poisoning; harboring criminals; perjury leading to a person being sentenced to death; attempting to commit a death-eligible offense and redicivism in case of most serious offenses.[81] Abolitionist de facto as the last execution took place in 1976.
  Nigéria 2016[82] n/a Death penalty for murder; blasphemy; homosexuality; adultery; treason; rape; robbery; incest; assisting the suicide of a person legally unable to consent; perjury in a capital case causing wrongful execution; terrorism; terrorist acts; some military offences; sodomy;[83] kidnapping and practice of indigenous beliefs in states applying Shariah law.[84] Each of the 36 states has its own laws. In the north of the country, Sharia (Islamic law) is used. In Imo State, a bill that provided capital punishment for kidnapping was signed into law. Southern states of Nigeria have imposed a moratorium on the death penalty since 2004.[85]
  Ruanda 1998 2007[86] Since some of the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide fled to countries that refuse to extradite suspects to countries that use capital punishment, the Rwandan parliament voted to abolish capital punishment in 2007.
  São Tomé e Príncipe *None since independence in 1975 1990 Abolished September 1990 by Constitution
  Senegal 1967 2004
  Seicheles *None since independence in 1976 1993 Abolished June 1993 by Constitution
  Serra Leoa 1998 n/a Death penalty for treason;[87] murder; aggravated robbery. Under the Special Court for Sierra Leone the death penalty is not a punishment for war crimes
  Somália 2017[88] 24 (12 in Puntland) n/a Hanging, firing squad or stoning. Somalia is the only African state that carries out public executions. The Transitional Federal Government laws allowed for execution (in the limited area of the country it used to control) for murder, terrorism, treason, espionage, some military offences, blasphemy, apostasy and adultery.
  África do Sul 1989 1995 The last execution by the South African government was on 14 November 1989. An execution occurred in the internationally unrecognised "homeland" of Venda in 1991.[26] Capital punishment was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court on 6 June 1995 in the case of S v Makwanyane and Another. In 1997 the Criminal Law Amendment Act formally removed the invalidated provisions from the statute-book, and made provision for the resentencing of prisoners previously sentenced to death.[89] On 25 May 2005 the Constitutional Court ordered that all remaining death sentences in the country be set aside and the prisoners resentenced as soon as possible.[90]
  Sudão do Sul 2017[91] 4 n/a Death penalty for treason; insurgency, banditry, sabotage or terrorism resulting in death; perjury in a capital case leading to wrongful execution; murder; attempted murder causing injury by a person sentenced to life for a previous murder; brigandage with murder; and drug dealing under aggravated circumstances.[92]
  Sudão 2018[93] n/a Garrotte. Death penalty for sodomy,[94] waging war against the state,[95] apostasy,[76] prostitution, homosexuality, drug trafficking, treason, perjury in a capital case causing wrongful execution, espionage, acts that may endanger the independence or unity of the state, murder, armed robbery, abetting the suicide of an individual unable to give legal consent, terrorism, rape and incest committed by a married offender.[96]
  Eswatini 1983[97] n/a Death penalty for murder;[98] treason
  Tanzânia 1994 n/a Death penalty for murder; treason; military offenses; mutiny by prison officers; and abortion (in Zanzibar semi-autonomous region)[99]
  Togo 1978[100] 2009[101]
  Tunísia 1991 n/a Death penalty for murder; terrorism; terrorism acts; violence and aggression; attacks against the external security of the state; kidnapping and sequestration resulting in death; treason; espionage; rape; arson; military offenses; attempt of a death-eligible offense and assault on a judge on duty, with threat or use of a weapon.[102] On 6 January 2014 the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) voted for maintaining capital punishment in the upcoming constitution in Tunisia. The votes were by 135 yes out of a total of 174.[103] Since 2015, it has been possible to give the death penalty for terrorism.
  Uganda 2005[104] n/a Death penalty for murder; terrorism; kidnapping; rape; robbery if the offender uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon, resulting in death or causing "grievous harm" to anyone; smuggling if the offender uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon, resulting in death or causing "grievous harm" to anyone; treason and some military offences.[105][106] In 2009, the Supreme Court upheld a 2005 Constitutional Court ruling that although the death penalty was constitutional, its use as a mandatory punishment for certain crimes was not.[107]
  Zâmbia 1997 n/a Death penalty for murder; aggravated robbery; high treason. President Levy Mwanawasa stated in 2004 that "For as long as I remain President, I will not execute a death warrant."
  Zimbabwe 2005[108] n/a Death penalty for murder; high treason; terrorism; some military offences; attempted murder, incitement or conspiracy to commit murder; war crimes and genocide.[109]



Of the 35 independent states in the Americas that are UN members:

  • 13 (37%) maintain the death penalty in both law and practice.
  • 5 (14%) retain it for crimes committed in exceptional circumstances (such as in time of war).
  • 1 (3%) permit its use for ordinary crimes, but have not used it for at least 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions, or it is under a moratorium.
  • 16 (46%) have abolished capital punishment.

Many Caribbean countries have carried out no executions for over 10 years, but are not believed to have an abolitionist policy or established practice.

Currently (2018), the United States is the only country in the Americas to carry out executions regularly. The only other country in the Americas to have performed an execution since 2003 is Saint Kitts and Nevis, in 2008. The countries in the Americas that most recently abolished the death penalty are Suriname (2015), Argentina (2009), and Bolivia (2009). Guatemala abolished the death penalty for civil cases in 2017.

Executions in the Americas in 2017: United States (23).[110]

Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the   icon.

Key Country Year of last execution Executions 2017 Year abolished Notes
  Antígua e Barbuda 1991 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder and treason.[111] Currently, no individual is under the sentence of death, as the last death sentence in the country was commuted in 2016.[112]
  Argentina 1956 2009 (military)
1984 (civilian)
Constitution of 1853 states "The penalty of death for political offences, all kinds of torture, and flogging, are forever abolished." [113] And was complety abolished by the Penal Code of 30 April 1922.[114]

Despite this it was reinstated on several occasions:

  • Between 6 September 1930 by martial law until 20 February 1932.[114]
  • Between 9 June 1956 by martial law imposing summary executions[115] and abolished on 13 June 1956.[116]
  • Between 2 June 1970[117][118] and abolished on 27 May 1973.[119]
  • Between 25 June 1976[120] and finally abolished on 9 August 1984.[121]

On 26 August 2008, a new Code of Military Justice was promulgated that abolished death penalty. The new Code came into effect 6 months later, on 26 February 2009.[122][123]

  Bahamas 2000 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for treason; piracy; murder. Currently no individual is under the sentence of death, as the last death sentence in the country was commuted in 2016.[112]
  Barbados 1984[26] n/a Death penalty for murder; terrorism; participating in a mutiny; treason and espionage.[124] Presently under review before the IACHR{{carece de fontes}} despite strong national support.[125][126]
  Belize 1985[26] n/a Death penalty for murder, except where extenuating circumstances can be proved,[127] aggravated murder, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, some military offences and treason.[128]
  Bolívia 1974 2013 Abolished for ordinary crimes 1997. "The death penalty does not exist" (Article 15).
  Brasil 1876 1978 (Civilian) N/a (Military)

Hanging (in the past, for civil offences), firing squad (military offences). Brazil has always maintained the death penalty in wartime as part of its Military Code but, after Brazil became a Republic in 1889, capital punishment for civil offenses or for military offences committed in peacetime was abolished by the first republican Constitution, adopted in 1891. The penalty for crimes committed in peacetime was then reinstated (in 1938-46 and 1969-74), but on those occasions it was restricted to acts of terrorism or subversion considered "internal warfare".[129][130][131][132] Only one civilian was sentenced to death in the republican period, in 1969, but the sentence was commuted and was not carried out. In the republican era, all military death sentences imposed for crimes committed during wartime (the Second World War was Brazil's last international military conflict) were similarly commuted and not carried out. The current Constitution of Brazil (1988) expressly forbids the use of capital punishment, except for military offences committed during a war duly declared by Congress.[133] The last person to suffer the death penalty in Brazil was executed in 1876, during the Imperial era. After 1876, Emperor Pedro II adopted in practice an abolitionist policy through his prerrogative of Mercy as Head of State, by directing that all death sentences be submitted by the Courts to the Imperial Government for examination regarding commutation (even without a request for pardon or commutation from the person condemned), and by granting commutations for all death sentences that were passed. For more information see Capital punishment in Brazil.

  Canadá 1962 (military c.1945) 1998 Abolished in 1976 for ordinary crimes; abolished 1998 for military offences (last used in 1945). For more information see Capital punishment in Canada
  Chile 1985 2001 (Civilian) N/A (Military) Shooting. Death penalty for war crimes and crimes against humanity during times of war. Abolished from civil justice in 2001.
  Colômbia 1909 1910 Abolished in 1910 by Constitutional reform. Prohibited by the Colombian Constitution of 1991: "The right to life is inviolable. There will be no death penalty."
  Costa Rica 1859[134] 1877 Abolished 1877 by Constitution
  Cuba 2003[135] n/a Firing squad. Death penalty for murder, attempted murder, hijacking, acts of terrorism, treason, espionage,[136] political offenses[necessário esclarecer], child rape, molestation of a child under 12 years of age with aggravating factors, rape of an adult with aggravating factors, rape of an adult that results in death, illness or grievous bodily harm, robbery with aggravating factors, drug offenses, production of child pornography, child trafficking, child prostitution, child corruption, piracy, working as a mercenary, apartheid, genocide, pedophilia. De facto abolitionist as the last execution took place on 11 April 2003. The last death sentences were commuted in 2010.[137] See also Capital punishment in Cuba
  Domínica 1986 n/a Executions by hanging. Death penalty for aggravated murder and treason.[138]
  República Dominicana 1966 1966 Abolished in 1966 by Constitution.
  Equador 1884 1906 Abolished 1906 by Constitution.
  El Salvador 1973 1983 (Civilian) N/A (Military) May be imposed only in cases provided by military laws during a state of international war.[139] Abolished for other crimes 1983.
  Granada 1983[140] n/a
  Guatemala 2000[141] 2017 (Civilian) N/A (Military) Lethal injection. Until 2017, death penalty for murder, espionage, treason, drug trafficking, kidnapping, torture, and terrorism. Abolished for civil cases in 2017.
  Guiana 1997 n/a Death penalty for terrorist acts;[142] murder, treason and armed robbery, piracy, drug trafficking, and terrorist offences resulting in death. While the constitutional states that the death penalty is not a mandatory punishment, many provisions of the criminal code suggests that the death penalty may be mandatory for these crimes as no alternatives to such sentence of death is found under any law.
  Haiti 1972 1987 Abolished 1987 by Constitution.
  Honduras 1940 1956 Abolished 1956 by Constitution.
  Jamaica 1988[143] n/a Death penalty for murder.[144]
  México 1961 – Military
1937 – Civilian
1976 Abolished for all crimes in 2005.[145] See also Capital punishment in Mexico.
  Nicarágua 1930 1979 Abolished 1979 by Constitution
  Panamá *None since independence in 1903 1903 Abolished 1903 by Constitution.
  Paraguai 1928 1992 Abolished 1992 by Constitution
  Peru 1979 1979 (Civilian) N/A (Military) Firing squad. Death penalty for treason; terrorism; espionage; genocide; mutiny; desertion in times of war.[139] Abolished for other crimes 1979.
  São Cristóvão e Nevis 2008[146] n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder and treason
  Santa Lúcia 1995 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder; treason
  São Vicente e Granadinas 1995 n/a Death penalty for murder; treason
  Suriname 1982 2015[147] Abolished 2015.
  Trinidad e Tobago 1999 n/a Death penalty for murder; treason[148]
  Estados Unidos 2018[149] 23 n/a Methods vary by state, federal, and military policy, but include lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, the electric chair, and the gas chamber. Federal law provides the death penalty for many homicide-related crimes, espionage, treason, terrorism, murder, robbery, and drug trafficking.[150][151] 31 of the 50 states currently have the death penalty. Of the non-state territories, American Samoa still has capital punishment as a local statute,[152] and the others have abolished it. The Supreme Court has severely limited the crimes that the death penalty can be a punishment for. It has also abolished the death penalty for crimes committed by a person under the age of 18. Sentences of death may be handed down by a jury or a judge (upon a bench trial or a guilty plea). See Capital punishment in the United States.
  Uruguai 1902 1907 Abolished by the "Law No. 3238" on 23 September 1907 and by the Constitution of 1918.
  Venezuela *None since independence in 1830 1863 Abolished 1863 by Constitution

Of the 44 independent countries in Asia that are UN member or observer states:

  • 25 (44%) maintain the death penalty in both law and practice.
  • 7 (16%) permit its use for ordinary crimes, but have not used it for at least 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions, or it is under a moratorium.
  • 2 (3%) retain it for crimes committed in exceptional circumstances (such as in time of war).
  • 10 (37%) have abolished it.

The information above is accurate Desde 2017, when Mongolia abolished the death penalty, and does not include Taiwan, which is not currently a UN member; Taiwan practises the death penalty by shooting, and conducted one execution in 2016. Hong Kong and Macau are also listed below but not included in the figures above as they do not have UN membership separate from China.

  • In 2017, Asia had the world's five leading practitioners of capital punishment – China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Pakistan. The most recent countries to abolish capital punishment in Asia are Timor-Leste (2002), Bhutan (2004), Philippines (2006), Kyrgyzstan (2007), Uzbekistan (2008), and Mongolia (2017).

Executions in 2017: China (1,551+), North Korea (11+), Iran (525+), Iraq (111+), Saudi Arabia (130+), Yemen (2+), Afghanistan (5), Japan (4), Palestine (6), Malaysia (4), Singapore (8), Syria (unknown number), Bangladesh (6), Pakistan (65+), Bahrain (3), Jordan (15), Kuwait (7), United Arab Emirates (1), Vietnam (unknown number).[15][153]

Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the   icon.

Key Country Year of last execution Executions 2017 Year abolished Notes
  Afeganistão 2018[154] 5 n/a Hanging; shooting. Current laws allow capital punishment for aggravated murder, murder, arson, unintentional death to a child, terrorism -related offenses, treason, espionage, adultery (including sex before marriage), consensual homosexual sex, apostasy, and giving false witness.[155] Categories of persons excused from capital punishment are teenagers who were under 18 at time of crime, and pregnant women.
  Bahrein 2017[156] 3 n/a Death penalty for premeditated murder; aggravated murder; rape, sexual assault or statutory rape; kidnapping; rape of child; arson; assault; deliberately obstructing funerals or memorial services; certain crimes against property, transportation or agriculture under aggravating circumstances; terrorism; plotting to topple the regime; collaborating with a foreign hostile country; threatening the life of the Emir; defiance of military orders in time of war or martial law; perjury causing wrongful execution; treason; drug trafficking and espionage[157]
  Bangladesh 2017[158] 6 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder;[159] drug offences;[160] sodomy; kidnapping and trafficking in children for immoral or illegal purposes; human trafficking; kidnapping a person (especially children or women) to force him/her to engage in prostitution and expose him/her to sexual exploitation/slavery; terrorism; rape; armed robbery; sedition; sabotage; hijacking planes; military offences such as abetting mutiny, cowardice or desertion; attempted dowry murder; abetting or conspiring to commit capital offenses; perjury causing wrongful execution; espionage;[161] treason[162] and war crimes.
  Butão 1974[72] 2004
  Brunei *None since independence in 1984 n/a Hanging is used. Last execution when a protectorate of Britain was in 1957. Death penalty for murder; unlawful possession of firearms and explosives; possession of heroin or morphine of more than 15 grams, cocaine of more than 30 grams, cannabis of more than 500 grams, syabu or methamphetamine of more than 50 grams, or opium of more than 1.2 kg;[163] terrorism; abetting the suicide of a person unable to give legal consent; arson; kidnapping; abetting a successful mutiny; treason and perjury resulting in the conviction of an innocent defendant of a capital offense.[164] A new penal code was introduced in April 2014 and introduced the death penalty for male same-sex acts if one of the parties is Muslim (by stoning); rape; adultery; apostasy; sodomy; extramarital sexual relations for Muslims; insulting any verse of the Quran and Hadith; blasphemy and declaring oneself a prophet or non-Muslim.[163][165]
  Camboja 1989 1989 Abolished in 1989 by Constitution.
  China 2017[166] >1,551 n/a Shooting (firing squad); lethal injection. China carries out far more executions than all of the rest of the world combined, and is the only country in the world that routinely executes thousands of people every year.[167] On 25 February 2011 China's newly revised Criminal Law reduced the number of crimes punishable by death by 13, from 68 to 55.[168] Laws allow capital punishment for embezzlement; rape (particularly of children); fraud; bombing; flooding; rioting; separatism; armed rebellion; collaborationism; political dissidence; subversion; spreading poisons/hazardous substances; people trafficking; forcing a person to engage in prostitution (especially children, often after kidnapping or rape); piracy; theft; drug trafficking; corruption; arson; aggravated assault; aircraft hijacking resulting in death; producing or selling tainted food or fake medicine resulting in death or serious medical injury; participating in an armed prison riot or jailbreak; murder; aggravated murder; burglary; kidnapping; robbery; armed robbery; espionage; treason; poaching; military offences (like insubordination, cowardice); sabotaging electricity, gas, fuel, petroleum, weapons, flammables, explosives and military communications/installations; illegal possession, transport, smuggling, or selling of explosives or firearms; illegally manufacturing, selling, transporting or storing hazardous materials; trafficking or smuggling nuclear materials; endangerment of national security and terrorism. Even the higher sections of Chinese society are not exempt from the death penalty, as billionaire Liu Han was executed 9 February 2015.[169][170] See also capital punishment in the People's Republic of China.
  Hong Kong 1966 1993 Predefinição:Main article It was last used in 1966 and abolished in 1993 by the then British colonial government.
  Índia 2015 n/a Hanging, shooting can be used in the military court-martial system. Death penalty for murder; instigating a minor's or a mentally ill's suicide; treason; terrorism; a second conviction for drug trafficking; aircraft hijacking; aggravated robbery; espionage; kidnapping; being a party to a criminal conspiracy to commit a capital offence; attempted murder by those sentenced to life imprisonment if the attempt results in harm to the victim; perjury causing wrongful execution;[171] aggravated rape/gang-rape; drug smuggling under aggravated circumstances; abetting sati, mutiny and its abetting; causing explosions which can endanger life or property and a few military offences like desertion. Military offences may be punished with a firing squad. See also capital punishment in India
  Indonésia 2016[172] n/a Firing squad. Death penalty for murder; high treason; espionage; some acts of corruption which damage national economy or finances; aggravated gang-robbery; extortion with force or threat of force; terrorism; some military offences; genocide; crimes against humanity; piracy resulting in death; drug trafficking and developing, producing, obtaining, transferring or using of chemical weapons.[72][173] 8 people including overseas nationals executed on 29 April 2015[174]
  Irã 2018[175] >525 n/a Hanging, shooting or stoning. Iran performs public executions. Iran is second only to China in the number of executions it carries out—executing hundreds every year.[176][167] Current laws allow the death penalty for murder; armed robbery; drug trafficking; kidnapping; rape; burglary; child molestation; pedophilia; sodomy; homosexuality; incestuous relations; fornication; prohibited sexual relations; sexual misconduct; prostitution;[177][178] rebellion; plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime; political dissidence; sabotage; arson; espionage; treason; terrorism; joining the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; certain military offenses (e.g. cowardice, assisting the enemy); apostasy; adultery; blasphemy; counterfeiting; smuggling; speculating; disrupting production; recidivist theft; extortion; immoral attitude; recidivist consumption of alcohol; producing or preparing food, drink, cosmetics or sanitary items that lead to death when consumed or used; producing and publishing pornography; using pornographic materials to solicit sex; recidivist false accusation of capital sexual offenses causing execution of an innocent person;[179] "enmity against God" and "corruption on earth." Secret executions are widespread in the country, so that exact numbers for each year are difficult to obtain and different figures are provided by various organizations. At least 437 people have been executed in Iran in 2017. See also capital punishment in Iran.
  Iraque 2018[180] >111 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder; endangering national security; distributing drugs; rape; incest; apostasy; espionage; treason;[181] joining the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; robbery; armed robbery; theft; burglary; kidnapping; attacks on transport convoys; arson; rioting; killing police guards and military officers; intentionally causing a flood or attempting to cause a flood; damaging or sabotaging public structures; war crimes, crimes against humanity; genocide; financing and execution of terrorism.[182] Suspended in June 2003 after 2003 invasion; reinstated August 2004.[183][184] A total of 447 people were executed between then and the end of March 2013, with 129 in 2012 alone.[185]
  Israel 1962 1954 (civilian)
N/A (military)
Hanging; firing squad. Death penalty for crimes against humanity,[186] high treason, genocide, and crimes against the Jewish people during wartime. Only two executions since independence in 1948: accused traitor Meir Tobiansky (posthumously acquitted) and Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann (last execution in 1962).[187] Abolished for other crimes 1954.
  Japão 2017[188] 4 n/a Hanging. Murder; treason and crimes against the State. Judges usually impose death penalty in case of multiple homicides; death sentence for a single murder is extraordinary. Between 1946 and 2003 766 people were sentenced to death, 608 of whom were executed. For 40 months from 1989 to 1993 successive ministers of justice refused to authorise executions, which amounted to an informal moratorium. See also capital punishment in Japan.
  Jordânia 2017[189] 15 n/a Hanging, shooting. Death penalty for some cases of terrorism, murder, aggravated murder, rape, aggravated robbery, drug trafficking, illegal possession and use of weapons, war crimes, espionage and treason.[190] Executions resumed in 2014 after a hiatus.[191]
  Cazaquistão 2003[192] n/a Currently capital punishment for terrorism and crimes in wartime.[193] Moratorium since 17 December 2003. Abolished on 30 July 2009 for other crimes.[194] On 28 March 2011 the Presidential Commission for Human Rights in Astana asked the government to abolish capital punishment.[195] Currently only one person, mass murderer Ruslan Kulikbayev, is on death row in Kazakhstan.[196]
  Kiribati *None since independence in 1979 1979
  Kuwait 2017[197] 7 n/a Death penalty for apostasy; drug trafficking; rape; murder; aggravated murder; kidnapping; piracy; torture; human trafficking; terrorism; certain military offences; national security crimes;[198] espionage; treason and perjury causing execution of an innocent person[199]
  Quirguistão *None since independence in 1991 2007 Kyrgyz authorities had extended a moratorium on executions each year since 1998. Abolished by constitution in 2007[200][201]
  Laos 1989 n/a Death penalty for murder; hostage-taking; kidnapping; committing acts of robbery against the State or against "collective assets"; obstructing an officer in the performance of his public duties and causing his death or causing him physically disabled; trafficking in women or children resulting in death, lifetime incapacity or infection by HIV/AIDS of the victim; terrorism; drug trafficking; disrupting industry, trade, agriculture or other economic activities with the intent of undermining the national economy; drug possession; treason and espionage[202][203]
  Líbano 2004[204] n/a Hanging; firing squad. Death penalty for murder;[205] aggravated murder; rape; pedophilia; terrorism; gang-robbery or gang-assault; arson against certain types of structures or sabotage of communications, transportation or industrial facilities causing death; aggravated assault; gang-assault involving torture; life-eligible crimes with recidivism; importing nuclear/toxic wastes; polluting rivers or waterways with harmful substances; some military offences (e.g. desertion); espionage and treason[206]
  Macau 19th century 1976 Predefinição:Main article It was last used in the 19th century and abolished in 1976 when Portugal abolished the death penalty on all its territories
  Malásia 2017[207] 4 n/a Hanging. Death penalty mandatory for trafficking in dangerous drugs; discharging a firearm in the commission of a scheduled offense; accomplices in case of discharge of firearm; offenses against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's person; murder; kidnapping; burglary; robbery; terrorism and treason. Discretionary for weapons trafficking; abetting mutiny; perjury causing wrongful execution;[208] consorting with a person carrying or having possession of arms or explosives; waging or attempting to wage war or abetting the waging of war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a Ruler or Yang di-Pertua Negeri[209]
  Maldivas *None since independence in 1965 (1953, before independence) n/a Last execution when a colony of Britain was in 1952. Death penalty for murder,[210] terrorism, treason, adultery and apostasy. 60-year moratorium lifted in 2014.[211]
  Mongólia 2008 2017 President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj instituted a moratorium in 2010, systematically commuting all death sentences. The death penalty was formally abolished on 1 July 2017.[212]
  Myanmar 1988[213] n/a Death penalty for murder, terrorism, participating in a gang robbery if one of the robbers commits murder, abetting a successful mutiny, assault by a person under a life sentence which causing harm, assault with the intention to murder which causing only harm, perjury causing wrongful execution,[214] high treason[215] and drug trafficking.[216]
  Nepal 1979 1997 Abolished 1997 by Constitution.
  Coreia do Norte 2018[217] >11 n/a Firing squad, hanging or decapitation. North Korea performs mainly private, but also performs some public executions. Current laws allow the death penalty for drug offences; plots against national sovereignty; circulating "harmful" information; political dissidence; terrorism; espionage; treason against the Motherland or against the people; murder; watching South Korean and foreign websites, medias or movies; kidnapping; rape; assault; armed robbery; violation of Juche customs; human trafficking; illegal border crossing; committing massacres; bank robbery; grand theft; making illegal international calls without a phone card; producing and/or watching pornography; embezzlement; currency counterfeiting; black market smuggling/trafficking; damaging or deliberately destroying state property; destroying military facilities or technology; unauthorized religious activity; returning home from foreign countries after become defector; and prostitution.[218] There have been at least 64 carried out death sentences in 2016, and in 2017 5 North Korean minister-level officials were executed by anti-aircraft guns; it is not known whether these officials were executed legally from judicial approval.[219] No official numbers can be known because of the secrecy surrounding the topic of capital punishment within the state.
  Omã 2015[220] n/a Death penalty for murder, drug trafficking, arson, piracy, terrorism, kidnapping, recividism of aggravated offenses punishable by life imprisonment, leading an armed group that engages in spreading disorder (such as by sabotage, pillage or killing), espionage, treason and perjury causing wrongful execution[221][222]
  Paquistão 2018[223] >65 n/a Predefinição:Main articleHanging. Death penalty for murder, aggravated murder, drug smuggling, terrorism, arms trafficking, armed robbery resulting in death, certain military offenses (e.g. cowardice, assisting the enemy, abetting a successful mutiny), kidnapping, rape, gang rape, perjury in a capital case leading execution of an innocent person, hijacking, sabotage of the railway system, stripping a woman’s clothes, a scheduled offence likely to create terror or disrupt sectarian harmony, acts to strike terror or create a sense of fear and insecurity resulting in death, unlawful assembly, treason, espionage, adultery, homosexuality and blasphemy.[224][225] Six-year moratorium lifted in 2014 after the Peshawar school massacre.
  Palestina 2017[226] 6 n/a Hamas performs public executions.[227][228][229] Indeed, suspected political dissidents, such as accused Israel collaborators, are frequently executed, often in the street or public squares in front of large crowd to serve as warnings for people, and sometimes without trial.[230] Death penalty for aggravated murder; murder; terrorism; treason; espionage; military offenses and some offenses resulting in death like vandalism; medical violations; felony; disobedience; violence or sedition.[231]
  Filipinas 2000[232] 2006 Abolished in 1987 under the present Constitution, re-introduced in 1993, re-abolished on 24 June 2006 under Republic Act No. 9346. The House of Representatives voted to reinstate the death penalty for drug crimes in March 2017 however the law is still pending Senate & Presidential approval.[233]
  Catar 2003[234] n/a Death penalty for espionage;[235] threat to national security;[236] apostasy (no recorded executions); homosexuality; blasphemy;[237] murder; aggravated murder; violent robbery; arson; torture; kidnapping; terrorism; rape; drug trafficking; extortion by threat of accusation of a crime of honor; perjury causing wrongful execution and treason.[238]
  Arábia Saudita 2018[239] >130 n/a Decapitation and firing squad. Saudi Arabia performs public executions. Current Islamic laws allow the use of capital punishment for many violent and nonviolent offenses which includes aggravated burglary, treason, espionage, as well as homosexuality, adultery; murder; blasphemy; apostasy;[240] drug trafficking; rape; armed robbery;[241] some military offences; witchcraft; sexual misconduct and terrorism. Method most often used is beheading with a scimitar, although the firing squad is sometimes used. Bodies may be put on public display.
  Singapura 2018[242] 8 n/a Hanging. Death penalty for terrorism; murder; treason; perjury causing wrongful execution; kidnapping; certain firearm offenses; gang-robbery resulting in death; genocide; arms trafficking; piracy; attempted murder by a convict under a life sentence; drug trafficking in more than 15 grams of heroin or morphine, 30 grams of cocaine or 500 grams of cannabis and some military offences.[243][244] See also capital punishment in Singapore.
  Coreia do Sul 1997[245] n/a Hanging. Death penalty for murder, aggravated murder, arson resulting in death, piracy, terrorism, kidnapping, rape, rebellion, drug trafficking, conspiracy with foreign countries, counterfeiting money and bank notes, robbery-homicide, recidivist violent robbery, treason, espionage, some military offences and other crimes.[246][247] There has been an unofficial moratorium on executions since President Kim Dae-jung took office in February 1998.[248]
  Sri Lanka 1976 n/a Death penalty for murder; treason; perjury causing an innocent person to be executed; rape; armed robbery; drug trafficking; kidnapping with the use of a gun; extortion committed with the use of a gun; human trafficking offenses committed with the use of a gun; attempting murder with the use of a gun; causing harm with the use of a gun; assault on a public servant with the use of a gun and some military offences.[249] Moratorium since 1976.
  Síria 2018[250] unknown number n/a Hanging is used for normal executions, and for military personnel, shooting is used. Syria performs public executions. Current laws allow the death penalty for treason; espionage; murder; arson resulting in death; attempting a death-eligible crime; recidivism for a felony punishable by forced labor for life; terrorism; political acts and military offences such as bearing arms against Syria in the ranks of the enemy, insubordination, rebellion, desertion of the armed forces to the enemy and acts of incitement under martial law or in wartime; violent robbery; subjecting a person to torture or barbaric treatment during the commission of gang-robbery; rape. Certain crimes are considered to be that of which deserve an automatic death sentence punishment, those are : membership in the Muslim Brotherhood; joining the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; drug trafficking; political dissidence and falsification of material evidence resulting in a third party being convicted for a drug offense and sentenced to death.[251] Extrajudicial killings are commonplace in Syria.[252] Persons excused from death row are women with small children, pregnant women, the mentally ill, the intellectually disabled, and teenagers who committed the crime under the age of 18 at the time.[251] Since the start of the civil war, it cannot be known clearly how many people have been put on death row. As of 2014, Syria did have an execution per capita rate of 1 for every 3,000,000 persons.[251]
Predefinição:Country data TAI 2016 n/a Gun shot to heart at close range with a single gun. Lethal injection is also a legal form of execution, although there are no known instances of it being used. The condemned person lies on a mattress where doctor marks where heart is; the executioner shoots at the marked place on the condemned back. Condemned are sedated prior to execution. If the condemned person decides to be an organ donor, then the shot is aimed to the rear of the head at the brain stem.[253] Crimes punishable by death are: aggravated murder, murder, other offences resulting in death, drug trafficking, drug possession, treason, military offences, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.[253] Those excluded from capital punishment are: the elderly, pregnant women, women with small children, the mentally ill, and teenagers under the age of 18 at the time of the crime. As of 2006, the mandatory death penalty minimum was taken away. By the end of 2012, there were a recorded number of 120 prisoner executions.
  Tajiquistão 2004 n/a Firing squad. Death penalty for murder with aggravating circumstances; rape with aggravating circumstances; terrorism; biocide; genocide.[254] Moratorium introduced 30 April 2004 by President Emomalii Rahmon, which means instead of capital punishment, the individual shall receive a life in prison. Persons excluded from death row are: the elderly, women, pregnant women, intellectually disabled, the mentally ill, and teenagers who were under the age of 18 at the time of the crime.[255] Many interest groups within the state are attempting to rid the death penalty out of the law books altogether, for they believe in a bright future for the state.[256]
  Tailândia 2018[257] n/a Death penalty for 35 crimes including regicide; sedition or rebellion; offenses committed against the external security of Thailand; murder or attempted murder of a foreign head of state or a member of the royal family; bribery; high treason; espionage; terrorism acts; terrorism; arson; rape; murder; aggravated murder; drug trafficking; kidnapping; robbery resulting in death; certain military offences; illegal use of firearms or explosives. For a full list see here (PDF)
  Timor-Leste *None since independence in 2002 2002[258] Death penalty suspended following UN administration in 1999 when still a province of Indonesia. Abolished by constitution 2002.[258]
  Turquemenistão 1997 1999 Abolished 1999 by Constitution.
  Emirados Árabes Unidos 2017[259] 1 n/a Firing squad. Death penalty for murder; aggravated murder; drug offenses;[260] successfully inciting the suicide of a person "afflicted with total lack of free will or reason"; arson resulting in death; kidnapping resulting in death; acts of indecent assault resulting in death; importing nuclear substances/wastes in the environment of the State; flying unauthorized with unmanned vehicles (drones); rape; treason; adultery; apostasy; aggravated robbery; terrorism; sodomy; homosexuality; joining the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria or Iraq; blasphemy; espionage and perjury causing wrongful execution[261]
  Uzbequistão 2005[262] 2008 President Islam Karimov signed a decree on 1 August 2005 that replaced the death penalty with life imprisonment on 1 January 2008[263]
  Vietname 2017[264] unknown number n/a Lethal injection. Death penalty for treason; taking action to overthrow the government; espionage; rebellion; banditry; terrorism; sabotage; hijacking; destruction of national security projects; undermining peace; war crimes; crimes against humanity; manufacturing, concealing and trafficking in narcotic substances; certain military offences; manufacturing or trading fake goods such as food or medicines, causing "particularly serious" consequences; murder; rape; robbery; embezzlement; fraud and receiving bribes above a certain amount, or causing "particularly serious" consequences[265][266]
  Iémen 2017[267] >2 n/a Shooting, stoning. Yemen performs public executions. Current laws allow the death penalty for murder;[268] adultery;[269] homosexuality;[75][270] apostasy[76] (no recorded executions); blasphemy;[271] drug trafficking; perjury causing wrongful execution; kidnapping; rape; sexual misconduct; violent robbery; banditry; terrorism; destruction of property leading to death; prostitution; certain military offenses (e.g. cowardice, desertion); espionage and treason.[272]



Predefinição:Main article Of the 49 independent states in Europe that are UN members or have UN Observer status:

  • 1 (2%), Belarus, maintains the death penalty.
  • 1 (2%), Russia, maintains the death penalty, but has a moratorium.
  • 47 (96%) have completely abolished it.

Abolition of death penalty is a pre-condition for entry into the European Union, which considers capital punishment a "cruel and inhuman" practice and "not been shown in any way to act as a deterrent to crime".[273]

Since 1999, Belarus has been the only recognized country in Europe to carry out executions. 2009 and 2015 were the first two years in recorded history when Europe was completely free of executions. This century the following European countries have abolished capital punishment: Ukraine (2000), Malta (2000), Cyprus (2002), Turkey (2004), Greece (2004), Moldova (2005), Albania (2007), and Latvia (2012).

Executions in Europe in 2017: Belarus (2)[15][274]

Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the   icon.

Key Country Year of last execution Executions 2017 Year abolished Notes
  Albânia 1995[275] 2007 Ratification of Protocol No. 13 of ECHR took place on 6 February 2007, in effect by 1 June 2007.[276]
  Andorra 1943 1990 Garrote, Firing Squad abolished 1990 by Constitution
  Arménia *None since independence in 1991 1998 Abolished in 1998 by Constitution. The last execution when Armenia was a part of the USSR was on 30 August 1991.
  Áustria 1950 1968 Abolished in peacetime 1950. Completely abolished in 1968 by Constitution.
  Azerbaijão 1993 1998
  Bielorrússia 2018[277] 2 n/a Shooting. Belarus is the only country in Europe to practice the death penalty. Laws allow capital punishment for acts of aggression; murder of a representative of a foreign state or international organization with the intention to provoke international tension or war; international terrorism; genocide; crimes against the security of humanity; murder with aggravating circumstances; terrorism; terrorist acts; treason that results in loss of life; conspiracy to seize power; sabotage; murder of a police officer; murder of a border patrol; use of weapons of mass destruction; and violations of the laws and customs of war.[278] See Capital punishment in Belarus.
  Bélgica 1950 1996 Last execution for common law crimes was in 1863. Last execution for war crimes was in 1950. Abolished 1996 by Penal Code; since 2005 in Constitution.
  Bósnia e Herzegovina *None since independence in 1992 1998 Last execution when part of Yugoslavia was in 1975. Abolished 1998 by Constitution, although the death penalty is still present in statutes, specifically in Republika Srpska, Article 11, which states "Human life shall be inviolable. Death penalty may be pronounced exclusively for capital crimes."[279]
  Bulgária 1989 1998 The last execution in Bulgaria took place on November 4, 1989, days before the downfall of Todor Zhivkov, which heralded the end of the communist regime. It was the year's 14th shooting of a convicted prisoner.
  Croácia 1987 1991 Last capital punishment was performed on January 29, 1987 by the state firing squad while Croatia was still part of SFR Yugoslavia. Last executed convict was Dušan Kosić who killed Čedomir Matijević, his wife Slavica and their two daughters, Dragana and Snježana.[280][281] Capital punishment was abolished in 1990 according to the provision of the new Croatian constitution enected for the SR Croatia. Upon declaring independence in June 1991 newly formed Republic of Croatia declared Constitution from 1990 official and left the jurisdiction of the Yugoslav Federation consequently completely abolishing capital punishment. Death penalty is prohibited by the article 21 of the Croatian Constitution.[282]
  Chipre 1962 2002 Capital punishment for murder abolished in 1983. The unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus still retains the death penalty for wartime treason.
  Chéquia *None since independence in 1993 1990 Last execution when part of Czechoslovakia was in June 1989. Abolished after the Velvet Revolution 1990 by the amendment to Constitution of Czechoslovakia. Upon independence on 1 January 1993 the Czech Republic became a new abolitionist state. For more info see Capital punishment in the Czech Republic.
  Dinamarca 1950 1978 Last execution for common law crimes 1892. Last execution for war crimes 1950. Capital punishment was retroactively carried out 1945–50 for crimes related to the German occupation in World War II, repealed in 1951 and confirmed in 1993. A similar rule was active 1952–1978 in the civil penalty law for war crimes committed under extreme circumstances. See Capital punishment in Denmark.
  Estónia 1991 1998 The last execution in Estonia has took place on 11 September 1991 when Rein Oruste was shot with a bullet to the back of the head for the crime of murder.
  Finlândia 1944 1972 Last peacetime execution 1825. Last wartime execution 1944. Capital punishment was abolished for civilian crimes in 1949 (all existing sentences commuted to life imprisonment) and for all crimes 1972. In 1984 the death penalty was explicitly outlawed in the Finnish Constitution. See Capital punishment in Finland.
  França 1977 1981 The death penalty was initially abolished by the Directory in 1795 but re-introduced by Napoleon in 1810. It was re-abolished in law in 1981 and by Constitution in 2007. See Capital punishment in France.
  Geórgia 1995[275] 2006 The death penalty was abolished for most offenses in 1997, but the constitution stated that the Supreme Court had the power to impose the death penalty in exceptionally serious cases of "crimes against life". On 27 December 2006, President Mikheil Saakashvili signed into a law a new constitutional amendment totally abolishing the death penalty in all circumstances.

The self-proclaimed state of Abkhazia, which is claimed by Georgia, still retains the death penalty for wartime treason, but it has been under moratorium since 2007.

  Alemanha 1949 (West Germany)
1981 (East Germany)
1949 (West Germany)
1987 (East Germany)
Prohibited in West Germany by the Basic Law since 1949. US military authorities carried out an execution on West German territory in 1956. The now defunct GDR abolished the death penalty in 1987, the last execution was held in 1981.
  Grécia 1972 2004[283][284] Abolished in 1994 (Law 2207/1994) except for high treason in time of war; abolished completely with the Constitutional amendment of 2001 and then with the approval by Greek Parliament of the ratification of Protocol No. 13 on the abolition of death penalty in all circumstances in November 2004.
  Hungria 1988 1990 Capital punishment was abolished in 1990 and the last execution was of Ernő Vadász on 14 July 1988 for murder.
  Islândia *None since independence in 1944[285] 1928[286] Last execution in 1830 when a colony of Denmark.[285] Abolished in 1928;[286] reintroduction made unconstitutional in 1995 by unanimous vote of Parliament.[287]
  Irlanda 1954 1990 See Capital punishment in Ireland. Abolished for most murders in 1964, and for remaining offences in 1990. Last death sentences passed in 1985; all since 1954 commuted to imprisonment. 2001 constitutional referendum prohibits reintroduction, even during state of emergency.
  Itália 1947 1948 On 30 November 1786 the Grand Duchy of Tuscany (then independent, now a part of Italy) became the first state in the modern era to completely abolish the death penalty. The short lived Roman Republic of Feb–July 1849 abolished the death penalty before being overthrown by French troops. When the Kingdom of Italy was formed in 1861 all the constituent states except Tuscany allowed capital punishment until it was abolished from the penal code in 1889 – although it was maintained under military and colonial law. In 1926 Mussolini reintroduced the death penalty into Italian law. It was re-abolished from the penal code in 1944. Art. 27 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic (1948) completely abolished it for all common military and civil crimes during peacetime. The death penalty was still, formally, in force in Italy in the military penal code, only for high treachery against the Republic or only in war theatre perpetrated crimes (though no execution ever took place) until it was abolished completely from there as well, in 1994. Article 27 of Italian Constitution was changed, in 2007, to impede the reintroduction of death penalty in time of war too. See Capital punishment in Italy.
  Letónia 1996 2012 Death penalty abolished for peacetime offenses 1999. Abolished for all crimes 2012.[288]
  Liechtenstein 1785 1987
  Lituânia 1995 1998
  Luxemburgo 1949 1979 Abolished by Constitution 1979
  Macedónia do Norte *None since independence in 1991 1991 Last execution when a part of Yugoslavia was in 1988.[275] Abolished by Constitution 1991.
  Malta *None since independence in 1964 2000 Last execution when a colony of Britain was in 1943. Capital punishment for murder abolished in 1971; part of the military code until 2000.
  Moldávia *None since independence in 1991 2005 Last execution when a part of the USSR was in 1985.[275] On 23 September 2005 the Moldovan Constitutional Court approved constitutional amendments that abolished the death penalty.[289]

The self-proclaimed state of Transnistria, which is claimed by Moldova, still retains the death penalty but has observed a moratorium on executions since 1999.

  Mónaco 1847 1962 Abolished by Constitution 1962
  Montenegro *None since independence in 2006 1995 Last execution when a part of Yugoslavia was in 1992. Capital punishment abolished by Yugoslavia Federal Republic in 1995. When Montenegro declared independence in 2006 it became an abolitionist state.
  Países Baixos 1952 1982 (Neth)
2010 (Neth Antilles)
Last execution for peacetime offences 1860. Abolished for peacetime offences in 1870. Abolished in Netherlands by Constitution 1982. Last Netherlands overseas territory to abolish was Netherlands Antilles in 2010.[290]
  Noruega 1948 1979 Abolished for peacetime offences in 1902, last execution for peacetime offences 1876. Last executions of wartime offenders conducted on 37 men convicted of treason or war crimes in WWII in 1945–48.
  Polónia 1988 1997 A criminal law reform including reintroduction of death penalty was proposed in 2004 by Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, but lost its first reading vote in the Sejm by 198 to 194 with 14 abstentions. It is said that this was only populism, as Poland was in the European Union and so this initiative hardly had a chance.[72] See More Capital punishment in Poland
  Portugal 1846 1976 Capital Punishment was abolished for political crimes in 1852, civil crimes in 1867 and war crimes in 1911.[291] In 1916, capital punishment was reinstated only for military offenses that occurred in a war against a foreign country and in the theater of war.[292] Capital punishment was completely abolished again in 1976.[293] See Capital punishment in Portugal.
  Roménia 1989 1990[294] The last people to be convicted and executed in Romania were former dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife, Elena Ceaușescu, following the Romanian Revolution of 1989. Their accusations ranged from crimes against humanity to high-treason. Abolished in 1990 and banned by Constitution in 1991.
  Rússia 1999 (Chechnya)
1996 (rest of Russia)
n/a Firing squad. Russia retains the death penalty, but it is rarely used. There have been 4 brief periods when Russia has completely abolished the death penalty, in the 18th century Russian empress Elizabeth abolished it, but it was restored by the next emperor, Peter III of Russia; then, on 12 March 1917 to 12 July 1917 following the overthrow of the Tsar, 27 October 1917 to 16 June 1918 following the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, and 1947–1950 after the end of the Second World War (Joseph Stalin abolished it in 1947, but he had restored it in 1950, and for this short period, the strictest punishment in USSR was penal servitude in GULAG for 25 years). Currently the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation envisages the death penalty for five crimes: murder with aggravating circumstances, assassination attempt against a state or public figure, attempt on the life of a person administering justice or preliminary investigations, attempt on the life of a law-enforcement officer, and genocide.[295] On 16 April 1997 Russia signed the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, but has yet to ratify it. There has been a moratorium on executions since 1996; no executions in the Russian Federation since August 1996 (except one in 1999 in the Chechen Republic, a former limited recognition state). In November 2009, the Constitutional Court extended the moratorium indefinitely pending ratification of the Sixth Protocol. The death penalty is still present in statutes.[9] See Capital punishment in Russia.
  San Marino 1468 1865 Capital Punishment was abolished for civil crimes in 1848. The Death penalty was completely abolished for all crimes in 1865.
  Sérvia *None since independence in 2006 1995 Last execution when a part of Yugoslavia was in 1992. Capital punishment abolished by Yugoslavia Federal Republic in 1995. When Serbia became independent in 2006 it became an abolitionist state.
  Eslováquia *None since independence in 1993 1990 Last execution when a part of Czechoslovakia was in 1989. Abolished 1990 by Constitution when still a constituent part of Czechoslovakia. Upon independence on 1 January 1993 Slovakia became a new abolitionist state.
  Eslovénia *None since independence in 1991 1991 Last execution when a part of Yugoslavia was in 1959. Abolished in Slovenian Yugoslav Republic 1989 by Constitution. Upon declaration of independence in 1991 Slovenia removed itself from the jurisdiction of the Federal Yugoslav capital punishment statutes effectively achieving complete abolition.
  Espanha 1975 1978 (civilian)
1995 (military)
Abolished in 1978 by constitution except for military laws during wartime. Abolished from the military penal code in 1995.[296] See also capital punishment in Spain.
  Suécia 1910 1973 Peacetime offences 1921, Wartime offences 1973. Constitutionally prohibited since 1975. See also capital punishment in Sweden.
  Suíça 1944 1992 Capital Punishment was abolished in 1874, but reinstated in 1879. It was practiced by a few cantons (nine executions up to 1940). Abolished by popular vote in 1938, except for wartime military crimes, for which it was abolished in 1992. Banned by the 1999 constitution.
  Turquia 1984 2004 Abolished in 2004 by Constitution. On October 29, 2016, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his government would ask parliament to consider reintroducing the death penalty as a punishment for the plotters behind the July coup bid.[297]
  Ucrânia 1997[298] 2000[299][300] Abolished February 2000 after the Constitutional Court ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in December 1999.[299][300] New criminal code passed in April 2000.[299][300][301] The unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic reintroduced the death penalty for treason in 2014.[302]
  Reino Unido 1977 (Bermuda)
1964 (UK)
1965 (murder, Great Britain; permanent 1969)
1973 (murder, Northern Ireland)
1998 (all offences)
2006 (Jersey)
Last execution in the UK was in 1964. The last execution on British Overseas Territory occurred in Bermuda in 1977. Abolished for murder in 1969 in Great Britain and 1973 in Northern Ireland. Abolished for all remaining offences (high treason, piracy with violence and offences under military jurisdiction) in UK in 1998. European Convention, Thirteenth Protocol ratified in 2003 confirming total abolition. See Capital punishment in the United Kingdom. The last British Territory or Crown Dependency to completely abolish capital punishment was Jersey on 10 December 2006 (see Capital punishment in Jersey).
  Vaticano 1870 (as Papal States)[303] 1969 Mazzatello was used. Never used within the Vatican and only carried out in the Papal States by local authorities where the sentences were handed out. The death penalty was reserved for assassins of the pope until its abolition in 1969.



Of the 13 independent countries in Oceania that are UN member or observer states:

  • 2 (15%) permit its use for ordinary crimes, but have not used it for at least 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions, or it is under a moratorium.
  • 11 (85%) have abolished it.

Only Papua New Guinea and Tonga have not formally abolished capital punishment despite not using the practice since 1975 and 1982 respectively. The most recent countries to abolish capital punishment in Oceania are Samoa (2004), Fiji (2015), and Nauru (2016).

Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the   icon.

Key Country Year of last execution Executions 2017 Year abolished Notes
  Austrália 1967[304] 1985 Capital punishment was abolished in Queensland in 1922, Tasmania in 1968, The Northern Territory; Australian Capital Territory and the Commonwealth in 1973, Victoria in 1975, South Australia in 1976, Western Australia in 1984 and New South Wales in 1985. See also capital punishment in Australia.
  Fiji *None since independence in 1970 2015[305] Last execution when a colony of Britain was in 1964. The death penalty for crimes under the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Act was abolished in Feb 2015. Abolished for other crimes 1979.
  Ilhas Marshall *None since independence in 1986 1986 Abolished in 1986 by Constitution
  Micronésia *None since independence in 1986 1986 Abolished in 1986 by Constitution
  Nauru *None since independence in 1968 2016 Death penalty abolished May 2016[306]
  Nova Zelândia 1957 2007 (Cook Is.)
1989 (N.Z.)
Abolished in New Zealand in 1989. In 2007 the Cook Islands became the last of New Zealand`s overseas territories to abolish capital punishment. See also capital punishment in New Zealand
  Palau *None since independence in 1994 1994
  Papua-Nova Guiné *None since independence in 1975[307] n/a Last execution when under Australian administration in November 1954. Treason; piracy; attempted piracy; willful murder. Papua New Guinea voted in 2013 to introduce the death penalty for crimes such as rape, robbery and sorcery-related murder.[308] See also capital punishment in Papua New Guinea.
  Samoa *None since independence in 1962 2004[309]
  Ilhas Salomão *None since independence in 1978 1978
  Tonga 1982[26] n/a Hanging. Death penalty for treason, murder. See capital punishment in Tonga
  Tuvalu *None since independence in 1978 1978
  Vanuatu *None since independence in 1980 1980

Abolition chronology


The table below lists in chronological order the 104 independent states, that are either UN members or have UN observer status, that have completely abolished the death penalty. In the hundred years following the abolition of capital punishment by Venezuela in 1863 only 11 more countries followed, not counting temporary abolitions which were later reversed. From the 1960s onwards abolition became far more popular. 4 countries abolished capital punishment in the 1960s (a record up to that time for any decade), 11 in the 1970s, and a further 10 in the 1980s. After the end of the Cold War, many more countries followed. 35 countries abolished capital punishment in the 1990s, with 9 in 1990 alone, and a further 23 in the 2000s. Since 1985, there have been only 6 years when no country has abolished the death penalty: 1988, 2001, 2003, 2011, 2013 and 2014.

Note: Where a country has abolished, re-instated, and abolished again (e.g. Philippines, Switzerland, Portugal) only the later abolition date is included. Countries who have abolished and since reinstated (e.g. Liberia) are not included. Non-independent territories are considered to be under the jurisdiction of their parent country – which leads to unexpectedly late abolition dates for the UK, New Zealand and the Netherlands, where Jersey (UK), the Cook Is (NZ), and the Netherlands Antilles, were the last territories of those states to abolish capital punishment, and all were rather later than the more well known abolitions on the respective mainlands. Defunct countries such as the GDR (East Germany), which abolished capital punishment in 1987 but was dissolved in 1990, are also not included. References are in the continental tables above and not repeated here.

Year abolished Country Countries per year Running total
1863   Venezuela 1 1
1865   San Marino 1 2
1877   Costa Rica 1 3
1903   Panamá 1 4
1906   Equador 1 5
1907   Uruguai 1 6
1910   Colômbia 1 7
1928   Islândia 1 8
1948   Itália 1 9
1949   Alemanha 1 10
1956   Honduras 1 11
1962   Mónaco 1 12
1966   República Dominicana 1 13
1968   Áustria 1 14
1969   Vaticano 1 15
1972   Finlândia 1 16
1973   Suécia 1 17
1976   Portugal 1 18
1978   Dinamarca   Ilhas Salomão   Tuvalu 3 21
1979   Kiribati   Luxemburgo   Nicarágua   Noruega 4 25
1980   Vanuatu 1 26
1981   Cabo Verde   França 2 28
1982   Países Baixos 1 29
1985   Austrália 1 30
1986   Ilhas Marshall   Micronésia 2 32
1987   Haiti   Liechtenstein 2 34
1989   Camboja 1 35
1990   Andorra   Chéquia

  Eslováquia   Hungria   Irlanda   Moçambique   Namíbia   Roménia   São Tomé e Príncipe

9 44
1991   Croácia   Macedónia do Norte   Eslovénia 3 47
1992   Angola   Paraguai   Suíça 3 50
1993   Guiné-Bissau   Seicheles 2 52
1994   Palau 1 53
1995   Djibouti   Maurícia   África do Sul   Espanha   Sérvia e Montenegro 6 59
1996   Bélgica 1 60
1997   Nepal   Polónia 2 62
1998   Arménia   Azerbaijão   Bósnia e Herzegovina   Bulgária   Canadá   Estónia   Lituânia   Reino Unido 8 70
1999   Turquemenistão 1 71
2000   Costa do Marfim   Malta   Ucrânia 3 74
2002   Chipre   Timor-Leste 2 76
2004   Butão   Grécia   Samoa   Senegal   Turquia 5 81
2005   México   Moldávia 2 83
2006   Geórgia   Filipinas 2 85
2007   Albânia   Quirguistão   Nova Zelândia[310] (In Cook Islands, NZ proper in 1989)   Ruanda 4 89
2008   Uzbequistão 1 90
2009   Argentina   Bolívia   Burundi   Togo 4 94
2010   Gabão 1 95
2012   Letónia 1 96
2015   Congo   Fiji   Madagascar   Suriname 4 100
2016   Benim   Nauru 2 102
2017   Guiné  Mongólia 2 104
2018   Burquina Fasso 1 105

See also



  1. [1] Arquivado em 23 fevereiro 2014 no Wayback Machine
  2. Leigh B. Bienen (2011). Murder and Its Consequences: Essays on Capital Punishment in America 2 ed. [S.l.]: Northwestern University Press. p. 143. ISBN 978-0-8101-2697-8 
  3. Michael H. Tonry (2000). The Handbook of Crime & Punishment. [S.l.]: Oxford University Press. p. 3. ISBN 978-0-19-514060-6 
  4. Elisabeth Reichert (2011). Social Work and Human Rights: A Foundation for Policy and Practice. [S.l.]: Columbia University Press. p. 89. ISBN 978-0-231-52070-6 
  5. Russil Durrant (2013). An Introduction to Criminal Psychology. [S.l.]: Routledge. p. 268. ISBN 978-1-136-23434-7 
  6. Clifton D. Bryant; Dennis L. Peck (2009). Encyclopedia of Death & Human Experience:. [S.l.]: Sage Publications. p. 144. ISBN 978-1-4129-5178-4 
  7. Cliff Roberson (2015). Constitutional Law and Criminal Justice, Second Edition. [S.l.]: CRC Press. p. 188. ISBN 978-1-4987-2120-2 
  8. «Abolitionist and retentionist countries as of 8 November 2017». Amnesty International. November 2017. Consultado em 30 November 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  9. a b c «DEATH SENTENCES AND EXECUTIONS REPORT 2015». Amnesty International. April 2016. Consultado em 10 August 2016  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
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  26. a b c d e «Capital punishment in the Commonwealth». Capital Punishment UK. Consultado em 7 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
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  74. «The Death Penalty in Mali». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 7 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
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  79. «The Death Penalty in Morocco». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
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  81. «The Death Penalty in Niger». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
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  84. «The Death Penalty in Nigeria». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 September 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  85. «World Day». World Coalition Against the Death Penalty 
  86. «Rwanda's ban on executions helps bring genocide justice». CNN. 27 July 2007. Consultado em 2 May 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  87. «Sierra Leone: Amnesty International expresses dismay at 10 death sentences for treason». Amnesty International. 21 December 2004. Consultado em 7 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)[ligação inativa]
  88. «Somalia Court Executes Five Militants for Murders of Officials». 8 de abril de 2017. Consultado em 25 de abril de 2017 
  89. «Government Gazette». Republic of South Africa. 390 (18519). 19 December 1997. Arquivado do original em 13 August 2010  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  90. Predefinição:Cite SAFLII
  92. «Acts Supplement» (PDF). Ministry Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development. The Southern Sudan Gazette. 1 (1). 10 February 2009. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 12 September 2013  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  94. «Sudan». Sodomy Laws. Cópia arquivada em 12 February 2007  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  95. Ramani, Ken (28 March 2005). «Sudan: Attorney General expects death penalty for islamist coup plotters». The East African Standard. Kenya. Arquivado do original em 9 April 2005  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  96. «The Death Penalty in Sudan». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  97. «Swaziland Moves Toward Execution By Lethal Injection; Hangman Unavailable». The Clarion Issue. 3 (2). February–March 2002. Cópia arquivada em 18 April 2003  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  98. «IRIN-SA Weekly Round-up 21». Center for International Disaster Information. Cópia arquivada em 30 April 2005  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  99. «The Death Penalty in Tanzania». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 12 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  100. «Death Penalty News: September 2002». Amnesty International. 31 August 2002. Consultado em 7 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 14 April 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  101. «Togo abolishes the death penalty». BBC News. 24 June 2009. Consultado em 7 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  102. «The Death Penalty in Tunisia». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  103. «TUNISIA TO MAINTAIN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN FUTURE CONSTITUTION». Consultado em 28 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  104. Kiapi, Evelyn (14 November 2006). «Death Penalty: Uganda's Laws Favour Execution». Inter Press Service News Agency. Consultado em 7 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 9 January 2008  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  105. «The Death Penalty in Uganda». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 17 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  106. «DEATH PENALTY: Uganda's Laws Favour Execution». Consultado em 28 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  107. «Uganda: Amnesty International calls on the Ugandan government to abolish the death penalty». 22 January 2009. Consultado em 7 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  109. «The Death Penalty in Zimbabwe». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 17 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  110. «Execution List 2015». Consultado em 2 January 2016  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  111. «The Death Penalty in Antigua and Barbuda». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 10 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  112. a b «Death penalty 2016 Facts and figures | Amnesty International». Consultado em 25 de abril de 2017 
  113. «Infoleg». 
  114. a b Canaletti, Ricardo (13 July 2016). «La historia reciente de la pena de muerte en la Argentina - Ricardo Canaletti»  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  115. «Decreto Ley 10.362/1956». Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina. Nº 18,171. 2 páginas 
  116. «Decreto Ley 10.593/1956». Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica 
  117. «Ley 18,701». Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina. Nº 21,941. 1 páginas 
  118. «Ley 18.701». Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica 
  119. «Ley 20.509». Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina. Nº 22,674. 3 páginas 
  120. «Ley 21.338». Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina. Nº 23,438. 2 páginas 
  121. «Ley 23,077». InfoLEG 
  122. «Ley 14,029». InfoLEG 
  123. «Ley 26,394». InfoLEG 
  124. «The Death Penalty in Barbados». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 10 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  125. «Hang them!». Nation Newspaper. 10 October 2010. Cópia arquivada em 25 January 2012  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  126. Guyson Mayers, R.E. (19 September 2010). «A Guy's View: To hang or not to hang». The Barbados Advocate. Consultado em 22 December 2010. Arquivado do original em 11 March 2012  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  127. «Belize: Death Penalty, Gilroy "Hooty" Wade, Oscar "Negro" Catzim Mendez, Glenford Baptist». Amnesty International. 20 November 2001. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 26 November 2009  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  128. «The Death Penalty in Belize». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 10 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  129. «Law 6620, 17 December 1978» (em Portuguese). Presidency of Brazil. Cópia arquivada em 16 April 2008  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  130. «Law Decree 431, 18 May 1938» (em Portuguese). Presidency of Brazil. Consultado em 3 February 2009  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  131. «Law 1802, 5 January 1953» (em Portuguese). Presidency of Brazil. Consultado em 3 February 2009  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  132. «Law Decree 898, 29 September 1969» (em Portuguese). Presidency of Brazil. Cópia arquivada em 29 April 2009  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  133. «Death penalty in Brazil». Brazilian Embassy in London. 2002. Consultado em 3 February 2009. Arquivado do original em 25 February 2009  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  134. «Tourist information». Best Western. Cópia arquivada em 14 June 2004  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  135. «Cuba ferry hijackers executed». BBC News. 11 April 2003  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  136. «The Death Penalty in Cuba». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  137. Frank, Marc (28 April 2008). «Cuba's Raul Castro commutes most death sentences». Reuters. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  138. «The Death Penalty in Dominica». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 12 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  139. a b «Constitutional prohibitions of the death penalty». Amnesty International. 31 May 1996. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 2 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  141. «Guatemala: Death Penalty/imminent execution». Amnesty International. 19 June 2000. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  142. «Annual Report 2004 – Guyana». Amnesty International. Cópia arquivada em 15 August 2004  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  143. «Annual Report 2004 – Jamaica». Amnesty International. Cópia arquivada em 15 August 2004  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  144. «No to the Death Penalty». Community of Sant'Egidio. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  145. Kennedy, Duncan (11 August 2008). «Mexican fury grows at kidnappings». BBC News. Consultado em 27 March 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  146. «St Kitts and Nevis: Execution is a shameless act». Amnesty International. 22 December 2008. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  147. «Death Penalty | Amnesty International». Consultado em 25 de abril de 2017 
  148. «Capital punishment and implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty» (PDF). United Nations Economic and Social Council. 9 March 2005. p. 9. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 26 February 2015  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  150. «Federal Laws Providing for the Death Penalty». Death Penalty Information Center 
  151. Pinkard, Eric (Fall 1999). «The death penalty for drug kingpins: constitutional and international implications». Vermont Law Review. In 1994 Congress enacted the Federal Death Penalty Act (FDPA) with provisions permitting the imposition of the death penalty on Drug Kingpins. The FDPA is unprecedented in American legal history in that the death penalty can be imposed in cases where the Drug Kingpin does not take a human life.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  152. «American Samoa: Governor moves to repeal death penalty». Hands Off Cain. 11 September 2012. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 18 February 2014  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  155. «The Death Penalty in Afghanistan». (em inglês). Consultado em 4 de dezembro de 2017 
  156. Reuters Editorial (15 de janeiro de 2017). «Bahrain executes three Shi'ites for bombing, sparks outcry». Reuters. Consultado em 25 de abril de 2017 
  157. «The Death Penalty in Bahrain». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  158. «HuJI chief, two associates executed for 2004 shrine attack in Bangladesh». The Indian Express. Consultado em 25 de abril de 2017 
  159. «MP murder case: Bangla court awards death penalty to 22». Zee News [ligação inativa]
  160. «Bangladesh – Laws». Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 17 January 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  161. «The Death Penalty in Bangladesh». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  162. «2003 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – Bangladesh». United States Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. 25 February 2004. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  163. a b «Brunei – Country Specific Information». United States Bureau of Consular Affairs. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  164. «The Death Penalty in Brunei». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 24 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  165. «Brunei Law To Allow Death By Stoning For Gay Sex». The Huffington Post. Consultado em 28 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  166. «Colombia protests China's execution of 72-year-old drug mule». Fox News. 28 de fevereiro de 2017. Consultado em 25 de abril de 2017 
  167. a b «Executions in 2009». Hands Off Cain. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 19 March 2012  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  168. «Saudi Arabia: Man beheaded after 30 yrs on death row». Hands Off Cain. 5 February 2013. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 15 January 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  169. Ben Blanchard (9 de fevereiro de 2015). «Chinese billionaire mining tycoon Liu Han is executed over his links to a 'mafia-style' gang». Consultado em 9 de abril de 2016 
  170. «People's Republic of China: Executed "according to law"? The death penalty in China». Amnesty International. 22 March 2004. Consultado em 9 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 13 October 2008  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  171. «The Death Penalty in India». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  172. «Indonesian and three Nigerians executed for drug crimes». 29 July 2016 – via  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  173. «The Death Penalty in Indonesia». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  174. «Executions spark Indonesia unrest». BBC News. 22 September 2006. Consultado em 2 May 2010  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  175. «Iran Hangs Man Convicted Of Murder When He Was 16» 
  176. «Iran executions see 'unprecedented spike' - Amnesty». BBC News Middle East. British Broadcasting Corporation. 23 July 2015. Consultado em 23 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda) Amnesty International said there is credible information that at least 743 people were executed in Iran in 2014. Officially 239 people were executed in Iran in 2014.
  177. «Iran - Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution». Consultado em 28 October 2017. Arquivado do original em 8 October 2014  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  178. «NTC - Bancadati. Iran». Hands Off Cain. Consultado em 28 October 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  179. «The Death Penalty in Iran». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  181. «The Death Penalty in Iraq». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  182. Baker, Luke (8 August 2004). «Iraq reimposes death penalty». IOL News. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  183. Shumway, Chris (10 August 2004). «Human rights groups condemn Iraq's death penalty decision». The New Standard. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  184. «Iraq to restore death penalty». The Sydney Morning Herald. 7 June 2004. Consultado em 9 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  185. «4 Al Qaeda Leaders Executed in Iraq». Consultado em 28 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  186. «Should those who assist suicide bombers be given the death penalty?». The Jerusalem Report. 18 November 2002. Cópia arquivada em 6 April 2005  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  188. «Japan hangs two inmates, including one who sought retrial». The Japan Times. 13 July 2017. Consultado em 13 July 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  189. «15 convicted criminals, terrorists executed on Saturday». 4 March 2017  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  190. «The Death Penalty in Jordan». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 25 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  191. «'Panel to examine whether to reinstate executions'». Jordan Times. Consultado em 9 de abril de 2016 
  192. «The Death Penalty Worldwide: Developments in 2003». Amnesty International. 5 April 2004. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  193. «Kazakhstan Set To "Virtually" Abolish Death Penalty». Hands Off Cain. 16 May 2007. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  194. Delaney, Greg (20 July 2009). «Death Penalty is Abolished in Kazakhstan». Kazakhstan Live. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  195. «Kazakhstan: Towards definitive abolition». Hands Off Cain. 28 March 2011. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 19 March 2012  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  196. Toleukhanova, Aigerim (2 November 2016). «Kazakhstan: Almaty Shooter Sentenced to Death» – via EurasiaNet  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  197. News, ABC. «ABC News». ABC News. Arquivado do original em 25 January 2017  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  198. Ahmed, Fajer (3 April 2013). «Capital Punishment». 248am. Mark. Consultado em 4 August 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  199. «The Death Penalty in Kuwait». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  200. «Kyrgyzstan Abolishes Death Penalty». Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 27 June 2007. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  201. «Abolition of the death penalty by Kyrgyzstan». France Diplomatie. 28 June 2007. Cópia arquivada em 30 September 2007  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  202. «Annual Report 2003 – Laos». Amnesty International. Cópia arquivada em 5 July 2003  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  203. «The Death Penalty in Laos». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  204. «Lebanon resumes executions after 5-year lull». Sunday Observer. Sri Lanka. 18 January 2004. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 16 October 2012  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  205. «Lebanon: Further Information on Death penalty/imminent execution». Amnesty International. 15 January 2004. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 30 December 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  206. «The Death Penalty in Lebanon». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  207. «Brothers executed at Kajang Prison - Nation - The Star Online». 
  208. «The Death Penalty in Malaysia». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  209. Devaraj, Prema (2003). «Is Capital Punishment Justified?». Aliran Monthly. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  210. Haleem, Adam (27 January 2002). «Family demands death penalty». Maldives Culture. Cópia arquivada em 27 April 2002  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  211. «The Death Penalty in Maldives». 
  212. "Après un long processus, la Mongolie abolit la peine de mort", Le Monde, 7 July 2017
  214. «The Death Penalty in Myanmar». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  215. [2] [ligação inativa]
  216. «La peine de mort pour les crimes liés à la drogue en Asie». Mouvement mondial des droits humains 
  218. «The Judiciary». North Korea: A Country Study. The Library of Congress. 2009. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  219. «The Death Penalty in North Korea». (em inglês). Consultado em 4 de dezembro de 2017 
  220. «Death sentences and executions in 2015». 
  221. «The Death Penalty in Oman». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  222. «Annual Report 2002 – Oman». Amnesty International. Cópia arquivada em 13 November 2002  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  224. «The Death Penalty in Pakistan». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  225. «Death penalty offences». Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Consultado em 8 October 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  227. «Hamas kills three alleged 'collaborators' in public execution». The New Arab. 25 May 2017. Consultado em 7 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  228. «Hamas kills three men in execution partially streamed on Facebook». The Guardian. 25 May 2017. Consultado em 7 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  229. «Hamas announces public executions that will 'take Gaza past Saudi Arabia'». The Telegraph. 23 May 2016. Consultado em 7 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  230. «Gaza: Hamas must end summary executions as 'informers' face firing squad». Consultado em 28 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  231. «The Death Penalty in Palestinian Authority». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 7 December 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  232. «BBC News - ASIA-PACIFIC - Philippines execution first of millennium». 
  233. Hincks, Joseph. «Philippine House Votes to Reimpose the Death Penalty». Time 
  234. «Indian executed in Qatar». The Hindu. Chennai, India. 12 March 2003  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  235. «Qatar: Death Penalty, Firas Nassuh Salim Al-Majali». Amnesty International. 28 October 2002. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 20 June 2009  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  236. Kiss, Jemima (6 April 2005). «Crusading journalist wins case against Al-Jazeera». Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  237. «Qatar - End Blasphemy Laws» 
  238. «The Death Penalty in Qatar». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  239. «Saudi national executed for strangling wife and four-month-old baby girl». GDN Online. 4 January 2018  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  240. «Saudi Arabia: Five beheaded and 'crucified' amid 'disturbing' rise in executionsa». Amnesty. 21 May 2013. Arquivado do original em 30 January 2015  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  241. «Women executed by sword in Saudi Arabia». AFP. Agence France-Presse. 13 October 2011  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  243. Tan, Amy (12 April 2002). «Singapore death penalty shrouded in silence». Reuters. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  244. «The Death Penalty in Singapore». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 6 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  245. «Death Penalty News: December 2002». Amnesty International. 1 January 2003. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  246. Korea «The Death Penalty in South Korea» Verifique valor |url= (ajuda). Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  247. Capital punishment in South Korea
  248. «South Korea: Death penalty abolition – historic opportunity». Amnesty International. 19 April 2005. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 9 June 2014  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  249. «The Death Penalty in Sri Lanka». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 12 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  251. a b c «The Death Penalty in Syria». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 17 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  252. «Syria: Extrajudicial Executions». 9 April 2012  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  253. a b «The Death Penalty in Taiwan». (em inglês). Consultado em 7 de dezembro de 2017 
  254. «Tajikistan: Death Penalty». Legislationline. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  255. «The Death Penalty in Tajikistan». (em inglês). Consultado em 7 de dezembro de 2017 
  256. «Time for Tajikistan to End Death Penalty». Institute for War and Peace Reporting (em inglês). Consultado em 7 de dezembro de 2017 
  257. กองบรรณาธิการวอยซ์ออนไลน์ (18 de junho de 2018). «ความตายในรอบ 9 ปี 'ราชทัณฑ์' ประหารชีวิตนักโทษชาย คดีฆ่าชิงทรัพย์». (em tailandês). Bangkok: Voice TV. Consultado em 18 de junho de 2018 
  258. a b «Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste» (PDF). Government of Timor-Leste. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  260. «United Arab Emirates (UAE):». Amnesty International. 2 April 2002. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 5 March 2016  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  261. Arab Emirates «The Death Penalty in United Arab Emirates» Verifique valor |url= (ajuda). Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  262. «Uzbekistan: Further information on: Fear of imminent execution/torture and ill-treatment». Amnesty International. 7 April 2005. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  263. «Presidential Decree on the abolition of the death penalty». Legislationline. 19 August 2005. Cópia arquivada em 28 October 2007  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  265. «Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: The death penalty – inhumane and ineffective». Amnesty International. 27 August 2003. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  266. «The Death Penalty in Vietnam». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 17 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  267. Almosawa, Shuaib; Gladstone, Rick (31 July 2017). «In TV Spectacle, Man Convicted of Child Rape-Murder Is Executed in Yemen» – via  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  268. «Yemen: Further information on Imminent execution, Fuad 'Ali Mohsin al-Shahari». Amnesty International. 6 April 2005. Consultado em 10 February 2013. Arquivado do original em 14 April 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  269. «Yemen: Further Information on: Death by stoning and flogging». Amnesty International. 6 September 2004. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  270. Signorile, Michelangelo. «Hate Crimes: Like the Taliban, America's Middle East Allies Tyrannize Gays and Women». Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  271. «Yemen - End Blasphemy Laws» 
  272. «The Death Penalty in Yemen». Death Penalty Worldwide. Consultado em 5 August 2017  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  273. «EEAS - European External Action Service - European Commission». EEAS - European External Action Service 
  275. a b c d «The end of capital punishment in Europe». Capital Punishment U.K. Arquivado do original em 8 April 2008  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  276. «Death penalty: Ratification of international treaties». Amnesty International. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  278. «Belarus: Death Penalty». Legislationline. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  279. «Archived copy» (PDF). Consultado em 12 de junho de 2016. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 7 March 2016  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  280. Tomislav Mamić, Mario Pušić (28 de julho de 2013). «'Karlovački monstrum nije imao milosti. Nismo imali izbora, morali smo ga osuditi na strijeljanje'». Consultado em 9 de abril de 2016 
  281. «Deveterostruko ubojstvo najteži zločin». Glas Slavonije (em Croatian). 27 May 2009. Cópia arquivada em 1 October 2011  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  282. «The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia». Constitution Society. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  283. «Death Penalty: 3,797 executed in 2004». 
  285. a b Bragadottir, Ragnheidur. «Dauðarefsingar á Íslandi» [Death penalties in Iceland] (em Icelandic). Akureyri, Iceland: Akureyri Art Museum. Consultado em 5 April 2013. Arquivado do original em 11 November 2009. Síðan liðu 40 ár þar til síðasta aftakan fór fram, en það var 12. janúar 1830 þegar Agnes Magnúsdóttir og Friðrik Sigurðsson voru tekin af lífi í Vatnsdalshólum í Húnavatnssýslu fyrir morðið á Natani Ketilssyni.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  286. a b Bragadottir, Ragnheidur. «Dauðarefsingar á Íslandi» [Death penalties in Iceland] (em Icelandic). Akureyri, Iceland: Akureyri Art Museum. Consultado em 5 April 2013. Arquivado do original em 11 November 2009. Árið 1928 var til meðferðar á Alþingi frumvarp til breytinga á almennum hegningarlögum. Þingmaður Dalamanna, Sigurður Eggerz, setti þá fram tillögu um afnám líflátsrefsinga. Var hún samþykkt án teljandi umræðna og var dauðarefsing þar með afnumin á Íslandi.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  287. Bragadottir, Ragnheidur. «Dauðarefsingar á Íslandi» [Death penalties in Iceland] (em Icelandic). Akureyri, Iceland: Akureyri Art Museum. Consultado em 5 April 2013. Arquivado do original em 11 November 2009. Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu var lögfestur á Íslandi árið 1995 og eru ákvæði hans þar með orðin hluti af íslenskum rétti. Ári síðar var mannréttindaákvæðum stjórnarskrárinnar mikið breytt og þau aukin. Var þá m.a. sett í stjórnarskrána bann við dauðarefsingu, en þar segir nú að aldrei megi mæla fyrir um slíka refsingu í lögum.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  288. «Notification of Ratification». Council of Europe. 3 February 2012. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  289. [3] [ligação inativa]
  290. «Antilles to abolish capital punishment». The Daily Herald. 11 March 2010. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  291. «Portuguese Constitution of 1933 - Part I, Title II, Article 8º, Nº11: [Translation]: There is no perpetual body feathers, nor death, except, on this, the case of belligerency with a foreign country, and to be applied in the war theater» (PDF) (em Portuguese). 11 April 1933. Consultado em 7 April 2014. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 8 April 2014  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  292. «Article 3 of Law 635 - Amendment to the Portuguese Constitution of 1911 - The exception on the article of the death penalty: [Translation] The Death Penalty (...) cannot be reestablished in any case (...) # with the exception, about the Death Penalty, only in case of war with a foreign country (...) and only in the theater of war.» (PDF). Diário do Governo (em Portuguese). Diário do Governo da República Portuguesa. 28 September 1916. Consultado em 28 March 2014  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)[ligação inativa]
  293. «Abolition of the death penalty». European Heritage Label. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  294. «Decree-Law No. 6» (em Romanian). National Salvation Front Council. 7 January 1990. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  295. «Russian Federation: Death Penalty». Legislationline. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  296. «Ley Orgánica 11/1995, de 27 de noviembre, de abolición de la pena de muerte en tiempo de guerra». Government of Spain. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  297. «Turkey's parliament 'to consider reintroducing death penalty'». The New Arab. 29 October 2016. Consultado em 30 October 2016  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  298. «Annual Report 1999 – Ukraine». Amnesty International. Cópia arquivada em 9 November 1999  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  299. a b c International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, Routledge, 2008, ISBN 0415492955 (page 196 a.f.)
  300. a b c The Death Penalty: Beyond Abolition, Council of Europe, 2004, ISBN 9287153337 (page 74)
  301. Serial killer Onopriyenko dies in Zhytomyr prison, Interfax-Ukraine (28 August 2013)
  302. «Donetsk Separatists Introduce Death Penalty for Treason» 
  303. Allen, John R. (14 September 2001). «He executed justice». National Catholic Reporter. Arquivado do original em 12 December 2001  Verifique data em: |arquivodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  304. «Death penalty in Australia». New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties. Arquivado do original em 29 March 2010  Verifique data em: |arquivodata= (ajuda)
  305. «Fiji abolishes death penalty for all crithrough amendment to military law». World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. Consultado em 28 July 2015  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  306. «Nauru updates its Criminal Code, abolishes Death Penalty and Decriminalize Homosexuality». La France à Fidji 
  307. "PNG urged to abandon death penalty". AM. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 12 November 2007.
  308. «PNG death penalty 'horrific' - Amnesty». 3 News NZ. 29 May 2013  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  309. «Crimes (Abolition of Death Penalty) Amendment Act 2004». Samoa Sessional Legislation. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
  310. «A history of capital punishment in NZ». TVNZ. 17 December 2008. Consultado em 10 February 2013  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)

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